Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/3/14 Hearing - Part 2

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I'm not sure they will delve into motive, since she's been convicted of first degree murder in a cruel manner. They will focus on the actual premeditated killing. The why is a moot point at this penalty phase.

The one and only recorded sex tape is part of JA's premeditation too imo. It came 3 weeks before she killed Travis iirc. He didn't know he was being recorded, and simply followed where she led during the "conversation". She meant to use the recording in a way beneficial to herself and potentially harmful to him. I've forgotten exactly what/when JA did that led to TA's "you're the worst thing that ever happened to me" moment, but her murder plan ramped up to full "GO" right then imo.
I've been surprised by the doubt & disbelief directed at the identity of the witness we were not allowed to observe even in the most indirect of ways. Troy Hayden & Jeff Gold are not dodgy sources from my experience of them. Plus, the fact that this is Arias fits everything we know about her and her insistence on secrecy. August was a peak performance. I'll chalk up the hesitance to the anomaly of a shrouded defendant.
In my opinion, Travis had no intention of visiting Arias in CA. It's (yet another) fairytale - a ruse to make it look like (a) they were on friendly terms, and that (b) she had no reason to go to Mesa, because Travis was coming to CA.

On the other hand, there's a heap of evidence showing that Arias was obsessed with Travis, hated his other girlfriends and was determined to marry him, and killed him because, in the end, he realized what she was really like, and cut her off. And in the most humiliating way possible, from Arias' perspective at least.

Not only was he going to turn up in Cancun without her - signalling to the entire world that she was history - but he was going to be with another woman. I think the public nature of his decision to completely cut her out of his life made her realize how firm that decision was - that she really was out of his life, for good. And it's this that made her decide to kill him.

To my mind, it wasn't a case of "if I can't have him, no one can" but rather that she couldn't live with the feelings of rejection - that she knew she would never get over them; that it would haunt her forever knowing that Travis was out there, somewhere, without her. Most likely successful, loved, popular - all those things that she had hoped to get a share of. She hated Travis for "making" her feel that way, and "stealing" the life she'd planned. By killing him, she would cut off the source of those feelings - you can't feel rejected by a dead person - and of course, get to vent her hate in the process.

The blackmail sex tape was recorded on May 10. She asked him about his plans to come visit then. But she also asked about his travel plans in general. Where he was going, who he going with, was he travelling abroad. IMO she was listening for the part where he invited her. It never came.

She said explicitly at one point that she'd love to go on one of the trips- he ignored her and kept talking about plans that didn't include her.

What I hear on May 10 is someone who hasn't let go, but who is testing to see if she can reel him back in with suggestions about travelling together, with bringing up fond memories of past sexual escapades, with talking about future sexual partners, perhaps to see if he expresses jealousy.

She has to hear that he doesn't include her in any future plans besides a vague promise to come to CA that doesn't include making definite plans. Mostly he just wants to go to sleep.

After that call on May 10 she seems to have escalated her invasions of his privacy, including possibly hacking into his bank account. I think she was desperate about losing the control over him she had used throughout to manipulate him. He was genuinely moving on.

Again imo, when she realized she was really losing him, in fury she told him about the sex tape. As in whoops, I taped us and oopsie I lost the phone. Sure hope some stranger doesnt find it and it goes public, ruining your chances with any and all good Mormon girls. So sorry, Travis. I thought surprising you with the tape would make you happy...a souvenir of our good times.

She had to know he would be furious... she counted on it. I think she may not have anticipated though that he would threaten to REVEAL her.

THAT threat is why she killed him, imo. Minus that threat I think she would have tried to ruin his reputation, perhaps steal from him, definitely hack into his social accounts and mess with him and his relationships.

But killing him? By slicing his throat? She did it to silence him, to prevent him from "taking her living" away from her- no more poaching Mormon boys- and from ripping off her mask.
Wow. Did you guys know that there is a petition by a place called moveon that has begun a petition to have JSS removed from the JA penalty trial. Had any of you heard of this?

