Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 30

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Exactly Garthmax, the extreme BPD is the master of triagulation. She has a documented history of this, i.e., Sky & Chris pitted against Travis, playing Abe against Travis, using Dan and Desire Freeman against Travis, etc... and I am sure there are countless examples of this throughout her life that we know nothing about.

Gus. Clancy in the restroom. Answering the door at Travis's and introducing herself as his girlfriend when she had crashed the party. Matt McCartney and the magazine codes, Darryl and the gas cans and the guy at the bar that she borrowed money from. Lisa and the slashed tires and whoredom letter.
Who knows if the real reason that Travis was not married and the reason that Mimi told him she would only go on the trip with him only as a friend wasn't because of some lies JA told to those women.
Gus. Clancy in the restroom. Answering the door at Travis's and introducing herself as his girlfriend when she had crashed the party. Matt McCartney and the magazine codes, Darryl and the gas cans and the guy at the bar that she borrowed money from. Lisa and the slashed tires and whoredom letter.
Who knows if the real reason that Travis was not married and the reason that Mimi told him she would only go on the trip with him only as a friend wasn't because of some lies JA told to those women.

Yeah, when Nurmi was asking the Bishop if it made someone less desirable as a marriage partner if they'd had sex, I was wondering how about if they were being stalked by a psychopathic ex? Does THAT make someone less desirable as a marriage partner? :thinking:
Big shout out to Ziggy for first hand accounts from the court room. And to AZL for tirelessly answering our questions.

AAAAaaaand ... (picture my best chicken-wing) ... I have another question for AZL: Before the jury was brought in today, there was discussion about the need to review juror questions directed toward She-Who-Smells-Like-A-Goddess. Since she says she won't take the stand, how will JSS handle that? {Best guesses count!}
Big shout out to Ziggy for first hand accounts from the court room. And to AZL for tirelessly answering our questions.

AAAAaaaand ... (picture my best chicken-wing) ... I have another question for AZL: Before the jury was brought in today, there was discussion about the need to review juror questions directed toward She-Who-Smells-Like-A-Goddess. Since she says she won't take the stand, how will JSS handle that? {Best guesses count!}

