Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 5

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I understand the positions in this case. If the defense can say garbage and plaintiff can't ( has to have substantiated proof) then which side is the better side to be on ??? Maybe not in this case but others.

Well, the plaintiff has the task of proving their case. Defendant does not. In any case, the defendant gets the benefit of reasonable doubt. Plaintiff is not entitled to that--they may get it sometimes, but there is no entitlement.

Maybe I am not understanding your question.
Jeffrey Evan Gold ‏@jeffgoldesq 23s23 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

#JodiArias Nurmi has Flores read the 12 yr old part... Jodi says your so dirty not she liked it. Flores admits he was wrong. Recross done.
@TrialDiariesJ: Nurmi has Flores read the transcript about what #Jodiarias said after Travis mentioned a 12 yr girl "your bad you make me feel so dirty."
BBM--yes. We should all thank God we don't know her.

The judge cannot disallow evidence just because there is no "corroborating" evidence. If Jodi says something, that is evidence. The judge can't require corroboration before the jury is allowed to hear this evidence.

Thanks. I did not know this. :eek:hdear:
@TrialDiariesJ: In a text from Travis to #jodiarias on NYD says he states he loves her #3tvarias

Jodi probably sent that to herself, to look like it came from TA....she is good with electronics
Maybe its just me and my lack of understanding of criminal law, but by golly I sure would have thought the defense could not throw up a picture of someone's "member" and totally imply that it was Travis' member like he sent that photo to her.

Why oh why was that allowed?
Absolutely no proof that it was Travis. It could have been any one of her other male boyfriends or just a random picture she downloaded from the internet.

This is 1 good example where I think the judge could have and should have legally disallowed this based on absolutely no basis or evidence to imply it was Travis 'member'.

There were plenty more examples like this that I felt could have legally been disallowed.
Like when JA claimed she saw a picture that Travis had of a young boy that she caught a glimpse of this picture as it fell off the bed or something like that. The one where she claimed she was disgusted when she saw it.

Why was that allowed because there was ZERO proof that it even existed?

I understand JA herself testified about this photo, so its really in the 1st trial it should have been disallowed due to no corroborating evidence it existed.

If this sort of thing is legally allowed by a defendent when testifying, then I suppose a defendent can get on the stand and say any number of lies about other people with ZERO basis for it and we have to allow that.

Its one thing to allow it and its another to believe what she is saying. I think it is very important for Juan to point out who actually is making claims and to point out how the claims may not even be true if they are coming from someone who is a murderer and maybe just trying to say things to make others look bad.

Let us all be glad we were not in her circle. There is no telling what she is going to claim about any one of her circle of people she knew.

Judges are over worked, but what ever she is doing on the desk, paper works, emails, if it does not have to do with this trial, she needs to stop and she should be paying attention to what is being said and put on the screen. lack of attention is bugging me....I remeber from the first trial...thinking what is so important that she can not sit and listen and watch and take notes. Then she, the Jusge, could stop some of this stuff. JMO
You guys really need to understand the underlying Constitutional laws that are the basis of any criminal litigation in the U.S. I know many don't care and think it somehow should not apply to someone who is so evil and deceitful, but the founders of this country and the U.S. Constitution don't discriminate against anyone, not even ones who are hateful and evil and don't play fair. The laws are written to protect individuals from the government and to hold the government accountable for things like taking away freedom. It may not feel fair, but this is what our country is based on.

And we see how well it works for us don't we? I mean since the politicians are making mincemeat of it. It does work well for criminals like JA.
@TrialDiariesJ: Nurmi- So #jodiarias didn't say she liked it when Travis mentioned the 12 yr old girl correct? Flores -Correct #3tvarias
@TrialDiariesJ: Juan- Can you tell how a stolen phone got from California to Arizona and in Defense's hands? Flores - No I can't #jodiarias #3tvarias

It definitely does sound like Juan is setting up his questions for Aunt Sue, as others pointed out.

@monicalindstrom: Jury has 5 questions for Det. Flores this round #jodiarias

@TrialDiariesJ: Juan- Anyway to look at photo's of #jodiarias naked on bed and tell if these two are in love with each other? Flores- No #3tvarias
I think Nurmi is doing GREAT. It's his job to throw everything out there to save his client's life. No matter how guilty this defendant is, she deserves the same US Constitution mandated defense any innocent person would get.

I agree. Though I hate Nurmi's tactics I am glad to see him giving this his all. We do not want this killer to be successful on appeal and many perps blame their attorney if they are convicted and then get a sentence they didn't want. I do not want Nurmi handing this killer any ammunition.
I remember now that the convicted murderer requested Detective Flores personnel files.

The convicted murderer intent was to go after him. Actually now I'm glad it was Detective Flores on the stand as I think he held his own against that attorney.
I cannot imagine two more diametrically opposed individuals. --> Flores vs. Nurmi = polar opposites
Ohhhh Jury Questions! See what they might be thinking!
Curious, you have always been very polite to me. I have taken no offense. But JSS has to do her job. The most she could ever say to Nurmi at sidebar would be that she hopes he has thought through whether he's alienating the jurors--and if she did say that and then ended up having to decide between LWP and LWOP, he would cite the comment as evidence of bias and appeal!

Exactly. The jury will see through Nurmi. His attacking Travis and Flores may well backfire. Flores did a great job and doesn't deserve to be Nurmis punching bag as he tries to paint Travis as an LDS hypocrite.
Travis was not perfect but the jury already knows that and they also know he wasn't having/watching sex with a 12 year old...he was having sex with Nurmi's client...and it cost him his life. If I were on the jury this latest display by Nurmi would not sit well and I would be less likely to spare his clients life. She would have to get on the stand, own up to premeditated murder and beg for forgiveness.
@TrialDiariesJ: Nurmi- So #jodiarias didn't say she liked it when Travis mentioned the 12 yr old girl correct? Flores -Correct #3tvarias

BUT the way she said ' it makes me feel dirty' was very positive, as if she liked it. She was not implying anything negative,imo. I hope the jury picked up on her tone of voice.
Was JA with TA during the month of March at any time where she would have access to his phone to text? Remember how TA was pizzed off because JA was sending texts and emails to other girls?
Judges are over worked, but what ever she is doing on the desk, paper works, emails, if it does not have to do with this trial, she needs to stop and she should be paying attention to what is being said and put on the screen. lack of attention is bugging me....I remeber from the first trial...thinking what is so important that she can not sit and listen and watch and take notes. Then she, the Jusge, could stop some of this stuff. JMO

The judge has a separate screen on her desk to see what's on the big screen. She also has the rules of evidence and a live-stream transcript from the court reporter. So she's most likely looking at one of those things.
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