Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 31

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Reposting this in the new thread.

Good morning all. Is there a link or post (maybe daisydomino?) that has a compiled list of all the tweets from yesterday's hearing?
By the time I got home from work to play catchup, I had a lost dog come to my door and it took hours and many miles of walking the neighborhood before I found its owner. I missed everything from yesterday, and navigating on my phone is very difficult.

Thanks in advance!

Sidebar is quite good for following just tweets (very little chit chat when tweets are coming in). Start @ post #56 here:

ETA... I see someone already posted this. :blushing:that's what I get for replying before I finish a thread.
Hey everyone, Good morning  I am so ready for today, yesterday was another very good day for Travis, and for Travis’ family. This my favorite from Paul Sanders “For once, it was Travis Alexander standing in the room in the arms of DeMarte and Martinez” Let's remember to keep those candles lit.
Reposting this in the new thread.

Good morning all. Is there a link or post (maybe daisydomino?) that has a compiled list of all the tweets from yesterday's hearing?
By the time I got home from work to play catchup, I had a lost dog come to my door and it took hours and many miles of walking the neighborhood before I found its owner. I missed everything from yesterday, and navigating on my phone is very difficult.

Thanks in advance!

I want to thank you for your kindness, what a wonderful thing you did.
Will DeMarte discuss the 1,000 miles and murder itself? That great big hole in the DT's story?

I seem to remember DrD talking about the impossibility of JA's precise tracks-covering post-murder if she'd had PTSD - the 3-step camera pics deleting process for one. I hope DrD is asked what JA's letter to the Alexanders on TA's birthday indicates about her.
Will DeMarte discuss the 1,000 miles and murder itself? That great big hole in the DT's story?

Considering a) the planning/premeditation, b) the murder itself, and c) the cover-up afterward, you could say the DT has a three-hole story.
Last trial, I thought DeMarte was just as effective during JW's cross. An example: JW was talking about JA-TA's relationship after she moved to Mesa:

JW: "They were still talking, right?"
DrD: "Yes"
JW: "He was still saying nice things about her, right?"
DrD: (pause) "Yes"
JW: "He was still inviting her over, right?"
DrD: (long pause-DrD really thinking) ... "I saw a couple of instances of that."

Unlike Fonseca and Geffner, DrD can cite chapter and verse from JA's journals, emails, etc., and won't be fooled. Hopefully, DrD will be a concrete barricade at the entrance to Nurmi's Slime Highway.

And unlike them she actually interviewed folks who knew Travis. Some of the very same folks the DT used to trash Travis...without their experts bothering to check out JA's veracity. I'm sure the jury notices these things.

I wonder what the jury will conclude about why no family member stood up for her. They heard she bullied them, but is that reason enough not to beg for her life? Hope no juror feels pity for her on that basis.
Well you know the first 30 minutes will be sidebar, then another one then another one.

Even though we are frustrated by them, in Paul's court summary from yesterday, he had a different perspective on them. He said it is normal in a trial and they are used over and over to cut the flow of the testimony. He also stated it gave the jurors time to catch up and think about the testimony. So I will feel better now during all those sidebars. :happydance:

The constant sidebars in this case are normal.....because of Sherry.....not other cases
Good morning fellow babies! Good golly that database error scared me, thank goodness (and Dave the IT guy?) we're all fixed up and ready to roll.
God Bless You and God Bless this happy ending.
We're the proud parents of 3 rescue Furry-Faces (Gyro, Button * Sapphire)
Your Heart is in the right place.
Back on topic for me.

She was such a sweet pup. As a dog owners of two rescue mutts, i was not about to allow that sweet dog to go roam around wish for the best that she'd be okay. I am grateful for the happy ending. It was so late I was just going to wait til this morning to post flyers when I heard a faint yelling. Someone calling out a name. I bolted out of my door and ran about a block in my slippers (losing one in the process) before I caught up to them. They were so grateful, as was I.

OT I know but I had to share a happy story, especially considering what evil we read about on a daily basis.

