Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/20 thru 2/23 - Break

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Prosecuted by Juan Martinez (Wendi Andriano)

Here is Juan regarding that trial

She too came up with claims that she had been abused. The victim's family, like Travis' were SHOCKED by these wild allegations. Guess what friends, the jury called bullchit. is a much younger Juan Martinez "Most excuses should simply not be accepted".
Juan Martinez will have a stunning, brilliant closing that will make the sky blue again. I trust Juan to bring it home.

Kirk and Jen get lazy and forget important testimony. Juan does not seem to have that problem. He has the nearest thing to a photographic memory I have ever seen. Kirk REALLY messed up regarding the gas cans. Juan will have MANY examples that the defense and their experts got wrong this time too. I feel as sure about that as I know the sun will come up in the morning.
My fear is that the endless delays, long interruptions, and mind-numbing hours of useless and repetitive testimony over false-memes (TA the sexual deviant-playa-pedophile/plane loads of *advertiser censored*, etc.) have prevented this jury from getting the actual facts or a clear picture of the relationship and JA's maniacal obsessiveness. And she-who-must-not-be-blamed is largely responsible imo.

I agree. I think Juan has done a good job on cross getting in info on how heinous the killing was.
IMO he will have to hit a home run with his closing. And I think he will do just that and send Jodi off to Death Row
no. First mention of Cancun is on May 14, he received confirmation he was eligible on May 15.

Where are you getting this info? His journals? Not that i'm doubting you, but inquiring minds want to know. :)
I think JSS has a tough job. I also think she has allowed the DT to go over and over witnesses too much, and JM could have objected and said that questions the DT have asked have already been asked and answered. I am however heartened to see her describe CMJA as manipulative. That shows me that she isn't being duped and that she wouldn't be afraid to give LWOP if needs be. I still am not 100% sure of the motivation behind removing the cameras and sealing the court, I'm English and so I still don't get the US court system at times. The length of the whole trial has basically astounded me, it would never go on for this long in the UK. Of course, we don't have the death penalty here, but even so, it's been 7 years since Travis was killed and CMJA was arrested just over a month after his death. Anyhoo, I think JSS is trying to make sure that there is nothing that can be used in a successful appeal by the DT. Similarly to JM I think JSS is happy to give CMJA and the DT enough rope to hang themselves. Like I say, I don't really get why she closed the court room, as even I, as a UK citizen, was pretty sure it would be overturned by the COA. I certainly wouldn't want JSS's job. I'm pretty sure she is as sick of CMJA as we all are now. I think the DT stringing out their part of the penalty phase for so long may well work against them with the jury tbh.

BBM ~ This is what I think is happening. And it is working. JMO
When the only issue was their emails and the DTs spin on them they 'could' have called and stood their ground as Deanna did. Adding the book to the scenario helped to cement the 'would' not testify situation. IMO of course.

To be fair, the Hugheses had no reason to be called in this trial as none of the experts mentioned them during the sentencing phase.
Deanna was called back because Geff & F referenced her during this trial and Juan called her for the rebuttal.
If it makes anyone feel any better Jim Clemente disagreed with the BPD because CMJA is so full of her self. He said she had traits but he called her a brilliant Sociopath. His breakdown of her last allocution is really good. Me, me, me!

Even in her post-conviction interview with Troy H., she only cries when she talks about about her family because she feels ashamed.

She had no tears for TA, only for herself.
Proof of Jodi Arias stealing authors work. AGAIN Zoey.jpg

from,d.eXY and Jodi's blog

If you Google most things she claims as hers you will find them already existing I trust. Likewise with her art tracings, if you right click the image Google will pop you up ;within two seconds, the original. Her entire life .....Cooley's Looking Glass....jello to any mold, nothing true. Radar shows some overt examples of tracings
Where are you getting this info? His journals? Not that i'm doubting you, but inquiring minds want to know. :)
A couple days ago someone posted from his journals twice from April that he already knew about Cancun trip. It was posted right beneath Hopes post.
The sex phone call tape was for Mimi, Lisa , the cutie Travis met the weekend Jodi wanted him to come up to Yreka on the 24th. Travis told her that he was under a lot of stress because Jodi wouldn't tell him what she had planned. Jodi went looking for a tree in the woods - I think she had Matt M. all lined up and ready to video tape and take photos for more blackmail. Travis stayed at home and had a UFC party at his house, and wrote he met a cute nineteen year old.

