Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 24

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Samuels is coming back for more? Glutton for punishment and self-destruction.

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I think old testimony is being referred to, or the psychologists' notes. There is no sign Samuels will be on the witness stand this time around.
Iirc JA spent 10-15 min. listening to TA's voice mails and/or practicing her own until she was satisfied with it. Her flippant "fun-fun" lie about getting lost is especially damning in light of what she'd just done. Not foggy at all.

That whole part of her testimony, where she calmly described leaving the perky VM, and redoing it a few times, to 'get it just right'...:eek: ...that was so chilling to me. She sat calmly and explained it AS IF it was a normal human response after just butchering one's lover. It was chilling because we got a momentary view of truly psychopathic reasoning and behavior. :shudder:
FWIW, here are tweets about Geffner's co-worker/associate and the psychologist(s):

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 5h5 hours ago  Phoenix, AZ
Geff co worker that interviewed witness #1 wrote down that wit #1 said that TA denied the photos were his when asked #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial · 5h5 hours ago
Geff's employee that interviewed Witness 1 noted that TA denied that the *advertiser censored* photos belonged to him. #jodiarias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts · 5h5 hours ago
statement was taken by a Dr. Stephanie Platt. #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 5h5 hours ago  Phoenix, AZ
This co worker is a licensed psychologist like Geffner now a Doctor #jodiarias #3tvarias

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 4h4 hours ago
Martinez refers to a female psychologist. Geffner says, which one? Martinez looks flustered. What to do? SIDEBAR!

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 4h4 hours ago

Juan says Geff made reference to a female psychologist and Geff wants to know which one and Juan looks to Judge..#jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 4h4 hours ago  Phoenix, AZ

Geff then offers to use 1st and 2nd...they all just stare at Geff and he's so goofy it's funny #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 4h4 hours ago

Female psychologist #1 interviewed Jodi 2/2010 and Jodi made statements about the masturbation incident #jodiarias #3tvarias (LaViolette)

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 4h4 hours ago
Was psychologist in question Alyce LaViolette? Martinez refers to 1st shrink's confusion whether TA viewed kid *advertiser censored* online or in pictures.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 4h4 hours ago  Phoenix, AZ
Juan- Isn't it true that's an accurate statement taken down by psychologist #1. Geff- Yes #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 3h3 hours ago  Phoenix, AZ
Note from psychologist #1
Child *advertiser censored* pictures of little boys--- she walked in on him viewing this on the internet #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 3h3 hours ago

Juan points out there was concern by Geff that the #jodiarias made a contradictory statement....Geff says no it was by psychologist #1
Wanna bet today in NZ, some poor sheep named "Lamby-boy" is in for such a kick....

He sure is, he even heard a few hashtags today. Yikes. Nobody likes a pedophile. They certainly don't like when you called a murder victim a child *advertiser censored* lover, when it twas you who did the vile act. Mean peeps out in twitter world. No wonder he is hiding from Juan.
And why are Marc McGee's wedding pictures on his Bishop's computer??? Not the photographer's computer?

Maybe JA was his wedding photographer? :laughing: Seriously though, they were all from CA, correct? Isn't MM, MM, BJ, DB, etc etc all from CA too? Hmm...
He sure is, he even heard a few hashtags today. Yikes. Nobody likes a pedophile. They certainly don't like when you called a murder victim a child *advertiser censored* lover, when it twas you who did the vile act. Mean peeps out in twitter world. No wonder he is hiding from Juan.

Yup! That's why New Zealand is conveniently too far away to testify. He could've made arrangements to testify via Skype.
So now Geff says JA is bipolar. Which basically supports the BPD theory given it's fairly common for people with BPD to be initiated diagnosed ad bipolar. Thing is they're two very different animals. Bipolar is chemical imbalance where BPD is personality disorder.
AZL - are they listing them as Witness #1 and Witness #2, so the jury doesn't wonder why these shrinks didn't come to court to testify? Or, is this just more secret stuff? I have no clue why they can't just use their damn names. All of this secret stuff is irritating and doesn't sound normal, at all.
Maybe JA was his wedding photographer? :laughing: Seriously though, they were all from CA, correct? Isn't MM, MM, BJ, DB, etc etc all from CA too? Hmm...

