Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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So are you saying she shot first then? I would agree that's the only way that makes sense to me. Time to run downstairs and grab a knife? I think yes. Otherwise she would have a knife a gun and a camera in hand all at once. That expression on his face is so enigmatic. I always thought she had a gun on him then.

Revenge killers can rarely resist facing their victims and talking.

Just wondered:
11 1/2 hours Redding to Lodi?
Try maybe 3. What was she doing?

She wouldn't need to be holding the gun, camera and knife all at once.

She could have been taking pictures with the knife and gun close by, or held behind her back. Then, drops the camera and attacks.
Who is this?

Well, whoever it is, they are not very articulate! This stood out to me:

You have further alleged my client has committed criminal acts on behave of her client, Ms. Arias.

They need a proof reader, whoever it may be. It should have been on BEHALF of her client.
I'll try to answer your questions, PenElaine.

1.) Mom or Sister (not the "stupid" one)
2.) She lied. Probably said she was running for her life, from an abuser. Imo the beginning of self defense is the Jodi defense.
3.) Nah, but I'm sure they paid and didn't know till later. Via cc, hence why Mom is mum.
4.) Because she could tie them to her Murder Trip. And then blackmail them to testify for her.
5.) I have no idea. Maybe they found all they needed?
6.) Because Jodi may have stolen a cc to pay for the rental and/or gun and threatened her to keep quiet
7.) The 5 men didn't exist. Twas another murder mission
8.) To kill Deanna, Mimi, insert anyone close to Travis
9.) Eh. After all the other things Teh Gawdezz haz done, I'm not surprised. I'm relieved she's putting a glove on it.
10.) Because The Nurm likes to strike everything and what I've said is speculation based on things I've read via twitter trial, watching trial 1, BK's site, and Dr D- the best doctor ever.
One of the (zillion) things I wish could be 'splained is this:

Yreka LE was surveilling (word?) her the night before she was arrested. It was reported that they saw her sitting in a car in grandparents' driveway having a lengthy conversation with another female. Next morning, there is a rental car at the house, loaded up with her stuff (including gun ammo and (hidden) knives.

It is her birthday IIRC.

1) is Mom the other female?
2) is JA explaining to other female she needs to run? (Did she confess to the murder or just say she has to escape due to mounting rumors and suspicion?) Shades of Scott Peterson and OJ....
3) Does Mom/Dad rent car for her (Happy Birthday Jodi!!! Here's our gift for you!)
4) why are "Matt's books" and "Daryl's kitchen items" in the car?
5) How is it EVEN POSSIBLE that LE didn't search that car from top to bottom after they found GUN AMMO AND KNIVES?
6) Why did Mom a) know there was a gun that should have been found? And, more incredulously b) ask LE about it some time later??
8) Why was the gun TAPED TO THE ENGINE BLOCK if JA was simply taking it with her on a camping trip WITH FIVE MEN? (none of whom were friends of hers apparently)
8) Where was JA really going, armed and in the stealth of daybreak?
9) OMG, she packed CONDOMS?
10) Why hasn't any of this been introduced in court? My Lawd, if ever there was evidence of, say, A CRAPLOAD OF THINGS!, one would think any or all of the above would be...

Okay, rant over. For the record, Canadians have 50 different words to say "sorry" and I'm offering them all up here. To all of you for patiently dealing with my pharmaceutically-induced posts this weekend AND most importantly, to the Alexander family for the unspeakable horror they have had to endure.

Excellent questions. You don't need to apologize as your posts are fine and very intuitive.

I would really like to know more too about that gun in the car when she was arrested.

And also whether she was even going camping with strangers. I am wondering if she just told the cops that and she was really getting ready to head to Mexico or Canada (your lucky they caught her or you may have had an illegal alien living up there :) LOL)

I have a hard time believing that she did not tell 1 person about what she did. I am not sure if she told her parents but may have said something like "I did something terrible and need to leave for awhile". That may have been enough to convince her Mom to give her some money because I am sure she needed to beg for money before she was getting ready to escape somewhere.

I also wonder if she actually confessed to her closest old boyfriends like MM.

As far as the condoms, I really suspect JA was hooking for money at some point in her life, so I wonder if she was going to go back to her old employment of being a hooker.

I wonder if she was the type that whenever she needed some quick cash, she would just load up the condoms and head to the nearest truck stop OR get setup in a seedy motel in a seedy part of a major city like Las Vegas or somewhere like that.

