Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 38

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Plus they lack her artistic and spiritual delicate sensibilities. :shame: I'd guess she sees them as common and coarse, not up to her refined, high-achieving standards. Not the kind of people she wants to show the world she comes from. Ridiculous, of course, and self-defeating but there you have it.

I can imagine JA feeling superior to the rest of her family in spite of the fact she's a convicted felon.

I would think she might feel like they are very stupid because she's been lying and outsmarting them for years.
I have to admit i really have wrapped alot of time and emotions into this case. My mother was always a court tv watcher since before OJ and then ID. I never really ever got into a case before cmja. I was on maternity leave during the original trial and was instantly drawn in and haven't been able to look back. I am alot of emotions upon realizing the case really is going to come to a conclusion: good bad or indifferent we are days away from a finality. Its a mixed bag. I am elated for the alexander family, Juan and definitely flores so he can focus I. just grieving the passing of his own son.

Even if she receives death i am sure the conviction and sentence teflaun Juan made sure he prosecuted it and is air tight

Maternity leave can do that to you. When I was pregnant and on leave I got hooked on "Coronation Street" for a while. And I can't explain why--now when I see it I can't understand what the interest was. Crazy hormones, I guess. :)
I still can't get over what JA pulled today. Obviously KN and JW told JA that she could not do her allocation in a closed court. She told them "make it happen" or I won't allocate. Their time-wasting, legally futile efforts to sway JSS took up most of the court time today. They lost of course, but didn't know that JA had plan B in place. She thought that she could do a better job than these dumb lawyers. She trusted that SHE could manipulate this judge, who has shown her fear for any cause for appeal, and use that to sway JSS. She had the gall to argue with the judge that allocation wasn't part of the higher court ruling re private testimony. What a stupid, narcissistic ploy--which proves many observations that she is her own worse enemy.

This gives a small glimpse into what her DT has suffered in having her as a client. I wish they could write a book when this is over. What a nightmare she is for every person who crosses her path in her life.

I didn't see it as manipulation of JSS so much as being stupid enough to think you know the law better than a judge. Just because you are an inmate does NOT confer a law degree upon you. I have a brother for a lawyer, I still wouldn't presume to think I know the law better than a judge.
I just saw a pic of CMJA's Grandpa on her dumb sisters FB, makes me hate JA even more now knowing what she put them through. Plus he even tried to believe in her lie that she was working. He looked so loving and caring in the pic. GRRRR. Praying for the jury to do the right thing and sentence her to DEATH.

I don't think it's her grandpa, its her father.
We knew the DT would try to delay this.

Now the million dollar question.
"Will JSS stop the DT and finish this trial tomorrow or not?"

Taking bets in Vegas right now. The longshot bet pays well.

Vegas local here. Don't think even the boldest sports book would take the bet. The outcome is more unpredictable than even the diciest of boxing matches. Prolly easier to predict that JA will bite someone's ear off.

Sorry - being silly, but it's very late. Just wanted to chime in after catching up on a truly exhilarating day of trial. Glad I didn't lay odds on what transpired this afternoon!

I'd bet a buffet at the Bellagio that the majority of we fervent trial watchers already have the coffee-maker primed and ready to go for tomorrow. If I didn't have to work, I would have the Mimosas glasses chilling. Praying for a great day Tuesday and p.s. thanks to everyone here for the insight and camaraderie.
I bet by May 1 MDLR stops accepting the collect calls

If I didn't already support the DP because that's what the family wants, I'd want it just so MDLR would be tied to JA until death did them part. (Huge Snark)
I just want to say that I hardly ever post but I'm an ever present lurker.

Thank you to all who have posted tweets and documents in this phase of the retrial. For Lambie who always gives us a shiny new thread. For ziggy and others who take time out of their lives to attend court and report back. For AZ Lawyer being patient with all of our questions.

It's been a long, bumpy road. I'm confident in the jury and that the verdict will be satisfactory. I would rather have her get death but at this point I'm consoled by the fact that either way, she isn't going anywhere ever again.

I'm grateful for everyone thoughts and opinions, whether they be in sync with or different than mine.

It's been an honor to be here with all of you until the bitter end.


Wow "fragile heart" - 92 thanks!!! You took the words right out of my mouth (and heart)! Thank you.

