Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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I don't understand why people are upset over this. Isn't the key point in it true?

None of KN's so-called experts has claimed she has BPD, only DeMarte. And she is the only one who has made a lick of sense. I would say as a juror that none of the other mitigators are true, so BPD is the only one to weigh against the cruelty/depravity of the killing.

Which proves that Nurmi really agrees with Dr. D. He just can't get her to say TA made JA do it. That is why Nurmi is so cruel to Dr. D.
Funny how Jodi says Travis was so abusive to her, broke her finger, blah, blah, blah and yet even when she attacked him with a knife he did not really fight back and attack her. You would think that such an abusive man as she claimed Travis was would have put up one hell of a fight and left her with with wounds.

But no, even when he was being savagely attacked, he did not go after her. That pretty much proves that he was not at all the brutal or violent abusive man that she claimed he was.

Yes, you would think since he'd supposedly done it in the past he would have choked her unconscious. jmo
I know it's super late but I'm on Pacific time and having trouble sleeping but I wanted to post a thought about the sex tape. Is it possible Travis took the prescription sleep aid Ambien? The reason I ask is that I have been taking it occasionally for the past 6 years and one thing I know with certainty is that if you take it and don't go to sleep soon after or if you are awakened after taking it and going to sleep, you may possibly say or do things that are way out of character and you won't even remember any of it the next day. Under the influence, I have had long, nonsense conversations with my son or with my hubby. I have prepared entire meals, reorganized furniture, sent rambling emails to people (sorta like "drink and dial" but worse), cleaned my garage, trimmed my bangs, the list goes on. Even more embarrassingly, I've initiated sex with my hubby (sometimes dressing up in full seduction outfits - yet usually passing out before following thru with my propositions).

Given how sleepy Travis sounded on the tape and how he lost track of the dialog occasionally and his silly singing towards the end, I think it's quite possible he was under the influence on that recording. If this is true and JA knew that he sometimes used Ambien, then I find her scheme even more diabolical then it already is and I can easily forgive Travis for the more lurid comments he made on that tape.

Regardless, I have no doubt whatsoever that this was just one more example of the utterly cruel self-serving schemes the murderer used to annihilate trusting and naive Travis. She is just a sick, evil beyotch and I pray this jury gets it 110%. Okay, g'nite.....

Ahh! Interesting! I think Travis did indeed sound dopey and unfocused in the recording. Thanks for this post. It is certainly something to consider! :goodpost:
I know it's super late but I'm on Pacific time and having trouble sleeping but I wanted to post a thought about the sex tape. Is it possible Travis took the prescription sleep aid Ambien? The reason I ask is that I have been taking it occasionally for the past 6 years and one thing I know with certainty is that if you take it and don't go to sleep soon after or if you are awakened after taking it and going to sleep, you may possibly say or do things that are way out of character and you won't even remember any of it the next day. Under the influence, I have had long, nonsense conversations with my son or with my hubby. I have prepared entire meals, reorganized furniture, sent rambling emails to people (sorta like "drink and dial" but worse), cleaned my garage, trimmed my bangs, the list goes on. Even more embarrassingly, I've initiated sex with my hubby (sometimes dressing up in full seduction outfits - yet usually passing out before following thru with my propositions).

Given how sleepy Travis sounded on the tape and how he lost track of the dialog occasionally and his silly singing towards the end, I think it's quite possible he was under the influence on that recording. If this is true and JA knew that he sometimes used Ambien, then I find her scheme even more diabolical then it already is and I can easily forgive Travis for the more lurid comments he made on that tape.

Regardless, I have no doubt whatsoever that this was just one more example of the utterly cruel self-serving schemes the murderer used to annihilate trusting and naive Travis. She is just a sick, evil beyotch and I pray this jury gets it 110%. Okay, g'nite.....

OMG pen!! I have moderate to severe insomnia and have been this way most of my life. Over the years I have been given various sleep meds to include ambien, Seroquel and lunesta. I JUST had to stop lunesta last week because when I went to put my jacket on, in my pocket were a lighter and wrapper from cigarette pack. Apparently, I DROVE and bought cigarettes and still have no memory of it. BTW, I don't even smoke! Other meds I would cook and eat and not know it, have convos with friends and family with no memory, etc. Very very scary. I always end up being cycled back onto one of the meds because the insomnia can get bad, but this time I have told my husband I would rather never sleep again than that. I mean, I drove! Scared the heck of out me, as badly as having my husband get up in the am and find a burner going and pans all over. Glad this is anonymous, it is so embarrassing.
I don't understand why people are upset over this. Isn't the key point in it true?

