Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 5

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Those don't sound like mitigation questions to me.

Right you are, and this is the fear a lot of us had. Even the jury is getting confused of their job. The defense is effectively retrying her guilt phase.
@monicalindstrom: Jury Question #6 for Det. Flores: something like "who found #TA's body? A: found by roommates
The Sidebar is for any type of discussions, including this retrial. Some of our posters have issues with their internet and can only stay on so long. Those posts on the Sidebar from the trial are condensed into a number of long post instead of one tweet reported followed by a stream of posts with discussions in them. They are doing a fantastic job in the Sidebar thread keeping up with the trial. There are no rules prohibiting them from posting tweets from the trial.

This thread is specifically for the retrial only so it will be easier to find in the future.

Thanks, Lambchop
Honestly, I think JA wanted to be TA's girl so badly that she did everything to make it seem that they were a couple. When he would not embrace the relationship she really wanted with him (wife), she set out to keep in his life to remain his dirty sex secret - because she at least knew she was "wanted" during those moments. As soon as the "lovemaking" was over and TA went on about his daily tasks and life adventures (that JA was not included) - she went bat ***** crazy and set about planning not only the murder but also the threat of smearing his good reputation - as that was what was most precious.

She has a pattern of behaviors that she would immerse herself into his life using whatever means necessary. It would not surprise me one iota that she picked up his cellphone and sent love messages to herself - so she could brag that TA is in a relationship with her, should anyof the friends question her.
She said she was driving after the murder and then she stopped somewhere and she realized there was blood on her hands. Sure she did. No blood in the car. She cleaned up before she left his house. Not with water bottles that I believe she said she had in the car and used.

IIRC there was what appeared to be blood in the rental car.

Jodi Arias Trial: Arias Returned Rental Car With 'Kool-Aid' Stains in Seats
It would sure be great if the defense had to go by the same standards as the state. Sure hope this jury gets it, hope they remember the real victim is Travis Alexander. The jury questions have me a little worried.
Regarding blood in the rental car. Wasn't here something about the floor mats being missing and something red ((I am thinking Jodi said Kool-Aid) was spilled.
I am not sure I am even remembering the correct trial. Very stressful day.
BBM--yes. We should all thank God we don't know her.

The judge cannot disallow evidence just because there is no "corroborating" evidence. If Jodi says something, that is evidence. The judge can't require corroboration before the jury is allowed to hear this evidence.

Thank God that at least has its limits. Her saying she had these pedo letters from Travis obviously wasn't good enough.

Then again, if they came in and JM had experts prove they were forged and probably written after the murder, that might be the final nail in her coffin.
I thought the stain in the car was said to look like Koolaid or something along those lines. This, I thought, came from the man that worked at the car rental company.
She said she was driving after the murder and then she stopped somewhere and she realized there was blood on her hands. Sure she did. No blood in the car. She cleaned up before she left his house. Not with water bottles that I believe she said she had in the car and used.

I think she cleaned blood off of her hands after getting rid of the gun, knife, and bloody clothing. I assume she probably brought the knife & gun in a plastic bag and she shoved all that together in the bathroom after the shower. She might have had a change of clothing and shoes in the bag.
The juror questions are bothering me. Are they questioning the GUILTY verdict? Or hopefully, are they wondering what her state of mind was after she slaughtered him?
Whoa. Great question I assume came from a juror. They picked up that JA must have showered in Travis shower after she killed him.

Shows she was calm cool and collective after the murder. Not someone that is horrified at what they just did.

Yes, not in a fit of passion, and not in a fog...but cold :cold: and calculating ...
I've always thought she climbed right on in the shower after she put Travis in there.

I think she brought out handheld shower-head out of the shower and cleaned herself up. That's how the linen closet got flooded.
Questions for the Jury:

Was it ever determined where #JodiArias cleaned herself up after the murder- NO

for Det. Flores: were the pants seen in the photo recovered by the police? A: No

Any blood in rental car- No

Who recorded sex call? Jodi Arias

How long before murder was this recorded- 3 weeks

When did roommates find Travis- 5 days later

BBM - I'm pretty sure no gas cans were ever recovered either. I always figured she had a nice big bonfire somewhere in the desert and destroyed all the evidence she had with her.
Hi Curious, ITA on the reprehensible. Tennessee has recently passed a law that at least appears to target and prevent this type of conduct. It's so unfair IMO, that the defendant in this case seems to have all of the rights as far as "prejudicial" evidence being disallowed, without equal protection for the poor murdered victim, Travis. :(. Maybe if AZ had a law such as this in place, it might have prevented not all, but at least some of CMJA's lies, fabrications and slandering of Travis. He's not even here to defend himself and has been dealt a terrible injustice, IMO.

AZ, thanks so much for all your expertise, would love for you to weigh in on this. Are you familiar with the new Tennessee law and it's implications ? TIA :seeya:

Senate passes laws inspired by Channon Christian & Chris Newsom

That bill just corrected an odd interpretation of Tennessee law by the Tennessee Supreme Court. The underlying intent of the law was restored. AZ law is very similar. You can't trash the victim unless it's relevant.

You probably know her background. If you don't mind speculating, do you think she finds the whole spectacle absolutely disgusting and wishes she could do more? One thing she does remarkably well in front of the jury is to never appear to be exasperated or upset, even though any normal person would feel like ripping someone's head off while presiding over this case.

Caveat: I live in Travis County, which has Rosemary "DUI/spit on cops" Lehmberg, who succeeded Ronnie "seven grand juries/Smillion$ on Tom DeLay/all charges overturned" Earle, so people like JM only exist on TV for me and I have no idea what a "normal" prosecutor is like.

Yes, I think as a former prosecutor of 20 years she probably finds this disgusting and wishes she could put a stop to it.

Thank God that at least has its limits. Her saying she had these pedo letters from Travis obviously wasn't good enough.

Then again, if they came in and JM had experts prove they were forged and probably written after the murder, that might be the final nail in her coffin.

I don't think we've seen any ruling on whether the letters will come in during this phase, which has more lax evidence rules. But in the case of the letters, I thought Jodi claimed they were sent to her by someone else, so she can't say personally whether they came from Travis or not. I could be misremembering this.

I agree that if the letters come in, JM will go all out with the forgery accusation.

The juror questions are bothering me. Are they questioning the GUILTY verdict? Or hopefully, are they wondering what her state of mind was after she slaughtered him?

I think it's the second one.
AZlawyer, can you give us the definition of slander as it is seen in a court of law. I have been told that it is very hard to successfully sue/accuse someone of slander as it has to cause certain repercussions and I cannot remember what that was.

AZlawyer, I apologize for seemingly attacking you. I didn't mean it. I am furious with KN and I don't understand the legal process of how he can slander the victim. It just seems like he is a worthless to do so. Just my opinion. And it seems like JSS should call him out on it at sidebar like you would a criminal. Again, just my opinion. I am sorry to everyone at WS for attacking JSS but right now I don't like her much.
The juror questions are bothering me. Are they questioning the GUILTY verdict? Or hopefully, are they wondering what her state of mind was after she slaughtered him?

I would like to think, they are thinking.....
The reason she was caught was because of the camera, well, then there is the bloody palm print.
I think she tried to erase all the images and then when she was trying to grab things to put in the wash, she "thought" she had all trace of her gone. The smoking gun to me, is that camera.
I have to agree on the bashing of JSS..... It needs to stop. She is doing the best she can with what she has...
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