Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 35

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No. He didn't. Juan may not know about this. It certainly has become very relevant now.

I think JM knows all there is know about JA and her dirty tricks, and waaaay more than we do. Her Helio text lie is part of a larger pattern of intercepts and redirects that JM has known about before the guilt phase even got underway.

The difference now is how much more is being allowed in. Must in one way be an embarrassment of riches for JM. So much to choose from to use against her. He's an incredibly effective editor of evidence, and has narrowed down to just handfuls of pieces; all incredibly damning and revealing.
I so hope you're right OceanBlueEyes. I always love your optimism and look forward to your posts.
Thank You from a fellow :juanettes:

I don't think any of the jury will think Juan lied. This was his witness so JW did not make a Perry Mason moment. They still cant come up with kiddie *advertiser censored* and that is a big loss for JW and the DT.

What was gleaned was there was NO kiddie *advertiser censored* on his computer no matter how many times the DT tries to say it or the murderer. No kiddie *advertiser censored* and very little *advertiser censored* at all for a single young man. I think they will resent that the defense has made false allegations and will think the small amount of adult *advertiser censored* found is irrelevant and has nothing to do with whether her life is to be spared or not.
Why do Dr Geffner and Dr Fonseca need to come back AGAIN? What more can they possibly have to talk about that they haven't bored us all with before? As it was DT going over and over and over irrelevant gossip that proved to not even be true has added many days onto this trial. Why do I get the feeling we are going to be forced down the "Slime highway" yet again, despite there being no evidence of Travis being anything but a normal, sexual human being. There is no evidence of Child *advertiser censored*, no evidence of domestic violence from him, if 4 racy pictures equal a death penalty then Hugh Heffner would have faced Old Sparky decades ago. There is NO mitigation for what CMJA did. The DT are trying to bore the jury to death I think. I don't even care if she gets LWOP now, at least we won't get innumerable appeals in court. I just want it to finish for the sanity of Steven, Samantha, Tanisha, Harold, Deanna and everyone who loved and cared about Travis.
That wasn't even the claim at the time. Nurmi is just really milking this mentally ill thing. The reason Jodi gave was because she and her family had been threataned and she didn't want to testify in public.

Of course, there's the third reason that Nurmi bantered around, until the COA shot him down - the presence of the press and public affecting her hypo campus.

Arias must believe her lucky number to be 3. Why, only yesterday one racist singer turned into a choir of three in the blink of an eye.
Personally I am kind of crushed after testimony today. :(
Calling Dworkin totally backfired on JM IMO.
All the DT's doing Imo. Why else would he run all these "new" tests on the computer that "no one asked" him to run. And how would JW know to ask him these questions. Set up Imo.
And now the jury gets to sit and think for a whole week about these extra *advertiser censored* pics and extra *advertiser censored* video that the Pros said was not there .
Just crushed. :(

Even if JM thought Dworkin could ding Brown's credibility about the videos-- and it's debatable that was accomplished-- I'm sure he was willing to take that risk in exchange for the DT's computer guy testifying about the Helio. Priceless.
Can say this. I've paid a great deal of attention to the computer trial within a trial, and read far more than what the jury has been allowed to know. Also, I don't think I'm stupid.

But, I find all the computer stuff baffling. The technical details go in one ear and out the other, and I think its a safe bet that's true for most of the jurors.

If I were a juror, there are only a couple ways I could only make sense of why the computer stuff looms so large:

1. I'd get that the DT is whispering to me that Travis was a pedophile. I'd assume that the DT is hammering me about *advertiser censored* on the computer because they want me to believe there was child *advertiser censored* on the computer.

But......the State said not, and the DT couldn't say there was. FAIL

2. Less clear, but not by much, I'd think that maybe the DT is so big about *advertiser censored* on the computer because they want me to believe their story of Travis leading a double life. Good Mormon versus *advertiser censored*-watching, multiple GF sexting jerk, which opens the door to doubts. If he was all that, maybe he abused her too?

There's likely to be a discussion about the end of that line of thought. But it won't be whether or not fragments of a *advertiser censored* video exist on his computer.

3. I'd be aware that both sides seem to be accusing the other of not playing fair about what was found on the computer. For whatever reason. Beats the heck out of me why. Seems strange. So, if my fellow jurors find the computer stuff relevant and we have to choose who to believe, I'm gonna go with the side that seems to have been telling me the truth about things I can understand.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around why Juan brought up the helio texts, and the significance of why they were split up. Even on HIS phone records incoming messages are split up with SMS, as mine is to this day!