None of KN's so-called experts has claimed she has BPD, only DeMarte. And she is the only one who has made a lick of sense. I would say as a juror that none of the other mitigators are true, so BPD is the only one to weigh against the cruelty/depravity of the killing.

In closing we are going to hear the DT say something like: "You heard the testimony of Dr G, an expert in his field, that confirmed the earlier testimony of other experts that JA suffered from PTSD.... You also heard the state's own witness, Dr DeMarte, testifying that Ms A suffered from BPD since childhood...."

So while for the moment he says that totdoc doesn't know what she's talking about, her BPD diagnosis is JA's only chance IMHO.

ETA: It's silly to say that it's not contentious of course, but the part about establishing a mitigator is accurate. She doesn't say it's a mitigator that is sufficient to spare JA's life, just that it establishes one for them to consider.
You just said in short order what I was going to try to say in a drawn out babbling post...LOL

IMO, Beth said it wrong....sorta. The defense is NOT turning the state's witness to their own.
When JM was questioning Dr.D, it appeared that it was kinda sorta going toward BPD. (GOTTA change that!! Always takes me to Bipolar!!) So, making the states witness a defense one...not so much, Beth!!

NOW, when KN starts with the PTSD, THEN we'll see just whose witness Dr.D is!!! She got that one locked and loaded!!

The bigger issue, IMO, isn't so much as "why" she did it (BPD)....but, WHY all the lies AFTER she did it!! Therefore, the big push to get that PTSD carp the defense is trying to prove. JA's interviews with Flores, her behavior, interviews on TV.....all have her seeming like the delusional evil liar that she is.

THAT, IMO, is what's the MOST important thing about all of this. Everyone can realize she's crazy for killing Travis...out of whatever emotion it may have been. BUT, every single word AFTER were blatant lies and covering her butt. THAT, again IMO, shows she was on a mission that day. Totally lucid. Premeditation.

The defense pushed that old "fog" and PTSD in the first trial. Dr.D is standing her ground when KN tries to twist her words. ALSO, she doesn't look like a "hired gun". She agrees when it's right. She'll clarify when it's wrong or not her testimony. IMO, gonna get good next week when KN can't get her to agree to ANYTHING about the PTSD carp!!
About the Purple Plum rumors posted some while ago elsewhere now being referred to here. Who knows who wrote them? Could have been anyone from anywhere, and most likely were written by someone who never set foot inside that restaurant.

That JM didn't use everything from the PP owner's interview isn't confirmation that damaging info wasn't allowed in. What did make it in was some of the State's most devastating evidence against JA to date in this retrial, imo.

In one fell swoop DM presented JA as sexually aggressive, manipulative, rude to anyone who didn't serve her purposes, and very very not lacking in self esteem.

As perverse as it might sound, given everything, it just bothers me to see unsubstantiated rumors spread here about pedophilia, no matter who those rumors are about.
Holy Moly, she (Jodi) was all ready found GUILTY. WTHeck?

What huge "chef's knife"? Again WTHeck? We have no clue what knife she used by facts in evidence in the first trail for which Jodi A was found GUITLY.

Are we retrying the case again, after the fact? What does any of this have to do with "mitigation"? You know .. like what we are on NOW ... I mean come on. Let's stick with with on topic for now and for this phase.

Ransom, I saw on another thread here that your brother who you were VERY close to passed away yesterday :grouphug: :grouphug:
BK is under the same impression that BPD is a mitigator. It's NOT, unless the jury decides it is. I'll bet my husband's shoes that they won't agree with BK. BK needs to get out more ...

As far as I know, Beth hasn't practiced law since 1994 or so. She became an "personality" with Court TV and quit practicing law, etc.

