Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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I have been very curious about this motion. The dates are suspicious to say the least. There was a post or a twitter saying MDLR was being investigated for something. As far as I know this is a rumor but it is something that makes you go Hmm.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if MDLR is trying to get herself removed from this case knowing that it would almost certainly give JA a valid reason for a mistrial. Am I the only one thinking this?
Ok, something has been bugging me.

WTH did JA have TAs engagement ring for, and he seemed ok about it?

He probably was not okay with it, but did not want to stir up any bad emotions with Jodi.
We are going off topic. Remember while this thread is relaxed on the weekend break it is still retrial only discussions. Personal discussions should move over to the Sidebar. Don't make me get my wooden spoon.

So sorry - my bad.
Ah...I had just returned from vacationing Mexico when this song was extremely popular. And I bet most of you weren't born yet, right?

Ummm.. gosh yes! ;) :peace:

As for JA mentioning the name of this song, I believe it was her way of still snarking at TA.
Has anyone heard from Tuba? Wondering if all is well with her. She hasn't posted here in weeks.

I've been quite concerned myself about this. I love her posts. I sure do hope everything's okay. :(
Gee, I think he does. And, I think he gets to cross-examine witnesses that the DT brings forward for their surrebuttal.
IMO, JM will make sure that the difference between "disorder" and "mental illness" is made very, very clear to the jury.
Where the DT has blurred distinctions, JM will bring focus.

I really admired the exchanges Dr. D had with KLN when he would try to twist the meaning of her words by paraphrasing them, and she would say no, and reiterate her point. I wonder if the jury was as put off as I was when Dr. D had to say JA "had taken without permission" the engagement ring from Travis's drawer instead of being allowed to say that JA had "stolen" it. Which, of course, underscored the fact that while Jodi may not have had an arrest record, she clearly was involved in illegal activities like theft making that mitigator less believable.

If she's this strong so early in her career, Dr. D is going to be a force to reckon with as time goes on.

Dr. Demarte's great strength is that she normalizes things - brings them back down to earth.

For instance, when Nurmi asked why Travis kept having sex with Arias if he hated her so much - implying that it made absolutely no sense at all; that she couldn't possibly have it both ways - she simply answered that he liked the sex but didn't like other things about her.

These normalizations really ring true, and go a long way to humanizing Travis - to making him just like the rest of us. Capable of liking some aspects of people more than others, not always sensible, sometimes contradictory, and most certainly not perfect. That's not wrong, it's simply human.
Oh, they are well aware of everything we do. Silly, corporate nosey ... oops, I mean, BEST COMPANY EVERH!

I'm sad it took you so long to "finally register" but I'm so glad you're here now. I love your sense of humor (or humour, just in case you're Canadian like me and a bunch of other regulars here...) :)
You know, there was a 30 min video post that this was part of. In order to put it into context, the WHOLE video needs to be viewed, not just a couple of sentences. She went on to explain that it wasn't validating the defense (the BPD line of questioning with JDM). It wasn't saying that it was a way for JA to justify what she did. The confirmation of the BPD by the prosecution will most certainly be followed by JM ascertaining for the jury that it isn't a DX that justifies the murder or is any indication that she didn't know right from wrong. BK pretty much said she is sure that JM knows what he is doing and it isn't a real problem as far as still getting the death penalty.

It is much better to have the whole conversation available before forming opinions. If nothing else, we have all seen how snippets of communication can be twisted every which way. The freaking DT has been trying to do that to TA for 2 years now. Sometimes a journalist can't just say things we want to hear if they want to be unbiased. Just like JDM is acknowledging things about TA we wish weren't true or that CMJA has a psych disorder.

JMO sorry, thought I was doing a reply with quote. I am referring to the apparent upset about a PARTIAL report of what BK video said in the update for Thursday's court.
Was just over on Court Chatter reading JA's email/letter to TA dated May 16th. Can someone pls remind me of the date of the phone sex recording. And does anyone know how/where this letter was discovered? FWIW, it has HER email address in the TO: line. So strange...Have to wonder if this was a post-murder concoction like allegedly some of her journal entries were.

I am officially creeped out by the letter. IMO, it almost reads like she is hinting at suicide in her patent passive-aggressive way. Oh how I wish she had just followed thru with those threats, sigh.

This is the same letter that I had noted JA had used TA's Word Perfect... ie. "Raising You", so she either was actually there using his pc/program to write this letter, or she was using it via remote control, imo.
He may only have appeared to be okay, not wanting to set JA off.

