Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 3

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I do remember talk in 1st trial of it "possibly" being the knives used that were found in the dishwasher, but I dont think that was actually proven. It is a good theory though and maybe that is what she used.

I dont think JA ever admitted what knife she used. She claims she was in a "fog". LOL

I suspect she brought a much more lethal knife WITH her. I remember a few months ago when I walked into either Office Max or Frys Electronics and was faced with an aisle-end display of truly scary knives (some of them looked like the one Crocodile Dundee pulled on the street punks). The first thing I did when I saw that display was to stand stock-still in front of it in sheer horror. I IMMEDIATELY thought of CMJA, of course. No need to go to a sporting goods store for knives suitable for gutting large animals when you could easily pick one up along with some ink cartridges and paper clips?
@TrialDiariesJ: Juror ? With a change of buildings was there a new asset manager assigned..No same girl. #jodiarias #3TVArias

@TrialDiariesJ: Juror ?- Was the same audit done at new location? Yes #jodiarias #3TVArias


Yes. :)
Exactly my reaction when I read this on another site.
Excellent questions. I am praying my buns off that this jury can come to a unanimous decision.
Someone/s on that jury is smart.
I hope for the DP in this case; which is highly unusual for me.
A few thoughts after I got caught up..
Nurmi's point on how Jodi had MULTIPLE opportunities to kill him quick and fast without him knowing what was coming so to say. Seriously Nurmi? The opposite of that is that Jodi killed him slow and WAITED until he was AWARE so that the very last moments of his life was that of pure terror at the hands of the woman he trusted and cared for. Ugh, nice mitigation?

Secondly, just a thought of mine. In mock trial juries, does research show that information in these long cases are retained better at the beginning or the end?

Outstanding question. :)
I will have to keep reading on to see if there is an answer or try to Google myself.
At this point in my reading I'm uncertain if AZlawyer (may have not typed member name properly, my apologies), has provided an answer.
Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
10/24/2014 8:00 AM



"..Dr. Kevin Horn is sworn and testifies.

State’s Exhibit 667 is marked for identification...

Elizabeth Karas is sworn and testifies...

Juror 9 is present and is questioned by the Court....

1:35 p.m. Juror 9 is now present and excused from the Jury and leaves the chambers....

Juror 15 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 15 leaves the chambers.

Juror 17 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 17 leaves the chambers.

Juror 3 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 3 leaves the chambers.

Juror 8 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 8 leaves the chambers.

Juror 7 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 7 leaves the chambers.

Juror 11 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 11 leaves the chambers.

Juror 4 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 4 leaves the chambers.

Juror 18 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 18 leaves the chambers.

Juror 5 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 5 leaves the chambers.

Juror 6 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 6 leaves the chambers.

Juror 1 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 1 leaves the chambers.

Juror 13 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 13 leaves the chambers.

Juror 2 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 2 leaves the chambers.

Juror 19 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 19 leaves the chambers.

Juror 12 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 12 leaves the chambers.

Juror 10 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 10 leaves the chambers.

Juror 16 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 16 leaves the chambers.

Nathan Mendes is sworn and testifies.

State’s Exhibit 668 is marked for identification.
The State offers and admits State’s Exhibit 668 in evidence.

Defense Exhibit 669 is marked for identification.
The Defense offers and admits Defense Exhibit 669 in evidence.

Exhibit 241 is opened by Defense..."

Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
10/24/2014 8:00 AM



"...Esteban Flores, having previously been sworn, testifies further....

Kevin Friedman is sworn and testifies.

Juror 17 is present and questioned by the Court.
Juror 17 leaves.

Court and counsel discuss matters.
1:46 p.m. Court stands at recess until 10/27/14 at 9:30 a.m. in this division"
The reason they called the day was probably some other reason. The judge said it was "out of the court's control."

But this does sound like it could very well be why they questioned juror #17. Nurmi is tuning into HLN every day, ears perked up for anything he can use.

