Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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Couple reasons.

His "testimony" has already come in via Dr. Demarte. He isn't necessary anymore.

Jen Woods is saying it is looking like we only have Demarte then Juan's computer guy and then that's it. I don't think Juan wants to drag this out any longer than necessary, especially since the DT keeps making a big deal out of every witness, asking for extra interviews, taking half a day to question them, and calling it a day so they can start their cross in the morning, to prepare. I think he's just gonna keep this short and sweet.

That sounds plausible. Early on he had Taylor and Karp on his list, and I think I remember Nurmi bellowing in objection to what he said was JM's bevy of civilian witnesses. :)

He doesn't need Karp. DM has covered that territory. He doesn't need Taylor. He brought Taylor in through DM, as well as Sky, the PP owner, JA's cousin, half sister, grandparents; even Darryl made a cameo appearance. :D

I don't believe JM thinks he needs Perry Smith to rebut the never-there computer *advertiser censored* nightmare once and for all.

I'm cautiously optimistic he's gonna use Perry Smith to turn the tables on DT about that HD carp.
Couple reasons.

His "testimony" has already come in via Dr. Demarte. He isn't necessary anymore.

Jen Woods is saying it is looking like we only have Demarte then Juan's computer guy and then that's it. I don't think Juan wants to drag this out any longer than necessary, especially since the DT keeps making a big deal out of every witness, asking for extra interviews, taking half a day to question them, and calling it a day so they can start their cross in the morning, to prepare. I think he's just gonna keep this short and sweet.

I must have missed that testimony! Thanks for letting me know.
As I'm reading BK's site and after Dr. D's testimony, I don't think DB nor MM are as Team Jodi as we were lead by Defense and Jodi to believe all along. I think it was more she was always... off, but maybe they dismissed it as she's immature, emotional, etc. I don't think anyone goes into "She's a killer. She will kill me or the next guy." I've never really known anyone who was murdered. So, I can't imagine knowing, let alone dating, a murderer. Personally, I'd be freaking out. DB has a kid, so I'd imagine he's kicking himself now. When Jodi killed Travis, she kinda messed with these guys' lives as well to some degree. She took their anonymity away and dragged them into a murder case. It's ridiculous. She needs to be far away from society.
As I'm reading BK's site and after Dr. D's testimony, I don't think DB nor MM are as Team Jodi as we were lead by Defense and Jodi to believe all along. I think it was more she was always... off, but maybe they dismissed it as she's immature, emotional, etc. I don't think anyone goes into "She's a killer. She will kill me or the next guy." I've never really known anyone who was murdered. So, I can't imagine knowing, let alone dating, a murderer. Personally, I'd be freaking out. DB has a kid, so I'd imagine he's kicking himself now. When Jodi killed Travis, she kinda messed with these guys' lives as well to some degree. She took their anonymity away and dragged them into a murder case. It's ridiculous. She needs to be far away from society.

So many innocent lives have become collateral damage, secondary victims to JA's sense of entitlement.
Good morning Pen. I laughed out loud when you called me out on saying ladies room. I am just like you. I think I could face the mean women of prison easier than going to the restroom with anyone near me. I would just say: kill me now. Isolation would much be preferred to general population. I would feel the same about group showers. As far as the "ladies room" comment, rough language just grosses me out. I just wasn't raised that way.

're: rough language. I'm a bit of a prude in that regard too. I find it so offensive when I hear people, especially teenagers, say "bad words" in public. I wish I had the nerve to say something to them. It used to especially bother me when I was with my mom (gone since 2008). I never heard her say a curse word until I was in my twenties at it rattled me so much, I recall the exact incident to this day! Thanks for sharing your own feelings and for using the polite term "ladies room" too.
He was on the list but I don't think Juan will call him now.

I'm not sure. Last week Juan said he has to keep adding witnesses because nurmi keeps bringing up *advertiser censored* in Travis's computer. So he may still be on the list, and he can testify to other things that Jodi did or said.
I wish Juan could play the OKC video with Jodi laying in his lap for Dr. JD, and get her opinion of Jodi and BPD. Has the jury heard it yet? How powerful would hearing Travis describe his own death with Jodi laying in his lap. A gun to the head, on his knees begging to not be harmed - a mighty powerful visual image, and not a far reach to see Travis on his knees begging Jodi not to harm him. That would seal the deal for me that Jodi didn't snap.
I do not think Travis was on Ambien. He very simply was not that into Jodi and could not feign a genuine romantic talk. I agree with you. She bored him at this point. That is how it sounded to me. When she tried to move the talk anywhere past a 1800 call girl he yawned. She bored him. OVERTLY.

