Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/3 -12/04 In recess w/hearing

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They won't. There was a veritable plethora of defense inconsistencies in the first phase of this trial, but it always seemed to come down to throwing one more thing onto the wall to see if it sticks.

One lob that really stood out was LKN pivoting sharply from self defense to "she snapped".

AZL could tell us, but when you're defending someone so obviously guilty -- in an especially cruel manner -- I guess you will do just about anything to generate that one [un]reasonable doubt, or in the penalty phase that little (or not so little) spark of sympathy.

Maybe the more smoke, mirrors, and dust you throw into the air increases your likelihood of overwhelming some juror in a cloud of cr@p.

After all, it only takes one.

And who knows? There might just be another William Zervakos deliberating in there.

BBM - We know JSS won't do anything and it may be difficult for Juan to get across the idea that as far as the law is concerned "she snapped" did not happen and the jury cannot consider that it did. She is convicted of first degree murder, so it has already been decided for them that she did no such thing.
I had to work yesterday...I know this could be a pain, but can some give me an update on what has been happening?
What happened with that other juror that got booted? Why?
Is anything happening today?
I feel like I can't catch up...
Is Juan really going to subpoena Jodi's witnesses?
When is court in session again?
2 weeks? LOL
Ouch! :panic: I can't believe what I just did to myself. I watched the youtube videos of '48 hrs' interview before Jodi went to trial. All 50 minutes of it. Still telling the 'ninjas did it' story.

~~THEN~~ I watched the presentencing statement she made. The one about the 'tea & crumpets book club' and recycling program she would be starting. Still not accepting that it's punishment and not a mission of mercy for her to HELP the prisoners.
Hypothetically speaking, if a woman steals a gun, drives thousands of miles to a man's house--one who is a real, 'verified' pedophile, and then stabs him 28 times, cuts his throat and shoots him in the head it is still premeditated murder. First-degree murder doesn't magically become second-degree or manslaughter because of pedophilia/abuse. I hope the jury realizes that anything this criminal--one who is capable of almost beheading a man in two minutes and then showering next to his dead body--- is suspect. I don't see how her first-degree conviction can ever, ever be overturned.
Appeals take YEARS to be considered don't they? SELDOM are they approved. After this trial, unless Jodi commits her next murder in prison, she'll be filed away in a cell. We won't hear from her except for the slow Nat'l Enquirer news days. Like Pamela Smart or Susan Smith.
Nurmi had her identify the institution where she obtained her PhD when she first took the stand but someone upthread said Juan probably got it when he
deposed her.

It is interesting thought - an expert in any field has to have taken a lot of continuing ed credits, pass tests for certifications, attend formal trainings to have a certain number of hours of instruction, etc to become an "expert" in a specific area. She has stated she has a PhD and advised she has been in the "sex" field (industry?) for many years. We heard nothing about what makes her an expert in sexual proclivities - just told to accept the number of years she has been doing this.

Isn't she associated with the Geifner-Samuels group? If so, the head makes his money by providing continuing education credits at his seminars. If I am remembering correctly then that means she could have received some of her credits from Alyce, the keynote speaker, in the hallway accompanied by Snow White and maybe some of the seven dwarfs down the hall by the restroom. Wasn't one of them a Doc?
Hypothetically speaking, if a woman steals a gun, drives thousands of miles to a man's house--one who is a real, 'verified' pedophile, and then stabs him 28 times, cuts his throat and shoots him in the head it is still premeditated murder. First-degree murder doesn't magically become second-degree or manslaughter because of pedophilia/abuse. I hope the jury realizes that anything this criminal--one who is capable of almost beheading a man in two minutes and then showering next to his dead body--- is suspect. I don't see how her first-degree conviction can ever, ever be overturned.
It won't be. Premeditation is premeditation. How ludicrous though to be going down the pedophilia route when Jodi doesn't even have children who could potentially be victimized. It's like she dug into a grab bag of vilest accusations that could be made against Travis and couldn't pick just one - she had to paint him into a monster only she's guilty of being. The man would have literally given a stranger the clothes off his back according to everyone else who knew him. :(

(I was married to a disordered abuser who was sent to prison for child rape. I cannot adequately describe how revolting it is that she used these allegations against someone trying so hard to be good, do good, and love others. It makes this case personal. It makes my skin crawl. And FTR, when I found out about my ex I didn't rush out to buy kid underwear for myself. I divorced him, got sole-custody of my kids, and offered my help in his conviction.)
Is it just me or do others remember this whole incident when JA described it during her testimony differently than what her DT are now putting forth?

