Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 3

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Re: Jury member #17
On the Travis support page they're saying that Dr. Drew announced that Arias Jurist#17 will be on his show tonight. He was referring to Tara Kelly(?) - the #17 from last year's trial, but Nurmi heard it on TV and ran to the judge, thinking it was this trial's #17. LOL!

eta: just saw this posted above, but will leave mine "for the record" <grin>
Oh no, he can't be this incompetent...can he? I am still not convinced this was the reason for the abrupt ending.
But it's a fact. She passed by Daryl's to borrow two gas cans. Then as she was heading out she bought a third. Her claim is that she bought it and returned it but there is no evidence that she did and there is evidence she still had it with her based on receipts.

Yep image.jpg

1 can @ $12.96
Re: Jury member #17
On the Travis support page they're saying that Dr. Drew announced that Arias Jurist#17 will be on his show tonight. He was referring to Tara Kelly(?) - the #17 from last year's trial, but Nurmi heard it on TV and ran to the judge, thinking it was this trial's #17. LOL!

eta: just saw this posted above, but will leave mine "for the record" <grin>

LOL!!!! OMG, no wonder they were smiling...with embarrassment.
Oh no, he can't be this incompetent...can he? I am still not convinced this was the reason for the abrupt ending.

The reason they called the day was probably some other reason. The judge said it was "out of the court's control."

But this does sound like it could very well be why they questioned juror #17. Nurmi is tuning into HLN every day, ears perked up for anything he can use.
I'm actually kind of glad it ended early today. I have a lot to do this evening and would have missed everything.
Where did Dr. Drew announce he was going to have juror #17 on his show tonight? And who on Nurmi/Wilmot team found out about it? (the Mitigation Specialist perhaps?)
It really is just incredible isnt it.

I dont think anybody got the memo that just because the 1st phase drug on so long, it doesnt mean this phase has to be the "same old/same old".

Surely some steps could have been taken to help speed this up.

I knew we were in trouble on Day 1 when we began to have mutliple side-bars again. Seriously, this is ridiculous.

I cant even begin to count or remember all of the court cases I have kept up with since the early 90s. But I can vividly remember that in all that time I have never ever ever seen a case tried like this is a courtroom. Did I say never before this one? :D In all of the cases before this bizarre one in-chamber meetings were scarce as hen's teeth and only done may once or twice in a trial. There has been as many closed door meetings in this case as the hours spent in the courtroom........maybe even more behind doors.

And the continuous side-bars are just as strange. When objections become frivolous and obnoxious and done to interrupt the flow of the questioner usually a Judge will rapidly fire off 'overruled' and the case goes on with the attorney getting the loud message to stop the objections and constant sidebars. But here in this case it has been surreal. Every side bar asked for is granted. Every in chamber meeting is granted. It truly has been the most aggravating part of this entire trial. In the first trial I would have rather heard KN or JWs boring questions rather than waiting for them to get back from another sidebar.

And the motions for mistrials are beyond absurd. Everything in this case has been like no other I have ever seen.

Once this phase is over with I will never watch another AZ trial with JS at the helm. If one comes along that has another Judge I may watch it just to see if every AZ Judge does it the same star chamber way JS does hers.

KN and JW have been paid more money for side-bars and in-chamber meetings than they actually have representing their client in the courtroom in the well of the court.

Judge, judge. Mistrial! No? Sidebar? No? Objection? Sustained! Yes nurmi.. you can go to lunch now. You don't need to ask for a mistrial when we have scheduled recesses.
Yeah I've seen a few trials in my day and I have never really seen this before.

Hi MeeBee, I think most of us could say "aye" to that!. Wouldn't the fact that all the shower pictures show no bullet hole on Travis' head but they do show stab wounds prove the bullet came at the end? Anyone know?:thinking:
what a bunch of idiots---but JA will complain if a juror looks at her funny--personally if I was a juror I wouldn't look at her at all !!!!
Hi all! How did today go? Good day/ Bad day?
Very likely.

And then court could not continue today for some other completely unrelated reason.

I am sure it happens in other courtrooms, too.

Is the defense trying to use all alternates? go for a mistrial? :gaah:
I cant even begin to count or remember all of the court cases I have kept up with since the early 90s. But I can vividly remember that in all that time I have never ever ever seen a case tried like this is a courtroom. Did I say never before this one? :D In all of the cases before this bizarre one in-chamber meetings were scarce as hen's teeth and only done may once or twice in a trial. There has been as many closed door meetings in this case as the hours spent in the courtroom........maybe even more behind doors.

