Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/13 thru 2/18 - Break

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I wonder how the jury can keep a straight face. I would not been able to grin at that excuse. Like do you think the we (the jury) are stupid.

Like walking into the house while Travis and Lisa were in the kitchen because she was "bringing PF Changs honey chicken" to one of the roommates!

And she just happens to fall asleep "after cleaning" in the love sac while Travis was on a date with MiMi!
This text was mentioned earlier, but there is no date.


According to the Huffington Post timeline
that text was sent on May 10, 2008.
Perhaps there was more than one peeping incident.

Are these two separate occasions, or am I separating details from the same occasion?
1. JA walked up to the back sliding glass door and saw Travis and another woman, the woman was re-hooking her bra.
2. A light was turned off in the house while Travis was with another woman. Upon investigating who was in the house, JA is discovered.

Two separate incidents.
Perhaps there was more than one peeping incident.

Are these two separate occasions, or am I separating details from the same occasion?
1. JA walked up to the back sliding glass door and saw Travis and another woman, the woman was re-hooking her bra.
2. A light was turned off in the house while Travis was with another woman. Upon investigating who was in the house, JA is discovered.

I think separate. I'm not certain Lisa was letting him unhook her bra...and iirc Jodi confronted him and he said it was some random girl from Phoenix....but I could very well be mistaken, been a long time since I saw that part of the testimony
I don't think a bank would repossess a leased vehicle? Not sure.

I agree that owning an Infiniti unless you have a sizable salary is very unlikely. I never did get this..... When did she get the Infiniti, anyway?

even though you are leasing the car, you've entered into a financial contract, and if you break that contract, ie stop making payments, they are going to take the car back.
I think separate. I'm not certain Lisa was letting him unhook her bra...and iirc Jodi confronted him and he said it was some random girl from Phoenix....but I could very well be mistaken, been a long time since I saw that part of the testimony

The Hughes', for what it's worth, were able to shed some light on this and said that it wasn't as gross as Jodi made it sound (her hooking her bra, him wiping his mouth) and that Travis was actually just watching a movie with a lady friend and that's what she saw. I can't rememebr how they found this out (maybe she told them) but sounds more accurate than Jodi's cartoonish version.
Perhaps there was more than one peeping incident.

Are these two separate occasions, or am I separating details from the same occasion?
1. JA walked up to the back sliding glass door and saw Travis and another woman, the woman was re-hooking her bra.
2. A light was turned off in the house while Travis was with another woman. Upon investigating who was in the house, JA is discovered.

1) How did the felon 'peep' in an upstairs window, unless she snuck in the house and was standing in the hallway looking in the bedroom

2) Peeping in downstairs window the felon could see whatever she wanted to, but would Travis actually take a chance of someone walking in the house as he had an 'open door policy' and he had roommates. Even if the roommates were not to come home until certain hours, the open door policy would let anyone come in. I don't think Travis would take that chance.

I am missing something...or more lies?
I wonder what Travis meant, when he wrote 'you're more and more like your mom everyday'. Is he going off of what the felon would tell him about her family, the false stories?

I was wondering that too and I think you are right. I bet JA would tell him all kinds of lies about what her mother would do and then Travis was probably thinking she is acting just like what she had told him about her mother.

IMO, Jodi likely used a gizmo (easy to find at RadioShack) that plugs into the headphone jack on the phone then into a USB port on her laptop. She then recorded (IMO multiple) conversations onto her laptop and edited them together into.

If she recorded the conversation using her Helio: 1) her timing for hitting "Save" would have to be bang on and 2) there would be noticeable breaks in the recording, with words cut off and portions of the conversation missing. I have never used a Helio, but I highly doubt it would "save" and continue recording at the same time, especially if JA's helio had the 3-minute limit for any single recording.

Juan implied she was lying about how she recorded the phone sex conversation during the guilt phase. Now, why would Jodi lie about this (other than she just can't tell the truth)?

If she went through the machinations I describe above, it calls into question her motive for making the recording. It wasn't just a "fun" thing to do. It had a purpose. She then transferred the audio file (files) to the SD card in her Helio phone ... "lost" the phone ... and likely told TA in her pass-ag BS way, "Oh, horrors! I hope no one finds the recording of our scandalous conversation!" (Wink, wink) Jodi Arias admitted to Sky that she hacked into Travis' stuff. We know that she did, but interesting that she had no shame in admitting it. Her mind begs no alternative, that she feels quite justified in all.

Shed didn't blink an eye when Deanna caught her breaking into Travis' computer and laptop. Deanna was asked by Travis to please go feed his dog while he was on a trip. She drove nearly an hour to go do so, when she arrived to no car in driveway, she used her key. She walked in expecting no one and saw Jodi was not only there, but on Travi's computer. He had no idea.

