Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 26, Part 2

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There was one thing during juror questions that I was surprised Juan didn't jump on, but I have a sneaky suspicion we haven't heard the last of it. Remember how earlier Juan criticized PhD Dr G for trying to sound like an MD Dr G in talking about the brain medically? Juan let slide (hopefully just for now) when Geff said JA's finger was obviously broken. I bet if he would have objected to that comment the judge would have thrown it out.

Thanks! She included some detail I missed from the Tweets.

Like this:

The cut is on the palm side of her finger, she showed it to Flores.

Yes, a tendon injury would be more likely from a cut on the inside of the finger as the tendons run up from the palm. And she HAS told Flores she was cut by the ninjas. But I guess she figured she could just disregard that and go with the broken finger for abuse. Not sure if she realized why her finger started to bend and would not straighten when it was healing? And once that lie was out, she couldn't take it back. The bent finger as an "abuse" allegation was better than the tendon damage from cutting yourself while stabbing someone I suppose.

Funny thing is, I think you can also have tendon damage from a jammed or broken finger. But an x-ray would show the break if there was one. And we all know there wasn't one.

"Salacious" can be a synonym for the slangier word "racy." I always think of Cosmopolitan magazine as salacious. However, I'm betting JM is deliberately sandbagging and the truth is way more lusty than that, and now the jury's left to ponder that little tidbit expectantly along with wondering why it's impossible for TA to have been masturbating while kneeling. JM likely also is playing vocabulary games with Geff. Geff had tried unsuccessfully to dismantle JM by using SAT-level vocabulary ("conflate" comes to mind, but there was some other stuff); IIRC this went along with Fonseca's strategy of talking down to JM by saying/implying "you wouldn't know this, but......." Geff might not in fact know the word "salacious": it is considerably rarer than "conflate", and I haven't noticed social science folks use it much at all (it's a literary word, in my experience). Maybe JM used some other high brow vocabulary on Geff as well: hard to tell with tweets. Plus, he kept snagging Geff with his imprecise usage for even elementary school words, like "believe", which would mean "not an analysis based on fact." BOOM! It's all delicious....

I'm always amazed at JM's facility with language, and he does this on the fly. I'll bet he can do it in Spanish on the fly as well. Extraordinary talent!

JM's command of urban slang sex words and close-to-medical sex terms, and how he can switch between them on a dime, I always find hilarious as well as impressive. He can go from raunch to politely doctor-ish from one sentence to the next, from BJ's and j..... (rhymes with fizzle) to "tumescent". He flustered ALV with this strategy: for all ALV's career focus on DV, she wasn't at all comfortable talking about sex, medical, raunchy, 3-hole (well, maybe 5 if you count both partners), inventive, or otherwise. (So the DT had a key expert in the guilt-phase who was out of her comfort zone on the bulk of the subject matter the DT kept focusing on, namely the sex!). How could you possibly be a DV expert without talking about sex on a regular basis; same with Fonseca; JM didn't even go the sex route with Geff, gosh, wouldn't that have been a wonder.... I think ALV's education in this area ended with the "birds and the bees" conversation.

WOW!! What an outstanding post!! So many of you have such gifts of the written word, I often wonder do you write books, articles, analysis, etc? I can understand what you write perfectly, but to be able to produce/express in written format so eloquently is not in my portfolio. Thank you!! (JMO)
Now, a lot of this is speculation since healing, bleeding loss ect is very dependent on Where exactly she cut herself and other variables like how deep
For the time to heal, roughly 1-2 weeks for it to have "healed". This doesn't mean it wouldn't be noticeable after 1-2 weeks but I'd think a good scar would have formed, and use of it would have returned.
Initial bleeding is hard to say. If she cut herself where I think she did which was the flexor tendon on her ring finger the initial bleeding event would have pretty average considering it was able to heal on its own with minimal aftercare. I would think it would be easy to cover up a 1cm deep laceration in this area with a band aid while visiting RB

Also, to further discredit Geff he stated he thought yes her finger was broken by TA. Now, we know with him having a Dr people will take that as in his scientific opinion he thinks her finger is broken. But what he was answering was he believed Jodie's story that her finger was broken (see how that is much different) since geffner hasn't evaluated Jodie finger and isn't a medical doctor he couldn't be able to opine about whether or not her finger was actually broke but he certainly answered or alluded to that.