And the continuous side-bars are just as strange. When objections become frivolous and obnoxious and done to interrupt the flow of the questioner usually a Judge will rapidly fire off 'overruled' and the case goes on with the attorney getting the loud message to stop the objections and constant sidebars. But here in this case it has been surreal. Every side bar asked for is granted. Every in chamber meeting is granted. It truly has been the most aggravating part of this entire trial. In the first trial I would have rather heard KN or JWs boring questions rather than waiting for them to get back from another sidebar.

And the motions for mistrials are beyond absurd. Everything in this case has been like no other I have ever seen.

Once this phase is over with I will never watch another AZ trial with JS at the helm. If one comes along that has another Judge I may watch it just to see if every AZ Judge does it the same star chamber way JS does hers.

KN and JW have been paid more money for side-bars and in-chamber meetings than they actually have representing their client in the courtroom in the well of the court.


Thank you. I sometimes think it is just me being too critical, and its so relieving to know others feel the same way.
I actually miss JVM's comments. Seeing that HLN summarily dumped JVM, I think it's hilarious that they've now been dumped by Dish and have the nerve to put a message on the JVM Show's website exhorting viewers to complain that CNN and Adult Swim have been dumped!
Did they actually dump T.N. or is this a contract dispute? Cox has run into this with a couple of networks but they settled it fast.
If I had nothing better to do and had the time and energy for it, I would love to re-watch the whole entire 1st trial, and have 2 stop-watches. One would be for the time spent actively in front of the jury, and the other one would be for time spent in side-bars and in judge's chambers.

I would love to know the honest breakdown. I am willing to bet it would be a serious percentage of time away from the jury.

I don't want to give Nurmi any extra ideas for a possible appeal, but if the percentage is like 35-45 % of time away from the jury, he almost could appeal saying that most of the trial was held away from the jury.

Shouldn't the jury be allowed to be part of the trial? :)
Where did Dr. Drew announce he was going to have juror #17 on his show tonight? And who on Nurmi/Wilmot team found out about it? (the Mitigation Specialist perhaps?)

looks like it was after court today. :-/;,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwCAYAAABXAvmHAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAFvJJREFUaAV1mnmMXWd5xp z3v3OjGfGM97iwcZ2nGCCcWJCE5YQoBBEVGhCJdqiUhVaoUpV1apCSBVSVan9g6pQUQoCAqUFBBXQiD2BkKStG5qWGJJAEjvelxnbs9z9nr2/91xbBCSOfOfee 453/cuz/u8y7Ejjm3brt9bpNnf5kXxesdRS3KUuYXCbKTY8TUbJnrZQqBOXGh5mCtOHG3ftaiPffrvtH3nbvnuFqnI9cX77tO//H1Xm1rXq1prqBHuV8uL5bZiqV5TXjQV B15yZQKL1U07urX7ir00JEndORoourMnJIsl ukyvOxCt69IFThhvJzl/sHGo9GvSBofY/13//9r73 Ob8UPsseL1S0kQJ1HF5F dc 25mCPzkC2vksy1jcVa/XV5qmk9/tr5MobFa0tHuPFjdt08zmoRa2DRVnodIiUa3SUhiiTD7NWhss1VIWtVVvXkTQVWVJyNqpXJeXElaM J7LDwLbHPtkXJcry9NWEcdvC73qnXfe9b1b/Fol/PBgMGw7mN6OAmld15VjUtt3lstYwDQKfM6ziDgXR6lGo5jTpmQmj78h1nrkwa/q1ptu1p6d12u2ek5FI9TZp5t69Acndep4rqISKFWDu4ZKklXddpej1A w7LoSjOJ5NQUeq2KwOM2VJniEcz4ipMVQWZyglHjP2mHN bCfJOnrTGhT4Nq7Ce6U8rulAimfsQGunShn2sRxpuFwLMe1 zJOVdg81K2vivXHvz tPbtSDcfnVa8nuvOmLXrTa3194h9C/fTErLJ6rErWxqoYJ8GTbod1fDybszLWdz1leDdwq6XwDmtXQl h4 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EXCLUSIVE: Tara Kelley, juror #17 in #JodiArias' criminal trial, will join Dr. Drew tonight -- 9pET on HLN.
10/23/14, 2:45 PM
Hi all! How did today go? Good day/ Bad day?

We are not trying to avoid your question. Its just that its tough to answer. I think the best way to answer is
"same old/same old".

- We only had 1 or 2 witnesses get on the stand with lots of objections + sidebars.
- We had some sort of issue with a juror
- And the judge let everyone go home early
Boy ... if I knew then what I know now about that first JA trial ... I would have run for the hills and never looked back ... most frustrating trial I've followed to date ... and, I won't follow another JSS trial ... no exceptions!

:hills: :hills: :hills:
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