Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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So in other words it puts you in "a fog". Hmmm.... Maybe JA should have tried that defense. "I was really tired from the long drive but I could fall asleep. I saw Travis had an Ambien Rx so I took one and that's the last thing I remember until being in the car in the desert with blood all over me."

Good grief, at this late hour I could use an Ambien. What time zone are you in bsk that you're posting at 2:00 a.m. my time? Is it bedtime where you are or are you having breakfast??? My meds are keeping me wide awake tonight. Longing for sleep. Anyway, g'nite or good morning, whatever the case.
Good grief, at this late hour I could use an Ambien. What time zone are you in bsk that you're posting at 2:00 a.m. my time? Is it bedtime where you are or are you having breakfast??? My meds are keeping me wide awake tonight. Longing for sleep. Anyway, g'nite or good morning, whatever the case.

HA! It was 4am my time. Volunteering at Special Olympics all weekend and woke up earlier than planned today, though I'll be on the road by around 6am. As one of the few guys around here, that means I don't have start thinking about showering and shaving until 5:30. :)

PS You can fix your post by editing in a [ as the first character.
I know that early on I heard/saw that he had insomnia and was taking Ambien. I have searched on the Internet and not found anything except posts where others were wondering about it. I think that it was one of the Hughes or another friend of Travis that mentioned it on television.

It sure would explain the sex tapes. I listened to them twice and will never listen again! His speech pattern changes over and over and you can hear that the tape was pieced together in many places. Also, there is the fact that Neumeister only had to enhance Travis's voice.

Since we know that Travis did not drink I feel Ambien would be a good reason for slurred speech and out of character talk. The only other possibility for me is that she gave him a rufie (spelling?) aka date rape drug.

Here I am, almost 3:00 am (alas, no Ambien in the house, sigh) and a part of your post stands out to me. If you believe that the tape was pieced together, who do you think did it? Whether it was JA or the defense, either scenario leads to some interesting implications and speculations. I would love to know if the prosecution ever had the full/original copy. Further, since the Helio phone containing the recording was miracoulosly "found" long after the arrest by Aunt Sue, it's easy to speculate that it was pieced together, along the lines of the pedo letters. Wonder if good ole BN, the audio expert, ever had his hands on it. Things that make you go hmmmmm.

Not sure it matters any, but it sure is just one more thing to ponder about....
But wasn't she still DUI? it doesn't matter if it's legal or illegal if you're still under the influence and driving.

No, her lawyer got her off because she was under the influence of a legal medication, but she had a 'bad reaction' to it, and so they dropped the charges. She was very lucky.
The way read it was, and I could be wrong, was that Jodi began pursuing him, and he didnt want to be with her at first. So she pressed him, as she does, and their relationship and the house came after that.

Yet they maintained separate bedrooms. Imo they were nothing more than roommates with benefits, at least until JA put the kibosh on that to try and snag a husband, upon which DB obviously figured he might as well move back closer to his son since there was no reason to stay. As it turns out he didn't actually move out until Dec 2006, quite a bit later than what JA would have had TA, or us, believe. It also appears that her positive thinking movie, the Secret, is what lead her into all this magical thinking crapola that then made her fall for the PPL "passive income" dream of riches. As for converting to Mormonism, since that started long before she even met TA, all I can figure is she'd heard that they had wards full of young single guys that were chomping at the bit for a wife... then to meet TA who was Mormon, successful and had a good hold in PPL must've seemed like all her dreams come true.
Hi Zoey,

I'm the owner of juror13lw on Wordpress. I've had that blog for about two years. I spent all of last year blogging about Oscar Pistorius, and now I'm working on Jodi Arias. I noticed about a month ago that there was another blogger out there going by the 13th Juror (Paul). So yes, it is definitely confusing. But hopefully we each bring something interesting to the table :)

BTW, I really enjoy your posts on Twitter!

Thank you so much. GREAT WORK. So nice to meet you!! I literally have a question up on Twitter right now "Friends, help me figure out who the author of this blog is!" regarding yours . I tried to click on the title and it doesn't give your name. It really matters to give credit to the author, there is so much stealing going on on the Internet. I am so happy to now know who you are, but that you are right here , at home at Websleuths. Your explanation about BPD is brilliant. It breaks it down so well. I understand it completely now and I sure hope the jury does too. It is hard to imagine that most murderers on death row don't suffer from something. That has nothing, whatsoever to do with the high standard of not knowing right from wrong. The only question that remains then is.....does having BPD rise to the level of calling for mercy.