We learn from Dr. Hiatt that Travis had figured out she was sending herself messages, as if she were Travis to Jodi, messages complimenting Jodi

Tony Hughes describes how Travis had Jodi trying to explain herself as he was confronting her about slashing his tires again

Jodi mentioned to her mom and to Detective Flores where her gas receipts that prove she had not been to Mesa could be found in a shoe box by her bed at her Gram's and she mentioned over and over again to Detective Flores and the female detective where all of her journals could be found. If I recall correctly, she mentions of how on her phone there would be example of Travis speaking /texting not so nice things too. The fact the SHE WANTED THEM FOUND tells us all we need to know.

She brought up that one can use photos that are on an older camera card , put the camera card in Travis' new camera and take photos. She was asking him could that be why it appeared the sex was on that day, when really the sex photos were from another day. Hacking things seemed to come quite naturally to her.

She had a lot of time on her hands to do all of this and learn ways to snoop, sneak and deceive. Now that I have read about her babysitter being afraid to ever leave her alone in a room with her little brother as some incident ALWAYS happened every single time she did, I believe more that ever she was born evil. It is a chilling thought. The bible tells us that the evil will present in many different forms. Here we have a modern day example in Jodi Arias. Juror #3 commented about how strange it felt , that Jodi "looked" like a normal person.

Interview with babysitter who said Jodi Arias hit her little brother with a baseball bat then denied it, despite the huge welt on his head and NO ONE else in the room

DR DREW PINSKY: Now, I understand you observed some interesting interaction between she and her brother. Tell me about that.

HAWKINS: Yes,absolutely. There were several times that I had observed, when I was babysitting, sort of very aggressive behavior from Jodi towards her brother.

One incident in particular, I was called to babysit on a weekend night, I believe it was, and I was in the kitchen cooking them dinner, and they were in Jodi`s room, I believe, and they were just kind of interacting with each other. And all of a sudden, I just heard Carl just let out this bloodcurdling scream. I went in there and he had a pretty good knot on the top of his head. Jodi was standing there and Carl was crying, and he kept trying to tell me that she hit him. He was probably about three or four at the time.

PINSKY: Hit him with what, like her fist?

HAWKINS: No, with a baseball bat.

HAWKINS: Well, you know, I can`t say that I ever saw any type of corporal punishment between the parents and Jodi and/or Carl. What I can say is that just about every occasion that I babysat, I pretty much couldn`t leave the two of them alone. I mean, if they were in the living room and I was in the kitchen or vice versa or they were in their bedroom, there was always an incident.

I mean, there were times I felt like I couldn`t even go to the bathroom without some sort of incident going on. " END OF SNIP

Miss Hawkins, said she babysat for a year and a half and never saw any type of corporal punishment between Jodi's mom and pop with Jodi or her little brother Carl.
IMO, Jodi likely used a gizmo (easy to find at RadioShack) that plugs into the headphone jack on the phone then into a USB port on her laptop. She then recorded (IMO multiple) conversations onto her laptop and edited them together into.

If she recorded the conversation using her Helio: 1) her timing for hitting "Save" would have to be bang on and 2) there would be noticeable breaks in the recording, with words cut off and portions of the conversation missing. I have never used a Helio, but I highly doubt it would "save" and continue recording at the same time, especially if JA's helio had the 3-minute limit for any single recording.

Juan implied she was lying about how she recorded the phone sex conversation during the guilt phase. Now, why would Jodi lie about this (other than she just can't tell the truth)?

If she went through the machinations I describe above, it calls into question her motive for making the recording. It wasn't just a "fun" thing to do. It had a purpose. She then transferred the audio file (files) to the SD card in her Helio phone ... "lost" the phone ... and likely told TA in her pass-ag BS way, "Oh, horrors! I hope no one finds the recording of our scandalous conversation!" (Wink, wink)

Once she had a completed "audio file" the way she wanted it, she could even use the Helio to send it to Travis or Travis girlfriends. This is a feature in the Helio "kickflip" phone manual:
The recording is just an "audio file" like a "music file", and the phone had a feature to send it onto others. Page 78 of the manual:

"Send: Send a message with the selected music file attached to it."

Even if she ended up with a different Helio phone, they usually use the same basic features as past versions and just enhance them as they upgrade their phones. Wish we knew the specific phone that she had.
While I was searching around on the internet, a real simple way to make a recording of a phone conversation is to just turn it on Speakerphone (helio kickflip had speakerphone setting), and to plug a MIC into your PC and record directly to your PC using Windows software which is pre-installed usually.