Totally agree Rickshaw. Some of us know it is safer to play nice when intuition tells us there is something to fear. Man, stalker victims (myself included) continually have to say and do things we absolutely resent for self-preservation reasons. Our stalkers hold us hostage while we try to carry on with our lives - fear is a constant underlying theme. Acting cordially towards them is so painfully difficult when all you really want to say is "get the HE_ _ out of my life, I wish you were dead". IMVHO, based on my own 30+ years of living this nightmare...
Speaking of evidence, perhaps it's just because I'm Canadian and therefore don't have a lot of experience with guns, but if I were on the jury, I'd like to have seen examples of just how big the weapons believed used would have been. Surely there's a range of sizes, but I don't recall seeing anything during trial that actually showed how big the gun would have been(would it have fit within her palm, been the size of her hand, etc.) as well as examples of the size of the knife it would have taken to inflict those wounds(hunting knife, one of those big chef knives, a smaller paring knife, etc.).

Many people are visual and just cannot process measurements on a piece of paper into the visual, like all the people who keep spouting about how such a small "girl" could have taken down a "man"(ie. TA wasn't the tallest man in the world, or anywhere near the heaviest and JA certainly wasn't a tiny waif, she certainly dwarfs JW.), then you add in JA's martial arts training, type of work(trays of food/drink, on her feet for hours, at least when she was busy running for those tips or after her ex bf's), etc. compared to someone who was battling his weight and basically had a desk job where the heaviest thing he commonly lifted was Naps and perhaps the trays of cookies he'd bake with his friends (not said to sound mean but TA wasn't exactly a jock).

We used this image during the guilt phase of the trial.

I placed the arrow at the depth the blade would have had to have been inserted to fatally penetrate and result in the hemmorhagic injury of the superior vena cava as Dr. Horn described in his autopsy report.


They provide a good idea of the scaling about which you make inquiry.
Funny how Jodi says Travis was so abusive to her, broke her finger, blah, blah, blah and yet even when she attacked him with a knife he did not really fight back and attack her. You would think that such an abusive man as she claimed Travis was would have put up one hell of a fight and left her with with wounds.

But no, even when he was being savagely attacked, he did not go after her. That pretty much proves that he was not at all the brutal or violent abusive man that she claimed he was.

There is an interesting Anonymous reader comment at this site regarding SOMETHING that happened at the Purple Plum after JA murdered TA. I searched around and found a WS post by Wenwe4 dated 4-9-2013 which summed up JM crossing LaV.

JM: You received info she was manipulative in her relationship with men shortly after the killing?
LaV: With what men?
JM: Any memory of your notes after JA to Yreka
LaV: Are you talking about her experience in the restaurant @ Purple Plum . . her interaction with men . .. indicated that she was

DT: objection - may we approach - you may

The DT successfully kept “whatever this was” out of the first trial; and the Purple Plum witness statement presented in this trial (through JD) was quite limited. If the commenter on Court Chatter is to be believed, the incident was NOT the “I’m new in town, show me around,” manipulation. Anybody know what this might be?

BBM - What I found after about 5-10 minutes on google, though none of this mentions Edgar or JA's goddess claim, it does provide a bit more info on that camping trip she was packing heat for:

"“On April 9th at approximately 11:33, when discussing Jodi being manipulative at the Purple Plum and what the waitress said about Jodi, when the prosecutor was marking the exhibit, you looked at Jodi, gave a half-smile and shrugged your shoulders. Why do you keep doing this?”

LaViolette said she was not aware that she had even done that.

"Sandra Nascimento is my understanding that JA was working at the Purple Plum at the time, as she went to work at the
Purple Plum after her murderous road trip...the Purple Plum is also where the two men worked that she mentions were suppose to go on the camping trip (and she couldn't remember if one of them worked there or was a customer that happened to be there all the time)...the manager, as well as other employees spoke of JA's manipulative behaviour...perhaps those from the PP (either those who work there or frequent there) have some scandalous dirt on the dirt bag...
November 25, 2013 at 8:49pm · 6

"34) Reguarding the 9mm gun you purchased on July 1, 2008. You mentioned a camping trip, who was going on the camping trip?
Two dishwashers from Purple Plum, (explains purple plum) Kalvin (explains Kalvin) Then remembers he may not have been a dishwasher, might have been a customer, was at the resturant all the time. Another guy, don't remember his name, he was very tall, explains how she knew him. Oh, and a few other people. That's all I can say about that.

35) Why were you planning on going, if you were scared?
I wasn't scared, I was just being cautious. People I knew, but wasn't well aquainted with, I would rather have it and not need it, then need it and not have it. I had seen like a new side of what a man could I wanted to be extra careful. I mean, being out there with a group of men. Umm I think maybe some women were coming too, but I don't know, at that point, I was the only "girl" on the trip.
Funny how Jodi says Travis was so abusive to her, broke her finger, blah, blah, blah and yet even when she attacked him with a knife he did not really fight back and attack her. You would think that such an abusive man as she claimed Travis was would have put up one hell of a fight and left her with with wounds.

