Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias #4

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A defendant's state of mind after a murder would be irrelevant to the question of guilt vs. innocence--unless the state of mind was one of having a guilty conscience, which possession of weapons would not show.

She would not be transported to prison until after her sentencing hearing, which is separate from the reading of the verdict.
How long is the sentence hearing usually after the verdict?
Rose, I'd like to learn more about the journals. Also, the stolen engagement ring. And the guy on the plane. And the men at The Purple Plum. And ..... there is so much still to be uncovered. :yeahthat: Hopefully, after this verdict, we can hear from Travis' brave family, Detective Flores and Juan Martinez.

Your distaste for ALV, I share but there is no comparison between her actions and those of murderer Arias. The only person I feel more disgust for than Arias is Casey Anthony. ALV makes my blood boil with rage but Arias makes my blood chill. ALV is a paid mouthpiece -a betrayer of genuine victims of abuse. I understand your contempt for ALV but the court system pays these useful idiots.

I cannot wait to hear from Juan Martinez! I hope he writes a book. (I enjoyed Jeff Ashton's book on the Casey trial very much).

Travis' family was interviewed sometime in 2012. Here is a little snippet where they talk about the DP:
How long is the sentence hearing usually after the verdict?

Another question for AZLawyer about the verdict and the sentence hearing do the attorneys from both sides, as well as the defendant, get to 'speak' and 'argue' the reasons as to why the sentence should or should not be given? How long can this go on before she is sent to prison?
I cannot wait to hear from Juan Martinez! I hope he writes a book. (I enjoyed Jeff Ashton's book on the Casey trial very much).

Travis' family was interviewed sometime in 2012. Here is a little snippet where they talk about the DP:

Many thanks for the link. I'd buy a book by Juan too. Like you, I read Jeff Ashton's and liked it. I'd like to hear from Arias' trail of exes. Bobby seems to have slipped under the radar.
How long is the sentence hearing usually after the verdict?

That can vary, but generally within a month or so.

Another question for AZLawyer about the verdict and the sentence hearing do the attorneys from both sides, as well as the defendant, get to 'speak' and 'argue' the reasons as to why the sentence should or should not be given? How long can this go on before she is sent to prison?

Yes, normally there would be argument about sentencing. In this case, though, most of the evidence and argument will already have taken place in front of the jury. The only need for additional argument would be if the jury says "life" and the attorneys have something to say about LWP vs. LWOP that they haven't already said.
I was just watching Mikee Daniels' old videos on YouTube (He provides superb commentary on this trial) and I learned something new. Or perhaps I'd forgotten? I heard that Travis' journals were missing at the time of his death. It is believed that Arias took it. Oh, if this true then it just churns my stomach. I remember when ALV said that she apologized to Arias because she read her private journals. She felt it to be an intrusive thing to do. It was okay for JA to snoop through the doggy door, look at Travis' emails and text messages, slash his tires, steal his journals and murder him but reading a defendant's journals for the purpose of evaluating her necessitates an apology? Wow. JA probably sleeps well at night considering she does not have a conscience. I wonder how ALV is able to live with herself. Even Samuels wasn't this bad. Please don't throw rotten eggs at me for saying this but I believe that ALV is just as bad as JA.

Do you remember the story where that Jodi was baking cookies because it's a large recipe and blah blah, anyway, according to Jodi, DeAnna came in through the door saw in the kitchen, went upstairs to Travis's bedroom, and closed the door. Then a few minutes late Deanna came down went in to Travis's office and shut and locked the door. One of the room mates was outside and on his cellphone. .

Jodi told them she was house sitting for Travis. I think Jodi knew Travis was out of town, and she went over and did what she wanted. I think Deanna was to be there, maybe just checking on Napoleon and was surprised to see Jodi there playing house . I wonder when that was? IIRC , Sky Hughes said that they have Travis's journals.
In my experience working in the ER (I'm neither a psychiatrist or psychologist), it's the victims who enter a dissociative state after violence and trauma, not the fleeing perpetrator. The mind blocks out what is too painful to live through or relive. Jodi remembers every delicious moment of her attack on Travis. I have no doubt of that. If she was in a dissociative state during the abuse and afterwards, she'd have been caught by Travis's roomies baking cookies in a house covered in blood. But no, the bannister had been polished. MO

Well, we don't really know that she remembers. She's been pretty good at being consistent on this point.
I do agree, though, that dissociative state is probably did not occur, based on your comment.
The person I witnessed in a dissociative state was pretty dysfunctional and incapable of sustained, thoughtful, goal-directed action.
Many thanks for the link. I'd buy a book by Juan too. Like you, I read Jeff Ashton's and liked it. I'd like to hear from Arias' trail of exes. Bobby seems to have slipped under the radar.

