Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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I'm afraid to post this morning... The Lamb has been known to slam the door in my face more than once :giggle:
And no offence Lambchop, but I have always thought your Lamb pic jumping rope was an owl! I just recently noticed it was not an owl at all....

Did anyone else notice that TA didn't have any money problems at all until JA moved to Az. with out a job? He had a huge heart, and helped out by letting her clean his house for extra money. She "borrowed" money from him constantly.... With all her evilness, he was unfortunately supporting her and himself. She caused him to have money problems. Just paying all his bills and JA constantly asking/begging/stealing money, he began to have trouble with his finances. He didn't sign up for that.

This is what riles me up, Dmacky. Travis was very generous and went out of his way to help Arias. Arias even praised him for his generosity. And, now, because of her thirst for revenge Travis was the bad guy, the user, the abuser, the one that attacked her. And, we have people saying 'oh yeah, Travis did not deserve to die but he was a jerk.' Really? She used and manipulated him, stole from him, stalked him and he was still nice to her. In fact, I'm amazed at his good heart and patience. I disagree that Travis occasionally crossed the line. No, he did not. The May 2008 text messages have to be seen in context. He was completely overwhelmed and exhausted. We would have changed our locks and called the cops. He sent her some angry text messages but cooled off enough to let her stay with him on June 3, 2008. Such a naïve but good boy.
I'm afraid to post this morning... The Lamb has been known to slam the door in my face more than once :giggle:
And no offence Lambchop, but I have always thought your Lamb pic jumping rope was an owl! I just recently noticed it was not an owl at all....

Did anyone else notice that TA didn't have any money problems at all until JA moved to Az. with out a job? He had a huge heart, and helped out by letting her clean his house for extra money. She "borrowed" money from him constantly.... With all her evilness, he was unfortunately supporting her and himself. She caused him to have money problems. Just paying all his bills and JA constantly asking/begging/stealing money, he began to have trouble with his finances. He didn't sign up for that.

Which is what she did to DB as well. As I have said before, JA is a parasite that sucks everything from the "host" until they have nothing left to give. Travis wasn't bankrupt, still had his nice car, still had his standing in the church and PPL, still had his friends, still had women interested in him. JA wasn't done with him yet so how dare he break things off with her until there was nothing useful left in him.

This is what riles me up, Dmacky. Travis was very generous and went out of his way to help Arias. Arias even praised him for his generosity. And, now, because of her thirst for revenge Travis was the bad guy, the user, the abuser, the one that attacked her. And, we have people saying 'oh yeah, Travis did not deserve to die but he was a jerk.' Really? She used and manipulated him, stole from him, stalked him and he was still nice to her. In fact, I'm amazed at his good heart and patience. I disagree that Travis occasionally crossed the line. No, he did not. The May 2008 text messages have to be seen in context. He was completely overwhelmed and exhausted. We would have changed our locks and called the cops. He sent her some angry text messages but cooled off enough to let her stay with him on June 3, 2008. Such a naïve but good boy.

I agree with you 100% Rose.
Here's the thing with JA's parents. We know some of the things that JA was up to while living at home. For example: hitting brother with baseball bat, growing pot, talking back to/hitting mom, doing very poorly in school, etc. Those things are the minor things. We have not heard everything that the family went through with her. For all we know she could have done some really horrible things to the point that her parents were afraid to even go to sleep for fear of what she might do if they did. Parents, while loving their children, are only human and can only take so much. When you have one bad seed and 3 other children at home, do you let the bad seed run the show and decide that the safety of the other 3 don't matter as much? Or do you breathe a huge sigh of relief when that bad seed decides to remove herself from the home, your life and your other 3 children's lives?

I do not for one minute blame her parents for not going after her when she left home. JA is a person that is uncontrollable. JA is a person that will harm anyone and everyone that does something "against" her. Even though I disagree with how her parents have dealt with JA since she brutally murdered Travis, I can not and will not find fault in them for the way the let her stay gone when she was younger without going after her and demanding she return home.


I agree. Look at how much she believed Travis owed her after only knowing him a few months (she meets him in September and by Nov/Dec is complaining to the Hughes' and Abe that he won't commit to her??). Can you imagine what she believed her parents owed her?
Since the mention of the engagement ring has surfaced, I wonder if Travis let her in because she said she was returning his ring along with bringing him a check for the car? jmo
It wouldn't surprise me if JA was living out of her car much of her time in Mesa, and showering at the truck stop facilities. Why pay rent when she spent most of her waking hours staking out/following TA?

Remember that when she moved to Mesa that she rented a room from another Mormon girl for three weeks? I think she got kicked out for not paying!

I also believe she retaliated against the girl by making up the story that she and her boyfriend had been married in Vegas the weekend before. She was determined to pay back everyone that hurt her while she still had a chance.
Lambie, I don't believe that Travis let her in at all that night. I truly believe that he was sound asleep and she let herself in instead. I also believe that before she went upstairs to "surprise" him she was on his computer doing whatever it was she needed to do to see what he had been up to.