She was just way too experienced sexually and she seemed to be the 1 being the sexual aggressor. Some of the stories and her behavior just point to her being in the sex trade at some point in her life. Whether it was just "dabbling" in it or much more severe is anyones guess.

Anyway, all JMO of course. Thanks for your post which provided a great jumping off point to discuss the day she got arrested. Good job LE.

Oh, and the reason why I think LE missed it is I bet she duct taped it really good underneat the engine block where you could not even see it when opening the hood. I bet you had to crawl underneat the engine and then you may have seen it taped underneath the engine somewhere. All she would have had to do is just wrap it around in circles onto something strong like a large hose or metal bar of some sort.
I was watching Samantha's impact statement today from the first trial and I noticed something she said and I don't know why it never stuck with me before now.

Anyway, she said that Travis came to see her in CA two weeks before he was murdered.

That had to ticked Arias off when she heard it. He had gone to CA but he did NOT go see her.

Before I say what I'm about to say, please understand that I despise CMJA, and I have no doubt she would be pizzed at any perceived slight by anyone, esp Travis. However, Iirc, Sam lived in Del Mar or Solona Beach which are in the southernmost part of California, slightly north of San Diego and hundreds of miles from Yreka, which is close to the Oregon border.

It does please me to think it would irk her that "gosh, Travis, you were in California and you couldn't bother to stop by and see me..."

Ducking tomatoes now...
Ooh it bugs me to no end that she concocted that confection about receiving those moldy, well, confections.
I've always thought she was a cheapskate, so it wouldn't surprise me if she may have purchased post-holiday clearance candies (full disclosure: I myself do this, because why not?).

However, IIRC, there was some VD correspondence between them with a) no mention of the gifts and b) no Happy VD wishes from TA to JA.

Spiderman = web. The irony is rich.

Ps. Last night on painkillers. Apologies to all for my verbosity and frequent posts these past three days. Back to semi-lurk mode and vast enjoyment reading all of your brilliant, oft hilarious posts. Praying that we have another great week of testimony. Thanks everyone :)

I must say you've been delightful and have given me a few giggles! I'm gonna miss those meds lol! ;-)
We now have this:Cha Cha De La Rosa ‏@ChaChaDeLaHOsa 53m53 minutes ago

My attorney issued a C & D to @bychristinebswk .... How convenient is it that an attorney can help you get cu*** and di***!

and this:mad:juanstie @CJTThumper @ChaChaDeLaHOsa @bychristinebswk Her lawyer is in same building as Dorian Bond @ RaynakLawCtr

I find it interesting that her hired PI's name keeps popping up at this late stage of the game! And how convenient this lawyer is in the same bldg as Arias' HIRED PI, Dorian Bond.
I live near the mountains in East Tennessee and with all our hiking trails and lakes and rivers and the Smoky Mountains, I agree with you 125%. You carry as little as possible when going camping! Just necessities, like the tent, food, water, are enough to lug around. And just think, when she was arrested, she had planned on going on yet another camping trip...with 6 men! I guess each of those 6 would have had their equipment plus a lot of her stuff to haul on their backs. All she would have kept with her was those knives and the 9 mm pistol. (Well, maybe the case of condoms too.)

I thought Jodi's camping backpack full of makeup and STD prevention and a blow dryer and then her hissy fit to go with it was LMAO funny. Yes, you're right: as light-weight as possible through East Tennessee. No change of clothes for me, no deodorant either, definitely no knife, not much of anything. There are no latrines in that state that I saw (except occasionally in national park) and frequently no underbrush, though, which was much more problematic than stinky gear, maybe even rivaling Jodi's cell-life exposure (to revert deftly now to the topic at hand). dare he? It's only an extra 700 miles one way from Carlsbad, CA to Yreka.

Thanks Tex you are correct about Carlsbad. My bad and my apologies for my last post re Solana Beach/Del Mar. How dare he, indeed!
I live near the mountains in East Tennessee and with all our hiking trails and lakes and rivers and the Smoky Mountains, I agree with you 125%. You carry as little as possible when going camping! Just necessities, like the tent, food, water, are enough to lug around. And just think, when she was arrested, she had planned on going on yet another camping trip...with 6 men! I guess each of those 6 would have had their equipment plus a lot of her stuff to haul on their backs. All she would have kept with her was those knives and the 9 mm pistol. (Well, maybe the case of condoms too.)

I have always been curious as to who these alleged six men were ? I would truly love to hear from them if they even exist .
But, if she told him she had gotten an abortion, that would be the worst thing anyone could do to him. Other than murder, of course.