I second Couerfragile' s emotion.
Times a million.....((()))))
I don't believe for 1 second that she pulled this stunt today without the knowledge or encouragement of her lawyers. They weren't surprised, they KNEW and told her what to say "I thought allocution and testimony are 2 different things". It was done this way purposely, to get on record for her appeals. They would know the judge would ask jodi directly about allocution. The whole thing was just another act, in the big show.
I don't believe for 1 second that she pulled this stunt today without the knowledge or encouragement of her lawyers. They weren't surprised, they KNEW and told her what to say "I thought allocution and testimony are 2 different things". It was done this way purposely, to get on record for her appeals. They would know the judge would ask jodi directly about allocution. The whole thing was just another act, in the big show.
I find that hard to believe. They had to had known that if Jodi can't testify in private, she can't allocute in private. What's the point in filing an appeal you know has zero chance of success??? I think this was Jodi going rogue from her lawyers. They'll quickly be thrown under the bus after closings. She hates Nurmi. She tried to get him fired two years ago.
I don't believe for 1 second that she pulled this stunt today without the knowledge or encouragement of her lawyers. They weren't surprised, they KNEW and told her what to say "I thought allocution and testimony are 2 different things". It was done this way purposely, to get on record for her appeals. They would know the judge would ask jodi directly about allocution. The whole thing was just another act, in the big show.

This was their big 'excuse' to explain why JA could not stand there and offer true remorse. They knew that she just couldn't/wouldn't do it and tried to take the spotlight off her twisted way of thinking and put the blame on the public/media/haters. As Juan said is not HER fault.....never HER fault.

I expect more :drama: in the morning.
This was their big 'excuse' to explain why JA could not stand there and offer true remorse. They knew that she just couldn't/wouldn't do it and tried to take the spotlight off her twisted way of thinking and put the blame on the public/media/haters. As Juan said is not HER fault.....never HER fault.

I expect more :drama: in the morning.

Perhaps this could be playing in the waiting room.. just to bring everyone up to speed again.

I like this one too...

and this...

for sure can't leave out this classic.
IIRC the Gentleman dismissed had stated he didn't support the DP unless Murder was premeditated and/or committed by a serial killer.

Well it was premeditated. Doesn't sound too bright. Interestingly though, maybe he feels the rest of the jury is leaning towards the DP and he didn't think he could go through with. Sort of like an honest version of Zervakos.
I find that hard to believe. They had to had known that if Jodi can't testify in private, she can't allocute in private. What's the point in filing an appeal you know has zero chance of success??? I think this was Jodi going rogue from her lawyers. They'll quickly be thrown under the bus after closings. She hates Nurmi. She tried to get him fired two years ago.

Yes, and it a bad move on her part, or was it prelude to appeal? Maybe she is actually standing by her own words that she wants the DP?

So confusing
Well it was premeditated. Doesn't sound too bright. Interestingly though, maybe he feels the rest of the jury is leaning towards the DP and he didn't think he could go through with. Sort of like an honest version of Zervakos.

That's what I was thinking. He honestly thought he could not vote DP, so didn't want to be the burden on the others.
I don't believe for 1 second that she pulled this stunt today without the knowledge or encouragement of her lawyers. They weren't surprised, they KNEW and told her what to say "I thought allocution and testimony are 2 different things". It was done this way purposely, to get on record for her appeals. They would know the judge would ask jodi directly about allocution. The whole thing was just another act, in the big show.

I would not be surprised by this.
I find that hard to believe. They had to had known that if Jodi can't testify in private, she can't allocute in private. What's the point in filing an appeal you know has zero chance of success??? I think this was Jodi going rogue from her lawyers. They'll quickly be thrown under the bus after closings. She hates Nurmi. She tried to get him fired two years ago.

Of course they knew she can't do it in private. But that didn't stop them for arguing and asking the judge for it for 40 minutes in the morning. The whole thing was argued this morning in private. Then, the afternoon was just for the public to watch and to have it on record.
Genuinely looking forward to tomorrow, and to being here to share the end. I don't know how anyone can follow a trial like this without the company, discussion, and support of a place like here and folks like all of you. :)

Thank you Hope. I couldn't agree more. Without the dialogue, sharing of relevant personal experiences, forthright opinions, mutual hand-holding, spirited discussion and oft-expressed kindnesses - whether trial-related or otherwise, I would have lost interest in this trial long ago. My silver lining, should I be so selfish to even think I should have one derived from the circumstances that brought us together is this - that I have "met" so many passionate, fascinating, delightful, kind, wise and witty folks over the past 25 months and although the circumstances of our gathering are for an unspeakable tragedy, I am grateful for the result, on a personal level.

I can only hope that the wonderful things this forum has provided is truly the penultimate of the desired out come of this phase, I.e. the DO.
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