Thank you for taking the time to explain this. It has bothered me for quite some time. Since the cut was deep enough to have injured the tendon thereby causing finger to be bent, making me especially wonder about the initial bleeding and possible swelling. There is also the pain there had to have been of some kind. Of course, it did take hours before she arrived at Ryan's, she could even have stopped and bought ice along the way at a very unknown location, and taken over the counter medication. I have since edited my post that you responded to include that Ryan Burns in his account on a 30 minute show on the Investigative Discovery channel that aired in January of 2015, he only mentioned band aids on top of hand, but perhaps the band aid on the left ring finger was unnoticeable or she kept hidden as much as possible. Because of her blood mixed with Travis', I have no doubts it was a severe enough injury to have caused the bloody palm print on the wall. (JMO)
I don't post much but I love this site! Informative and entertaining, plus some posts really make me think. I can get tunnel vision, then someone with an opposing view will post and POW! Things I hadn't thought of or considered make me see things from a different perspective. I appreciate that, it opens my eyes and mind. That has happened more than once during this case and I hope it continues because we all are winging this stupid trial by tweet lol

Good post! I have felt this way so many times, where someone brings something up that I have forgotten or missed or not even thought about. So many are so observant and I, too, so appreciate all the many posts. Thank you. (JMO)
They've got nothing IMO, unless they can dig up someone overnight. If they had more, they wouldn't have had to try and get all this secret testi-phony in via the Geff.



Oh wait, I almost forgot, they can totally discredit DeMarte with all the copyright issues! :rolleyes:

I have got to re watch Samuels because of all this copyright stuff. Wish me luck!
Yes, a tendon injury would be more likely from a cut on the inside of the finger as the tendons run up from the palm. And she HAS told Flores she was cut by the ninjas. But I guess she figured she could just disregard that and go with the broken finger for abuse. Not sure if she realized why her finger started to bend and would not straighten when it was healing? And once that lie was out, she couldn't take it back. The bent finger as an "abuse" allegation was better than the tendon damage from cutting yourself while stabbing someone I suppose.

Funny thing is, I think you can also have tendon damage from a jammed or broken finger. But an x-ray would show the break if there was one. And we all know there wasn't one.


I don't know why JM didn't take exception with Dr. G on the "broken finger". He could have ask how he knows it's "broken" or if she just sliced it when she sliced TA. Geff is not a medical Dr.
Mike Watkiss ‏@mikewatkiss3tv 1h1 hour ago
One veteran court watcher made interesting observation about juror questions for Dr. Geffner #jodiarias #3tvarias...

Mike Watkiss ‏@mikewatkiss3tv 1h1 hour ago
...noted some questions seem infused with knowledge beyond facts presented in retrial-curious #jodiarias #3tvarias

I didn't see any question that seemed to have more info than was heard from Geff's testimony and the repetitive evidence regarding abuse, and alleged pedophilia, journals, testing etc. Putting it here to see if any of you think there is any merit to this claim. I follow Beth as well as twitter along with WS.

I read through day one last night. A juror asked about the sex tape on the helio phone and I wondered how they knew that seeing as it hadn't been mentioned in the testimony.

Only other thing I've seen that concerns me is something posted by the 13th Juror guy. I'm not going to say what as I was stunned and amazed JW mentioned rewriting journals when nobody in court had suggested such a thing.
Ziggy, your post #417 which is page 3 on the 200 posts per page, I hope will be brought forward for the new thread this morning Jan 27, 2015. Your insights and observations are so very valuable to all of us who do not have that unique opportunity of being there or even to have the trial streaming live through our computers. We are missing so much as evidenced by your post. Thank you for taking the time out of your very long day in Court. I will be anxious to read all the comments when others who are not awake as I am on EST will view your post and all their awesome informative comments. Best post we could ever hope to have for this Trial by Tweets (even better than Juror #13, though his are good but via a different venue and sneaky juror) and that is my very own opinion. Special thank you Ziggy!!! (JMHO)
The 13th Juror has his article up regarding yesterday's testimony.

Here's a teaser- 'I expect the jury knows that she does not have the guts to step on the stand to face the wrath of Juan and the voice of Travis Alexander. They already know she is a cold blooded killer and nothing has been presented to show it otherwise.They have no fear of putting her to death.'
When you think about it, Nurmi and JW must be a bit frazzled tonight. They are about to rest their case for mitigation ---and the jurors ripped their case to shreds. And Juan hasn't even presented his rebuttal yet. Yikes-what to do? :panic:

I wonder what they will do tomorrow morning? I mean besides Nurmi standing and asking for an immediate mistrial, and/or the DP being taken off the table. Do they have any witnesses in the wings? Besides the killer, I mean.

I think Jodi will be very very tempted to take the stand tomorrow, 'to fix' this mess. Basically the jury said they don't really believe that she was physically abused, nor do they believe the chorn accusations. And they don't understand why she went back to Travis if he was so mean and awful.

She will not want to rest the defense case and give it to Juan now. He will hit a grand slam. She will feel an urgent need to convince this jury that she is telling the truth. Really, she is the only person left that can do so. LOL :trainwreck:
The 13th Juror has his article up regarding yesterday's testimony.

Here's a teaser- 'I expect the jury knows that she does not have the guts to step on the stand to face the wrath of Juan and the voice of Travis Alexander. They already know she is a cold blooded killer and nothing has been presented to show it otherwise.They have no fear of putting her to death.'