Regarding the fight on the 26th Chris and Sky discuss it here

They had the password and were able to go through ALL of Travis' emails with Jodi. They made a diligent effort and remain stumped. So , I agree with you, all we can do is guess.
She likely said she was sending the sex tape to Brooke, a new young lady at the church he was interested in. Her brother admitted that she recorded it without his knowledge to send to any potential love interest of Travis. She also likely told him she would send it to his bosses at PPL. She may have even faked another pregnancy or claimed she felt compelled to have an abortion since he didn't want to commit. I think it was who she was threatening to send the tape to;that hurt him and angered him so; because a little further in that May 26th argument, JA says she will call her lawyer on Monday. That makes sense that Travis' comeback was you better not or I'll have you brought up on charges as recording me is illegal. He took it down long ago, but Chris was able to get a screen shot of Joey Arias admitting the tape was to blackmail Travis View attachment 68976

When was the first faked pregnancy?
I find Darrly Brewer to be a very odd strange man. Very odd.

IMO sound like an ex-wife. Are you in the witness protection program and just pretending your name is oceanblueeyes?

Joking.... Really, I agree with you.
Here is her latest explanation re the house, from her "secret testimony." It was an interest-only loan. Scroll to the bottom of the PDF.

She still maintains she had $12,000 saved somehow. I find that very hard to believe.

I liked the lies about the college classes (starts on page 136 IIRC) where she took real estate classes at Monterey Peninsula College. Oh, I almost forgot the college courses for Spanish. What a LIAR!!! I wonder what she used for a HS diploma? :facepalm:
Brewer is no prince, but as far as we know, he hasn't murdered anyone!! And....most info about him comes from the lying, torturer murderess!! :facepalm:

I agree. Jodi Arias is a murderer, a liar and EVIL through and through. I want her to get the death penalty. Absolutely. Folks were asking I can't put my finger on it but something about DB creeps me out. I felt the same way listening to him talk. It made me wonder why on earth her parents never ever met him. Then again, I would have went after one of my daughters the day they thought they could go drop out and go move in with Bobby. My family would fight harder to get our lost puppy back then they did about their own daughter. I do not understand what that implies. I don't know if they had just had it with her and they washed their hands of her. I would swing rope to rope to go after one of our girls, so I just do not know about this family how and why. There is so much we will never know about how the Jodi Arias we have in front of us got here. Bad seed?

It was Daryl that I took the money amount she had saved up. I certainly agree I would not believe her account! It is interesting how different what he opined to seemed MUCH less favorable to Jodi when Dr. Demarte details the interview with him. The same goes for Matt.Big time! Here is DB

I certainly do not wish for anyone to infer that I believe DB, or anyone save for Jodi, is to blame for murdering Travis. It was Jodi Arias and Jodi Arias alone.

Jen. Trial Diaries latest blog
Jodi Moves To Palm Desert, California

May, 2005
Together, Darryl and Jodi buy a house in Palm Desert, California (about 100 miles east of L.A). They agree to split all the costs 50/50. At the time they purchase the house, Brewer is living off his savings and seeking employment. Jodi works at California Pizza Kitchen.

video icon6

Jodi’s parents Bill and Sandy ask if they can make the trip down and visit, see Jodi’s new home. Her father Bill Arias recalls Jodi as saying, “Where you going to stay? I don’t want you staying here, snooping through our stuff…”

Wasn't one of the points of invalidation, that her parents hadn't come to see her hew home? Why spend the time and money to drive several hundred miles to go see Jodi's house for several hours, and then have to rent a room for the night, or drive back after your visit? That's like her nurmi won't come see me in jail, and when he does I refused to see him.
Wasn't one of the points of invalidation, that her parents hadn't come to see her hew home? Why spend the time and money to drive several hundred miles to go see Jodi's house for several hours, and then have to rent a room for the night, or drive back after your visit? That's like her nurmi won't come see me in jail, and when he does I refused to see him.