I guess Nurmi doesn't have DISH network :floorlaugh:
It seemed like Nurmi was trying to impeach Flores yesterday. Does anyone know if he succeeded or not?

Please excuse my typos when I try to post from my phone. I find it difficult to hit the right keys when in a rush. Thanks
No court Friday...regularly scheduled.

Why was court dismissed early on Thurs 10/23?
Never have tweets seemed more inadequate than when Nurmi was using the visuals of shower photos to not only impeach prior testimony about sequence of the murder but to demonstrate with his finger=gun that the bullet trajectory is consistent with the angle between Arias and Alexander seated in the shower. He also showed that from this seated position to accidental ceiling shot was 44" and then to Travis on the floor bleeding was 1' and 2". Yes, the photos are burned into our brains, but still. As everyone has noted, this explodes the Arias self defense testimony from last year. However, there is no way this is now going forward without her approval & direction. In fact, trial watchers observe a new understanding and agreeable rapport between counsel & convict. We know her 2013 version of the killing was offered as truth under oath. Can't she read the writing on the wall?
Good point. Her little cell looks so depressing.
Still a whole bunch bigger than TA's tiny shower stall where he drew his last breath. I have a question, did jury in the 1st trial learn of what all was found hidden in her car, i.e., gun, knife, etc? Or did we learn about all those things via media? IMO, she was well on her way to commit another vicious, PREMEDITATED slaughter on the men she was going 'camping' with. Had they not picked her up that day, I truly believe she'd now be on trial as a serial killer. Clearly her intentions were in that same twisted mindset and I pray this jury hears it!
Still a whole bunch bigger than TA's tiny shower stall where he drew his last breath. I have a question, did jury in the 1st trial learn of what all was found hidden in her car, i.e., gun, knife, etc? Or did we learn about all those things via media? IMO, she was well on her way to commit another vicious, PREMEDITATED slaughter on the men she was going 'camping' with. Had they not picked her up that day, I truly believe she'd now be on trial as a serial killer. Clearly her intentions were in that same twisted mindset and I pray this jury hears it!

I agree that I think she was on her way to murder someone, but I think it was either Chris and Sky Hughes or Mimi Hall.
I agree that I think she was on her way to murder someone, but I think it was either Chris and Sky Hughes or Mimi Hall.
Or Deanna. But Mimi was probably her first target I'd think, because of Cancun.
Dr. Drew addressed this rumor last night. He said they did not announce that Tara - Juror 17 from the Criminal trial until 2:45 PST so, he said, that was not the reason court was cancelled. ....
Tiki says - unless someone has inside info at CNN and jumped to a wrong conclusion before the public announcement. It seems like quite a coinky-dink to me. JMO of course.
So is there a running bet yet on whether or not Jodi holds up the "Survivor" T-shirt to this jury? Id put $5 on it:shame:

She better not! That made me SO angry and I believe that some of the jurors from the first panel stated in an interview that it upset them too!

Real life got in the way so I missed yesterday's proceedings, but I just caught up. Thanks for all the tweets, WS friends! Looks like it was another typical day in JSS's court, lol :banghead:

See you Monday!
Dr. Drew addressed this rumor last night. He said they did not announce that Tara - Juror 17 from the Criminal trial until 2:45 PST so, he said, that was not the reason court was cancelled. ....
Tiki says - unless someone has inside info at CNN and jumped to a wrong conclusion before the public announcement.


The mystery continues.

The mystery continues.

I still think it could be the answer. Just because a formal announcement had not happened, does not mean the information was top secret. Leaks happen.

Though, I am not sure the juror issue is why court ended early. I think that was for an unrelated issue--and I have no clue what it could be. We may never know what happened that was "beyond the court's control."
I still think it could be the answer. Just because a formal announcement had not happened, does not mean the information was top secret. Leaks happen.

Though, I am not sure the juror issue is why court ended early. I think that was for an unrelated issue--and I have no clue what it could be. We may never know what happened that was "beyond the court's control."

Agree with everything. It would just be way too coincidental.
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