If this happens would it delay the trial in any way?
Given: JA was the obvious first and only choice as the perp of TA's murder to all of TA's friends; the camera was found; incriminating blood evidence was left; so there was an extremely slim chance JA would had gotten away with the murder. Thanks goodness for all of that!

But, stepping back in time to before the murder and to the time when JA was in the planning stages, I'd like to know how JA envisioned the aftermath, assuming she had not been caught.

How did she imagine she was going to get away with it?

What kind of reaction was she expecting from everyone?

How did she envision her life proceeding afterward?

What were her next plans?

Who did she have in her love-life cross-hairs?

Given: JA was the obvious first and only choice as the perp of TA's murder to all of TA's friends; the camera was found; incriminating blood evidence was left; so there was an extremely slim chance JA would had gotten away with the murder. Thanks goodness for all of that!

But, stepping back in time to before the murder and to the time when JA was in the planning stages, I'd like to know how JA envisioned the aftermath, assuming she had not been caught.


What kind of reaction was she expecting from everyone?SYMPATHY AND RECOGNITION FOR BEING TRAVIS'S TRUE LOVE.

How did she envision her life proceeding afterward? RYAN BURNS, OR ANOTHER MAN WHO WOULD GET SUCKERED IN. SHE WAS LOOKING FOR A GRAVY TRAIN.


Who did she have in her love-life cross-hairs? SHORT TERM: RYAN BURNS, LONG TERM: SOMEONE MORE SUCCESSFUL.


I thought I'd take a stab at this and throw in my opinion.
This was so good. Hope he keeps writing.

He is sooooo funny. Have you all read the older ones he has written? OMG, he slaps the hell out of the defense, and CMJA. :jail: The one about "****" is hilarious. **** versus jazz. I ordered some of the Juanism tee shirts..... I love that little pit bull.
He is sooooo funny. Have you all read the older ones he has written? OMG, he slaps the hell out of the defense, and CMJA. :jail: The one about "****" is hilarious. **** versus jazz. I ordered some of the Juanism tee shirts..... I love that little pit bull.

No, didn't know he had written other things. He is hilarious. I will have to read them. I also didn't know there were any tee shirts. Yes, JM is a class act. If it were any other prosecutor, I would be depressed since we have the defense and judge letting things go by and putting the trial off into eternity. Juan is up to the task though if JSS will get out of his way!

ETA: love your name. That little girl will never be forgotten. I still don't know how her killer is walking the streets today.
I've been surprised by the doubt & disbelief directed at the identity of the witness we were not allowed to observe even in the most indirect of ways. Troy Hayden & Jeff Gold are not dodgy sources from my experience of them. Plus, the fact that this is Arias fits everything we know about her and her insistence on secrecy. August was a peak performance. I'll chalk up the hesitance to the anomaly of a shrouded defendant.

Tuba, I couldn't imagine who on earth would be testifying for her that would need so much secrecy. So when we realized she was the secret witness everyone was just like...WTH? We believe it and I do think Troy and Jeff can be believed but just WOW is all I can say about JSS even allowing this to happen. Very disappointed in her decisions. Not surprised at all that the defense would try this.
Wow. Did you guys know that there is a petition by a place called moveon that has begun a petition to have JSS removed from the JA penalty trial. Had any of you heard of this?

If this happens would it delay the trial in any way?

Yes has lots of petitions every day for many causes. I had not heard of this though. But I can't see this one getting any traction. We just all want this over with, no mistrial.
The angriest I've seen JA was during Ryan Burns' testimony about their "grinding" and her "adjusting" him. And it all centered in Ryan's noticeable weight gain since 2008 imo. JA the narcissist couldn't stand being associated sexually with the new Ryan. Why else would she be fuming, as he didn't volunteer anything beyond what he was asked?

Ryan Burns 2013:

Ryan Burns 2008

The angriest I've seen JA was during Ryan Burns' testimony about their "grinding" and her "adjusting" him. And it all centered in Ryan's noticeable weight gain since 2008 imo. JA the narcissist couldn't stand being associated sexually with the new Ryan. Why else would she be fuming, as he didn't volunteer anything beyond what he was asked?