In Jodi's journals she writes that Matt M. was in Mesa before she left for the final time? and that he saw bruises around her neck and told her to get a restraining order and she said that she was leaving in two days. Now Jodi said a man saw the bruises and his photo's of them are were on the external hard drive that wasn't part of her trial. Along with photo's of Travis chasing down a naked four year old little boy in a priest collar. She said they were hanging out with friends and she took it because she thought it was funny. Anyway, just how does a restraining order work if you are stalking someone and entering their home?

Matt was in Mesa around the fifteen of April, saw Jodi June third in Salinas? and was in Yreka when Jodi got back after murdering Travis. I wonder what she handed off to him?

Jodi wrote that she hadn't spoken with Matt for three months after she moved to Mesa. He thought she needed to be committed.

Matt was also in Yreka when Jodi got back from her trip. I can't remember what she handed off to him.
ges, where did you get this information about Matt M from? I don't doubt you but he didn't testify and I was wondering if this is what was in her journals?
If it makes anyone feel any better Jim Clemente disagreed with the BPD because CMJA is so full of her self. He said she had traits but he called her a brilliant Sociopath. His breakdown of her last allocution is really good. Me, me, me!

Clemente also points out how controlling she is. She even wants to run Perryville...she thinks she will be in charge of sign language and Spanish classes in her spare time from heading up a major recycling program

The jury even questioned her control issues

“Do you feel the guys in your life cheated on you because you were controlling?”

My favorite may have been

“What is your understanding of the word ‘*advertiser censored*’?”
View attachment 69823

from,d.eXY and Jodi's blog

If you Google most things she claims as hers you will find them already existing I trust. Likewise with her art tracings, if you right click the image Google will pop you up withing two seconds the original. Her entire life .....Cooley's Looking Glass....jello to any mold, nothing true. Radar shows some overt examples of tracings

OMG!!!! This is wild!!! Though we should not be surprised. She also only started a blog after Travis started his.
To be fair, the Hugheses had no reason to be called in this trial as none of the experts mentioned them during the sentencing phase.
Deanna was called back because Geff & F referenced her during this trial and Juan called her for the rebuttal.

Since RG responded to JW's questions on Thursday with misquotes from the 48 Hours interview, I wonder if this opens the door to JM using clips from the show as well.
Her answers btw
“Do you feel the guys in your life cheated on you because you were controlling?”

“I feel it was just the opposite. I feel they cheated on me because I was too tolerant. I was very trusting, implicitly trusting, and very naive. I gave them the freedom to do what they wanted when they wanted, and I think they took advantage of that.”

“What is your understanding of the word ‘*advertiser censored*’?”

“I don’t know an official definition, but it’s a very negative and pejorative, derogative term against women.”
“Travis stated on the phone sex conversation he did not like Spiderman. Why did he buy you Spiderman underwear if he didn’t like that character?”

“The year prior, there’s a child he was close with who really liked Spiderman…”
A couple days ago someone posted from his journals twice from April that he already knew about Cancun trip. It was posted right beneath Hopes post.

That's right, it was texmex. But, it seems like it was re-posted again by Hope4More of the date.
:seeya: Late to the game, and I see it's old news now, but I finally found time to read the In Chambers minutes.

So, it's confirmed - JSS was duped. Juan knew it, and the COA knew it. JSS, it seems, merely suspected it.

IMO, she should never have allowed herself to be pushed so far into a corner. The repercussions continue to this day. Juan, bless his heart, always manages to make lemonade out of lemons, but how would a less seasoned and less brilliant prosecutor have handled the fallout? Not with his foresight, that's for sure.

Lucky indeed for the Alexander siblings was the day that Juan pulled this case.
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