Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/3/14 Hearing - Part 2

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So...why are so many here ready to believe this when all along any other times the DT threw spaghetti it was assumed (accurately) that they were grasping at straws?

I am all for not being over-confident but I don't think we need to throw in the towel just yet...

I think it's because this time it's presumably exculpatory evidence, double jeopardy would attach, and it seems to directly accuse Detective Flores of impossibly shady, extremely stupid activity. At least those are the words and ideas that keep sticking my particular panic button in the down position. :panic:

It's going to be okay though, because it's going to be trivial to find out exactly what happened and it's not going to result in any of the above. I'm sure.
I think he saved a lot of rabbits to pull out at the last minute. jmo

Me too, aided and abetted by his little dog Kiefer who, I shudder to imagine dressed in a glittering gown by his side allowing her/himself to be sawed in two.
So...why are so many here ready to believe this when all along any other times the DT threw spaghetti it was assumed (accurately) that they were grasping at straws?

I am all for not being over-confident but I don't think we need to throw in the towel just yet...

It could all be much to ado about nothing but we won't know until the evidentiary hearing is held. But make no mistake Brady violations are serious matters and can and do result in convictions being set aside.
Please? He provided the court doc ... the full motion from the DT, with ALL of the "*advertiser censored* sites" listed, without black-outs. (You're maybe reading from "other" sites?)

Not going to provide the link. Go find it.

“Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion.”

I fail to see how Keifer is unethical. Nor, IMO, is he a shill for the defense. He is journalist, doing his job in this age of “get it first, in-the-moment.”

Listen. I have NO connection with Kiefer. But, as a former/and, now, semi-current journalist (30+years) and as a person with a Communications/Journalism degree, I’m in a position to offer some valid insights.

Throw tomatoes. I don’t care.

Ok, I'll play.

Is it ethical to report the identity of the jury foreperson in a high profile case before it is disclosed nor have they returned their verdict and been dismissed? Yes or No.

If yes, then why do you suppose he redacted that portion of his online article within about an hour of publishing it. After people (ahem, me) started asking questions around the hallway about how he would know, much less publish, such delicate information.

In the same article, he reported that it was known the jury was hung. A day before they actually did hang. Is this his use of sources? Reporting a jury verdict before it's been decided much less delivered? Also redacted. Yes or No

Finally, is it within your ethical boundaries for a journalist to be sitting in a courtroom calling the victim in a murder case a "" or a "douchebag", blaming the surviving family members for the actual existence of a trial and/or this comment "when that Murder 2 conviction comes in, I'm gonna walk up to Juan Martinez and tell him to shove it up his A$$". Are these behaviors of an ethical journalist? While on the job and inside the courtroom? Yes or No

Because, whether you choose to believe me or not, I first hand witnessed every one of those things. And I have documentation from Michael Kiefer on far worse comments said about the victim in this case and the family (and the prosecutor).

I'm interested in your remarks about the ethics involved here. Is this just a journalist doing his job? Reporting in an unbiased fashion?

I can go on and on as you'd imagine but I'll leave it at that for now.

These aren't tomatoes by the way, I'm not victimizing you in any way. But I know how to handle the Truth.

PS. In case you or anyone might be concerned about my own personal ethics, these kinds of caustic comments about the victim, the victims families and the prosecutor were spewed by Michael Kiefer for months to anyone would listen in that courtroom. Out loud. While he was on duty being paid to be a reporter of facts by the AZ Republic. How do I know this? Several other journalists, who I know personally, were complaining about him. Ok truth be told, laughing at him behind his back for the caricature of a journalist he'd become. At least two were trading seats so they didn't have to sit next to him to be subjected to this constant barrage. Is this ethical journalistic behavior for a BEAT COURT REPORTER?

Plus I'm not on the job, owe nothing to anyone and let me be clear on this: I will ALWAYS land on the side of victims and when I say victims I mean the person who was murdered or otherwise abused/assaulted/wronged and their family members. ALWAYS. Kiefer jumped the shark on our friendship after I subjected myself to months of his victim bashing BS out of a history with him. He turned a corner when he turned that venom directly on to me, to my face. Boom, done, poof. Then he blocked me on twitter.
I think it's because this time it's presumably exculpatory evidence, double jeopardy would attach, and it seems to directly accuse Detective Flores of impossibly shady, extremely stupid activity. At least those are the words and ideas that keep sticking my particular panic button in the down position. :panic:

It's going to be okay though, because it's going to be trivial to find out exactly what happened and it's not going to result in any of the above. I'm sure.