Heading to the sidebar link now, and definitely standing by for daisydomino. I like the way you post them because they're in chronological order. Twitter is difficult because I have a hard time absorbing info that goes backwards.
I seem to remember DrD talking about the impossibility of JA's precise tracks-covering post-murder if she'd had PTSD - the 3-step camera pics deleting process for one. I hope DrD is asked what JA's letter to the Alexanders on TA's birthday indicates about her.

That would be one way of going about it.....not telling an all encompassing story, but using separate elements of the story to demolish claims/suggestions of PTSD, "snapping," and the like.
Paul Sanders' 13th Juror entry about yesterday was especially good today. In it he mentioned the Yreka's Purple Plum manager's statements about JA's ignoring female customers and focusing on men. Also, her lying to at least one man about being new to the area and asking if he'd show her around. That interview was dated Oct. 2008, so apparently it was in the police statements file Dr. DeMarte was given in 2011. Maybe those "subjective" family/employer/fellow employee interviews weren't allowed in the first trial.
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 1m1 minute ago
#JuanMartinez is here and that's about it. Hope we start on time today with no sidebars. #JodiArias
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 1m1 minute ago
#JuanMartinez is here and that's about it. Hope we start on time today with no sidebars. #JodiArias

We are supposed to start in 2 minutes. Doubting that will happen.
I'm finally caught up. Please tell me that this is not real. How did the jurors not either start laughing or get up and just walk out at hearing yesterday's testimony is beyond me. I'd be like why are we here, a jury was hung on this goddess of cray? It's like these people are giving up their lives, the Alexander family as well, just so Jodi Arias, goddess of cray cray, can have fun and games. I can't imagine what else poor wonderful Dr. DeMarte found on that test. And for the love of kittens, can we not quote Jodi wanting her rear end pounded today? Because for such a delicate flower, she sure seeks a lot of um attention.

LOL!!!!!! "Goddess of cray cray"
You are funny as heck. Good post.
I noticed that neither Paul Sanders nor Beth Karas mentioned one topic we discussed here yesterday. That was the testimony in which DeMarte gave the Sky vs. Jodi versions of things and how she put a wedge between Travis and his best friends by giving different messages to them about how Travis treated her. She whined to Sky about Travis' only calling her late and night. Sky then talked to Travis and found out that it was Jodi wanting him to call her while she was at work to tell her he was thinking of her. She had told Travis that their calls had to be at night when she was off work. There was some major manipulation going on there. I hope it came through clearly to the members of the jury.

My rescues are my avatar... :loveyou:
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 2m2 minutes ago
First up, a hearing regarding Mesa Detective Perry Smith's testimony. #JodiArias
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 1m1 minute ago
#SkyHughes is in the house. #JodiArias
Sorry guys - can't make it into Phoenix today... I hate it when my real life gets in the way!

I have my own legal research to do for an issue with Wells Fargo Dealer Services. My dog looks and smells like Sasquatch, and I have to send out a slew of resumes.

Trust me when I say I'M BUMMED. I feel so torn - but alas responsibilities.

I'll be checking in for updates!!!

Ugh, Wells Fargo Dealer Services...I have to deal with them. No issues yet, but I still have two years on my loan, so that leaves them plenty of time to be...Wells Fargo

In their acceptance of her statements, they will recognize the victim. They are continuing to realize that Travis Alexander never had a chance. There are one hundred and fifty two pictures rolling around in in their heads of the horrific death of the victim. For every day that Juan Martinez is up, it feels like Travis Alexander is in the room. It is his turn to speak and Dr. DeMarte carried a loud and convincing voice.
The jury was excused for the day. They do not know that Jodi Arias has decided not to continue her testimony on the stand. They are still waiting for her.
It turns out that they had three questions in the basket regarding her testimony last Halloween. The questions have been dormant for months. Judge Stevens directed outside the presence of the jury that those three questions had to be presented in open court.

BBM ~ Interesting, maybe they are thinking hearing her own words will seal her fate?
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 1m1 minute ago
Jen Willmott just walked in wearing a brown, power suit #JodiArias

I guess they all forgot about the hearing over Det. Smith?
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