Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 35

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I'd be surprised if she was anything but a rock star. :happydance:

We've got Tim Horton's out the ying yang here. They're overtaking North America! :scared:

I'm a Canadian girl, probably one of the few who DESPISE Tim Hortons. The products are sub par and I will never understand why people line up for that crap?
Is there a link to the questionable May texts where I could read them?

I think it was post #375 on the sidebar that has a few of them. I retyped them to get the word and text character count and can repost that if you would like snippets of ones that were cut off
So I have a bunch of BK videos to watch and get caught up on. I'm ticked off that I missed DeMarte. I'd be uber ticked if it were televised.

I have to go all the way back to February 2nd. :sigh:

I have problems while the trial is actually moving for once. :banghead:

Oh well, I heard the state rested today so I'm hoping we're close now.

And here she is! :heart:

I'm a Canadian girl, probably one of the few who DESPISE Tim Hortons. The products are sub par and I will never understand why people line up for that crap?

Ok, you lost me, what are Tim Hortons ?
I'm a Canadian girl, probably one of the few who DESPISE Tim Hortons. The products are sub par and I will never understand why people line up for that crap?

Lol. I'm from Texas and the first time I went to Canada and had Tim Horton's it rocked my socks. There's probably better out there but it's pretty good for what it is. The honey glazed donuts are pretty bomb.
I guess I'll quote my own quote, lol ... Seems that I'm not the only one in the dark on this issue, yet it should be a significant one concerning the origination of texts or messaging of any kind. Text messages to and from can be traced. Period. So I don't get it, there should be a very clear and concrete answer to this and it should have been brought out in the trial. Unless, as I keep thinking, I am missing / have missed something. I feel like I'm alone on an island here. Anyone ?

You are not alone because I kept questioning it too. From what I understand, there doesn't seem to be anyone who knows whether JA's phone prior to the first Helio phone was ever recovered. Then we've got Helio phone number one which was "stolen" and then "found". This phone apparently had the sex tape and the text that was discussed today on it. I also don't know what happened to Helio number 2 that she got just prior to and would have been using at th time of the murder. She should have been in possession of that phone when she was arrested. No idea what was found on that one.

Then we have Travis' phone. Which Melendez was eventually able to retrieve all text messages from, two years after the murder when software became available to do this. I was always under the impression that all text messages being discussed during the trial came from that report. And maybe they did, except for the one discussed today?

And like you, I'm wondering why this is just coming up now and was not addressed in the first trial. And why it isn't being clarified whether that one text happens to be missing from the report on Travis' phone. And what program existed in 2008 that would allow for her to plant a text message like that on her phone. Could it be from his email account? His Facebook? Just from her own computer with the name being listed in her phone as Travis?

No idea why none of this is being addressed? I guess if it's not that easy to clear up or prove, it's better just to let it hang as innuendo?

6) TA's abuse led to extreme emotional distress at time of incident

This one has struck me from the time I first saw it. It's the most peculiar mitigator I've ever seen.

First, it insults by calling an especially cruel first degree premeditated murder an "incident."

Second, it says outright that Travis the victim was responsible for causing his murderer "distress."

Third, it implies - and not very subtly- that the distress Travis caused her was a factor at the time of the "incident." Suggesting that she snapped, not premeditated a slaughter.

I'm very interested in how Nurmi frames this mitigator in closing, if he does at all. Seems more a piece of the DT's stealth case that Travis deserved to die.

Hope, I think that is exactly why Nurmi is calling Fonseca and Geffner back to the stand. They are the very ones who so adamantly claimed that Travis was the 'abuser', by using her for sex, even tho' they were not dating. You won't hear them say a word about her moving almost within arms reach of him AFTER they had 'broken up'. They will not admit how she sneaked into his house even when he was not there and helped herself to his private accounts like Facebook, MySpace, his bank account, etc. I think it was Taylor Searle who Travis told that sometimes she awoke him climbing into his bed...naked.

In her narcissistic way of thinking, SHE would force herself on him and he'd be a fool not to let her finally move in and enjoy his lifestyle. She was the one causing him so much distress and costing him so much money. I forget who it was who told about one time when he was at a large PPL meeting and was scheduled as the featured speaker, but someone over him sent people to find him 10 minutes before he was to speak because he was nowhere to be found.

Finally, he called the person in charge and told them, "I'm out in the parking lot in a huge argument with Jodi and I'm no condition right now to speak. I'm shaking from arguing with her so much." And he made it sound like if he came in, she was going to follow him and continue the 'scene' in front of everyone. But neither Fonseca nor Geffner will mention anything like that.