IMO the killer hates Flores more than any other human being on Earth, including Martinez. She hates JM for doing his job but I believe she felt there was some kind of "connection" between her and Flores during the investigation phase. She called him. She offered to help in any way possible in the investigation. She was to be part of the team to solve this murder. But then, he betrayed her.

All of it in her own mind, of course. But I do not think this killer will give up, ever, in her quest to get revenge on Flores for his betrayal. She will stop at nothing in this quest, even if it takes the rest of her life.

I believe that unless the state of Arizona has computer experts on a par with the state of Florida's computer experts, this will all come out in the wash.
Why would Flores do something as stupid as deleting files from Travis' computer? He wouldn't. He already had the killer's palm print in the victim's blood, the killer's hair, also in the victim's blood, the killer's blood mixed with the victim's blood, and a picture of the killer dragging the vicim down the hallway. This latest drama just reeks of the type of subterfuge the killer has attempted in order to portray herself as the victim in this case for over 6 years. Juan's got this.
p.s. Everybody wave hi to the defence team. :juanettes:
Michael Kiefer is supposed to be an unbiased trial reporter for the publication. He's supposed to attend the trial and report the happenings. He far passed that boundary a long time ago. His reporting is highly biased and slanted toward one side. I'm sure you know which one. And yes, you're right, he's just doing his job by getting good sources and getting a lead. That information seems to get to him before anyone else, sometimes questionably, seems to be more on the defense team than it is on him. The defense wants everything under the sun under lock and key unless it's something that will benefit them, then it's passed to him within the minute it's filed.

If he wants to be an investigative reporter, or an editorialist, than he should do that instead.

He also seems to keep no sources in the prosecutor's office. Just the defense.

Meebee, you are absolutely correct that he has no sources at the prosecuter's office. He has been shunned by them for his blatant, biased journalism. He is assigned the Courthouse and Legal matters, yet can only report one side as that is all he has access to. And yes, I have my sources. And no, I won't reveal them.

I respect journalists who report the story in an unbiased way so as to be informed. The sad truth is that many journalists fail to remain unbiased in this day and age. Judging by the tweets in this case, one can see by some of them, which way their bias leans. Troy Hayden reports without bias which is why I respect him as a journalist. Others, not so much.
I think it's because this time it's presumably exculpatory evidence, double jeopardy would attach, and it seems to directly accuse Detective Flores of impossibly shady, extremely stupid activity. At least those are the words and ideas that keep sticking my particular panic button in the down position. :panic:

It's going to be okay though, because it's going to be trivial to find out exactly what happened and it's not going to result in any of the above. I'm sure.

I have gotta think Juan has this. Remember when the defense wanted Flores's personal record they are totally going after him. Poor Jodi was caught by big bad detective. Please. Debra Milke was released due the a detectives perjury in another case. Sound familiar. JMO
Meebee, you are absolutely correct that he has no sources at the prosecuter's office. He has been shunned by them for his blatant, biased journalism. He is assigned the Courthouse and Legal matters, yet can only report one side as that is all he has access to. And yes, I have my sources. And no, I won't reveal them.

I respect journalists who report the story in an unbiased way so as to be informed. The sad truth is that many journalists fail to remain unbiased in this day and age. Judging by the tweets in this case, one can see by some of them, which way their bias leans. Troy Hayden reports without bias which is why I respect him as a journalist. Others, not so much.

I absolutely know that bolded statement to be a fact. Reported to me by my own sources. ;)

Losing your sources on half of the population you report on may not be unethical but it sure is stupid. I guess it gives him that free pasture in which to graze and roam undeterred by that pesky other side called the prosecution. Blech.
To detox myself from that little episode of Kieferitis, I just got home from seeing the film CitizenFour with my Dad. I knew very little about that Edward Snowden deal and I don't want to get in to any kind of debate politically on it because I really don't know where I even stand and I'm not a very political person. BUT I couldn't help but think of this case and ALL of the ways surveillance can be placed on electronics and that if there was that kind of damaging info discovered on Travis' computer, we'd have heard about it LONG before now (during the guilt phase). This is pure and obvious choreography to me, down to the sealing then leaking (damn that sounds like a diaper doesn't it?). Timing is everything and this like that dirty diaper stinks.