Yes, I agree. I can't recall if the parents mentioned even knowing about Darryl. I remember her Dad talking about "Jodi's" new house.
Wasn't one of the points of invalidation, that her parents hadn't come to see her hew home? Why spend the time and money to drive several hundred miles to go see Jodi's house for several hours, and then have to rent a room for the night, or drive back after your visit? That's like her nurmi won't come see me in jail, and when he does I refused to see him.

And her mama flying to AZ to help her move, then Jodi fights with her and she has to fly home the next day
I think the reason nobody can figure out that one big horrible thing is because there wasn't one. Chris and Sky went through every one of the 80,000 texts & chats. They don't know why he was so angry. Travis told Taylor what he wrote in the epic -angry, and told him that he was furious with JA for hacking into his FB account. Taylor didn't seem to think Travis' anger was out of proportion for "just" being hacked again. I think that's because Taylor understood the bigger picture of what Travis was going through.

The DT isn't wrong in saying Travis was depressed in early 2008, and remained so at least up to several weeks before he was killed. His friends are on record saying they knew this, and were concerned about him.

I won't repeat what I've posted before about his financial stresses, but they were very real and very pressing in early 2008 on through the spring. Not being able to make mortgage payments would be stressful for anyone, but I bet for Travis it was more and worse. He had bought his house just 2 years prior, after transforming himself from an indebted 80 hour a week wageslave to a very successful entrepeneur in the span of one single year. He bought his BMW in the same year. He viewed it as a symbol of his success. He was on top of the world.

Two years later. JA had destroyed his BMW. He'd spent all the $75k he took out in equity and was scrambling to refinance his house so he could afford his mortgage. He knew and his friends knew that he had let PPL business slide. In his last journal entries he writes of having to focus more, work more, earn more. That wasn't about getting further ahead. It referred to catching up and stablizing financially.

Finances and faith. Travis loved his religion and depended upon his faith. Friends say he lost his Temple Recommend - for the second time- in late 2007. The loss means he must have gone to his Bishop. Whatever his Bishop told him, and no matter that Travis clearly wanted to make things right, the loss must have contributed to his depression. He was struggling on this front too.

By May 2008 JA had been destroying his soul piece by piece for a year. Travis told Taylor that he HATED himself for being intimate with JA after she moved to Mesa. Hated. Despised himself for lacking the self control to make it stop. Felt guilty that he wasn't being fair to her either. That was in 2007.

A year. A year during which Travis could not escape her, not even in his own house, his own bedroom. A year of not being able to write a word she didn't see. Not online, not at his desk, not even in his personal journal.

And beginning in fall 2007, the complete violation of his privacy extended to the women he dared to text or date. Lisa. The *advertiser censored* letter, the spying, the slashed tires, the home invasions, the intercepted texts meant for Lisa. The loss of Lisa.

Being 30 and feeling enormous pressure to marry. Searching. Wanting a wife who shared his own deep faith and commitment to the Church. But, the loss of his TR. But, JA, who wouldn't relent.

Then Mimi. From his journals it's clear that she was never going to be the One for Travis. But that misses the point. He was excited about taking her to Cancun, happy that she was willing to take a look at him as a prospective husband. Two weeks later she told him never mind, just friends. Travis was devastated. He also found out from Mimi that she never received an important email he had sent to her.

Another intercepted email to another potential girlfriend. The possibility that Lisa had spoken to Mimi and warned her- about JA. The loss of Lisa. Travis wrote weeks before his death his realization that he loved Lisa. He was trying hard to win her back. Whether or not he would have continuing pursuing Lisa also misses the point.

Mid-May 2008, Travis was beginning to understand how much damage JA had done.

ETA...just lost 20 minutes and the rest. That's what I get for writing a book instead of a post. :D. Tomorrow.

Wonderful post!!! Even after 2 years and +500,000 posts on this forum, it is amazing that you have been able to add fresh insight to this case and to TA's situation, state of mind, etc.

