Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/19-1/5 Break

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She's trying way too hard to look young and innocent. And since when are braids only meant for little girls? Women in dance classes often braid their hair before pinning it up to keep it out of their eyes while they are moving, especially if it is thick as well as long. The photo clearly shows her as the fraud she it.

Yep, braids and brand new Brazilian. Looks like a school girl to me. Travis told her to let "Steve Carrel" tie to a tree in the woods. Wasn't that to be dressed like school girl? And Jodi went looking in the woods in Yreka for a tree to tie her to, and Travis didn't come up for the weekend of the twenty fourth . So a try to be debasing? To make Travis change his mind because sex always cleared things up for them, and she's thinking make up sex? and it didn't work. Travis wasn't going to change his mind.
That is the next book I have on my to re-read list. I'm reading Death Sentence about Velma Barfield. She was the frist woman to be executed in the United Sates. She, like Marie poisoned her victims. Her execution was on November 2, 1984 televised by CNN.

Maria and Velma were about the same age also.

Thanks ILikeToBendPages. I need a few books for my Kindle reading so I'll look it up. In the movie, the warden tells Marie 'Your artwork is an inspiration to us all.' LOL. Someone ought to tell Arias that seducing men, murdering them, playing the victim and then singing and drawing in prison are all old, old tricks.
Still think he was zapped first before he fell.

He saw shun gun, made a fist to protect himself, got zapped and went down. I can't figure out what I am seeing on 5:28:54....

Neither can I, nor the 5:27:28 one. Can you make it out?
I know what you mean Rose, Idk, in those first few photos he could just be a guy taking a shower, relieved and thankful that she's finally gone. :( Or, maybe he does know she's there and he is posing, even if a coincidence it is eerily similar to the Psycho movie. I'm not that convinced he new she was there at all until the "startled" photo though, but you could be right. Maybe it was something else that happened to startle him, maybe she suddenly jerked open the door of the shower. Whatever it was, it had to have been sudden and unexpected. IMO

It makes sense but who takes a shower like that? With those poses? They seem highly contrived to me. This is why I hesitate to believe that he thought he was alone. I keep trying to imagine what she must have said and how her face must have looked during those final minutes. The stuff of horror movies. Poor Travis.

ETA: What is he doing in that first photo? I've never seen anything like it. :thinking:
It was Feb. 1st and 2nd, according to this article. There's more stalking info in there to.

Just four months before he was found dead in his Arizona home, Travis Alexander called police and reported that his car tires had been slashed, according to records obtained exclusively by ABC News. The incident, described as "criminal damage," lists Alexander as the caller and his Mesa address, but Alexander did not report who he suspected was responsible.

The call, made to the Mesa Police Department on Feb. 2, 2008, has not been introduced in court, despite testimony regarding tire slashing from multiple witnesses during the four month-long trial of Jodi Arias, Alexander's ex-girlfriend accused of his murder.
So generous of Jodi to offer to help pay for the tires she slashed, NOT!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
It makes sense but who takes a shower like that? With those poses? They seem highly contrived to me. This is why I hesitate to believe that he thought he was alone. I keep trying to imagine what she must have said and how her face must have looked during those final minutes. The stuff of horror movies. Poor Travis.

ETA: What is he doing in that first photo? I've never seen anything like it. :thinking:

I still think all photos were with glass door open, so he must have been posing if that was the case.
Yes, right enough that she knew the difference between right and wrong (not legally insane) but also not unbalanced enough that she looks mentally ill. Obviously she has some mental problems but that can be said about almost anyone in the right circumstances. The main thing the DT wants to do here is have the jury believe she is mentally ill--because "we do not execute the mentally ill."

JM will do best to not dwell too much on her fantasies and instead show how devious she was and is, because that's what it takes to premeditate a murder to the extent she did. Also...that issue about her wanting to be brunette even prior to planning to kill, what needs to happen is remind the jury that she was BLOND when she picked up the rental car for her murder trip, but brunette when she arrived to do the deed. That shows premeditation and her being brunette at any time prior will not be relevant. IMO

That's exactly why they're trying to say she dyed her hair back to brunette in March- trying to erase the evidence of premeditation, except that the rental car clerk in Redding knew she was a blonde when she started the trip...
She said there were three journals and they spanned the time she moved to Mesa until 2 - 3 ago. That they could be found in her fireproof safe in her bedroom at her grandparents. Why not several before that? No talk of how they met or. the excitement of being ask to the dinner that night, and someone loaned her a dress like a fairy tale. Not a journal about their "official" dating period and breakup , but three for after she moved back to Mesa in August 2007 ,the move back to Yreka in Apri 2008 , and up to a few days before she was arrested
Because these were the ones she had time between the murder and her arrest to compose/backdate/tamper with...
Someone went to the Southwest Airlines site at 4:54pm that afternoon. Thirty six minutes later Travis would last be seen alive at 5:29pm. The laptop was woke up on June 10th when it was taken into custody.

Oooohhhh, bet she checked the airline reservation for Cancun while he was in the shower, found Mimi's name was still on the ticket instead of hers and that was the last straw!!!
Is it just my imagination or has the DT wholly jettisoned mitigation, going all in for victim-trashing?