It would just record an "Audio file" onto your PC using a MIC. Its usually those really small holes near where you plug in your external speakers.
Does anyone know what was the first thing that made things start to go bad between Travis and JA?

At first they got along pretty well, so ive been trying to figure out what went wrong at the very first. Was it just 1 thing that started things to go South OR was it that Travis began to realize she was very possessive and off her rocker?

We know a lot of the reasons toward the end and just trying to find out if there was 1 certain incident that started them down the breakup path.
While I was searching around on the internet, a real simple way to make a recording of a phone conversation is to just turn it on Speakerphone (helio kickflip had speakerphone setting), and to plug a MIC into your PC and record directly to your PC using Windows software which is pre-installed usually.

It would just record an "Audio file" onto your PC using a MIC. Its usually those really small holes near where you plug in your external speakers.

That works, too. IMO, JA didn't use a mic in combo with a speaker phone because there isn't enough "room tone" in her voice. She would sound more hollow, based on my experience (which is in professional video and audio production). I mentioned up thread about recording directly to a computer by jacking out of the headphone output; every time I did that, the speaker on the other end of the line had extremely low audio levels compared to mine.

Either way, she went to a lot of work to get TA saying bad things about some members of PPL and Mormon women, plus recording the phone sex. Adding: IMO, that recording did not take place on May 10th. TA and JA had a texting argument that day, and TA was looking forward to a date that night (according to his journals).
Does anyone know what was the first thing that made things start to go bad between Travis and JA?

At first they got along pretty well, so ive been trying to figure out what went wrong at the very first. Was it just 1 thing that started things to go South OR was it that Travis began to realize she was very possessive and off her rocker?

We know a lot of the reasons toward the end and just trying to find out if there was 1 certain incident that started them down the breakup path.

I was wondering the same thing. Went to where their electronic exchanges are posted in chronological order. It appears that in November 2007 they had some sort of blow up ... By December JA was slashing tires, etc.

Anybody have more info than I? Good question, Hatfield.
That works, too. IMO, JA didn't use a mic in combo with a speaker phone because there isn't enough "room tone" in her voice. She would sound more hollow, based on my experience (which is in professional video and audio production). I mentioned up thread about recording directly to a computer by jacking out of the headphone output; every time I did that, the speaker on the other end of the line had extremely low audio levels compared to mine.

Either way, she went to a lot of work to get TA saying bad things about some members of PPL and Mormon women, plus recording the phone sex. Adding: IMO, that recording did not take place on May 10th. TA and JA had a texting argument that day, and TA was looking forward to a date that night (according to his journals).

Great points. I totally agree that her voice would have sounded different if she had done that.

I also agree she went through great lengths to get Travis to say certain things. You could hear it in her voice as she was egging him on.

The DT tried very hard to not let the jury hear her parts of the recording.
Re the Helio phone here is a snippet of post #359*&p=8802347&highlight=helio+phone#post8802347

February 4 Morning testimony

Exhibits #393 & 394 (photos). The objection by Martinez to the photos is sustained.

Lonnie Dworkin is on the stand. Wilmott is refreshing his memory about where the photos came from.
--photos were taken from a hard drive.
--hard drive belonged to Jodi Arias.
--Two photos were copied from the mirror image.
--Heliophone was looked at by Dworkin, the phone is a predeceasor of today's smart phones. The phone has some multimedia features such as take photos and record audio.
--Dworkin received the phone (Exhibit #424) on June 30, 2010.
--Once received Dworkin processed the phone to extract information. He generated several reports that each had a different perspective and scope.
--Dworkin had some "challenges" pulling information off the phone.
--Used to have to use screen captures or commercial software to extract information. With this particular type of phone there is no forensic software available to extract information. Dworkin captured the audio by playing it and capturing it. The text messages...he had to take photos of them.
--Phone belonged to Jodi Arias.
--As soon as the phone was powered on there was a photo of Jodi and another young lady.
--re: audio on phone. Dworkin obtained a copy of the user manual to make sure he wouldn't change anything on the phone. He noted that the phone has the ability to record audio.
--Dworkin was able to listen to 7-8 recordings. The phone had a small headphone jack on the side of the phone. He played the audio over the wire plugged into the jack and recorded it on his computer. The phone was directly connected to Dworkin's computer.
--Dworkin did screen captures to capture call logs and messages.
--Information was displayed on the phone and Dworkin took photos of each screen and this is what he did with this phone..
oops double posted.

Looking back to the first trial and some of the pseudo-transcripts and actual transcripts many of us did - just wanted to get a starting point for what was originally presented in the first trial from Dworkin regarding the helio.
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