I really think she just wrote that for Travis to "accidently" read. I think she was trying to make him jealous. He apparently had other plans that Fri.night, and she couldn't stand it. She said she took her journal everywhere she went.

I'm sure TA was her intended audience for most her journal entries. It must have made her furious every time she put her journal on his desk, open to the page she wanted him to read, and all he did was close it and set it aside. Because he wouldn't dream of invading her privacy.

How dare he invalidate her attempt to manipulate him!
I'm sure TA was her intended audience for most her journal entries. It must have made her furious every time she put her journal on his desk, open to the page she wanted him to read, and all he did was close it and set it aside. Because he wouldn't dream of invading her privacy. How dare he!

I hope Juan reads out Travis' own words during closing. "You are paranoid because you have no respect for people privacy and you dare insult me of all people. Someone you should through your actions you hate more than love by denying me a human right of privacy countless times. You have a lot of freaking nerve. We are all not like you in that aspect."
Here's the thing with JA's parents. We know some of the things that JA was up to while living at home. For example: hitting brother with baseball bat, growing pot, talking back to/hitting mom, doing very poorly in school, etc. Those things are the minor things. We have not heard everything that the family went through with her. For all we know she could have done some really horrible things to the point that her parents were afraid to even go to sleep for fear of what she might do if they did. Parents, while loving their children, are only human and can only take so much. When you have one bad seed and 3 other children at home, do you let the bad seed run the show and decide that the safety of the other 3 don't matter as much? Or do you breathe a huge sigh of relief when that bad seed decides to remove herself from the home, your life and your other 3 children's lives?

I do not for one minute blame her parents for not going after her when she left home. JA is a person that is uncontrollable. JA is a person that will harm anyone and everyone that does something "against" her. Even though I disagree with how her parents have dealt with JA since she brutally murdered Travis, I can not and will not find fault in them for the way the let her stay gone when she was younger without going after her and demanding she return home.


Yes, it had to be as bad as you describe for them not to go after her and get her back in school. It scares me to imagine what else she has done that only her family know. Her pop sounded thoroughly detached when he was interviewed by Steve Flores,as if he had given up long long ago. There is no value in me comparing what my husband and my family would have done; because, the only similarity between Jodi Arias and our beautiful children is that they are female.

It came out in Dr. Demarte's testimony Friday that Jodi has a new claim that she was either assaulted or molested at a tender age, although she did not name the person who allegedly did this. I think Jodi wants the jury to infer it was her dad and her mom new and turned a blind eye. There is a psychologist on the jury, and judging just by their questions, some very smart folks who are not buying what Jodi Arias is selling.

I believe that the Travis had it coming defense has failed miserably and we now have a better chance than ever before of her getting the death penalty. She will die in prison. The day she is put down is the only question. What was pressing to me was that Travis' name be cleared once and for all. Through Juan Martinez and Travis' friends who were interviewed by Dr. Demarte, we have done that.

Nurmi may as well be howling at the moon now. The jury has their hearts and minds clear. I believe that and a certain calm envelopes me.
Since the mention of the engagement ring has surfaced, I wonder if Travis let her in because she said she was returning his ring along with bringing him a check for the car? jmo

I do wonder about the ring. The text from him asking about it was 3-18-08
Her journal of 3-19 says she fell asleep with Travis in the love sac watching The Sopranos
I do wonder about the ring. The text from him asking about it was 3-18-08
Her journal of 3-19 says she fell asleep with Travis in the love sac watching The Sopranos

More than likely it was another female that fell asleep with Travis while watching the Sopranos and JA simply took that as her own story. JA lies so much about so many things that one needs a dump truck of salt when reading/listening to anything she claims that happened.

Rose...have you read her journals? She wrote one of her finest efforts relating to marriage in the summer of 2007, IIRC.

She explains in the journal that she's found a piece of paper with what she wrote about her dream wedding, dated early 2006. And that she wants to throw that piece of paper away, so first she's going to copy down every word of it in her journal, then throw the paper away.

In very small and neat handwriting (unusual for her journal) she goes on and on and on describing a conventional wedding fantasy. She concludes with....but I'm willing to sacrifice all that to have a Temple wedding!

"NO MATTER!" about the dream wedding she's sacrificing, just for Travis. Who at the time was beginning to date Lisa.
Couldn't remember for certain how many times Detectives Flores and Blaney tried to get JA to play the remorse card.

Remorse, remorseful... nearly a dozen times they hammered it during the interrogations.

Arias never bit.

Oh sure, she said. She would be more than remorseful if she killed him, but since she didn't kill him...

Reminds me of her rationale about Levi lovin' Ryan Burns and trying to hook up with the guy on the flight home from TA's memorial service. I mean why not? After all, she was single, wasn't she?

In those interrogations she even went to the double negative well once: "It’s not that I’m not remorseful that he died."

I used to think that the cruelty of the torture slaughter in all its butchery would secure her the death penalty.

But now I'm convinced that her consistent steadfast lack of remorse, her inability even to fake it convincingly, may be the determinant which sways any reluctant jurors over the sentencing line separating LWOP and the DP.