Vampire Bobby lives on in as an extra in movies etc . Google his name and Jodi's and you can see some photo's of them together with big smiles, look above Bobby's right shoulder there on the table are three lines of coke.
@ericksonvision: #JodiArias prosecutor Juan Martinez may have a prickly court demeanor, but if you support Travis, this is the guy you want prosecuting her.
@ericksonvision: #JodiArias prosecutor Juan Martinez may have a prickly court demeanor, but if you support Travis, this is the guy you want prosecuting her.

Oh boy! @ericksonvision got his Tumblr set up :D . Maybe more appropriate if I link that in the Sidebar, but it is Dave Erickson's notes and thoughts about the jury selection process from his perspective inside the press closet there in court.
Oh boy! @ericksonvision got his Tumblr set up :D . Maybe more appropriate if I link that in the Sidebar, but it is Dave Erickson's notes and thoughts about the jury selection process from his perspective inside the press closet there in court.

Thanks for the link daisydomino.

"Lead prosecutor Juan Martinez is about 5’ tall, a short man. Two weeks into jury selection and it’s clear he suffers from Napoleon Complex." Really? I mean, really? Instead of talking about the complexities and techniques involved in jury selection he's accusing the prosecutor in a first-degree murder of case of having a Napolean Complex? Did he pick this up from one of Jodi's old tweets?

On a side-note, I haven't read any books regarding this case. Unless Travis' family/Juan/Flores writes about it I'm not interested. Anyway, I read a few lines from some Hogan book. She says "It's definitely not a case of good and evil, as I may have thought naively when I first entered it. There were definitely fifty shades of gray in this relationship." and "I think if he ever realized how much he hurt her, he would have been mortified." My eyes hurt from reading such nonsense! Not a case of good and evil? Because dontcha know, when you have a woman torture and butcher a man to death it's difficult to say what's right and what's wrong. If Travis had realized who Arias really (a psychopath capable of beheading a man in less than two minutes) then he would have been mortified, gotten a restraining order and gotten as far away from her as possible.

Honestly, is this what we're coming to? Talking endlessly about sex in a murder trial to boost ratings and increase sales? And bashing the victim and wanting to be 'non-judgemental' (in the style of La Violette)? Such meaningless, superficial drivel. My heart goes out to Travis' family who in the midst of dealing with this trial and mourning the loss of their beloved brother also have to deal with those wanting money and fame at the expense of Travis.
Well, we don't really know that she remembers. She's been pretty good at being consistent on this point.
I do agree, though, that dissociative state is probably did not occur, based on your comment.
The person I witnessed in a dissociative state was pretty dysfunctional and incapable of sustained, thoughtful, goal-directed action.

In real life medical emergencies for example, someone is charged with documenting actions in real time, that will later be elaborated on in the record, by the person who performed the action. Often, important details can be forgotten in the stress of the situation. Everyone knows how to act and react in an emergency because of training and experience but the focus on the task can make care givers oblivious to all the peripheral activity in the room. I mention this because I believe Jodi planned and premeditated her attack on Travis, probably to the point of standing in front of a mirror and watching herself make threatening gestures with the knife and rehearsing what she planned on saying while she did it. So she had the training (blech) to perform the task, but in the heat of the moment, forgot the details and the sequence she performed it. So I agree she may have forgotten details. I doubt they would have been forgotten long after seeing the crime scene photos however.
Do you remember the story where that Jodi was baking cookies because it's a large recipe and blah blah, anyway, according to Jodi, DeAnna came in through the door saw in the kitchen, went upstairs to Travis's bedroom, and closed the door. Then a few minutes late Deanna came down went in to Travis's office and shut and locked the door. One of the room mates was outside and on his cellphone. .

Jodi told them she was house sitting for Travis. I think Jodi knew Travis was out of town, and she went over and did what she wanted. I think Deanna was to be there, maybe just checking on Napoleon and was surprised to see Jodi there playing house . I wonder when that was? IIRC , Sky Hughes said that they have Travis's journals.

I just re-read what Deanna said on HLN in regards to that encounter with Jodi. In her own words... "Yes. I had come, I lived about an hour away from Travis at the time. And he just asked me, please go check on Napoleon, because, you know, my roommates are in and out. They`re not really watching him. I just want to make sure that he has food and that he`s OK. And so, I gladly went. I loved that dog. So I went to check up on him. And when I did, I, there was no cars there. It looked like nobody was home. And I used my key to get in the house. And I came in, and I smelled that there were cookies baking. And I thought that was kind of odd. And then I walked in and as I get towards the kitchen and the living room, I see Jodi. She`s sitting on the couch with Travis` laptop. And she comes up when she sees me. She gets up right away. And there`s some cookies in the oven. And there`s a tray of cookies on the counter. And she grabs the tray, and she comes over to me and she say, like total Stepford wife is what it`s like. And she comes up --do you want a cookie?And so, she offers me a cookie. And I was at this point I kind of knew about what was going on with the slashing tires. I didn`t know for sure it was her. I didn`t want to believe that it was. But I knew some stuff, some stalking behaviors were going on."