This is where the jury instructions are unclear. The way the state presents it is a balancing test. Do her mitigating factors, tip the scale, outweighing the cruelty of the murder. On that test.....she loses, hands down. The way the defense presents is the jury need just find ONE of the mitigating factors to be true, in fact any factor, whether it be real or imagined, one they raised now or ever before in the trial, or one they feel on their own accord. WOW. That is a wide array. In my shock I watched the foreman's interviews over and over listening closely to what he opined. He had a poor understanding of an important thing, in my opinion. He said over and over again that the jury was NOT permitted to consider the victim's impact statements, as "That was NOT evidence". I they weren't intended to consider the victim impact statements, then they WOULD NOT have been provided,in open court by the siblings. The pain just jumps off the screen 357793.png

The way she continued to torture this family with flowers and letters yells out I am NOT SORRY so loudly to me. That matters. What do you think of him saying that? When one sees ( which I know the jury cannot ) that dear MumMum ; who died literally of TRUE PTSD, unable to cope with the horror of the murder of her boy, is laid to rest right by Travis' side, just as she stood in life it is just too much to look away from. sidebyside.jpg

If I ever sit on a murder trial, I will go in with one thing in this life I know for sure. WE ARE going to consider the victim impact statements. Jodi Arias did a lot more than kill Travis that day. I hope for the sake of the hard life being on death row will bring, that the jury gets it right this time Tanisha and Steve explain hell yes they and all of the brothers and sisters want to be there the day she is put down.
Hi there. Thank you so much! I blogged about the case on Friday regarding what is up next. I mention the truth about Daryl Brewer in there. Nurmi simply had it wrong.

Another superb, link-laden post, ZoeyW, which I've bookmarked for future reference. The only fault I find with your posts is that they contain an embarrassment of riches re JA's lies and evildoing, which leads to disappointment when JM strategically chooses only a comparatively few examples to present to the jury. I wish jurors could see and hear everything, particularly on the big screen so seldom used, because any lingering doubts would surely fall under the weight of it ... but I trust JM knows best.
I don't understand why people get upset when reporters report information they don't want to hear.
These reporters are live, in that courtroom, we are not. I form my own opinion based on what I read and hear about this case. It's not about "taking sides". JMO

There's reporting information we don't want to hear and then there are reporters who write editorials and try to pass them off as news... I may not like the first but can accept it, however I have no respect for the second.
ZoeyW, your link to the vindictive letter JA wrote to Travis' employer didn't work for me. Would you please post it or describe what she said? TIA
BBM ~ I don't think JA was ever on meds. From what I understand, BPD is triggered when abandonment/isolation occurs. Since she bolted for TA towards the end of her relationship with DB, BPD was probably not triggered. JMO

Speaking of BPD, would something like have been a trigger and assuming her fears were never addressed adequately, for her, she just kept getting worse? She would have been 9 and I read they moved to Yreka when she was 12, possibly after and maybe even in response to that incident that her bro backed up about the boy with a knife. Anyway, just wondering...
Travis was taking Ambien? Where did this info come from?

Nowhere that I've seen, though some have suggested that perhaps he had tried it for his insomnia and that's how JA was able to get him to make the sex tape. From some of the stories related here on WS, if he had I'd be surprised if he hadn't driven all the way to Yreka to find his own tree... the heck with a phone call! lol
I gosh I can't jas aunt wrote this

@JustBrandee: #Jodiarias and her whole Damon family can suck it! How dare they say ***** like this!!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Yea, I couldn't believe anyone would have the nerve to post something like that... :facepalm:
I find Darrly Brewer to be a very odd strange man. Very odd.


I am so behind here but I agree wholeheartedly with this. I also have many questions about their "relationship" as well. Soemthing is very off about him.
Hi there. Thank you so much! I blogged about the case on Friday regarding what is up next. I mention the truth about Daryl Brewer in there. Nurmi simply had it wrong.

Thanks so much for your insightful, well thought out blog. Really look forward to reading your posts.

While I have no doubt that DB loves his son, he sure uses him a lot to justify his actions with CMJA.
Darryl Brewer. I agree with deedee that Brewer lied about Arias to protect his son. This makes sense to me.

Aunt Sue. I have not read about her relationship with Arias prior to the murder. In any case, she seems to be in it for the money. Oh, and to support her sister.

Arias' Mother. I think it's a combination of guilt + relief that her daughter will be spending her life behind bars + $$$ (I think she's planning on writing a book).

Maria. I don't want to be mean but there must be something wrong with her. It's bizarre to latch onto a murderess like that. Arias has never been able to sustain a non-sexual relationship/friendship for long so Maria better watch out. The mistress of manipulation will soon throw her under the bus.
I am so behind here but I agree wholeheartedly with this. I also have many questions about their "relationship" as well. Soemthing is very off about him.

