Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 26, Part 2

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I don't post much but I love this site! Informative and entertaining, plus some posts really make me think. I can get tunnel vision, then someone with an opposing view will post and POW! Things I hadn't thought of or considered make me see things from a different perspective. I appreciate that, it opens my eyes and mind. That has happened more than once during this case and I hope it continues because we all are winging this stupid trial by tweet lol
That's a great question. Seems if they were going to put them in they would have through Geffner. Just don't know who else would do it.

Who was the "attorney" when other possible affidavits were taken? Perhaps we will yet see the "secret witness" come forth and complete her tale... and of course since she was the attorney at the time, babble off the rest of the hearsay testimony?
I have seen that my question has been answered as to how the cut to the left ring finger would have occurred and I thank you to what now makes sense. Now to my other question. I firmly believe that yes her tendon was cut on June 4, 2008, there just does not seem to be any other explanation. By the time Detective Flores interviewed her mid July, it is possible for it to have been healed. Correct? Does this kind of injury bleed for a long period of time? By the time she was in Utah, I wonder how would she have hid this type of injury. Band aids were seen on top of the left hand (I think that is what Ryan said). Even if it were the right hand there could have been injuries to both hands. Or the band aid on the left ring finger was not seen by anyone and perhaps she kept it out of view as much as possible?? Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts. Thank you so much. (JMO)

Well the pics of the bloody bandaged finger looks like the right index to me and she has claimed to be ambidextrous(in fact my sons and hb are as well in that they write leftie but use their right for pretty much everything else). The second pic is her left and other than what looks like some deliberate cutting scars around her wrist, her hand and ring finger look pretty clear. What I've been trying to find, without any luck... Nick? is a high res pic of her right hand. :/

How DOES Matt M feel about Jodi now? What did Juan mean about that?

That's one aspect of this case that I would LOVE to know. I would love it of MM was a witness I'm sure he has some interesting things to say.
Now, a lot of this is speculation since healing, bleeding loss ect is very dependent on Where exactly she cut herself and other variables like how deep
For the time to heal, roughly 1-2 weeks for it to have "healed". This doesn't mean it wouldn't be noticeable after 1-2 weeks but I'd think a good scar would have formed, and use of it would have returned.
Initial bleeding is hard to say. If she cut herself where I think she did which was the flexor tendon on her ring finger the initial bleeding event would have pretty average considering it was able to heal on its own with minimal aftercare. I would think it would be easy to cover up a 1cm deep laceration in this area with a band aid while visiting RB

Also, to further discredit Geff he stated he thought yes her finger was broken by TA. Now, we know with him having a Dr people will take that as in his scientific opinion he thinks her finger is broken. But what he was answering was he believed Jodie's story that her finger was broken (see how that is much different) since geffner hasn't evaluated Jodie finger and isn't a medical doctor he couldn't be able to opine about whether or not her finger was actually broke but he certainly answered or alluded to that.

I really don't see the point of them arguing that she didn't slice her finger while using the knife to murder TA - what other possible scenario was given for her blood being at the scene of the crime???? Osmosis???
Or that the WHOLE entire relationship was a whole whopping, 5 months or so

And I would counter "alleged" relationship. I don't believe, if there ever was an official relationship, that it lasted even 5 months.
JM threw out a similar question about MM last trial. This time around I bet its to plant the question.... why isn't he here testifying if he can support her claim?

I wonder how many of these excellent discussions have given you know who ideas!! You all can come up with such good points, and here is another one!! If I were to point out each and every one on an individual basis, we would be starting a new thread. Thank you everyone for your discussions and that we can come together as a group and discuss with lots of respect for one another. And for coming up with something such as this post I, for one, had not considered. Many thanks. You all rock!!! (JMHO).
Well the pics of the bloody bandaged finger looks like the right index to me and she has claimed to be ambidextrous(in fact my sons and hb are as well in that they write leftie but use their right for pretty much everything else). The second pic is her left and other than what looks like some deliberate cutting scars around her wrist, her hand and ring finger look pretty clear. What I've been trying to find, without any luck... Nick? is a high res pic of her right hand. :/

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The cut is on the palm side of her finger, she showed it to Flores.
I really don't see the point of them arguing that she didn't slice her finger while using the knife to murder TA - what other possible scenario was given for her blood being at the scene of the crime???? Osmosis???

