Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 35

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What reason would JM have to call Dworkin to testify that pornographic images and video clips were 'viewable' and playable on TA's hard drive, contrary to what his own witness testified to earlier this week?

JSKS doesn't want anyone not present to know what's going on.

She has accomplished her objective.

Maybe he knew the defense was going to call Dworkin and it would look to the jury that JM was hiding the video stuff, so he got him on the stand as his witness and let the defense bring it out? I still think that those clips/fragments could have come into his computer as a result of the *advertiser censored* viruses, he had Zlob which is associated with video playing, it's entirely possible that viruses not only downloaded more viruses but also video clips of *advertiser censored* movies. I do not think JM was backdoored by this video stuff coming out from his own witness, there's always method to his seeming madness. :)
I could swear there was talk about the possibility, way back before Halloween, LAST year, but I don't remember if a decision was ever made or not.

Maybe it was a dream.

It appears these didn't. Just the name. I think it would show the number on phone records. But these are just printouts.
No, Hope.

I'll speculate to some extent, but I don't believe it was exhaustively clear.

Why do you think JM wanted Dworkin to testify that pornographic video clips were playable on TA's computer?

I guessed at that upthread. IMO he thinks the jury's likely overdosed on *advertiser censored* and the minutest intricacies of HD innards. It's the kind of expert testimony that in general is most likely to get cancelled out anyway.

Weigh that risk against having Dworkin also bring in something brand new, and extremely damaging. What she did with the Helio can be woven into a narrative about a killer who lies in every medium in every way, casting doubt, for starters, on every text and email supposedly sent by Travis in April and May 2008.
I think JM knows all there is know about JA and her dirty tricks, and waaaay more than we do. Her Helio text lie is part of a larger pattern of intercepts and redirects that JM has known about before the guilt phase even got underway.

The difference now is how much more is being allowed in. Must in one way be an embarrassment of riches for JM. So much to choose from to use against her. He's an incredibly effective editor of evidence, and has narrowed down to just handfuls of pieces; all incredibly damning and revealing.

And without her computer and phone (the one previous to the Helio) to extract information from, all of this is just innuendo and hearsay. Which is all that is needed at this point really. It's been established what she did from the time she met Travis until the time she went to trial. With both solid proof and innuendo (the magazines come to mind). Nothing more is needed to convince this jury what lengths this murderer went to and all of her manipulation along the way.

What this will boil down to in the minds of the jurors is why this happened and whether she deserves to be put to death for all of it. Not just the murder but all the rest of what she did. So do they decide that, yes she must have had some type of mental illness to premeditate such a crime and is that enough of a legal mitigator to weigh against the premeditation and cruelty of the crime.

If they are doing the job correctly and not basing it on emotion, I think it's a slam dunk. No way does BPD give anyone a pass or justify in any way what she did. We have to remember that the DT is using a fog of their own to blur the line between her disorder and supposed PTSD from the tumultuous, abusive relationship causing her to "snap" that day and the obvious premeditation for which she was convicted for. She didn't snap, it was cool and calculated right down to the last photo.

You can't say that her disorder or her supposed PTSD caused her to preplan a murder for a week or more and then cause her to drive 1000 miles to execute it. She was free from the relationship of her own accord. She knew that murder was illegal and immoral but chose to do it anyway to free her "scrambled brain" from the anger she felt towards TA for wasting all that time on him and the indignation that he didn't want her as a wife but was willing to take the sex she offered even though she had deceived him by making it seem that she was perfectly okay with the arrangement.

That goes way beyond BPD in my opinion.

Hi Truth,
I love ya but please don't compare anything Jodi Arias does or says to any part of the KJV Bible. She knows nothing about the Lord Jesus Christ, of THAT I am sure! I know Him and Believe Him and His Word and I will stand for It to the day I die. This killer knows only what she wants and uses people and things for her gain. Soon she will go away and we won't discuss her anymore. And she will not be allowed to pretend any part of her is religious.
Thank you.

Curious, she misquoted the Ten Commandments in her interrogation.

It's a fact.

She mimics and employs the language of King James as she believes it's a way to manipulate Mormons and perhaps others.

King James may be associated with an English translation of the Bible, but the language itself and the King's English apply to more than Holy Writ.

The killer even made a show of walking around reading the Bible "inappropriately" or "at inappropriate times" according to Sky Hughes, IIRC.
Can't find who posted on this up thread, so will bounce off your related post.