You mean given that he was a Mormon? That would be a catastrophe especially for a Mormon? Because he loved kids? Because that would make him ineligible for marriage?

I hadn't thought of Jodi claiming she'd had an abortion. That would certainly explain a lot.
Yes, .25's are quite small, and given Arias has fairly large hands for a female, it's probably a pretty comparable pic of how it fit in her hand.

P.S. A belated Welcome a-board!

Thank you, geevee, and thanks to the others who have welcomed me. This is a good site and its seems the people are well informed. I'm trying to catch up and still like a few more pages. I'm determined to catch up BEFORE tomorrow when court resumes. Then, when the day ends, I plan on coming here to see if I missed any thing.
Shrug. I'd bring some makeup. Like concealer and a tinted moisturizer with spf in it. Then again, I'm of the I will not voluntarily go without electricity nor plumbing mindset. Is there a hot tub? A nice cabin? Wi fi? Then I'll think about it. Plus, regarding the "15 lbs" of makeup, men exaggerate anything girly or girl related. It could have been two makeup bags or hair stuff, whatever and he said that. If she wore or owned 15 lbs of makeup , she didn't know how to apply it. She looks like she does basic eyeliner, blush, foundation, and lipstick. That can be done in 20 min. Maybe if she'd upped her game, then she'd have had better luck ;)

I getcha, I would as well... and a few tiny things of mascara, lipstick, or foundation wouldn't have weighed more than a few ounces, basically nothing. She must have had huge bottles of shampoo and conditioner, body lotion, bath gel, shaving cream, I can't even imagine, LOL.
I'm betting JA's version of her relationships with DB, BJ, and MM is all a lie and that she was BPD-ish the whole time. We just haven't heard their side.

I don't believe BPD ebbs and flows. It is a personality disorder, pretty much "hardwired". I imagine some of the symptoms ebb and flow, e.g. the mood swings. And some symptoms can be mitigated with medication (again, the mood swings), but you can't medicate down the BPD.

The therapy aspect of BPD treatment is worked like a 12-step program by the BPD-er. They have to be on themselves all the time to nip their behavior in the bud and prevent relapses. In other words, they aren't treating or ameliorating their BPD, they're noticing and managing their urges.

Yet we have heard their side through Dr. DeMarte's testimony. It was refreshing to see it finally come out, i.e., her manipulative, needy, whiny, fear of abandonment, and stalking behaviors, aka as BPD symptoms. At least so I thought. Am I wrong ?
I have never thought the head shot came first because the forensic evidence just doesn't support it.

And in that blood bath in his bathroom if she really did shoot him first the bullet casing would have blood all over it and even sprays of blood down in the bullet casing yet it was totally clean except on the bottom where it landed in his already spent blood. I think what happened when she drug him back to the bathroom is she heard his last death breaths when the last breaths of air was escaping and thought he was still alive so she shot him in the head to make sure he was dead.

There is simply no scientific way the clean bullet casing can land on a pool of blood if he wasn't already profusely bleeding. IMO.

I have though of this over and over and over. Was convinced the shot was first for the longest. I really believed her plan was to stab him though, because that is just how demented and evil she is, that is how she wanted him to die. Perhaps she really did envision herself as the "Psycho" Norman Bates (sorry Norman :/) . So maybe she stabbed him, then shot him because the stabbing didn't initially incapacitate him as much as she thought and he was still fighting her able to defend himself. This would have been before he was able to try to escape out of the bathroom, but before he got away and to the end of the hall.
I have just never been able to wrap my head around the shot being the very last thing she did. For one thing, he had already been almost decapitated then she dragged him back to the bathroom. There is no way she could have believed he was alive at that point. I truly believe she had the gun for one reason, as a back up. JMO
Jodi Moves To Palm Desert, California

May, 2005
Together, Darryl and Jodi buy a house in Palm Desert, California (about 100 miles east of L.A). They agree to split all the costs 50/50. At the time they purchase the house, Brewer is living off his savings and seeking employment. Jodi works at California Pizza Kitchen.