Does anyone have any ideas why Juan threw this out? I know that some mentioned from a computer, but I don't see that.... (just tested it, my texts split at 159 characters, perhaps others have iphones that don't or better droids than I have)


ETA: Just was scrolling up, and seems to be the same with another poster as to the character amount as I had

ok here it is:

Er been taken before. When its done the intensity will make your body feel like you’ve been raped but you will have enjoyed every delightful moment of it. You’ll
29 word
163 characters with spaces
133 characters with no spaces

Rejoice in being a *advertiser censored* that’s sole purpose in life is to be mine to have animalistic sex with and to please me in any way I desire. I will rejoice in you get
34 words
126 characters no spaces
160 characters and spaces

Ting off on the fact that you can do and have me do anything you ask of me at anytime you want it like a sex slave except for I am not obligated to do it but tr
38 words
123 characters no spaces
160 characters with spaces

ETA #2... Already quoted below....
I'm still trying to wrap my head around why Juan brought up the helio texts, and the significance of why they were split up. Even on HIS phone records incoming messages are split up with SMS, as mine is to this day!

Does anyone have any ideas why Juan threw this out? I know that some mentioned from a computer, but I don't see that.... (just tested it, my texts split at 159 characters, perhaps others have iphones that don't or better droids than I have)


When texts are split up they come in together or within second of each other and, as you can see from the example you posted, it's obvious they are from one long text (1 of 2 and 2 of 2 demarcation that precedes the text).

The weird one that Jodi got were received within minutes of each other (one was 8 minutes) and iirc didn't have any indicators that it was the same text broken up.

And Lonnie is the one who said it looked like it was written out on a computer.

Never fear dear Zoey, in closing JM will will make it loud and perfectly clear the purpose for this retrial and what the jury is there to decide. Not *advertiser censored*, not "domestic violence", not fabricated loans, or sex, sex and more sex, just Jodi the murderess and her slaughter of Travis.

I hope so. This trial is so far from murderer these last few months ;(
I'm still trying to wrap my head around why Juan brought up the helio texts, and the significance of why they were split up. Even on HIS phone records incoming messages are split up with SMS, as mine is to this day!

Does anyone have any ideas why Juan threw this out? I know that some mentioned from a computer, but I don't see that.... (just tested it, my texts split at 159 characters, perhaps others have iphones that don't or better droids than I have)


Some software/apps concatenate the messages if sent/rec'd in less than a pre-determined length of time.

But that's merely for the purpose of displaying them to the user(s).

The length is arbitrary; see my prior comment.

As for JM's intent, I'll have to wait until I have something more substantial than trial reporting by 140-character Tweets upon which to base my opinion.
That wasn't even the claim at the time. Nurmi is just really milking this mentally ill thing. The reason Jodi gave was because she and her family had been threataned and she didn't want to testify in public.

Can't find who posted on this up thread, so will bounce off your related post.

The joke's on her. Even JA can't have it both ways. If she's too mentally ill to testify in open court, then surely she's too mentally ill to allocute? Which removes her last opportunity to fake remorse. Or, she allocutes, which reveals Nurmi's ridiculous claim of her frailty as a bald face lie.

Either way.
Ok, no Juan is not saying Jodi got into his account and sent *advertiser censored*. He is saying that the text she receive is dubious. My hypothesis is that Jodi went into his email and sent it to herself. But could be something else. Juan is suggesting she sent it to herself and made it seem like Travis did it. I don't think he was specific. But Lonnie did bring up on cross that it looks like the message was written on a computer and broken up.

Yes, and that was what Abe was brought in to show. Jodi Arias fakes a lot of emails and who sends them, who receives them. Her manipulating is not limited to verbal lies.

The funny thing about the *advertiser censored* issue is the jury already heard the sex call between the pair of them. IN THAT CALL they both discuss making a *advertiser censored* video, so clearly THEY BOTH liked that. Jodi admitted to reporters and to Detective Flores , and on the stand in first phase of trial that she and Travis photographed and videoed sex, often, and usually deleted it. So, if there is *advertiser censored* on the would be no surprise and it would be no surprise if the female in the video is Jodi Arias herself. I don't get why either side would think *advertiser censored* is a big deal , after the jury heard THAT tape and saw THOSE close up pictures of Jodi and Travis' body parts. Also the jury saw a lot of the very graphic texts BOTH of them sent back and forth, so they must be numb regarding the *advertiser censored*. It would be unlikely to NOT find *advertiser censored* on BOTH of their computers, imo. Jodi was the one texting requesting the dirty things like  on face. sodomy.jpgmessage to matt from jodi in magazine.jpgscreenshot of JodiArias' brother.jpgThe only thing that would matter at all is CHILD *advertiser censored*, and there was none.

