Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/20 thru 2/23 - Break

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“Did you ever seek medical help for your mental condition?”

“I`m not sure what mental condition that refers to.”
Hey everyone, Good morning :) Could someone show me where the secret testimony of the murderer is? Thanks :)
“Why would you continue to sleep with Travis after you learned of his child-*advertiser censored* issues?”

“When he was able to sleep with a woman as opposed to fantasizing about a child, he felt more normal as a man.”
BBM I can understand that way of thinking however...I really hate it. I'd much rather she topped herself. Actually in this case my first choice would be DP and I'm not a big advocate for that. I'm for it in this case. If it had been one of my brothers I'd want to kill her myself. It's really hard to explain... :(

My future ex husband,
You explained it perfectly. I have felt that way for some time. I came here just wanting to know why. I didn't know then that JA was a psychopath or sociopath. I thought she must have had a reason. I have two sons, three brothers and I mean, who thinks the way she does? I have never been for the death penalty. One thing this l-o-n-g trial has taught me is that there are mean, cruel, violent people in this world and we cannot allow them to be free in society. She will kill again. I think she is proud of her "work". If she had any remorse then I think she would have killed herself. But there is nothing there. Once the trial is over, once Jodi is gone away or dead, I will still be wondering WHY. Why did this young man have to die?
hmm :thinking: Nurmi does want off this case pretty bad :giggle:
IF there are ANY death threats that JA actually received through the mail (there's NOT) you better bet she wrote them herself (her specialty) and gave them to cha cha to smuggle sneak take out...then smuggle sneak bring back the next day and say "here is your mail Goddess ma'am BFF Jodi."

We all know there are no death threats coming through the mail. That is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard. She gets postcards! The only death threat JA really has is in the courtroom. And she has managed to manipulate the entire court system for two years now with all the secret testimony and delays and fictional witnesses with their lying affidavits that were actually used in court as evidence. She has turned this whole trial around to be only about HER. What about Travis?? She had no problem giving him the death penalty :dervish:

Maybe the death threats are in a secret code that only Jodi understands :thinking:

The death threats are of an invisible but present nature. Law of attraction style you know. If her 'fans' say 'oh Jodi, we love you and want you to get LWP' it actually means 'we're the haters who want you to die'. That's the 'great' thing about using the law of attraction in can say one thing but unabashedly state that it means just the opposite. And you'll have experts with THIRTY-FIVE years of experience supporting those claims!
“Did you ever seek medical help for your mental condition?”

“I`m not sure what mental condition that refers to.”

JA will refuse to acknowledge anything but PTSD because of course, that is something that was "done" to her, because she was so trusting. Per her narcissism she will never acknowledge fault or responsibility, and I think that's why so many people hate her and/or think she is the lowest of the low. imo
My future ex husband,
You explained it perfectly. I have felt that way for some time. I came here just wanting to know why. I didn't know then that JA was a psychopath or sociopath. I thought she must have had a reason. I have two sons, three brothers and I mean, who thinks the way she does? I have never been for the death penalty. One thing this l-o-n-g trial has taught me is that there are mean, cruel, violent people in this world and we cannot allow them to be free in society. She will kill again. I think she is proud of her "work". If she had any remorse then I think she would have killed herself. But there is nothing there. Once the trial is over, once Jodi is gone away or dead, I will still be wondering WHY. Why did this young man have to die?

I too think she is proud that she could take down a large naked healthy man. And primarily with a knife. She will never experience true remorse, never ever. She is a star in her deluded mind. And that's why she deserves death. She will eventually get it by the state of Arizona, or a Perryville cellmate.
I'm still reading the thread of the last trial date but I can't hold back any longer.

It is impossible for me to take Geffner seriously as a professional when I look at what he has done to his head in an attempt to look distinguished, younger, better, current, or whatever. My first thought on seeing his dye job was how on earth can he not see how ridiculous he looks!

Of course, when the dude opened his mouth to speak it became crystal clear why he is willing to be seen in public looking like he does: The man has absolutely no common sense. He does not know how ridiculous he looks, just as he does not know how ridiculous he sounds. And the poor guy must not have close family or friends because even though there is not much to be done about how he sounds, anyone who cared would have discouraged him from going out in public looking like that.

All IMO, of course.
Hey everyone, Good morning :) Could someone show me where the secret testimony of the murderer is? Thanks :)
I am
Sorry Grammie. It is posted on one of the threads her but I don't know how to find it. Also posted on the Juan Martinez prosecutor support page. You have to google that. go to and type in those exact words: Juan Martinez Prosectuor Support Page and it will come up then just scroll till you find it. I don't know how to do a link. And it's on Beth Karas paid web site.
The defense had both Chris and Sky on their witness list. Chris testified in day nine and day ten in a hearing regarding alleged misconduct. Kirk took that opportunity to bring up the emails so WE DO HAVE sworn testimony explaining those emails. View attachment 69815

Chris Hughes day ten of Jodi Arias murder trial

He explains that Kirk LIED to Sky and convinced her that he had PROOF that the forged pedo letters were verified to be legitimate. On the same day that Kirk lied to Sky, Chris and Sky while discussing it together decided THAT VERY DAY that it was incredible and that they did not believe it, the letters did not seem like Travis' style of writing and the dates made no sense and it was "Inconsistent with Travis' behavior". Even though while Jodi played Pro Per for a couple of days she said she would call them to the stand during the trial, Jen and Kirk KNEW that would not go her way and of course never did. They couldn't risk Sky testifying to ANY variation the judge would allow of examples that they warned Travis his very life was in danger because of how crazy and off the rails Jodi's stalking had become. She told him, "Travis we are afraid we are gonna find you chopped up in her freezer!"