BBM. I think a lot of what the detectives were trying to do at this stage was to get Jodi to say anything that could be seen as a confession. They had all the evidence they needed, but she was still denying that she murdered Travis. Was she sorry she killed him? Would she please tell them why she did it because they needed that information for the judge, for the Alexanders, for her parents who were worried about her? Was it just a situation that got out of control? If she didn't understand why she did it, could she at least tell them what led up to it? Did she realize they had enough evidence to convict her without a confession, and did she understand judges and juries can be very harsh with convicted murderers who neither admit to the crime nor express remorse?

But she refuses to say anything that could be construed as a confession. I think she does tell Detective Flores on the second day that she feels responsible for Travis' death -- not because she killed him, but because she should have fought off the ninjas. Oh, she also told him on the first day that she felt responsible, because if she had gone to visit Travis like he'd been begging her to :rolleyes: (she was still maintaining she was never there), maybe they would have been out doing something or she could have helped fend off whoever it was who actually had killed him.

Yes, she does say she'd be more than remorseful if she'd killed him, she would beg for the death penalty, etc, etc, but she didn't kill him... I honestly don't know what she thought such statements would accomplish. Maybe Detective Flores would think "Boy she's really serious, she would be more than remorseful and she would beg for the death penalty... so I guess she really didn't kill him."

Anyway... none of this is really my point. The main thing I want to say is that Jodi doesn't seem to realize that "remorse" applies to actions, not events. And yet as we all know she's an expert editor and all-around wordsmith.

There is just no end to the things that infuriate me about her. Maybe I need to get a life...

I think she hasn't expressed the slightest bit of remorse, and never will, because:
• she truly feels no remorse
• she knows her attitude and behavior since the murder are causing the Alexanders even more pain, and she loves having this power over them
• expressing remorse would also mean taking responsibility -- but Travis deserved to die, none of this is her fault
• she knows she'll be spending the rest of her life in prison, whether she gets the death penalty or LWOP, and she's going to do her absolute damnedest to cause as much trouble, pain, heartache, and expense to as many people as possible, for as long as possible. That's all she has left.
Court today 9FEB2015? What time? Who is expected to testify?
Since the mention of the engagement ring has surfaced, I wonder if Travis let her in because she said she was returning his ring along with bringing him a check for the car? jmo

Travis' girlfriend who he once hoped to marry was interviewed and she tells of a sweet, lovely man. Here is what she told Nancy Grace when she was asked about the vile lies #Jodi Arias was telling in the courtroom.

BOSS: I don`t believe any of that, either. I think that Jodi has told a lot of lies. And I -- the Travis that I knew was kind and loving and he never abused me. And he, in fact, treated me very kindly. He was always doing nice things for me, like, he gave me flowers.

GRACE: Is this true...

BOSS: Sometimes he would pick flowers for me.

GRACE: ... He wrote you a poem? Do you have that with you? Do you mind reading it for us?

BOSS: Yes, he wrote this poem. This was right after we -- we started to break up, but we were still dating on and off. So he wrote me a poem called "All the Best," and here it is.

"Although we are uncertain as to what you and I will be, I wish you all the best, and through time I guess we`ll see. Although we don`t know what tomorrow brings, of our future we are unaware, I wish you all the best even if tomorrow I am not there. May your life be filled with happiness and may all of your dreams come true. May your heart never be left -- never feel sorrow and may your countenance never be blue."

"May all of your goals be accomplished, in all that you do, you succeed. May your heart never be left wanting and your soul never left in need. May the strength of the Lord be with you, and the holy ghost always be near. May his love burn from within you and radiate to all you hold dear. Why? Because you deserve it. All this and much more too. I wish you all the best, and only all the best will do."

"This is the life that I know you will have. I am certain. I know that you can. This is the life that I pray for me, and so I will finish as I have began. Although we are uncertain as to what you and I will be, I wish you all the best and hope all the best is me."

Linda Ballard- Boss
Not sure of the time, but yes there is court today and Dr Demarte is still being cross examined by Nurmi.
Rose...have you read her journals? She wrote one of finest efforts relating to marriage in the summer of 2007, IIRC.

She explains in the journal that she's found a piece of paper with what she wrote about her dream wedding, dated early 2006. And that she wants to throw that piece of paper away, so first she's going to copy down every word of it in her journal, then throw the paper away.

In very small and neat handwriting (unusual for her journal) she goes on and on and on describing a conventional wedding fantasy. She concludes with....but I'm willing to sacrifice all that to have a Temple wedding!

"NO MATTER!" about the dream wedding she's sacrificing, just for Travis. Who at the time was beginning to date Lisa.

I haven't read this bit. Perhaps I should. :scared:
More than likely it was another female that fell asleep with Travis while watching the Sopranos and JA simply took that as her own story. JA lies so much about so many things that one needs a dump truck of salt when reading/listening to anything she claims that happened.


I think the first week of March was when she just happened to fall asleep after cleaning the house and was there when he and MiMi returned from their date
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