I can see how he got "hooked", what older man wouldn't want a sexually alluring younger woman to play with, apparently with no strings.... However, I'm sure that didn't help his relationship with his ex-wife, I'm not sure if JA was before or during the separation, but I believe she stuck around until after the divorce hoping she would be wife #2, then found DB had no interest in marrying again.

Suddenly JA wants to become an investor in a market that was already at it's peak and convinces him to buy a house with her. No strings becomes a legal contract ... to which he runs after his ex and his son and leaves JA on her own with a mortgage neither of them could afford and while he tries to blame TA for the change in JA, I believe he's come to see that between the Secret and its "magical" thinking bs, PPL and its passive income bait, and JA's religious conversion to look for a husband were all her reaction to him rejecting her and is feeling some guilt. However, he's anti-DP and that is probably what is largely driving him to support her, though he actually has said he doesn't think she should ever be allowed out.
Boy, being away for 2 1/2 days did a lot to clear my mind of the trial and let me prepare mentally for 4 more days of trial this coming week.

I've been reading and catching up with posts since I got home yesterday. I'm glad to see that DeMarte nixed the "diagnosis" of PTSD. She was right on track when saying it is caused by one incident and that Jodi would have avoided returning to Mesa for the memorial and asking to go to Travis house.

In my case, my traumatic event occurred 15 years ago. After the event, other related events made it even worse. I couldn't leave my house and stopped answering the phone. I went into therapy for 7 years to understand what was happening with me.

I have a loving DH who saw that I wasn't doing well and we decided to move 60 miles away from where the event occurred. I've pretty much put it past me and have forgiven the person who caused the event. Even so, I am still somewhat housebound and have panic attacks when I even pass by the town where the event occurred. Discussion of PTSD brings it all back to me. I literally re-live the experience and the emotions I had then.

At least I understand the phenomena and manage to have a good life. I travel widely and enjoy every moment of it. I have good friends and a loving family. I do have to admit, though, that I always love returning to my warm cocoon of a home to follow trials and read Websleuths.

If Jodi just had PTSD, I believe she would never have put on the defense she did. She's forced this trial to go long and large, belittling Travis and putting her in the presence of his family every day in court.

DeMarte has it right. She has BPD to the max. She fits almost every guideline to a T. She has more than enough ticks on the symptoms than are necessary for a diagnosis. While she may still be technically mentally ill, I do not see BPD to be a mitigating factor. It's clear that she had no compunction about committing a horrible murder. If it happened once, it could happen again, with no feelings of guilt on her part.
Some people have more than one twitter account.

Justus Forusall on Facebook is a community page. It may have multiple administrators, though I doubt she is one.

MDLR projects herself as a celebrity. If there's a picture/avatar her face and, er, assets are going to be in it.

MDLR enjoys her own likeness. Scales are not 'Cha-Cha' enough for her.

Moreover, as the mitigation specialist, she doesn't have to vie for a seat in the courtroom. She's allowed to be within sweet-nothings whispering distance of the murderess.

Thus, it would make little sense for her to think that, like the public, she might not get a seat if she doesn't hurry back into the courtroom.

Ergo, I maintain that she is not Justus Forusall and therefore did not post this:

Justus Forusall.JPG
Yet they maintained separate bedrooms. Imo they were nothing more than roommates with benefits, at least until JA put the kibosh on that to try and snag a husband, upon which DB obviously figured he might as well move back closer to his son since there was no reason to stay. As it turns out he didn't actually move out until Dec 2006, quite a bit later than what JA would have had TA, or us, believe. It also appears that her positive thinking movie, the Secret, is what lead her into all this magical thinking crapola that then made her fall for the PPL "passive income" dream of riches. As for converting to Mormonism, since that started long before she even met TA, all I can figure is she'd heard that they had wards full of young single guys that were chomping at the bit for a wife... then to meet TA who was Mormon, successful and had a good hold in PPL must've seemed like all her dreams come true.

Not that it matters in this phase, probably, but I wonder exactly WHEN DB told JA he planned on moving back to Monterrey. That could be what triggered her pursuing a new relationship and TA became the focus. JA did have a history of moving directly from one relationship to another. Interesting to me. Also, this is neither here nor there, but as far as JA and DB having separate bedrooms, I think I assumed that they had separate rooms for the occasions his son would be there. DB would probably not want to expose his son to them sleeping together unmarried. He did seem protective of his young son. Until my 2d husband and I knew we were going to get married, my kids never even saw us do more than hold hands, never mind see us in bed together.
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