I don't know! Really the testimony should be stricken, but JM clearly doesn't want that because he wants to play with it some more. :) I suppose the best thing to do given the parties' positions is to ignore the jury questions. Why should their questions be treated any differently than JM's questions lol?
Gotta hand it to her, after all that anal sex she still smells like a goddess. :giggle: Sorry, couldn't resist. :blushing:
Trial Days – Jodi Arias Retrial – Jurors present
10/21/14 9:30 – 12:15 & 1:45 - 4:30 (4 hrs)
10/22/14 9:45 – 12 & 1:30 – 4:30 (4:45h)
10/23/14 10 – 12 & 1:30 jury sent home (1:45h)
10/27/14 9:45 – 11:50 & 1:30 – 4:15 (4:15h)
10/28/14 9:30 – 12:05 & 1:30 – 4:00 (4:30h)
10/30/14 9:30 – 12:00 & 1:00 – 4:30 pm witness secret (3pm doors still locked) (5:30h)
11/3/14 1:30 – 3:30 (guessing since courtroom closed) (2h)
11/12/14 9:50 – 12:00 & 1:30 – 4:30 (4:45h)
11/13/14 10:15 – 11:50 & 1:00 – 4:00 (4h)
11/17/14 9:45 – 11:50 & 1:30 – 2:50 Emergent situation closed court end of day (3h)
11/24/14 10:00 – 12:00 & 1:30 – 4:30 (4:30h)
11/25/14 10:00 – 12:05 & 1:30 – 3:45 (3:45h)
12/2/14 9:45 – 12:00 & 1:30 – 4:15 (4:30h)
Jurors present 51:15 hrs in 8 weeks of trial
12/15/14 9:50 – 10:50, 11:06 – 11:58 & 1:32 – 2:58, 3:22 – 4:27 (4:30h) Day 15 Dr.Geffner
12/16/14 10:44 – 11:58 & 1:38 – 3:02, 3:22 – 4:26 (4:45h) Day 16 Dr. Geffner
12/17/14 9:43 – 10:39 & 10:55-12:00, 1:42 – 3:02, 3:23 –5:16 (4:15h) (13:20 this week)
12/18/14 (9am start) 9:26 – 10:28 & 10:42 – 12:00 (Geffner) 1:15 - 2:25 & 2:40 – 3:40 & 3:55 – 4:30 (4:15h)
Jurors present 69 hrs in 9 weeks of trial (more than ¼ total hours happened this week!)
1/5/2015 9am start but jurors sent home @ 9:30 without entering
1/8/2015 9:30 – 11:00 & 1:45 - 4:30 Pseudonym/John Smith – Computer expert (4hr)
Jurors present 4 hrs this week for total of 73 hrs in 10 weeks
1/12/15 8:30 – 9:30 & 10:00 – 10:50 & 12:40 – 1:00 (2:10h) Flores
1/14/15 9:05 – 10:30 & 1:50 – 1:55 min (poptart) & 2:05 – 2:45 Pseudo/J Smith (2:30h)
Jurors present 77:45 hrs in 11 weeks of trial
1/20/15 9:50 – 11:05 & 11:25 – 12:10 & 1:15 – 1:50 & 2:10 – 2:30 (1:40 sidebar) 4:10 – 4:45 Geffner (3:30h)
1/21/15 1:00 – 2:20 & 2:40 – 3:47 & 4:07 – 5:03 (3:30)
1/22/15 9:45 – 10:45 & 11:00 – 12:00 & 1:00 – 2:30 & 2:50 – 3:30 (jury kicked out) & 3:45 for 1 min - 3:47 (poptart jury) & 4:15 – 4:20 (jury out) & 4:30 – 4:40 (4:30h)
1/26/15 9:30 – 10:15 & 10:35 – 10:55 & 11:00 – 12:00 & 1:05 – 1:35 (2:35) & 1:50 – 2:25 & 2:40 3:35 & 3:45 – 4:30 & 4:35 -5:35 & 6:00 – 8:00 (8:00h)
1/27/15 2:05 – 2:35 & 2:40 – 3:15 & 3:30 – 4:00 (2:40h)
1/28/15 1:30 – 3:10 & 3:20 – 4:00 (2:20h)
2/2/15 10:15 – 12:00 & 1:30 – 3:05 & 3:30 - 4:10 (Bishop Parker) (4:30h)
2/3/15 10:35 – 12:00 & 1:35 – 2:30 sidebar followed by recess & 3:05 - 4:00 (Demarte) (3:30h)
*Jurors present 110:00 hrs in 14 weeks trial to date – (42:00 hrs since Dec 18th)

You are a SAINT! XXOO
Just had to see what JA thinks about today.

Predictably, she remains in denial and more jealous than ever.

But mostly, she just wanted to continue trashing her victim:

There's no way JM wants to delay this trial for a month. He's forcing JSS to pare down the DT's litany of computer allegations to what's "essential," or risk a mistrial.

I think Juan is mostly saying, the defense doesn't NEED this report to properly be able to cross examine and rebut the computer expert. They're just looking for things to complain about. Juan had to do pretty much everything on the fly, as he learned it and he was fine. Same with Demarte. Her new report was short and had not a ton of new info in it. They know she isn't hiding anything and they don't need to re-interview her every time she submits something new. Juan didn't get a single report from their experts. It's time to put on our big boy pants and deal with it. They know Juan isn't trying to hide anything. They're just being difficult.
Out of the Fog? I wonder if Jodi did or had someone saw this site ans thought fog - yeah I was in a fog.
Jodi's fog is more like selective, willful, convenient 'amnesia'. This fog stands for Fear Obligation Guilt - it was coined by the author of 'Emotional Blackmail' and has become a pretty common acronym to describe the tools used by a manipulative personality to keep someone in an abusive or toxic relationship.
So wait, I'm trying to catch up, did Dr D actually testify that Travis never called her a *advertiser censored*? That it was the roommate, and the murderess KNEW it was a joke???????
So wait, I'm trying to catch up, did Dr D actually testify that Travis never called her a *advertiser censored*? That it was the roommate, and the murderess KNEW it was a joke???????