Jodi’s parents Bill and Sandy ask if they can make the trip down and visit, see Jodi’s new home. Her father Bill Arias recalls Jodi as saying, “Where you going to stay? I don’t want you staying here, snooping through our stuff…”

That was then, but now she wants them. So they can feed money into her account at the jail. That's her pattern, to use anyone, and then toss them in the trash like a used paper plate.
I have though of this over and over and over. Was convinced the shot was first for the longest. I really believed her plan was to stab him though, because that is just how demented and evil she is, that is how she wanted him to die. Perhaps she really did envision herself as the "Psycho" Norman Bates (sorry Norman :/) . So maybe she stabbed him, then shot him because the stabbing didn't initially incapacitate him as much as she thought and he was still fighting her able to defend himself. This would have been before he was able to try to escape out of the bathroom, but before he got away and to the end of the hall.
I have just never been able to wrap my head around the shot being the very last thing she did. For one thing, he had already been almost decapitated then she dragged him back to the bathroom. There is no way she could have believed he was alive at that point. I truly believe she had the gun for one reason, as a back up. JMO

So you really think she planned to overpower him and take him down with a knife? Flores i'view she says she would shoot and keep shooting til dead. That was supposed to help convince Flores it couldn't have been her. I think she tried to do just that and the gun jammed. Why else would she have only fired once? On the stand she said she disagreed w/ JM's sequence of events. Had to be such a know it all, she almost told us the whole thing. I think that was true.

I don't see anyone willingly sitting nude on a shower drain either. I see a lot of emotion in that expression - the big pic of his face. Enigmatic, different from other portraits of him.
She was surprised as well, when her initial thrusts didn't cause him to slump over onto the floor of the shower as she had visualized.

He was moving as she was stabbing, make no mistake.

Look at the defensive wounds on his hands, arms, legs, and feet.

Yes, and I know you don't agree, but I believe that this is when she shot him.When she realized her stabbing wasn't disabling him as she believed it would. NOT after she slashed his throat , dragged him back to the bathroom, and he was already very much obviously dead. :(
God, I hate thinking about all this. I seriously had a nightmare about it the other night. :cry:
Excellent questions. You don't need to apologize as your posts are fine and very intuitive.

I would really like to know more too about that gun in the car when she was arrested.

And also whether she was even going camping with strangers. I am wondering if she just told the cops that and she was really getting ready to head to Mexico or Canada (your lucky they caught her or you may have had an illegal alien living up there :) LOL)

I have a hard time believing that she did not tell 1 person about what she did. I am not sure if she told her parents but may have said something like "I did something terrible and need to leave for awhile". That may have been enough to convince her Mom to give her some money because I am sure she needed to beg for money before she was getting ready to escape somewhere.

I also wonder if she actually confessed to her closest old boyfriends like MM.

As far as the condoms, I really suspect JA was hooking for money at some point in her life, so I wonder if she was going to go back to her old employment of being a hooker.

I wonder if she was the type that whenever she needed some quick cash, she would just load up the condoms and head to the nearest truck stop OR get setup in a seedy motel in a seedy part of a major city like Las Vegas or somewhere like that.

She was just way too experienced sexually and she seemed to be the 1 being the sexual aggressor. Some of the stories and her behavior just point to her being in the sex trade at some point in her life. Whether it was just "dabbling" in it or much more severe is anyones guess.

Anyway, all JMO of course. Thanks for your post which provided a great jumping off point to discuss the day she got arrested. Good job LE.

Oh, and the reason why I think LE missed it is I bet she duct taped it really good underneat the engine block where you could not even see it when opening the hood. I bet you had to crawl underneat the engine and then you may have seen it taped underneath the engine somewhere. All she would have had to do is just wrap it around in circles onto something strong like a large hose or metal bar of some sort.

Thanks Hatfield. Seems you've pondered some of my thoughts too, and your theories align with many of mine..

I have been vocal on this forum about the possibility of her plying the "escort" business for $$$. I feel from all we've heard about her demonstrative sexuality, this past week's revelation of her "Goddess" complex, combined with Gus Searcy' s "gift" of a new cell phone, the $$$ given to her by her internet cafe pal Paul and her two cash deposits to her WaMu bank account in Monterey the day after spending the night with Matt and his friend, there is compelling evidence that she didn't share her "gifts" for free.

I have lived in "Sin City" for 23 years and a pretty, overtly sexual creature like CMJA doesn't even need to visit the seedier parts of this town to make a buck - hanging out at a bar or nightclub is pretty much all it takes to engage frat boys or conventioneer nerds to hook up.

Your post addresses several other of my many questions and I truly appreciate your responses, but I'm afraid to hijack this forum with this discussion. As a bit of a novice to this type of cyber-interaction, I'd hate to wear out my welcome. If nobody else objects, I'd love to keep this dialog going.
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