Juan never called them; because, he simply did not need them. The first jury was smart enough to realize that those emails were during a VERY brief four month, long distance relationship and by their questions they realized of course those opinions changed regarding Jodi/Travis' relationship over time. De. DeMarte was able to interview them and bring out A LOT of how they experienced Jodi Arias' stalking.

Once Dr. F.opens all the doors again Juan will be able to reiterate the stalking. Looking forward to it! He may ask her to review what Marie Hall detailed as far as stalking. God bless Mimi, she emptied the bucket. In the rule of primacy and recency.....Juan Martinez brilliantly called her as the first person the jury heard from.

Sky did testify also (day 18). My favorite line from the second day of Chris' testimony as Kirk asked if he called him to testify for Jodi would he be happy about it.
Chris answered "No. I would not."
Kirk "Why is that?"
Chris "She murdered my friend, IN COLD BLOOD".

Here is Sky testifying

The judge ruled against #JodiArias who had claimed that it was misconduct on Juan's part that Chris and Sky were watching the trial and reporting to Phillip/Juan when they saw things they knew for certain to be lies. Also Jodi's lawyers had claimed that Chris improperly threatened by implication Gus Searcy not to testify. It turned out that neither Chris nor Sky would ever be deposed by EITHER side and were never intended to be called as witnesses. The fact that the pair of them were on Jodi's witness list, yet never deposed and that they had appeared on the stand in these hearings made it so outrageous that Kirk claimed during this phase it was unfair that Dr. DeMarte interviewed them. He has had nearly seven years to depose them, and NEVER did.

Maria tweeted and grinned throughout the entire two days of testimony. ODD WOMAN.

Court ruling sure took any grin out of Jodi Arias
I'm confused.:waitasec: Help me out here. Are you saying the emails Jodi forged of Chris Hughes are the ones where the Hugheses called Travis an abusive sociopath, or other emails???
No wonder I had no idea what it is
I'm anti-crafting :hills:

A lot of bows are made of raffia. If you make up any gift baskets at the holidays, you can find raffia bows at Cost Plus/Pier 1 Imports type stores. It's a kind of rope/viney kind of material sometimes colored, sometimes wheat/natural color.

I loved how during the televised trial people would post "best of" moments. I lived for those because watching the testimony in its entirety was too sickening. I have yet to watch her direct testimony with Nurmi, except for the occasional clips. I taped every trial day but would fast forward or mute during Nurmi and Arias because I simply couldn't handle hearing their voices! Perhaps one day, after she is sentenced and the air has finally been cleared of her stench and lies, I can go back and watch entire days of testimony........but somehow I still doubt that!
I'm confused.:waitasec: Help me out here. Are you saying the emails Jodi forged of Chris Hughes are the ones where the Hugheses called Travis an abusive sociopath, or other emails???

I'm pretty sure she means the pedophile letters.
I feel like sending her a postcard about that. That and the plastic cup that was found on Travis. "Dear Jodi, what's with that? Were you washing your roots?"

Another thing, while I'm here. I found it strange that Jodi said the names Travis picked for children were Iris (not that bad), Hinckley (WTF?), Reagan (oh...I see) and Megan.

As we all know John Hinckley shot Ronald Reagan because he wanted to impress Jodie Foster whom played Iris in Taxi Driver opposite Robert De Niro whom played Travis Bickle. I can't be arsed trying to guess where the Megan came from. Weirdo.

p.s. If I've got my whoms and who mixed up, words aren't my thing.

Iris is also the middle name of Travis' sister Allie.
Clemente also points out how controlling she is. She even wants to run Perryville...she thinks she will be in charge of sign language and Spanish classes in her spare time from heading up a major recycling program

The jury even questioned her control issues

“Do you feel the guys in your life cheated on you because you were controlling?”

My favorite may have been

“What is your understanding of the word ‘*advertiser censored*’?”

BBM. This is the biggest joke to me. Teaching Spanish to a population in a state that's largely Hispanic.
Since RG responded to JW's questions on Thursday with misquotes from the 48 Hours interview, I wonder if this opens the door to JM using clips from the show as well.

Betting they'll be in his closing. I'm hoping for "I would beg for the Death Penalty" personally.
:seeya: Late to the game, and I see it's old news now, but I finally found time to read the In Chambers minutes.

So, it's confirmed - JSS was duped. Juan knew it, and the COA knew it. JSS, it seems, merely suspected it.

IMO, she should never have allowed herself to be pushed so far into a corner. The repercussions continue to this day. Juan, bless his heart, always manages to make lemonade out of lemons, but how would a less seasoned and less brilliant prosecutor have handled the fallout? Not with his foresight, that's for sure.

Lucky indeed for the Alexander siblings was the day that Juan pulled this case.
I don't think JSS was duped. I think she gave the defense what they wanted knowing full well she'd be overturned.
“Why would you continue to sleep with Travis after you learned of his child-*advertiser censored* issues?”

“When he was able to sleep with a woman as opposed to fantasizing about a child, he felt more normal as a man.”

That vile <word I can not say>! I don't support the death penalty, but this <another word I can not say> makes me
almost lust for it for this sick, evil, conniving <you-know-what>!!!!!
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