Everyone is asking why did Juan call Dworkin today. The defense has been saying that it is clear misconduct of the prosecutor and of MESA PD to have said there was no *advertiser censored* on the computer. Through Dworin we learn that at that time, THE DEFENSE EXPERT was unable to find *advertiser censored* too. That matters!! NO one found it. THEN. One party cannot be malicious and the other party simply mistaken. It is a wash, and no ill intent.

This is how easy it is to caller ID spoofing , impersonating who is the caller

Travis busted Jodi hacking into his phone and his emails sending texts, emails to Lisa as Travis, sending texts, emails to herself as Travis. Several of his friends knew he caught her doing this

Jodi admitted to Sky that she hacked into his emails and forwarded them ALL to herself so she could go through them
JSS caves on Geffy. Sorry, but that was predictable.

It doesn't sound like JSS did cave on Geff. Nurmott claimed he wasn't available until 25th-26th, IIRC. Then there's closing statements, jury instructions deliberations..... Dr. Spillwater's presence must have been moved forward?
When texts are split up they come in together or within second of each other and, as you can see from the example you posted, it's obvious they are from one long text (1 of 2 and 2 of 2 demarcation that precedes the text).

The weird one that Jodi got were received within minutes of each other (one was 8 minutes) and iirc didn't have any indicators that it was the same text broken up.

And Lonnie is the one who said it looked like it was written out on a computer.


I agree that it seemed to support the notion that the message(s) could have been 'spoofed' by someone other than the sender of record.

But I don't trust trial reporting by Tweet to convey the meaning of the proceedings with any more than a smidgen of content integrity -- on the best day.
I agree that it seemed to support the notion that the message(s) could have been 'spoofed' by someone other than the sender of record.

But I don't trust trial reporting by Tweet to convey the meaning of the proceedings with any more than a smidgen of content integrity -- on the best day.

Yeah, but what other reason would Juan have for bringing up this text in particular (that many of us have always thought was suspicious anyway) and then making the suggestions he did and then suggesting Jodi changed the sent from name at the top?

That was clearly what he was getting at.
ok here it is:

Er been taken before. When its done the intensity will make your body feel like you’ve been raped but you will have enjoyed every delightful moment of it. You’ll
29 word
163 characters with spaces
133 characters with no spaces

Rejoice in being a *advertiser censored* that’s sole purpose in life is to be mine to have animalistic sex with and to please me in any way I desire. I will rejoice in you get
34 words
126 characters no spaces
160 characters and spaces

Ting off on the fact that you can do and have me do anything you ask of me at anytime you want it like a sex slave except for I am not obligated to do it but tr
38 words
123 characters no spaces
160 characters with spaces

Gotta say..Travis never wrote that. I have two sons, three brothers. Men can talk nasty. But they do not write like that. That's totally JA.
Neither did Wysteria...?
From what I understand some people are thinking that JA somehow got into TA's account and sent *advertiser censored* and an email to her phone via a computer?
How is the jury going to be able to put this together?
It's a really important point, if what I surmise is true and that the jury or even one or two "get it" and will be able to explain it during deliberations.
Am I confused or on the same page as some of you are?
Could someone clarify please? :tyou: in advance.

The jury wouldn't have to understand how, when, why..... They would only have to get the gist of what was being testified to. JM only needs: "Jodi has a history of manipulating texts and data. She lies a lot about sex and relationships. You might want to assume that Jodi manipulated these text messages because anyone can do that very easily."
Gotta say..Travis never wrote that. I have two sons, three brothers. Men can talk nasty. But they do not write like that. That's totally JA.

It just sounds like her!

"You will rejoice in being my *advertiser censored* and when we are through..."

It reads like some romance novel version of sex talk and her way of writing. Read the whoredom letter to Lisa, then read this nonsense that is supposedly from Travis. It's her.
It doesn't sound like JSS did cave on Geff. Nurmott claimed he wasn't available until 25th-26th, IIRC. Then there's closing statements, jury instructions deliberations..... Dr. Spillwater's presence must have been moved forward?

Closings and jury instructions should only take a day. Have been in and out. What exactly did JSS say? I thought she indicated the trial would go on at least through the 26th. Is that wrong?

Maybe the DT lopped off one of the threatened 2 days of Geff as part of their terrorist negotiations? :D
Yeah, but what other reason would Juan have for bringing up this text in particular (that many of us have always thought was suspicious anyway) and then making the suggestions he did and then suggesting Jodi changed the sent from name at the top?

That was clearly what he was getting at.

Inflection? Tone? Actual words used?

I especially don't take it at 'Tweet' value when all along both Prosecution and Defense have implicitly stipulated the authenticity of authorship/ownership of the tens of thousands of instant messages and emails exchanged between the killer and her victim.
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