Exactly! She killed him. There were cuts on her hand. What is the point about lying about the cuts on her hand at this point?
If I understand your question, she would have been using her predominant hand during the murder. Almost most commonly with a murder and a knife is involved the perps hand will slip down the handle onto the knife slicing a finger open when their hand slides down in a gripping motion down the blade mixed in with blood

knife grip.PNG
This is how she gripped the knife. Chilling.

If you want to watch the video of her demonstration of knife gripping,
Watch from beginning to 0:30.:scared:
I really don't see the point of them arguing that she didn't slice her finger while using the knife to murder TA - what other possible scenario was given for her blood being at the scene of the crime???? Osmosis???

That's lost in the fog.

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I really don't see the point of them arguing that she didn't slice her finger while using the knife to murder TA - what other possible scenario was given for her blood being at the scene of the crime???? Osmosis???

Well, silly Equal......of course that blood of hers was from her poor cut toenails. She has stuck to the lie about the broken finger for so long there is no way she can admit how it happened.
Summary of my afternoon in court:
* Thank God I have a keyboard to type on right now; I suck at texting so thank you for not getting irritated!

* Jodi took her glasses off when jury was out of the room, also slid them down to the tip of her nose like readers when sitting close - face to face with Cha Cha chatting. She made sure to get them back on fast when the jury was coming back in.

* I sat right behind her. I saw the "broken" finger in action. Her arms and fingers animate like, like a creature. That's the only way I can describe it.

* Her mother has lost weight and her hair is much longer. She and Jodi look so much alike now. Jodi's hair was cut straight across the back and actually a bit shorter than mom's.

* I sat right in front of @sneakyjuror and her friend. Saw BK working away with computer and a power strip and all - saw Jen (trial diaries), 13th juror, but failed to figure out anyone else. Very hard to listen, text, and try to watch the jurors all at the same time with an iPhone 5s.

* You cannot sit on the prosecution side; it's reserved for media, court personnel and Alexander Family. I tried. :-/

*The asthma lady who asked me to move, she and her friend have been there from day 1 of the first trial. They seem to know the Alexanders by now. I talked to them afterward and walked to my car with them. TA family parked in same lot. I did not talk to them - I know it was a long day and they were all dressed to the 9's and dignified. I CANNOT imagine if my own brother was murdered and having to sit there and listen to him being trashed over and over and over. Kudos to them.

* Jurors: Only 4 that I could say were "old" but they looked about my age. Can't say if that makes them more vulnerable to buying the DV angle. There are 3 fairly young women, one Travis-like guy, one good looking goatee guy, most are middle aged. I thought their questions were brilliant!!! They sometimes looked like they were taking notes, but they could have been doodling for all I know. Their attention waned at times; heads down, but so did everyones, even mine - sheesh I'm good at paying attention but I zoned out twice.

At other times they were really listening, a few leaning in a bit. They did not seem overly impressed with Dr. Geff today. He was Mr. Social and happy and chatty and personable when not testifying. But I don't think the jury liked him. I do not think they trust him. And after many of their questions, Geffner was uncomfortably silent before figuring out "how" to answer the question. It was obvious. I had to practice my game face HARD. I caught myself smiling when twice he seemed stunned that he had no answer and had to scramble. It was so obvious. So obvious. Great job jury.

* Texts: My 18 year old stepdaughter just said the other day she didn't want to tell a guy a certain something via text and she explained to me it's too easy to misinterpret and read something more into a text as opposed to in person!!! BINGO!!! Travis did text several women at the same time, same day, same period of time as well and it was flirty and sexual but also teasing. "When are we going to make a baby?" Could be a running joke between them who knows? Could be his way of wanting a relationship if she was LDS too - can't make a baby til married right?