Iirc, JA had said that she had walked in on TA doing his thing and that in his haste to get up when he saw her, he jumped up and one picture of a boy in spideypants fell on the floor from a pile of pictures that had been sitting on his bed. As it turns out there's an old family photo of TA as a young boy in spideypants with his Dad.

So imo, chances are he had a bunch of old family pics out(by then he was writing his blog articles and reflecting on his past, see the beginning of his book) and whether he was doing the deed or not, JA surprised him by walking in unannounced which likely lead to an argument. I believe that pic of a little boy had stuck in her head until she found a way to use it against TA(accusing him of the unspeakable AND making her wear little boy spideys... what a crock), she strikes me as the sort to make you pay for every little thing that you have ever done to rock her boat.

Val1, I think she told a lot of the truth in tiny snippets. Liars take a little bit of the truth to hang their lies on. It's the same concept as when the first line of a poem or song will trigger us to remember the rest of it.
Appeals take YEARS to be considered don't they? SELDOM are they approved. After this trial, unless Jodi commits her next murder in prison, she'll be filed away in a cell. We won't hear from her except for the slow Nat'l Enquirer news days. Like Pamela Smart or Susan Smith.
Oh I'm praying you're right.
What has always struck me about CMJA claiming Travis is a paedophile is that she claimed he was masturbating to actually physical pictures of a boy. That he dropped them. So where did the pictures go? I don't think someone who is into that stuff is just going go throw it away and even if he did, the likelihood is that there would be more stashed somewhere in his house. The LE went through his home with a fine tooth comb, they found hairs, singular fibres from cushions, spots of blood on the dryer. They found not one indecent, or even worrying picture with a child in it. Not one!

And I don't for a moment believe that had they found pictures on Travis' hard drive that LE would just delete it and pretend it wasn't there. They would be looking to see if he had shared it with someone. They would be investigating where he got it from. They would be checking databases and files to see if they could identity the children in the pictures. No way would this go away. Police worldwide are and have been working flat out to try and arrest paedophiles and those sharing images online. Even if Travis was downloading pictures, the fact he was dead wouldn't stop police from investigating further up the chain. Add to that we have Detective Flores and Juan Martinez who have put everything they have into being Travis' voice for over 8 years. Do you think that as family men (and Flores is a mormon too) they would be as emotionally invested if he was a paedophile? Yes they could prosecute Jodi, but I don't think that they would be as invested and determined if they believed for one second he was a paedophile.

So that's why I believe that Travis never had any child *advertiser censored* pictures. EVER! I think it's just one of Jodi's many many attempts to smear his name. Notice that the domestic abuse supposedly meted out by Travis that was so heavily relied on in previous parts of her defense has been more or less forgotten now. It didn't work last time, so this time they are going with the "HE WAS A PAEDOPHILE" line.
It won't be. Premeditation is premeditation. How ludicrous though to be going down the pedophilia route when Jodi doesn't even have children who could potentially be victimized. It's like she dug into a grab bag of vilest accusations that could be made against Travis and couldn't pick just one - she had to paint him into a monster only she's guilty of being. The man would have literally given a stranger the clothes off his back according to everyone else who knew him. :(

(I was married to a disordered abuser who was sent to prison for child rape. I cannot adequately describe how revolting it is that she used these allegations against someone trying so hard to be good, do good, and love others. It makes this case personal. It makes my skin crawl. And FTR, when I found out about my ex I didn't rush out to buy kid underwear for myself. I divorced him, got sole-custody of my kids, and offered my help in his conviction.)

