Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 19 - Shortest Court Day, EVER

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In court BN knew everything there was to know about computers and Juan was an imbecile who couldn't grasp what he was saying, now he is clueless and "Pseudonym" knows it all, and don't ask him because he didn't do it. :gaah: Why was he allowed to testify regarding the computer?

Now "Pseudonym" is playing the same stall game BN just played. Here we go, all over again. Only "Pseudonym" now wants to testify without revealing who "they" are, in addition to playing stalling games, in a capital murder case. Is this real life? I want to know who "Pseudonym" is. I want to know who Second Guy is. (or whatever cloak and dagger name was given to that one) Which one of them installed and deleted Incinerator? Which one told BN that what they found meant that someone absolutely searched for and then watched *advertiser censored*? We had a WSer prove that a torrent file would open new windows and make it appear as if the WSer did it. Why doesn't BN seem to be aware that that is a possibility?

Again, is this real life? In a court house in the United States of America?

JSS, are you even awake?
It's even more outrageous after reading the motion. If the defense refuses to submit to any of the rules of conduct, the judge should just toss all the testimony of BN and everything related to him and go on from there. If she gets the DP then the defense can say on appeal why they refused to follow any semblance of order. They are trying to endlessly jerk Juan's personal life with their stupid nonsense and judge is letting them do it.

Nurmi is doing his best to cause a mistrial on so many fronts. IMO he knows he cannot win, so he obfuscates. His actions are pretty reprehensible and I have never seen as many games, manipulations, and whatever adjective you want to throw in there, being played out in this trial. IMO
So....the jury hears the bull**** testimony from JA and Geffner without cross examination? If the testimony is thrown out the jury can't unhear it.

The good thing about that is they also may not remember it. :)
I must have missed the Judge ruling on the computer issues. How could BN or anyone testify about it without ruling...

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He can testify about the alleged *advertiser censored*? Nurmi trying to sneak it in.
There a great many things I don’t understand about the way this trial is being handled. But one thing in the PT’s motion to preclude jumped out at me:

“By pleading filed December 22, 2014, the State requested that the court order Pseudonym and the other individual submit to an interview. The State’s request is currently pending before the court.”

So … JSS is still sitting on that ruling? What’s she doing? Trying to hatch it like an egg?

{I did get a chuckle that Nurmi sent an email indicating the wrong YEAR!}
Do y'all remember another trial in which a defense witness testified during direct, but the cross exam was delayed while another defense witness testified? I can't remember that happening. It's also inconceivable to me that JA could have testified in secret, and there might never be a cross exam. It's like a bad sci-fi movie where the only real human in the courtroom is the prosecutor.
Perhaps Geffner was not actually available today and the defense were going to call witnesses out of order. Makes sense, though is probably just another game to prolong cross.
I wonder who is advising Nurmi? IMO someone is "helping" Nurmi. Filing motions at the last minute, changing schedules, not respecting the requested interview times, changing witnesses, not turning over discovery in a timely manner....

Mr. Nurmi does not strike me as being above board, and I have lost a lot of respect for him through these ridiculous antics. I hope JSS will put her foot down and stop all these ridiculous shenanigans. It is almost like Nurmi knows he has her bent over a barrel and is taking full advantage of her weaknesses, kindness and patience. IMO
Do y'all remember another trial in which a defense witness testified during direct, but the cross exam was delayed while another defense witness testified? I can't remember that happening. It's also inconceivable to me that JA could have testified in secret, and there might never be a cross exam. It's like a bad sci-fi movie where the only real human in the courtroom is the prosecutor.

Not sure, but I think these computer folks will be testifying in a hearing without the jury present. Then we'll return to the Dr. Geff show.
Perhaps Geffner was not actually available today and the defense were going to call witnesses out of order. Makes sense, though is probably just another game to prolong cross.

Maybe they want to introduce more *advertiser censored*-talk via Dr. Geffner or have him testify on what it means that Travis allegedly visited pornsites and maybe since the *advertiser censored*-issue hasn't been resolved, they've asked for another delay.
At this point I'm wishing that Judge Stephens would join him. All this secrecy- isn't that unconstitutional?

O/T but Numri in jail for contempt of court reminded me of My Cousin Vinny when Joe Pesci got sent to jail for contempt of court. I needed a laught.
I wonder who is advising Nurmi? IMO someone is "helping" Nurmi. Filing motions at the last minute, changing schedules, not respecting the requested interview times, changing witnesses, not turning over discovery in a timely manner....