The joke's on her. Even JA can't have it both ways. If she's too mentally ill to testify in open court, then surely she's too mentally ill to allocute? Which removes her last opportunity to fake remorse. Or, she allocutes, which reveals Nurmi's ridiculous claim of her frailty as a bald face lie.

Either way.

Her problem is not speaking in public, it's being yelled at by men like JM remember? So allocution will be no problem. ;)

I'm old enough to remember the dawn of email, and the introduction of PC's into the workplace. I'm too old and disinterested to keep up with the expanding parallel universe of social media.

So, with the Helio and such, I listen for a common sense bottom line. That I can grasp. What registered for me was Dworkin saying the text looked odd. That it looked like it could have been generated by a computer. Enough said.

It was on her phone, and supposedly sent by Travis. If its odd, she's the source. It doesn't take much connecting of dots to go from there to the what and why of it.
I guessed at that upthread. IMO he thinks the jury's likely overdosed on *advertiser censored* and the minutest intricacies of HD innards. It's the kind of expert testimony that in general is most likely to get cancelled out anyway.

Weigh that risk against having Dworkin also bring in something brand new, and extremely damaging. What she did with the Helio can be woven into a narrative about a killer who lies in every medium in every way, casting doubt, for starters, on every text and email supposedly sent by Travis in April and May 2008.


What he appeared to do via Tweet, is to have a Defense expert witness call out his own Prosecution witness for either being incompetent or being dishonest about a pornographic video being on the hard drive and being playable.

Some trial reporting Tweeters concluded that JM lost ground by having Dworkin testify today.

So what's the truth?

I think trial report by Tweet means that we're all just guessing even more than if the trial was livestreamed.

Significantly more...
Good Morning! :seeya:

Guess we're having another short day, then another looong weekend <ugh> . . . to refresh our memories, here is a list of mitigating factors DT outlined for the killer as described in one of the DT motions a while back. Wondering how many will the jury find/believe? If they believed Dr. DeMarte, then it's 1, 2 and 8 game over, but if they believed Dr. Fonseca and Dr. Geffner, hmmm it could be a different outcome.

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I hope Juan makes it as clear as it is to me that #1- No prior criminal history is exactly what it means! No prior CRIMINAL HISTORY. It does not say, "No prior criminal ARREST OR CONVICTION." Arias definitely has a criminal history of
1- growing marijuana on the roof
2- stalking
3- vandalism (slashing Travis' tires twice in two days and a girl friend's tires one day)
4- hacking into his private internet accounts
5- domestic violence (hitting her younger brother, Carl, in the head with a ball bat, kicking her mother, damaging walls by kicking an hitting them. Once was in a rest room where she worked but dated the boss)
6- threatening people (like the lady, Clancy, in the bathroom at a PPL meeting)
7- entering his home without permission (squeezing through the doggie door if she had to)

She definitely has a criminal HISTORY.
I'm old enough to remember the dawn of email, and the introduction of PC's into the workplace. I'm too old and disinterested to keep up with the expanding parallel universe of social media.

So, with the Helio and such, I listen for a common sense bottom line. That I can grasp. What registered for me was Dworkin saying the text looked odd. That it looked like it could have been generated by a computer. Enough said.

It was on her phone, and supposedly sent by Travis. If its odd, she's the source. It doesn't take much connecting of dots to go from there to the what and why of it.

Right and with Jodi admitting that she did have access to his emails and accounts and with it being well documented that Travis was very angry with Jodi toward the end for constantly getting into his stuff, it's not too hard to see what he was getting at. He may be hoping the jury thinks this is what the big fight was about.
I guessed at that upthread. IMO he thinks the jury's likely overdosed on *advertiser censored* and the minutest intricacies of HD innards. It's the kind of expert testimony that in general is most likely to get cancelled out anyway.

Weigh that risk against having Dworkin also bring in something brand new, and extremely damaging. What she did with the Helio can be woven into a narrative about a killer who lies in every medium in every way, casting doubt, for starters, on every text and email supposedly sent by Travis in April and May 2008.