Actually, BK doesn't say it is a mitigator. The DEFENSE says it is a mitigator and BK is saying DM testimony backs that up. There is a difference.
Ahh! Interesting! I think Travis did indeed sound dopey and unfocused in the recording. Thanks for this post. It is certainly something to consider! :goodpost:

How do you know TA was taking Ambien?
OMG pen!! I have moderate to severe insomnia and have been this way most of my life. Over the years I have been given various sleep meds to include ambien, Seroquel and lunesta. I JUST had to stop lunesta last week because when I went to put my jacket on, in my pocket were a lighter and wrapper from cigarette pack. Apparently, I DROVE and bought cigarettes and still have no memory of it. BTW, I don't even smoke! Other meds I would cook and eat and not know it, have convos with friends and family with no memory, etc. Very very scary. I always end up being cycled back onto one of the meds because the insomnia can get bad, but this time I have told my husband I would rather never sleep again than that. I mean, I drove! Scared the heck of out me, as badly as having my husband get up in the am and find a burner going and pans all over. Glad this is anonymous, it is so embarrassing.

Don't be embarrassed, this kind of medication has this effect. I'm glad nothing really bad happened.
I know it's super late but I'm on Pacific time and having trouble sleeping but I wanted to post a thought about the sex tape. Is it possible Travis took the prescription sleep aid Ambien? The reason I ask is that I have been taking it occasionally for the past 6 years and one thing I know with certainty is that if you take it and don't go to sleep soon after or if you are awakened after taking it and going to sleep, you may possibly say or do things that are way out of character and you won't even remember any of it the next day. Under the influence, I have had long, nonsense conversations with my son or with my hubby. I have prepared entire meals, reorganized furniture, sent rambling emails to people (sorta like "drink and dial" but worse), cleaned my garage, trimmed my bangs, the list goes on. Even more embarrassingly, I've initiated sex with my hubby (sometimes dressing up in full seduction outfits - yet usually passing out before following thru with my propositions).

Given how sleepy Travis sounded on the tape and how he lost track of the dialog occasionally and his silly singing towards the end, I think it's quite possible he was under the influence on that recording. If this is true and JA knew that he sometimes used Ambien, then I find her scheme even more diabolical then it already is and I can easily forgive Travis for the more lurid comments he made on that tape.

Regardless, I have no doubt whatsoever that this was just one more example of the utterly cruel self-serving schemes the murderer used to annihilate trusting and naive Travis. She is just a sick, evil beyotch and I pray this jury gets it 110%. Okay, g'nite.....

TA's post-mortem pleural blood and gastric specimens were tested for the presence of a number of chemicals, though I don't recall the inclusion of zolpidem/Ambien or other hypnotics specifically. IIRC he tested positive for .01g% ETOH, probably attributable to decomposition and/or microbial contamination (fermentation). If he was not a chronic user, and hadn't used them after June 1, I wouldn't expect to detect them after June 4. They clear the body relatively quickly.

OTOH, if he was taking Ambien, JA would definitely have known and found some way to use it against him, either by drugging him on June 4, or basing some portion of her defense or mitigation case on the drugs' contribution to his 'abusive' nature.

Although a broad generalization, many young people are night owls. Most don't live and work in agricultural settings anymore or even in the early a.m. at all and will often be awake until all hours, sleeping in until midday. Being in sales, TA probably determined his own schedule and hours, with the exception of conference calls and meetings.

I think it's more likely that he was just loopy from being tired, thus the singing, etc. IIRC JA had journaled that she really liked it when TA sang to her. She probably gushed over this, told him it was sexy, blah, blah, blah.

Just one more manipulative ploy to sex him up, record it, and use the audio to extort him.
About the Purple Plum rumors posted some while ago elsewhere now being referred to here. Who knows who wrote them? Could have been anyone from anywhere, and most likely were written by someone who never set foot inside that restaurant.

That JM didn't use everything from the PP owner's interview isn't confirmation that damaging info wasn't allowed in. What did make it in was some of the State's most devastating evidence against JA to date in this retrial, imo.

In one fell swoop DM presented JA as sexually aggressive, manipulative, rude to anyone who didn't serve her purposes, and very very not lacking in self esteem.

As perverse as it might sound, given everything, it just bothers me to see unsubstantiated rumors spread here about pedophilia, no matter who those rumors are about.
I only found it interesting, and did qualify with "if true"......however, I have deleted my own posts about it and will not have the temerity to post again....back to lurking.
About the Purple Plum rumors posted some while ago elsewhere now being referred to here. Who knows who wrote them? Could have been anyone from anywhere, and most likely were written by someone who never set foot inside that restaurant.