And that would be anyone's reaction! Yet Travis apparently had not just CMJA who knew he was into kiddie *advertiser censored* but McGee too! Two people who had no connection until McGee became a CMJA fanboy who thought the best way to deal with a paedo was to say nothing at all. And in McGee's case we are meant to believe a man who hid the fact that he wasn't a Virgin from his very best and closest friends but shared his predilection for little boys with a casual aquantance? What utter carp! In no way do I believe that is what happened!
It won't be. Premeditation is premeditation. How ludicrous though to be going down the pedophilia route when Jodi doesn't even have children who could potentially be victimized. It's like she dug into a grab bag of vilest accusations that could be made against Travis and couldn't pick just one - she had to paint him into a monster only she's guilty of being. The man would have literally given a stranger the clothes off his back according to everyone else who knew him. :(

(I was married to a disordered abuser who was sent to prison for child rape. I cannot adequately describe how revolting it is that she used these allegations against someone trying so hard to be good, do good, and love others. It makes this case personal. It makes my skin crawl. And FTR, when I found out about my ex I didn't rush out to buy kid underwear for myself. I divorced him, got sole-custody of my kids, and offered my help in his conviction.)

Wow BritsKate, you caused me to become very tearful. This post out of so many of yours that do touch me truly hit to the depths of my emotional being not only due to what you went through (and still go through) but that you pointed out the treasured person that Travis was. It is just so sad that such a person as Jodi is stooping to such low levels to continue to attempt tearing down the very essence of who Travis was. Thankfully Travis will remain in the hearts of so many of us and that he too has truly touched our lives and our emotional cores. Thank you is just never enough for people like you.
IMO the expert 'gutted' any chance of the believability of pedophilia. According to tweets she stated she did not think Travis was a pedophilia. That came from a defense witness. Juan was very wise in not questioning her any further on her statement to give her any chance to change her statement. In this trial so far they only have Jodi saying he was and one of their own experts saying he wasn't. Juan will be sure to bring it up with emphasis in closing IMO.
From what I've read, KN secret witnesses include a longtime boyfriend, a former co-worker and an individual who knew Mr. Alexander before he met Ms. Arias and who would have provided the jury with testimony that Travis confessed his interest in child *advertiser censored* to him. I can figure out who the first 2 are but does anyone know who the third one could be?

I don’t think anybody is buying into the child *advertiser censored* crap, but even if it was true I don’t understand how that can be considered as a mitigating factor to spare JA from the DP.
Anyone know what time the testiphony starts today? I'm trying to plan my exciting day around the NASA launch, the trial, and oh yeah homeschooling my 4th grader, LOL.
I agree and it didn't fly the first time,so WHY are they doing this again? I think this trial is going to give me a nervous breakdown.:gaah:
Non sequitur..... I'm going thru all of bk notes to add up sidebars and total hours of actual testimony and came xcross this...

I didn't realize that CMJA rented that car in Redding and then drove the 90 miles back to Yreka before heading out on her murder trip. Wonder if that was tweeted? Don't remember ever hearing it....
It was more than a theory, according to the State.

JM demanded to have the hard disk drive (HDD) the DT examined after they filed their accusation of law enforcement deleting *advertiser censored* from TA's HDD.

When the DT coughed it up, instead of a 'mirror image' of TA's Compaq Presario HDD, it was an HDD from a Dell registered to some guy named Tony.

This is how I understood what happened. It's really crazy because a disk image is a file on a disk, not a whole drive. BN claimed that Lonnie Dworkin was probably given the wrong image. At the end of last week, BN was trying to tell the judge that the State already has what it's asking for. I'm really confused about what is going on.
Context. Going thru BK notes, its clear that if court ran to regular 4:30 hour on the day media were kicked out and CMJA testified, the longest she could have been on the stand, TOTAL, is 3 hours. She only testified that one afternoon.
First my apologies for snipping your post, it was very helpful to me and not just re the TA/JA dynamic(knowing what we know), but also on a more personal basis. I was a foster kid with a Mormon family in my troubled youth and this has really opened my eyes as to some of the family dynamics that I was blind to at the time and often wondered about.
It opens my eyes to how searingly devasting the child *advertiser censored* accusations are to Travis' family. It's like a fourth kill.
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