So this was after Jodi had slashed Travis' tires? Yikes!

Another thing I'd forgotten from this interview. Deanna said" People were saying, I remember soon after Travis died, that people were saying that Jodi was trying to tell, tell people around and see what was happening with Napoleon, because she was saying that Travis wanted her to have Napoleon if he ever died." :scared:
Thanks for the link daisydomino.

"Lead prosecutor Juan Martinez is about 5’ tall, a short man. Two weeks into jury selection and it’s clear he suffers from Napoleon Complex." Really? I mean, really? Instead of talking about the complexities and techniques involved in jury selection he's accusing the prosecutor in a first-degree murder of case of having a Napolean Complex? Did he pick this up from one of Jodi's old tweets?

I like @ericksonvision well enough, but I was disappointed that his Tumblr turns out to be only expanded versions of his Tweets, in which he seems to be going for laughs, a la WAT's salmon Tweets from the first trial. I sure hope that at least one of the other reporters will play it straight, as Beth Karas does: like a journalist.

On a side-note, I haven't read any books regarding this case. Unless Travis' family/Juan/Flores writes about it I'm not interested. Anyway, I read a few lines from some Hogan book. She says "It's definitely not a case of good and evil, as I may have thought naively when I first entered it. There were definitely fifty shades of gray in this relationship." and "I think if he ever realized how much he hurt her, he would have been mortified." My eyes hurt from reading such nonsense! Not a case of good and evil? Because dontcha know, when you have a woman torture and butcher a man to death it's difficult to say what's right and what's wrong. If Travis had realized who Arias really (a psychopath capable of beheading a man in less than two minutes) then he would have been mortified, gotten a restraining order and gotten as far away from her as possible.

Honestly, is this what we're coming to? Talking endlessly about sex in a murder trial to boost ratings and increase sales? And bashing the victim and wanting to be 'non-judgemental' (in the style of La Violette)? Such meaningless, superficial drivel. My heart goes out to Travis' family who in the midst of dealing with this trial and mourning the loss of their beloved brother also have to deal with those wanting money and fame at the expense of Travis.

Thanks for the link daisydomino.

"Lead prosecutor Juan Martinez is about 5’ tall, a short man. Two weeks into jury selection and it’s clear he suffers from Napoleon Complex." Really? I mean, really? Instead of talking about the complexities and techniques involved in jury selection he's accusing the prosecutor in a first-degree murder of case of having a Napolean Complex? Did he pick this up from one of Jodi's old tweets?

On a side-note, I haven't read any books regarding this case. Unless Travis' family/Juan/Flores writes about it I'm not interested. Anyway, I read a few lines from some Hogan book. She says "It's definitely not a case of good and evil, as I may have thought naively when I first entered it. There were definitely fifty shades of gray in this relationship." and "I think if he ever realized how much he hurt her, he would have been mortified." My eyes hurt from reading such nonsense! Not a case of good and evil? Because dontcha know, when you have a woman torture and butcher a man to death it's difficult to say what's right and what's wrong. If Travis had realized who Arias really (a psychopath capable of beheading a man in less than two minutes) then he would have been mortified, gotten a restraining order and gotten as far away from her as possible.

Honestly, is this what we're coming to? Talking endlessly about sex in a murder trial to boost ratings and increase sales? And bashing the victim and wanting to be 'non-judgemental' (in the style of La Violette)? Such meaningless, superficial drivel. My heart goes out to Travis' family who in the midst of dealing with this trial and mourning the loss of their beloved brother also have to deal with those wanting money and fame at the expense of Travis.
:goodpost: If the genders were reversed, this Hogan person definitely would have considered it a case of good and evil. I'm glad this Erickson person outed himself as another Juan hater a la Michael Kiefer, so I can ignore his tweets now too. Beth Karas is excellent because she sticks to the facts and pertinent information and leaves out the superfluous commentary. :loveyou:
I like @ericksonvision well enough, but I was disappointed that his Tumblr turns out to be only expanded versions of his Tweets, in which he seems to be going for laughs, a la WAT's salmon Tweets from the first trial. I sure hope that at least one of the other reporters will play it straight, as Beth Karas does: like a journalist.