That JM didn't use everything from the PP owner's interview isn't confirmation that damaging info wasn't allowed in. What did make it in was some of the State's most devastating evidence against JA to date in this retrial, imo.

In one fell swoop DM presented JA as sexually aggressive, manipulative, rude to anyone who didn't serve her purposes, and very very not lacking in self esteem.

As perverse as it might sound, given everything, it just bothers me to see unsubstantiated rumors spread here about pedophilia, no matter who those rumors are about.

Someone mentioned the past post and others just wanted to see where it came from. No big deal. No harm intended.
I only found it interesting, and did qualify with "if true"......however, I have deleted my own posts about it and will not have the temerity to post again....back to lurking.

Don't lurk. The Mods decide what is and is not appropriate to post. Don't let anyone else determine that for you. I thought is was interesting, true or not, that rumors were going around about the time after the murder. I hadn't heard that and found it interesting. thanks for the info.
Yes but my question was more to do with whether that huge chef's knife would have been necessary to inflict the wounds TA received, or would the width of a smaller knife, ie. hunting, have been able to account for the size of the entry points? Was decomp too advanced so there's no way to verify or can they tell from the bone damage what kind of point and extrapolate that to the most likely kind/size of knife?

No, Dr. Horn's autopsy report included measurements of the wounds' lengths and depths.

But without knowing the exact positioning of the bodies, weights, amount of force used, angles, etc. there is no way to derive with certainty precise length, width, blade thickness and metal composition, handle description, etc.

The knife in the picture was chosen primarily because at the required depth, it had a width similar to that of the wound which Dr. Horn described as piercing TA's superior vena cava.

JA could have used 29 knives. But I think she used one, and probably one with which she was comfortable/familiar. One like we might find in a kitchen or a bar.

A knife which might, after drawing back the head by the hair, nearly result in the decapitation of an adult human male with a single slash.

One which might result in overkill.
BBM - I just don't see where she had time to get a knife from anywhere ... taking into account the time stamps on the pics and the damage she inflicted between the shower pics and when she was captured dragging him.

We have already heard stories about JA and knives.

She brought the knife and gun with her. Probably the same sharp knife she used to slash all four of his tires. One with at least a 6 inch blade since the wound to the chest went in 5.5 inches iirc.

ITA! She would have no time to be running down to the kitchen to retrieve a knife and there was never any evidence she ran to the kitchen. She came fully prepared and had both weapons with her when she entered the bathroom.
Pic of the kitchen knife block had one missing that could have done it. She said she "may have put a knife in the dishwasher" but that was in the fog.
That little cheapo .25 jammed after the first shot, next round stuck in the ramp. She had to go get a weapon downstairs. He was in front of the mirror hacking and spraying when she started backstabbing. He turned on her and got chest stabbed. She fled down hallway, he caught up at closet entrance area and went down. He "can't feel my legs". Then she got his neck when he was down. Poor guy, damn shame, beautiful guy too.

If you have a DP you have to give it to her.

I believe the shot was first too- and exactly what you stated here is the most likely scenario.

ETA But maybe not the running to get the knife- timewise, as others have pointed out that doesn't make much sense. I bet it's not impossible though- I wonder... maybe 30 seconds roundtrip? Still, probably not enough time.
I believe the shot was first too- and exactly what you stated here is the most likely scenario.

I have never thought the head shot came first because the forensic evidence just doesn't support it.

And in that blood bath in his bathroom if she really did shoot him first the bullet casing would have blood all over it and even sprays of blood down in the bullet casing yet it was totally clean except on the bottom where it landed in his already spent blood. I think what happened when she drug him back to the bathroom is she heard his last death breaths when the last breaths of air was escaping and thought he was still alive so she shot him in the head to make sure he was dead.

There is simply no scientific way the clean bullet casing can land on a pool of blood if he wasn't already profusely bleeding. IMO.
I only found it interesting, and did qualify with "if true"......however, I have deleted my own posts about it and will not have the temerity to post again....back to lurking.

What temerity? And why flee? I'm not the hall monitor, just a very opinionated poster. :D
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