Thank you for taking the time to formulate and write such an incredibly well thought-out post. MOO
Darryl left Jodi in December 2006 to move to Monterrey to be close to his son. A few months before that she said that Darryl had messed with her head and she had a psychological event which called a nervous breakdown, and then he held her hostage and wouldn't let her leave because he thought she was nuts. Maybe he didn't want his son to be around her after all., Darryl is what's wrong with her head??
Where does she come up with all her 'blaming' her problems and issues on other people? Darryl, in case you ever read this....I just want you to know--she was and is nuts. You didn't hold her hostage long enough and some people need a slap to the side of the head now and then. You know, to knock some sense into them. But in your case with Arias, you shoulda used a BIG wooden spoon to crack her over the head (really hard!) a few times. :slap:
It would have been impossible for JA to pull the pregnancy card, considering the majority of their sex consisted of oral/butt sex. He wouldn't have bought it for a minute.
I'm not sure they are supportive. Some statements Demarte made on the stand last week suggested that they didn't want a whole lot to do with JA. MM lives as far away as he can. DB was evidently the one who broke up with her and said no when she persistently begged to get back with him. We only really have Jodi's word that these relationships have any substance. Both men might not have wanted to testify for the DT, not because they were afraid of fans of Juan, but because they were afraid of Jodi's coterie if they spoke the truth during JM's cross. Note that MM might also have had threats to his safety during the guilt-phase because the margin-notes in the glossy magazine said that he had not followed JA's guidance regarding some testimony he gave.

All the talk from the DT about threats to the safety of their witnesses may well have reflected threats from Jodi's coterie and not prosecution fans at all. I'll bet the DT was purposely being vague about who and how the threats were being made, so everyone would jump to the conclusion that they were pro-prosecution threats. They could just as easily have been pro-defense threats against witnesses Jodi considers supportive but who would turn on her on the witness stand.

DB and MM also could have flat turned down the DT because they couldn't think of anything positive to say about JA. When Demarte stated that neither MM nor DB had positive things to say about JA and had broken up with her for cause, it is easy to see that JA's version of those relationships is another layer of lies.

I'm guessing if you are a DB or an MM and your ex-girlfriend has been convicted of slaughtering in cold-blood a boyfriend who rejected her, you'd put a whooooole different spin on your relationship with the murderous princess. Looking back, minor annoyances or things you didn't want to notice might suddenly morph into massive red flags. It's obvious now that they could easily have become Jodi-victims; I'll bet they no longer have a speck of denial about the situation. How could they possibly testify for the DT under those conditions?

Thanks RSF, great points. I was quite surprised about some of the things DD brought out this week about both DB and MM, especially regarding their respective comments about having to physically move to get away from JA. I don't recall hearing that before and it sure brought a different perspective (for me at least) to their relationships with her. I have no doubt that both had myriad reasons to be fearful. When I rewatched DB' s TV interview yesterday, I got the feeling he was either trying to justify his relationship with JA so as not to appear that he was ignorant and an azz for being with such an evil person, and/or he feared possible repercussions for testifying. IMHO.
I was watching Samantha's impact statement today from the first trial and I noticed something she said and I don't know why it never stuck with me before now.

Anyway, she said that Travis came to see her in CA two weeks before he was murdered.

That had to ticked Arias off when she heard it. He had gone to CA but he did NOT go see her.

The thing that will always stick out about the victim impact statements and allocution to me, is Samantha crying and stating how Travis was the glue that held the family together. The second JA got in front of the jury she basically said "well that's not true. Travis always said the grandma was the glue that held the family together".

She really can't help herself and will take any chance she gets to spit on the family. She disgusts me.
He also writes about meeting a new girl at his UFC party in late May. That he'd gotten her phone number

Travis’s entries for May 27, 2008, is: “UFC party was great as usual. Met some new people. A couple new girls even. Anything that will get my mind off Lisa for a moment.

May 29, 2008, which is Travis’s final entry, he writes, “However, the good news is on Saturday I met a cutie pie on Saturday at my UFC party. I saw her Sunday again at church. Two days ago she requested me as a friend on Facebook. We have been sending email flirts ever since. I got the phone number. We’ve been texting and now we are hanging out tonight.” " Now I'm excited about something, so it helps Her name is Brooke Rogers. Time will tell"

Note that Saturday was May 24, 2008. His reference to “two days ago” is either May 27 or, possibly, May 26.

May 26, 2008 entries, Jodi discusses their fight and seems to downplay it. She admits going into Travis’s Facebook page, claiming he gave her his password, but she says she hadn’t logged into his account for a week. She writes that Travis asked her not to do it again.

Had Jodi actually posted something on Facebook– after seeing he had friended a new girl and perhaps seeing the flirty emails...posted something that was meant to pour cold water on a new relationship with the woman Travis just met?

Travis sees it and realizes she's trying to run off another potential girlfriend, potential wife like she'd done with Lisa and MiMi?
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