Hey, not everyone from my state is evil...
Acknowledging the mood swings will come back to bite the DT. Mood swings are a characteristic of psychopaths. Note that Demarte in 2013 did not diagnose bipolar when she probably could have. Also, bipolar disorder is not especially related to violence perpetrated on others: suicide, yes, in the manic phase. Whatever JA has, it did not keep her from premeditating a horrific slaughter. So far, we haven't seen from the defense team any diagnosis that would predispose a person to do what JA did, including all the calculating, manipulativeness, and lying. I'll bet this is coming in JM's rebuttal case: "Data Point" Demarte, bring it on!

This article has been cited several times in case someone missed it:
AZL - are they listing them as Witness #1 and Witness #2, so the jury doesn't wonder why these shrinks didn't come to court to testify? Or, is this just more secret stuff? I have no clue why they can't just use their damn names. All of this secret stuff is irritating and doesn't sound normal, at all.

So far, Psychologist #1, Psychologist #2, Witness #1, and Witness #2 are on the books: 4 different people.
Maybe JA was his wedding photographer? :laughing: Seriously though, they were all from CA, correct? Isn't MM, MM, BJ, DB, etc etc all from CA too? Hmm...

Genius suggestion....
That whole part of her testimony, where she calmly described leaving the perky VM, and redoing it a few times, to 'get it just right'...:eek: ...that was so chilling to me. She sat calmly and explained it AS IF it was a normal human response after just butchering one's lover. It was chilling because we got a momentary view of truly psychopathic reasoning and behavior. :shudder:

I agree Katydid. It was so chilling. Sending the flowers to Travis's grandmother was as well. These kinds of behaviors by JA are not common and are among the reasons I find her in a category of evil almost her own.
I am confused. Isn't Erin a guy?

According to Marc McGee he is. Erin is a female, she has a picture up on Facebook and is married. Shows that Marc McGee doesn't even know who he's dealing with...
That whole part of her testimony, where she calmly described leaving the perky VM, and redoing it a few times, to 'get it just right'...:eek: ...that was so chilling to me. She sat calmly and explained it AS IF it was a normal human response after just butchering one's lover. It was chilling because we got a momentary view of truly psychopathic reasoning and behavior. :shudder:

JA talks about the post-murder phone call to TA on p. 8 of the Oct. 30 transcript. I don't know if Nurmi played the call for the jury, but I presume he did. JA said she remembered "I'd done something bad", pretended she didn't remember details, but admitted the call was her initial effort to cover her tracks ... forgetting all the clean-up she did at TA's house. She says it wasn't until 2010 that she was able to admit what she'd done, which means sometime after Samuels had tested her based on her encounter with the 2 ninjas, which he claimed caused her PTSD.
CIA probably, he's in New Zealand, but then again his crimes were committed in the US, so maybe the FBI has jurisdiction. They have a cyber-crimes division. I know someone who works in it.
How convenient for a pedophile to move that close to Thailand. :(
Marc and Travis met in the LDS singles ward in Riverside, Ca. In 2000, McGee told my source that he was at a Family Home Evening activity at Bishop Vernon Parker's house. Later in the evening, McGee and Travis were sitting in a car in front of Bishop Parker's house when Travis allegedly confessed to McGee that he had a problem with internet *advertiser censored*. McGee did not mention child *advertiser censored* at that time.

Since 2000, Marc McGee and my source have spoken a few more times about that conversation and each time Marc's story was just about internet *advertiser censored*. It wasn't until this year, for the first time, that McGee claims Travis told him he was looking at "kiddie *advertiser censored*" on the internet.
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