Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 24

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Creepy ...

A v/m from someone looking for TA for the important conference call. He asked him to call/text, "even if you're in the spirit world"

What dates and times are these calls/VMs?
The records don't say. JA says in her VM that its around midnight, but who knows. Her first words to the dead Travis are that she knows Leslie has called him, that she has already called Leslie to tell her where she is (that she'd been lost), doesn't have to call Leslie....etc.

I mean Leslie's voice mail, is Beth listing what time it came in?

ETA: Sorry, I guess Beth doesn't say the date or time of any of the voice mails, just the content of them then, thanks for bringing them here, very interesting. I was hoping to piece more of the timeline on June 4th with them but appreciate anything you can add to it, Hope. :)
Court protection in New Zealand? From Arizona? Bahahaha! :laughcry: They can't even subpoena him because he is out of the country, and they want peeps to think he is under court protection? He really is a nut job and so are they. Thanks for taking one for the team. I don't intend to ever go there.
Wanna bet today in NZ, some poor sheep named "Lamby-boy" is in for such a kick....
Yes, sorry. Leslie says she's asking Travis because she thinks he and JA still talk so he might have heard from JA.

As to timing of call. I think JA did call into TA's VMs to listen, and left her message after hearing Leslie's. She didn't get in touch with Leslie until she reached Utah, iirc.

Oh, I get it.....Duh: JA listened to TA's voicemails and heard LU's and thought she'd better come up with an excuse for where she'd been.
The records are printouts. The text of each message is there but dates and times of most of the VMs are not provided.
The records don't say. JA says in her VM that its around midnight, but who knows. Her first words to the dead Travis are that she knows Leslie has called him, that she has already called Leslie to tell her where she is (that she'd been lost), that he doesn't have to call Leslie....etc.

I would say they would have been expecting JA the evening of Jun4. JMO
Wouldn't it have been awesome to have an uncle like JM when I was a teenager? Stuff Mom and Dad didn't need to know at the time, but you needed some immediate help to be extricated from a situation you were in because of bad teen choices. In the middle of the night..... 'Uncle Juan, can you help me please?'

Imagine he's your Dad though and you came home an hour late and you've invented some story about running out of gas or losing your cell phone. YIKES LOL!!
A pic from today... Jodi attempting to display mercy?

View attachment 67887

Whoever said JA must have had some kind of facial boosting before the murder has to have been right..... Whatever puffed her cheeks under her cheekbones is gone and the skin has sagged at her jaws.
What dates and times are these calls/VMs?

There are no dates and times for these voicemails. It on legal paper written out like the secret testimony.

I wish there were though.

Someone (a male friend perhaps calls Travis "dude") also seems very worried about Travis, and the way i'm reading it is pre-murder.
I think psychologist 1 was Dr. Karp and psychologist 2 was Dr. Samuels.
I think you are both talking about the same thing.

The way I read is Dr. Platt is the psychologist who interviewed JA that Geffner and Juan are referring to.

Dr. Platt interviewed Witness #1 aka Marc McGee. Psychologist #1 must be someone else who interviewed JA.
I think psychologist 1 was Dr. Karp and psychologist 2 was Dr. Samuels.

Samuels is coming back for more? Glutton for punishment and self-destruction.

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:wagon: Wing Ding. You are just in time for the 'Juan and Only' show.

Hey, thanks for bringing out the welcome wagon. I also saw the Wing Ding vid someone posted this morning. Groovy, baby! :dance:

I signed up here a few days ago, but only this evening have I (finally!) been about to post comments. That's probably a good thing, though, as yesterday I was absolutely livid at the horsesh/t tactics by the defense. I wasn't surprised that Juan today was finally able to expose them all for the lying sacks of crap that they are, but I was surprised he was able to do so in only about an hour -- or the same amount of time Jodi could get a new pair of glasses at LensCrafters. But I digress. Off with her head!

Seriously, though... many thanks to most of the trial-tweeters keeping us updated, as well as the many informed people here and their keen, insightful comments. I mean that in a most sincere way. Ok, back to finish reading comments. See y'all for court tomorrow. And don't forget to bring your tennis shoes for recess. (<-- for Kato Kaelin only)
If I remember it right, Leslie is the one JA talked with in Utah about how she could picture her own and Travis's children playing together someday. The way I understand this is Leslie was aware JA was coming to Utah. JA was late and maybe she tried to call JA but missy's phone was turned off for awhile post murder so Leslie couldn't reach her. Maybe out of concern Leslie called Travis to see if he'd heard from her. He obviously didn't answer so she left the message. Maybe shortly thereafter, JA either turned her phone back on and got another call from Leslie, or her phone was never off and she saw she missed a call from Leslie. So she calls Leslie and Leslie says..."oh wow, well I just left a message with Travis about being worried about you. Maybe you should call him and let him know you're alright...." not sure if this makes sense??

Or... Jodi first listened to Travis' messages and heard Leslie's call. She then called TA's phone and left the message in which she mentioned that she had spoken to Leslie. I wonder if Jodi and Leslie were in contact at all at that time. Jodi was on her hurry-up, hush-hush journey to Ryan's.
I read that yesterday while sleuthing MM...sure is nice to know the CMJA supporters still have to worry about us sane people peeking in on their other planet crazy talk given that site made clear how paranoid they are about that.

On the other hand we have nothing to hide, do they can lurk here anytime.
So Geffner concluded <modsnip> has: manic depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and borderline personality disorder?

Is that all?

Manic Depression and Bipolar are exactly the same diagnosis. Did he really name both? I'm not doubting he did, just LOLing here at how much fun JM will have with that. :)

Told Carp about pics on computer, ALV about the paper incident on bed. I think that is what was asked originally?

Geffner had notes on some of his work to psychologist to ask JA about the two different stories, so he knew the affidavit was a lie and the story had changed. He didn't testify to that in court.

Stephanie P did the interview with McGee.
ALV's notes also said computer, and when JM brought that out, she claimed she was mistaken.
I don't think the testimony about psychologist #1 was about witness#1's affidavit - it was about Geffner changing the story in testimony vs. what his notes said about this supposed incident.

I think you are both talking about the same thing.

The way I read is Dr. Platt is the psychologist who interviewed JA that Geffner and Juan are referring to.

From Beth's notes:
Dr. Platt interviewed witness #1 (NZ guy) for Geffner on 2/27/14. She did not interview JA.

Later on JM is questioning Geffner about discrepancies in forensic evaluation reports by a psychologist, psychologist #1. She interviewed JA on 2/3/10 and again in April of ____( Beth didn't hear year). Notes for both of her interviews discuss this story - one version says JA said computer and the other says paper. In Geffner's notes, he says internet, but then says "not sure if also on paper?" JM was saying Geffner knew there were problems with it and changed his testimony.

Only 3 psychologists made forensic evals, IIRC - Karp, DeMarte and Samuels. And I don't think Samuels was involved as early as 2010, so IMO, #1 is Karp.
So, here is what happened:

1. Leslie calls TA as is looking for Jodi who is supposed to be in Utah. (Leslie is a mutual friend of TA and JA)
2. JA listens to TAs v/ms and hears the message Leslie left TA looking for Jodi.
3. JA calls Leslie or RB (somehow, with a "dead" cell phone) and says she is on her way, got lost etc...
4. JA leaves a v/m for TA ... rambling on, and also says she spoke to Leslie and it's not necessary to call her (Leslie) back.
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