Mr. Nurmi does not strike me as being above board, and I have lost a lot of respect for him through these ridiculous antics. I hope JSS will put her foot down and stop all these ridiculous shenanigans. It is almost like Nurmi knows he has her bent over a barrel and is taking full advantage of her weaknesses, kindness and patience. IMO

Personally, I think she should threaten him with Saturday court. This is so not cool for the Alexander family. IMPO, JSS owes Travis' family one huge apology.
I don't understand why Juan isn't crossing Geffner?
Me too. I have never fully understood the things that go on with the trial but now it is like trying to read alien!!! It seems as though there is no court system/structure whatsoever in this phase of the trial. I am truly dumbfounded by all of this.

One thing I am sure of is that the DT is playing VERY fast and loose with the rules; they are abusing the system beyond anything I have ever witnessed in a trial, and IMO Nurmi knowingly sent Numeister in for the Jan 2nd 2015 interview as a decoy to see what questions JM would ask to allow "pseudonym" time to prepare before being questioned by JM (again JMO but I think they are trying to confuse JM and exploit his limited knowledge of IT issues).

In my humble opinion, if these exploitive and dishonest tactics don't warrant official sanctions against Nurmi, then the criminal justice system is heading down the road of ruin. There has to, there just has to be some sort of line that cannot be crossed in the name of the defendants "right to a fair trial", otherwise Criminal Law will never find it's way back from the edge of this madness where an "anything goes" mentality of defense ignores blantant lies, abuse, and exploitation of the entire system.

Additionally, what I have learned from this trial, is that the system has descended to place where a DT will, without qualm assist in placing a bullseye on the head (and career) of each and every prosecutor in this country in the name of justice for the defendant.
I just sat down to catch up with our tweeter posters and there is no court with a jury present.

I thought BN was the expert that knew everything, and Juan was too stupid to understand computers. And I thought it was Tony that Juan wanted on the stand, and now we have BN saying he really doesn't know that much and he had handed it off to Tony to explain the who what where and when and now he wants to hide and be a secret witness. Again he's not a super secret double naught spy that works for the federal witness program is he? What does it say about your expert opinion when you want to hide while you say it? You can say what you want and none of your peers can call you out about it. This only makes the defense look more money hungry and that the experts they've called have been the bottom of the barrel.

I do have a question - do you remember Juan asking about something about the timestamp and if it was MT or? time but it was set for I do bevel it was California? and IIRC it showed when the incinerator program in the recycle bin?
I wonder who is advising Nurmi? IMO someone is "helping" Nurmi. Filing motions at the last minute, changing schedules, not respecting the requested interview times, changing witnesses, not turning over discovery in a timely manner....

Mr. Nurmi does not strike me as being above board, and I have lost a lot of respect for him through these ridiculous antics. I hope JSS will put her foot down and stop all these ridiculous shenanigans. It is almost like Nurmi knows he has her bent over a barrel and is taking full advantage of her weaknesses, kindness and patience. IMO

I bet Nurmi's business will sky rocket after this case is resolved. People knowing that prison time is in their future, will want Nurmi because he files all these freaking motions causing delays.
I wonder who is advising Nurmi? IMO someone is "helping" Nurmi. Filing motions at the last minute, changing schedules, not respecting the requested interview times, changing witnesses, not turning over discovery in a timely manner....

Mr. Nurmi does not strike me as being above board, and I have lost a lot of respect for him through these ridiculous antics. I hope JSS will put her foot down and stop all these ridiculous shenanigans. It is almost like Nurmi knows he has her bent over a barrel and is taking full advantage of her weaknesses, kindness and patience. IMO

BBM ~ Not with her current track record.
I remember when BN was last on the stand. Juan wanted the name of the person who worked on the computer. BN went to talk to the defense and came back and wrote the name on a piece of paper. I am sure that is sealed

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Not only that, but JSS is only "inclined to agree" that Juan should get to interview the expert who could actually answer questions about charges brought against the prosecutor, and suggested he write it up, so he did. She has still not ruled on that... from 12/22.

I also note that despite Neumeister's whining that Juan just doesn't understand computers, he couldn't answer a single question Juan asked him without referring him to Pseudonym. An "expert" witness that doesn't want his identity to be known, so I suppose no one can know his credentials either? This is officially a joke - I feel like we're all being punked here and there really hasn't been a retrial yet, done by a real court with a real judge. It's some kind of mirage/illusion that we're collectively experiencing and the real thing is coming.

After reading the motion/sections of transcript from BN's interview, I'm agog that he's allowed to testify as an expert having anything to do with computers outside of audio/visual, he has no technical knowledge about hard drives, file systems or anything helpful or 'expert' in this regard. How is he court-qualified to testify about anything to do with the hard drive? Because Nurmi said so? I am so stunned by his answers to JM's questions, just yikes.
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