But no, even when he was being savagely attacked, he did not go after her. That pretty much proves that he was not at all the brutal or violent abusive man that she claimed he was.

Tragically, I always picture him taken by complete surprise, suffering the fatal chest wound early on in her stabbing frenzy.

TA would have been begging for her to call for help throughout her attack, just as the especially cruel murderess wrote in her torture letter to his family.
We used this image during the guilt phase of the trial.

I placed the arrow at the depth the blade would have had to have been inserted to fatally penetrate and result in the hemmorhagic injury of the superior vena cava as Dr. Horn described in his autopsy report.

View attachment 68883

They provide a good idea of the scaling about which you make inquiry.

That knife sure looks like it would have been awkward given how little of the blade was inserted, would a regular hunting knife have done the same kind of damage and been strong enough to withstand chipping the bone as the evidence showed? That gun, holy batsnot! it's small, unless I knew for a fact it could kill the person I was going after, I surely would have opted for a knife first, though I think going for the jugular first would make more sense than trying to carve out their heart...
From your link:


I've said the very same. Thank you for posting this. :)

The only part I'd counter is his insistence that personality disordered people experienced extreme early childhood abuse and/or neglect. Most do, but certainly not all. Some with which I'm familiar were the exact opposite - entitled, spoiled, taught they were superior to others, and never held accountable or responsible for any of their actions.


BBM - I agree with you but we have to remember that it's not what we perceive as abuse, it's what the child with this disorder perceives... that's the conundrum imo. Not that any of it is an excuse for murder... but just to understand the disorder and how it gains progression a little better.

Here's part of one of the comments that explains it better than I...
"NIMH, NAMI, the Mayo Clinic, the American Psychiatric Association, and other respected authorities RE psychology and psychiatry state on their websites that the current consensus of theory is that BPD occurs due to a combination of both nature AND nurture (genes plus environment/parenting.)

They explain that its like a teeter-totter or a balancing scale: if a person is born with very few genetic vulnerabilities or no genetic vulnerabilities predisposing him/her to develop BPD, its going to take serious, chronic, frequent abuse to cause BPD to develop in that person, *IF it develops at all.*

But if a person is born with a heavy load of genetic vulnerabilities that predispose one to develop BPD, then even a mildly invalidating environment (or possibly, just the perception of an invalidating environment) will cause BPD to "blossom", so to speak.
That knife sure looks like it would have been awkward given how little of the blade was inserted, would a regular hunting knife have done the same kind of damage and been strong enough to withstand chipping the bone as the evidence showed? That gun, holy batsnot! it's small, unless I knew for a fact it could kill the person I was going after, I surely would have opted for a knife first, though I think going for the jugular first would make more sense than trying to carve out their heart...

As we know, there were many incised wounds of varying depths and lengths, including this one:

He wasn't bleeding out fast enough for JA. That's why she did go for the jugular and the carotid.
I know it's super late but I'm on Pacific time and having trouble sleeping but I wanted to post a thought about the sex tape. Is it possible Travis took the prescription sleep aid Ambien? The reason I ask is that I have been taking it occasionally for the past 6 years and one thing I know with certainty is that if you take it and don't go to sleep soon after or if you are awakened after taking it and going to sleep, you may possibly say or do things that are way out of character and you won't even remember any of it the next day. Under the influence, I have had long, nonsense conversations with my son or with my hubby. I have prepared entire meals, reorganized furniture, sent rambling emails to people (sorta like "drink and dial" but worse), cleaned my garage, trimmed my bangs, the list goes on. Even more embarrassingly, I've initiated sex with my hubby (sometimes dressing up in full seduction outfits - yet usually passing out before following thru with my propositions).

Given how sleepy Travis sounded on the tape and how he lost track of the dialog occasionally and his silly singing towards the end, I think it's quite possible he was under the influence on that recording. If this is true and JA knew that he sometimes used Ambien, then I find her scheme even more diabolical then it already is and I can easily forgive Travis for the more lurid comments he made on that tape.

Regardless, I have no doubt whatsoever that this was just one more example of the utterly cruel self-serving schemes the murderer used to annihilate trusting and naive Travis. She is just a sick, evil beyotch and I pray this jury gets it 110%. Okay, g'nite.....
As we know, there were many incised wounds of varying depths and lengths, including this one:

View attachment 68886
He wasn't bleeding out fast enough for JA. That's why she did go for the jugular and the carotid.

Yes but my question was more to do with whether that huge chef's knife would have been necessary to inflict the wounds TA received, or would the width of a smaller knife, ie. hunting, have been able to account for the size of the entry points? Was decomp too advanced so there's no way to verify or can they tell from the bone damage what kind of point and extrapolate that to the most likely kind/size of knife?
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