I pity any man who could become involved with someone like her! That one mitigating factor is how the DT will cover up the charge of her 'stalking'. I see her more of a Psychopath/Narcissist than Borderline, or perhaps on top of 'Borderline'. But I suppose if that had been the diagnosis, then the death penalty would have been off the table. What do y'all think? They would have argued, "She's sick. She needs a hospital and treatmen, not a cell." And certainly, that would have been a recognized mental illness and no jury would want to convict her if they REALLY thought she SUFFERED from a mental illness. Would they?
Reposting the text portions that I could read. Some of the pictures of the texts were cut off on the right or left side. I didn't include fragments of letters because I didn't want to get the character wrong.

er been taken before. When its done the intensity will make your body feel like you’ve been raped but you will have enjoyed every delightful moment of it. You’ll
29 word
163 characters with spaces
133 characters with no spaces

rejoice in being a *advertiser censored* that’s sole purpose in life is to be mine to have animalistic sex with and to please me in any way I desire. I will rejoice in you get
34 words
126 characters no spaces
160 characters and spaces

ting off on the fact that you can do and have me do anything you ask of me at anytime you want it like a sex slave except for I am not obligated to do it but tr
38 words
123 characters no spaces
160 characters with spaces

Remember this. That photoshoot is gonna be one of the best experiences of your life and mine. I haven’t stopped thinking about it, the pics ill take, the progress
29 words
134 characters (no spaces)
164 characters (with spaces)

ssiveness of it, from very clean to very very dirty and everything in between, it will tell quite a story and be a lot of fun and not a day has gone by that I h
36 words
125 characters (no spaces)
160 characters (with spaces)

aven’t dreamt abo
my shaft long and
you. When I am all
lonesome I have m
to think of anyone
scandalous fantasi
(picture of message cut off right side)

From my own experience
thing is even enjoyable
mpared to you. Because
that I spend a lot more
e getting myself off.
Hat you do and let me do
(left side cut off of this picture of the message)

ffon the fact that you
o and have me do
ing you ask of me at
e you want it like a
ave except for I am not
ted to do it but fr

do it and is my only
to be your muse
ned for your most vile
ustful pleasures to be
to you in any form you
I believe that Juan got some very important testimony today. He got the expert to admit that all of those endless *advertiser censored* titles, read out and posted up by the DT, were there as an innoculation by Spybot. THAT is crucial testimony. That means that 99% of what the DT was squawking about is meaningless. As a booby prize, they get to claim that there were 4 or 5 pictures of nude people. Some were pornographic in nature. So thay have 2 or 3 *advertiser censored* pix left over and a few fragments of sex videos. NO CHILD *advertiser censored*.

Is the jury going to care about 4 or 5 pictures of adult nudes, after being told ,erroneoulsy, by the DT there were thousands and thousands of nasty dirty *advertiser censored* hits? I think they will be annoyed.

This testimony also clears Juan and Flores of the bogus misconduct charges. That is a big success from this testimony. jmo :cow:
BBM this damn trial is draining...I'd almost forgotten the testi-phony from sue-de-nim :rolleyes: gleefully recounting all that carp, and the lists of *advertiser censored* sites being put up on the screens :gaah:

This is when I really believe the DT should be sanctioned in some way. It's one thing for a DT to put forth questionable info that they've gotten from the murderess, but quite another to go out and hire someone to corroborate those lies...all at taxpayer expense. If CFJA was footing the bill this would have been over years ago :gaah:
I still wish it was brought out that it was a nickname....but I have every bit of faith in Juan's ability to bring everything together clearly for the jury. However, I also believe there was so much evidence against her that the judges rulings had a play into our confusion. She decided to play a game since she thought she was smarter than everyone else because he wouldn't take the death penalty off.

My son's friends nicknamed him C-dog because he was not a 'player' at all. It was a friendly way to make fun of his sincerity.

I think 90% of the jurors will know that ' ____-DOG ' is very common nickname. It is usually a goodnatured way of teasing someone. Nothing nefarious.
I'm a Canadian girl, probably one of the few who DESPISE Tim Hortons. The products are sub par and I will never understand why people line up for that crap?

Same here. I was the only student in class (Concordia/McGill) who did not carry around a constant supply of Timmies. Even my professors were hooked. They said it was physically addictive. My ex-boyfriend from Nice, France often says it tastes like dirt and I must agree. MY Canadian friend used to say 'Oh, what does a 'Froggy' know about Canadian coffee?' LOL.
It's like a Penny's store, not really anything furniture in the store, but it has all the high end type of housewares, clothes, shoes....I love the Khol bucks!!
I found it really strange, they owe thousands to these type of stores, but just a few hundred to Walmart..guess that is where they buy food.

I know when my husband was alive, we both had Penny's credit cards. They were in my name and I was paying the bill, but his had his name on it and mine had my name on it. (I canceled his when he passed away.) But, I can't help but wonder if Jodi's credit card might have been in her dad or mom's name! It would not bother her a bit to charge all her 'road trips' and food and clothes and car rentals on a card THEY had to pay for. I wonder if Detective Flores has checked that card to see who actually had the account.
I've always suspected he was Canadian cuz he says "oot" for "out". But what confirmed my suspicions was when he tweeted a desire for Tim Hortons a few days ago. All my fellow Canadians will definitely get the reference!!! #best coffee #doubledouble

Also, explains his fixation with salmon.
I'm a Canadian girl, probably one of the few who DESPISE Tim Hortons. The products are sub par and I will never understand why people line up for that crap?

I'm boycotting them since the huge layoffs. I have no loyalty to a Brazilian conglomerate.
Is it only us Canadians and one honorary one from the other side of Lake Ontario up late on this thread tonight? Must be the caffeine. ;)
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