Why is it so hard for the reporters to understand that wit is best in limited quantities? I mean, that salmon thing was funny but as a carryover from months ago it now sounds stupid. And while I do not mind an occasional quick commentary from a reporter, the keys here are "occasional" and "quick." And it should happen only when time allows, i.e., in the courtroom during a time out, like a sidebar or a recess. IOW, when court is happening, tweets should reflect what is happening. And I will thank them in advance to not mention Arias's neck unless there is an actual noose around it.
So, what about the killer and her borderline personality disorder? Originally, borderline was so called because it was a disturbance bordering on psychosis. Right on the edge. B.P.D.s form immediate attachments. They idealize the other person and their feeling is intense. The connection becomes stormy if Borderline perceives a slight or a separation occurs or a conflict arises. Emotions shift to intense anger & dislike.

We can see this in the killer's relationship to Nurmi, where she fought hard to keep him, he was "the only one" who could prepare her case & represent her. By contrast, look at them now. B.P.D.s view the world in extremes: all good or all bad. We've seen her relate to her family members in these same modes. Of course, it was conspicuous in her treatment of Travis Alexander.

Borderlines are prone to unstable moods that last for hours, as well as episodes of impulsive aggression. Their actions are unpredictable. There is distortion in their sense of self, evident in Arias, who is a narcissist. Their goals change, as was apparent when she was following The Law of Attraction and The Secret. Values undergo change and she professed such reformation owing to her Mormon studies & baptism.

Cognition, i.e., perception, reasoning & intuition are all gnarled & deformed due to her perspective on the world. In jail, she is being given drugs for this and to stabilize her moods. I would have included the explanation of her disordered personality in the post on psychological mitigation but I was running long as it was. Also, I realize Sleuths bring their own opinions on Borderlines to the topic.

I appreciate your post, but it goes overboard toward BPD diagnosis. Most ( I would bet 98% or higher) of people with BPD would not murder anyone.

There's something seriously wrong
With CMJA. She doesn't fit into any one category of MI.

It is somewhat insulting to those of you who truly suffer from mental illness to be compared in any way, shape or form to that brutal murderer.

Just my opinion. Thanks

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Thanks for the link daisydomino.

"Lead prosecutor Juan Martinez is about 5’ tall, a short man. Two weeks into jury selection and it’s clear he suffers from Napoleon Complex." Really? I mean, really? Instead of talking about the complexities and techniques involved in jury selection he's accusing the prosecutor in a first-degree murder of case of having a Napolean Complex? Did he pick this up from one of Jodi's old tweets?

On a side-note, I haven't read any books regarding this case. Unless Travis' family/Juan/Flores writes about it I'm not interested. Anyway, I read a few lines from some Hogan book. She says "It's definitely not a case of good and evil, as I may have thought naively when I first entered it. There were definitely fifty shades of gray in this relationship." and "I think if he ever realized how much he hurt her, he would have been mortified." My eyes hurt from reading such nonsense! Not a case of good and evil? Because dontcha know, when you have a woman torture and butcher a man to death it's difficult to say what's right and what's wrong. If Travis had realized who Arias really (a psychopath capable of beheading a man in less than two minutes) then he would have been mortified, gotten a restraining order and gotten as far away from her as possible.

Honestly, is this what we're coming to? Talking endlessly about sex in a murder trial to boost ratings and increase sales? And bashing the victim and wanting to be 'non-judgemental' (in the style of La Violette)? Such meaningless, superficial drivel. My heart goes out to Travis' family who in the midst of dealing with this trial and mourning the loss of their beloved brother also have to deal with those wanting money and fame at the expense of Travis.

Thank you for this post! Bears repeating. Travis didn't anticipate this and did not deserve to die the way he did. How that *** can look at her hands is beyond me. I hope that haunts her. But it won't.
Won't cuz she is nuts.

If I had went after every man that rejected me, I'd have a long list of victims.

She (CMJA) is crazy but legally responsible for Travis death.

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I appreciate your post, but it goes overboard toward BPD diagnosis. Most ( I would bet 98% or higher) of people with BPD would not murder anyone.

There's something seriously wrong
With CMJA. She doesn't fit into any one category of MI.

It is somewhat insulting to those of you who truly suffer from mental illness to be compared in any way, shape or form to that brutal murderer.

Just my opinion. Thanks

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Not just your opinion; mine also. BPD does not turn people into killers. It just does not, and while Arias may have this disorder, nothing is accomplished toward understanding by painting everyone with the same brush.

This does not mean that a person who kills cannot have BPD, only that BPD individuals are not more likely to become killers than individuals without the diagnosis.

ETA - Actually, most mentally ill persons are not destined to become killers. If one is an untreated psychotic, maybe...but untreated psychosis is not very common and it's easily recognizable if anyone bothers to look.
David Lohr is on the case in Phoenix. He has been tweeting since he got there.
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