That IS Jodi's "mitigation", that she was a vigilante, and did the world a favor by ridding it of this abusive pedophile while she was just a people-pleasing wallflower who loaned people their own money and offered to pay for tires that she slashed!!:puke::puke::puke:
Yep, braids and brand new Brazilian. Looks like a school girl to me. Travis told her to let "Steve Carrel" tie to a tree in the woods. Wasn't that to be dressed like school girl? And Jodi went looking in the woods in Yreka for a tree to tie her to, and Travis didn't come up for the weekend of the twenty fourth . So a try to be debasing? To make Travis change his mind because sex always cleared things up for them, and she's thinking make up sex? and it didn't work. Travis wasn't going to change his mind.


After destroying the BMW, that she still owed Travis for, while attempting to tow it to Yreka, she returned to his home in AZ. He thought it was for one night but she managed to stay several. When she finally left, TA stood in front of his home shooting her the middle finger with both hands. He hoped he would never see that *advertiser censored* again. And she knew it. I believe that was the moment, on the drive home to Yreka and grandma's house, when she began planning his death.

Why he continued with the playful texting, can only be understood if we realize, in his mind, she had no way to travel back to see him. The Beemer was broken. Her car was repossessed. She had no money. He did not expect to see her again. I'll never believe that Travis held sincere intentions of traveling to Yreka to tie her to a tree.
Still think he was zapped first before he fell.

He saw shun gun, made a fist to protect himself, got zapped and went down. I can't figure out what I am seeing on 5:28:54....
I think the white marks on that photo and the one before it could be the zap( electricity) of the stun gun??? Like seeing lightening??
Still think he was zapped first before he fell.

He saw shun gun, made a fist to protect himself, got zapped and went down. I can't figure out what I am seeing on 5:28:54....

wenwe4, that is the one photo I made a note on. I don't remember seeing it before, probably because I can't make it out.

I keep wondering if JA had the knife in her hand while picture taking of Travis in the shower. She may have swiped at him with the knife and he ducked to the floor - hence the floor pic in the shower. He then attempted to scramble out on hands & knees where she started stabbing him in the back.

I think the pic @ 5:28:54 might be both of TA's arms crossed - maybe the right arm over the left - he is attempting to open or hold the door closed? Just a guess
Here are the pic's on youtube. It might help to see them better.
I'm watching a good movie about Marie Hilley -- the woman who poisoned her husband to death and then tried to poison her daughter as well. She reminds me so much of Arias. She is manipulative, cruel, uses sex to seduce men and... she even paints! I am so glad that Arias never had the chance to become a mother. Can you imagine the way she would used and then discarded her own babies? How scary. She can still get pregnant and give birth in prison but I doubt she'll be allowed to have any meaningful contact. The one thing that puzzles me is why Arias never used the old 'I'm pregnant with your baby' excuse to get Travis to marry her. She could have even faked it given her expertise in all that is fake and phony. I do think that she murdered Travis because he threatened to expose her evil-doings. I don't think jealousy was the only reason or even the main one. It's really upsetting to think about how lucky she turned out given the risks she took during that trip. Those gas cans could have caused an explosion but they did not. Travis could have successfully defended himself but he did not. A neighbour could have heard the screams and called 911 but I guess no one heard anything. Just so many things worked in her favour. :gaah:

Because it's hard to get pregnant when you're mostly having anal sex...
Still think he was zapped first before he fell.

He saw shun gun, made a fist to protect himself, got zapped and went down. I can't figure out what I am seeing on 5:28:54....

5:28:54 is him getting into a sitting position, the camera only showed it as JM was moving it off the projector so every shot I've seen of it is blurry but you can make out what is happening, and to me it appears he banged his nose on his knee while sitting, accounting for the trickle of blood coming from his nostril and that side of his face/eye looking different than the other, there's also a red spot on his lip on that side where it looks like he bit it. That could be compelling circumstantial evidence of her having used the stun gun, that or whatever she was holding in her hand scared him enough to make a dive for the shower floor. This news of her having a stun gun is, well, stunning.
I think the white marks on that photo and the one before it could be the zap( electricity) of the stun gun??? Like seeing lightening??

Most of the white marks are glare from the projector. But an interesting theory. :)
The YouTube reenactment was helpful & in the third video, I was able to see the move Travis made. The first vid & our still shots were so dark I couldn't make out form against background. Thanks for the help!
I think the white marks on that photo and the one before it could be the zap( electricity) of the stun gun??? Like seeing lightening??

That might be glare from someone taking a photo of a photo....but watching the videos above...I think in frame 157 he did swing at her, maybe to grab her weapon [and she was much closer to him, I don't think she had time to zoom in]....and his arm ended up crossing his chest. Next photo he was on the floor, pi**ed and scared.

Most of the white marks are glare from the projector. But an interesting theory. :)
No, look at the long, jaggy white marks that appear to be on his shoulder on 5:26:56, 5:27:28, and 5:28:54. I think we are seeing her stun gunning him!!!
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