Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 3

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Do you have a link for that? A piece of threading was found on the stairs but no tassles from what I remember.

There were pieces of fiber around the bathroom floor (I was going to post a pic but they're all pretty graphic), many have thought it was from tassels or fringe on one of the pillows, I believe Tanisha said she has all his pillows and what was on the floor looks very similar to one of them.
Wouldn't you think if someone was going to decide your fate (JSS) that JA would not be such a PITA in her courtroom.
I'm not sure if it's the norm to have extra long side-bars, long weekends every weekend, objections by the Defense every minute, mistrial motions galore, frequent allegations of prosecutorial misconduct .....and on and on it goes. The only things we have going for us are Truth and Juan Martinez!

Yeah I've seen a few trials in my day and I have never really seen this before.
:silly: :floorlaugh:: Seriously hilarious, hindsight2020.

I loved how Jodi said "green witch time" with such confidence and pride, like "Hey world, look how smart and sophisticated I am."

^^^That was quite funny.

A big thank you for all that tweet trial updates and other informational posts. Everyone have a great/safe weekend, see y'all Monday.
I actually miss JVM's comments. Seeing that HLN summarily dumped JVM, I think it's hilarious that they've now been dumped by Dish and have the nerve to put a message on the JVM Show's website exhorting viewers to complain that CNN and Adult Swim have been dumped!

No, ALV is NOT on it. So sad, I was really hoping to see her too this time around. Said no one,ever.

Yes, there's a gas receipt with the date and time on it.

Here's the information I could get from the testimony and the receipts shown on the screen during trial

Shell/Syskiou Food Mart - Yreka - 6/2, 5:37 am, Matercard 2015, Fuel $15.00

Budget Redding 6/2 8:04am MasterCard 2015

MacDonalds Lodi 6/2 7:32pm fries, water

Valero - 6/2, 8:41 PM - Mastercard 2015
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend full of peace and joy. :bath::read::cup: See you on Monday! :justice:
I've been haunted by this as well. But in and around 5:30pm, most people would not have been home from work. Those who were home may not have been in close enough proximity to the house. During the course of the murder, btw, I believe her bit from 48 hours when she said he said "I can't feel my legs."

His ability to scream or yell may have only been a short window of seconds. Loss of blood, loss of strength.

We have discussed this before in other cases. That question seems to come up often about no one hearing the gun shot or screams either. But there have been cases where someone was shot multiple times in the next door apartment with only a wall separating them yet no one heard anything.

There are many reasons why that can happen. In this case I believe Travis' home was well made with thick outside walls. It probably had good insulation in the walls. Newer homes in the past 15-20 years or so are built with sound buffers to cut down on the noise. It buffers outside noise from being heard inside the home and the noise inside the home stays in the inside. And Travis was shot in an enclosed area of the bathroom and even tubs/ceilings can help buffer sounds.

Frankly I don't think Travis was able to scream. I think once stabbed in the chest he was groaning and in pain from his wounds but not screaming. Travis had to be in shock. The body will be shocked when it is so viscously attacked this quickly, imo. So I don't think anyone heard anything that day. Not screams or a shot.
She may of been thinking of that movie but like I said I am convinced Travis didn't even know she was there until the one where he is looking so sad and serious in the photo.

I think he thought she had already left and he couldn't wait to get her junk off of him. I think he just stood there sad that he had once again given into the psychopath that just wouldn't let him live his life. He stood there letting the shower run over and over him trying to erase she had ever touched him. :(

JMO though.

IMO he definatlely knew she was there. Her ruse was to get him into the shower where he's vulnerable. Naked and trapped on three sides. "Oh please...let me take some pics before I hit the road." Travis is done with her...ready to shower and prepare for his conference call at 6:30 (iirc). So he humors her. ".what the hell...she'll take some pics then finally get the hell outta my house."
But I think he knew she was there. Shower door open for every pic
I'm not sure if it's the norm to have extra long side-bars, long weekends every weekend, objections by the Defense every minute, mistrial motions galore, frequent allegations of prosecutorial misconduct .....and on and on it goes. The only things we have going for us are Truth and Juan Martinez!

It really is just incredible isnt it.

I dont think anybody got the memo that just because the 1st phase drug on so long, it doesnt mean this phase has to be the "same old/same old".

Surely some steps could have been taken to help speed this up.

I knew we were in trouble on Day 1 when we began to have mutliple side-bars again. Seriously, this is ridiculous.
Re: Jury member #17
On the Travis support page they're saying that Dr. Drew announced that Arias Jurist#17 will be on his show tonight. He was referring to Tara Kelly(?) - the #17 from last year's trial, but Nurmi heard it on TV and ran to the judge, thinking it was this trial's #17. LOL!

eta: just saw this posted above, but will leave mine "for the record" <grin>
I actually miss JVM's comments. Seeing that HLN summarily dumped JVM, I think it's hilarious that they've now been dumped by Dish and have the nerve to put a message on the JVM Show's website exhorting viewers to complain that CNN and Adult Swim have been dumped!

Regarding, JVM, I have cablevision and they are showing either old reruns of specials that either NG or she did. My friend's brother works at CNN in NYC and said NG's show might be cancelled, too.
Re: Jury member #17
On the Travis support page they're saying that Dr. Drew announced that Arias Jurist#17 will be on his show tonight. He was referring to Tara Kelly(?) - the #17 from last year's trial, but Nurmi heard it on TV and ran to the judge, thinking it was this trial's #17. LOL!

eta: just saw this posted above, but will leave mine "for the record" <grin>

If this ends up being why court was cancelled, then we have to start to realize the judge is at least partly to blame for all the delays because there would be no reason to stop for rest of the day. Get through the issue and move on. I suppose we have to wait to get confirmation on why court was cancelled for rest of day. That is, if we ever find out.

Good Grief. Dont they realize they are punishing Travis family members with all these delays in justice.
Yesterday, Nancy Grace mentioned that Arias exudes a powerful drawing power. She called it magnetism. That is commonly a good thing but she wasn't indicating that, more that it was eerie. Dave Erickson said her eyes were fronting a total emptiness and he is not the first to notice that & remark on it. We got a lot of proximate exposure to her when she testified in 2013 and she did not exert that pull on me. She was more an exhibit, a fluid specimen that caused discomfort. Way back in the days before the murder, I can well imagine her walking into a lounge (not a bar--too dark) & attracting stares and attention but I think it smacked of sexual intensity, not charisma.
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