Ryan Burns 2013:

Ryan Burns 2008

Well, I can only imagine the disgust he felt as well. She went from ugly.... to fugly IMO.
Does this include inmates like Jodi? If so, she will video chatting all the time.

From link above:

" "It's a win for everyone involved," Arpaio said.

Remote visitations can be scheduled seven days a week between 7 a.m. and 9:30 p.m at* Visits must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.

Inmates can receive one free on-site visit per week, but they will be held through the video platform at either the Fourth Avenue or Lower Buckeye jails.

On-site visitation hours at those jails have expanded to seven days a week between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., up from a single visit on Sunday or Monday.

Sheriff's officials say on-site visits will no longer be conducted at the Durango, Estrella, Tent City or Towers jails, but inmates there have access to video chats."
I had no idea Ryan had been that trim.
Very handsome and seems like a genuinely good guy with promise like Travis. Makes you wonder how CMJA just was that obsessed with marrying Travis even though she had many other suitors as well.
Yes has lots of petitions every day for many causes. I had not heard of this though. But I can't see this one getting any traction. We just all want this over with, no mistrial.

I agree. I'm sure there's a lot going on behind the scenes that might shed light on what is taking place. Plus, the public generally does not have enough expertise and legal know-how to be able to evaluate a judge, unless something happens that is completely off the wall like letting a rapist go scot free. JSS is a smart cookie, and I'll bet we don't have all the facts we need in order to throw stones legitimately.

IMO, those who don't think JSS would give JA LWOP seem to be forgetting that she's seen all the facts, not just the ones the jury has seen. For instance, she's seen all of JA's crazy behaviors behind the scenes, everything that was excluded, the temper tantrums, smuggling stuff from the jail, the lies, ALV's obvious wrongheadedness and biases, the gun in the car, the headstand, the tire slashing, the *advertiser censored* letters BS. In the event of a hung penalty phase jury, JSS's LWOP vs. LWP decision would not at all have to be influenced by her rulings: it would come from what she knows.
I actually think Ryan looks more attractive with the weight gain. His face is very nice looking.

Jodi could be as skinny as a pole but she's still ugly. I've never understood what anyone sees in her. I don't find her remotely attractive. She is also very ugly where it matters... on the inside.
Writing this without having done a “catch up” with the very latest WS comments. So forgive me.

But … I have been out, wasting time, looking at ‘old’ docs/info/news/forum comments. Because I still don’t understand CMJA. WTF? Why would she scheme and plan and carry out this savage attack; then act as if ‘ain’t no big thing .. he deserved it’? She’s not insane. She knew it was wrong. But HOW, in her little pea brain, did she justify it to herself?

IMO: First and foremost, CMJA is concerned with her image; it’s how she’s perceived. She asks for makeup for her mug shot, then smiles for the camera.

After, she writes to Ryan Burns about her arrest and the arrest mug shots. Guilt or innocence is not really in play; it’s how she’s perceived:

Then I stumbled across the letter she sent to PPL event organizers, shortly after her arrest. Again, it’s how she’s perceived:

“It is with a spirit of humility that I would ask that if I am in any way referenced during Travis' memorial at the team breakout, that my implied innocence is taken into account.”

(i.e. Don’t’ talk behind my back, I “humbly” ask.)

IMO, Travis had to die because he refused to be blackmailed by her; he knew he could escape her “how will YOU (Travis) be perceived” behind JA's (blackmail) threats. He was perceived as a true Mormon, in a Mormon business, surrounded by Mormon friends. CMJA didn’t have a chance to destroy him.

IMO: It is, at that point, CMJA knew she left a trail of big turds: No way could she escape how she’s perceived in TA’s Mormon social/business community if TA were left alive.

Ah, narcissism. Thy name is … Wait! I’m so pretty; oh so pretty …

Bottom line: IMO, jealousy had little to do with TA’s murder. For CMJA, it was (IS) all about (let’s say it again ..) how she’s perceived.

Beeotch killed Travis because she didn’t want anyone “talking behind her back” and ruining her chances with other Mormon, PPL targets, and tarnishing how she’s perceived.

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