BBM. Yes!! IMO, JM cast some (more) serious shade on Fonseca&#8217;s &#8220;relationship analysis,&#8221; since Fon relied heavily on communication between JA and TA to come up with her manipulative, sexually aggressive &#8220;T-Dogg&#8221; portrayal of TA v. her non-assertive, people-pleasing portrayal of JA. She didn&#8217;t interview anyone. The relationship between JA and TA was painted through texts/emails, JA&#8217;s journals, and JA&#8217;s assertions.

The jury already has plenty of reason to doubt anything JA says. They have reason to doubt JA&#8217;s journals. If they also question the validity of TA/JA electronic communications, Fon&#8217;s analysis is badly battered.

Personally, I&#8217;m thrilled with LD&#8217;s testimony. It might not be crystal clear right now, but I have no doubt JM will tie it all together in his closing.
I hope Juan makes it as clear as it is to me that #1- No prior criminal history is exactly what it means! No prior CRIMINAL HISTORY. It does not say, "No prior criminal ARREST OR CONVICTION." Arias definitely has a criminal history of
1- growing marijuana on the roof
2- stalking
3- vandalism (slashing Travis' tires twice in two days and a girl friend's tires one day)
4- hacking into his private internet accounts
5- domestic violence (hitting her younger brother, Carl, in the head with a ball bat, kicking her mother, damaging walls by kicking an hitting them. Once was in a rest room where she worked but dated the boss)
6- threatening people (like the lady, Clancy, in the bathroom at a PPL meeting)
7- entering his home without permission (squeezing through the doggie door if she had to)

She definitely has a criminal HISTORY.

Stealing his ring...
Remind me y'all when this text was "sent" to Jodi? And the big fight was May 26th correct?
This jury doesn't know all the background like we and the other jury did. They know very little, actually. Again, this computer *advertiser censored* question should have never been allowed.

Juan rarely, if ever, does anything without a very good reason. My best guess (for whatever that's worth) is he was asking LD about computer pr0n as a way of laying the foundation to ask when him the defense first began scouring computer hard drives for pr0n at all. As in it maybe it wasn't important to them for nearly two years until after JA changed her defense claim from story #1 to story #3. Too bad Judge Sher upheld Wilmott's 'jection to Juan asking LD that question. How typical of her. Anyhoo...
The level of planning and deceipt she used to consume and then ultimately annihilate her victim in every way possible is truly frightening. And as this drags on it just becomes more and more apparent. This is not just a person with BPD. There has to be more going on here. I guess it's pretty hard to diagnose with all the lies and without all the facts.


BBM. Agreed. Exactly!
The degree of covetous penetration by the murderer into her victim's life and personal relations seems extensive.
How do psych tests 'quantify' this degree of conniving, planning and enacted manipulation?
My opinion only.
I hope Juan makes it as clear as it is to me that #1- No prior criminal history is exactly what it means! No prior CRIMINAL HISTORY. It does not say, "No prior criminal ARREST OR CONVICTION." Arias definitely has a criminal history of
1- growing marijuana on the roof
2- stalking
3- vandalism (slashing Travis' tires twice in two days and a girl friend's tires one day)
4- hacking into his private internet accounts
5- domestic violence (hitting her younger brother, Carl, in the head with a ball bat, kicking her mother, damaging walls by kicking an hitting them. Once was in a rest room where she worked but dated the boss)
6- threatening people (like the lady, Clancy, in the bathroom at a PPL meeting)
7- entering his home without permission (squeezing through the doggie door if she had to)

She definitely has a criminal HISTORY.
You forgot two: Theft. She stole the engagement ring her purchased for Linda Ballard. And Animal abuse- Doggy Boy and the cat she was supposed to take care of but neglected.

What he appeared to do via Tweet, is to have a Defense expert witness call out his own Prosecution witness for either being incompetent or being dishonest about a pornographic video being on the hard drive and being playable.

Some trial reporting Tweeters concluded that JM lost ground by having Dworkin testify today.

So what's the truth?

I think trial report by Tweet means that we're all just guessing even more than if the trial was livestreamed.

Significantly more...

I'm open to hearing opinions that Dworkin was a bad idea for JM overall. You're right, Twitter conveys not so very much.

The two tweeters you cite, though, IMO are in the pack of least informed and sloppiest of those covering the trial. I don't give their take much weight.

On the other hand, I've never seen JM blunder on trial strategy and I don't believe he did so today. My guesses about his thinking could well be entirely wrong, but I don't believe he erred in calling Dworkin. To the contrary.
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