Extra words.
Gus. Clancy in the restroom. Answering the door at Travis's and introducing herself as his girlfriend when she had crashed the party. Matt McCartney and the magazine codes, Darryl and the gas cans and the guy at the bar that she borrowed money from. Lisa and the slashed tires and whoredom letter.
Who knows if the real reason that Travis was not married and the reason that Mimi told him she would only go on the trip with him only as a friend wasn't because of some lies JA told to those women.

JA's many efforts to destroy TA's chances with Lisa included manipulating one of T's roommates. That roommate passed on to Lisa's sister what JA told him, which were the lies about T's secret feelings for JA. That and stolen emails from Travis to Lisa, etc. etc.

I don't get the sense from the available tidbits of T's journals that he was seriously interested in Mimi. JA's story that T told her Mimi was the one, etc. I discard like all her self serving rank garbage lies.

Mimi was the good Mormon wife ideal, but she made him nervous and uncomfortable. He didn't express happiness about being with her, just happy that she might be a go to on the marriage road.

I honestly don't think Travis had time to sort out what he wanted before he was murdered. JA gave him no time to think or to be himself. He said himself that he felt very confused about what he wanted.

I know what Taylor Searle has said about Travis at the end realizing he loved Lisa, but there's that and then there's T's last journal entries raving about a whole new cutiepie to pursue.

Everything about his life was interrupted. Who knows what his choices might have been.
I don't know! Really the testimony should be stricken, but JM clearly doesn't want that because he wants to play with it some more. :) I suppose the best thing to do given the parties' positions is to ignore the jury questions. Why should their questions be treated any differently than JM's questions lol?

So the right of jurors to ask questions holds no more/no less weight than that of the State to cross? (Sorry. I'm finding the legal aspects of this trial far more interesting than the actual testimony. Other than the hot mess of JA's lies.)
IMO, and not being a legal proficient, sounds to me like JM is setting it up so JA has to testify to try and compel the jury with her particular lies.
So wait, I'm trying to catch up, did Dr D actually testify that Travis never called her a *advertiser censored*? That it was the roommate, and the murderess KNEW it was a joke???????

Realize this incident is all about JA's manipulations ... But I have a serious question: Has anyone, anywhere in JA's writings ... in reports of her behavior ... seen evidence she has a sense of humor?
Hmmm, well that sucks for them given how much emphasis the paid experts frauds put on him saying that. Makes me wonder about the 3-hole wonder comment?

He did call her that in anger in their infamous text fights in May 2008.
I think Juan is mostly saying, the defense doesn't NEED this report to properly be able to cross examine and rebut the computer expert. They're just looking for things to complain about. Juan had to do pretty much everything on the fly, as he learned it and he was fine. Same with Demarte. Her new report was short and had not a ton of new info in it. They know she isn't hiding anything and they don't need to re-interview her every time she submits something new. Juan didn't get a single report from their experts. It's time to put on our big boy pants and deal with it. They know Juan isn't trying to hide anything. They're just being difficult.

Not sure we're saying anything different. JM told JSS the reason the report is taking so long is because the defense kept coming up with more irrelevant crap Smith was forced to investigate.

He's saying, in essence, we already have Smith's info that is relevant to the State. Not waiting on that. If you make us investigate and respond to Nurmi's every whine and fiction, its gonna take a month. Your choice, JSS.
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