I've got my money on Juan Martinez. I sure wish I could meet him for a drink and pick his brain about now.
The killer thinks it is Flores fault that he caught her as the murder. IMO
I do not know what procedures are currently in place for when LE must hand over evidence for the Defense Team to examine it. But, based on this event, LE better get on the ball in establishing protocols that require something like a witnessed mirror copy of the hard drive be made just prior to a computer handover, with representatives from both sides signing documentation acknowledging that they accept the mirror copy as being a true and correct copy of the hard disk. And another mirror copy needs to be made when it is returned.

Unfortunately, I think technology has outstripped the knowledge of just about everybody involved in the Justice System. (Just as it has outstripped the knowledge of about all of us!) And even among the computer "experts". I am remembering the one guy who testified in the Casey Anthony case. It was about how many times a certain webpage had been visited. If I remember correctly, he was the guy who wrote the damn program and it took him a few days to figure out that something had not registered correctly.

A few pages back in this thread someone posted a link to an ad for a Forensic Computer Investigator for Maricopa. I read the ad. They are asking for a person who has an Associates degree or equal in experience. Really? I think they still don't get it.
To detox myself from that little episode of Kieferitis, I just got home from seeing the film CitizenFour with my Dad. I knew very little about that Edward Snowden deal and I don't want to get in to any kind of debate politically on it because I really don't know where I even stand and I'm not a very political person. BUT I couldn't help but think of this case and ALL of the ways surveillance can be placed on electronics and that if there was that kind of damaging info discovered on Travis' computer, we'd have heard about it LONG before now (during the guilt phase). This is pure and obvious choreography to me, down to the sealing then leaking (damn that sounds like a diaper doesn't it?). Timing is everything and this like that dirty diaper stinks.

I've got my money on Juan Martinez. I sure wish I could meet him for a drink and pick his brain about now.

He's a seasoned and brilliant prosecutor. Why would he be dumb enough to jeopardize his career by doing something this stupid and so obvious? That's what gets to me about the DT- they keep trying to dumb down the PT with these accusations. Someone that brilliant (and with that much evidence) doesn't need crutches a la the DT.
It just occurred to me:

If Travis was a pedophile, ALL the sites would have been child *advertiser censored* sites, not just two that maybe might have been, but not sure, we're looking into it. A pedophile would not waste his time with *advertiser censored* that did not meet their desires. It defies all logic. Why would a true pedophile be looking at regular old adult *advertiser censored*?
But we're talking about evidence to exculpate, as in prove her innocent, i.e., prove that she really did not commit this brutal murder and is thus not guilty of it. The murder of Travis which is what she was tried and convicted for. So how can this so called alleged *advertiser censored* "evidence" even if it were true, qualify as that, or even come close ? Just... how ? I guess I just need help because I really don't get it. At. All.

I was just going to say the same thing you did. I don't get this at all and I so disgusted with this sham.
I think Nurmi has succeeded in what he set out to do. Alarm everyone. Scare everyone. He really wants the DP off the table. It will be interesting to see if this motion holds water. IIRC, AZL posted that if the info was not correct in the motion, it would be a great risk to Nurmi. If there is a plausible explanation, I am afraid Nurmi will have egg on his face and will have lost all credibility. Then CMJA can file a motion for ineffectual counsel and this case will go on for years and years.

I wish they would take the DP off the table and sentence her already. She needs to be old news fast. JMV
He's a seasoned and brilliant prosecutor. Why would he be dumb enough to jeopardize his career by doing something this stupid and so obvious? That's what gets to me about the DT- they keep trying to dumb down the PT with these accusations. Someone that brilliant (and with that much evidence) doesn't need crutches a la the DT.

They have been trying to taint the jury by introducing things in the media (via their media branch of the team) while complaining (via the same branch) about the prosecution "mugging for the cameras". It's the very definition of projection.
They have been trying to taint the jury by introducing things in the media (via their media branch of the team) while complaining (via the same branch) about the prosecution "mugging for the cameras". It's the very definition of projection.

The other day Nurmi accused Juan of exploiting the case in the media because he wouldn't object to their presence. I thought WHAT?! He's exploiting the media??? This DT, including Jodi, are the greatest media manipulators I have ever seen!
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