I just can't read him anymore.

What with the dubious post I was referring to earlier and then his post saying mummum was in her funeral veil when reading Jodi's card (when the evidence was a letter written on Travis' birthday over a month after his funeral),

I did notice he works at Mimi's Cafe. Is it the same one CMJA got fired from?
Random thoughts based on so, so many great posts! Apologies for the length of this...

Doctoring her journals is exactly something a psychopath would do. I've no idea if she did, or didn't, but I can say with complete confidence they're often thinking 20 moves ahead. It's difficult because normal people just don't think the way they do - they see life itself as a spy game of sorts...they're already paranoid and delusional anyway but they also love to create chaos and drama. So yeah, I think it's wholly possible she edited or created the journals with the specific intent they be read by others.

I knew she wouldn't be able to not express her condolences to Flores. Unfortunately, I think their pain made her day. She had to revel in it. Words cannot express how much I hope she does get death.

Just to clarify something - this defense isn't Jodi choosing not to show remorse - she very literally does not feel remorse. To her, her actions that June day are totally justifiable. Any remorse she has shown is an act, she mimics what she thinks she should do or say...but Jodi is a bad psychopath and it's usually very transparent that her expressions aren't genuine (like the 18 page letter). It isn't a conscious decision to trash Travis instead of showing remorse - it's that her hatred of him, even now, supersedes everything else - to include self-preservation. Her goal is to get the entire world to understand just how horrible he was, to hate him as much as she does, because then we'll understand how wonderful Jodi is for having tolerated it all as long as she did and comprehend there was no other choice but to take his life. It's really no different than asking anyone of us to apologize for something we really aren't sorry for - it would come across as shallow and insincere. I don't believe she can even rationalize if she hadn't killed him she wouldn't be here because that would require her to admit, to herself, that killing him was indeed wrong. I don't think she feels it was, even now. If she did, we'd see examples of genuine remorse.

I think she truly does believe she will one day go free. Psychopaths move goalposts when life proves them wrong. She believed she could convince friends and family, then detectives, then the first she feels she can convince this one (the deviancy of Travis is seriously ramped up thanks, in part, to evidentiary rules) and if that too fails, she'll blame her family, attorneys, judge, jury for all of it and move her focus onto her appeals. I believe Jodi will go to her grave believing she will one day be vindicated. To believe anything else would require her to be honest with herself about her biggest mistake - and she doesn't even see it as a mistake.

Her test scores changed but they changed the wrong way. She went from some physical abuse to none. I spent hours racking my brain trying to get into hers (and deserve hazard pay!). That works against her...doesn't it? And why did demanding sex change from some of the time to always instead? Then I thought how the trials are different...the first trial we had Alice and Snow White. This trial we have a full on assault of Travis the deviant pedophile. Now her changing her answers makes sense - she probably couldn't recall exactly how she'd answered the first time BUT she knew exactly where each trial was headed long before we got there and answered to bolster the central claim. Proof positive, as if we needed it, that her whole defense is simply engineered by her Machiavellian Einstein brain.

I've said before that a good psychopath can leave you questioning your own reality. You can't literally see several examples of psychological abuse at play like we can with Jodi. Good psychopaths lie seamlessly, effortlessly. Jodi, when caught in an obvious lie, piles another lie on top. She truly believes if she can say just one more thing she can convince my money is still on her taking the stand. If she doesn't, it won't be because her attorneys have advised her not to or because she sees Martinez as a threat (she sees him as an enemy, no doubt, but still considers herself smarter and more capable). If it were me, I'd be hiding under Sherry's robe before I let Juan cross me. ;)

I've said all along this would end with the Judge pronouncing a natural life sentence. There will be no DP judgement from the jury.
I liked the jurors' questions. Considering the chaotic nature of the testimony I think that they are on the right track. We still have Juan's rebuttal and closing. By the end I hope that every one of the 12 final jurors is convinced that death is the most appropriate punishment for Arias. Also, these jurors are aware that this is penalty phase #2 so they will feel obligated to come to a unanimous decision. No way are 12 jurors going to agree on life. A death sentence seems likely.

I do not think that Arias will take the stand today. Hopefully the Defense will rest. Juan's rebuttal is going to be spectacular and his closing will be off the charts. :happydance:
Thanks! She included some detail I missed from the Tweets.

Like this:


Argh!! Thanks very much, I've been looking all over for that pic. Anyway, I did stumble across this CNN transcript from the trial that was quite interesting to read again. Much of it is on point with the last couple day's of testimony, as well as a bit of review on MM. Read to the end of the page if possible for Trista's comment.
Good Morning Everyone
Survived the blizzard...A couple of inches, that's all...and it is winding down...will be done soon. Whew!
Trial starts at 12 EST yes?
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