Too many variables for ANYONE to put them on a big screen and try to interpret what a dead man meant in a text. It was just WRONG. Seemed like Travis liked to talk about marriage and babies. Did he do so to manipulate these women or were those things he was looking for while he was navigating "dating" as a 30 year old Mormon. Geff's interpretation as an old geezer means nothing. No amount of psych ed. can educate you on how to interpret texts. There are some pretty young ladies on the jury and I bet they get what I'm saying.

* Juan: powerful. There was a long stretch where he just sat there and let Wilmott and Geff go on and on with the same molestation, young boys, child *advertiser censored*, abuse of women story. His objections had been overruled but he doesn't give up. I think he did it to just let them hang themselves a bit. The more they went over it, the more desperate it started to sound - the more rehearsed and contrived - and the LESS it made sense. Maybe Juan is a jury whisperer, because the questions they asked made me think he was right. THEN - he broke 10 tackles, ran into the end zone and spiked the ball…by elaborating on the jurors' curiosity of why the only evidence of these nasty things is from Jodi only. He drove that point home with his final questions of Geff.

I'd say JW is a good attorney too. They sure have been dogged about this case - unrelenting. I saw her do her best with what she has to work with. She stays sharp on dates, times, names…

*Judge - WTF? OK listen. I was pretty shocked at what went on today. First, there is a lot of gum chewing and eating in court! Where I'm from, no way. I was a juror and knew many of the judges from school and they are strict on protocol. Next: the inability to cross examine these affidavit witnesses concerns me. Not NECESSARY. We have the technology to not show a person's face (remember the Kennedy rape blue dot?) and they can testify by video feed from anywhere or call in. Somehow everyone knows who "Witness 1" is anyway. Even Geff called him by name twice by accident.

What JSS set out to accomplish has been blown apart and in the process, so has justice. No doubt it felt like Travis was on trial. Character evidence cannot be used against a defendant, however the victim is fair game here. And letting Jodi testify in private?? WHAT? The reason for private witness testimony was because the witness was intimidated and afraid of harassment and death threats. None of that applies to Jodi so what is the real reason? That bothers me. Seriously.

OK, I need rest. Going to try and make it back tomorrow.

Does anyone know if I can get wifi in courtroom? iPad would be easier than phone!!! I'll bring it just in case.

Last thing my daughter asked: "Is she creepy in person?" Yes in the way she moved her arms and fingers all creature-like. No as to her looks. She is not tall, short legs and does look rather plain. If she was shopping next to me at Safeway I wouldn't notice her. It's just the freakish long fingers and arms and how she uses them. Then think about what she did to another human being and it's hard to wrap your head around. I prefer to focus on what next for her?
Got back late from meetings and caught up on all the jury question stuff. Given all the usual caveats - it takes 12/12, we don't know how many 'good' questions came from just one person, we didn't see the exact questions, etc. - this sounded very promising. Group a few questions together and see what you think....

1. Could Jodi fool the test and (something like) are these test based on prisoners in jail a long time.
==> DeMarte will be able to zero in on this directly. JA had plenty of time to study how to do the test "better" and doing it after many years of other stress makes it useless anyway.

2. Multiple questions about finding other proof plus the one about not mentioning *advertiser censored* I think it was until years later.
==> It's obvious people were looking for some sort of corroboration. He offered then none. It was either "I believe it because she said it" (which won't be the case with the jury) or "I interviewed someone who..." (okay then why didn't person come in and say it, because I don't really trust you) or "I saw something else" (if true how come we never saw it; therefore I think that's a lie).

There is really nothing the defense can do to give a warm fuzzy about many of the questions, but there are several that Juan can focus on through DeMarte. When you look at the overall gist of the questions, they fit together well.

One more thing: Can you imagine how biting the questions were that did not make it through? Ouch.
Oh that darn finger. I worked with a lady whose finger is just like that. Same finger. I had worked with her for about 3 mths when she told me about it. I had never even noticed it and we worked side by side. She told me she cut with a knife and destroyed her tendon, even had surgery on it. She said she could move her finger in the beginning but over time she couldn't move her finger as much and eventually it just stayed bent. So yea from the beginning I knew exactly it was a cut tendon. Back to lurking.
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