Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 7

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Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 40s 41 seconds ago

#JodiArias Nurmi is the 1st one out.

Willmott sits at def desk w/Arias & Maria looking at pic of TA & JA at Grand Canyon.

Interesting. Why would that picture be looked at? Didn't the Freeman siblings go to the Grand Canyon with Travis and Jodi. Could one of them be the secret witness if not Jodi? Hmmmmmm

This one?
I don't think Nurmi wants this trial to end...............he's just going to make a lifelong project out of it.

Since he didn't get his way today, expect him to be on a real tear tomorrow, it will be something else just as stupid as this was.

He needs to be disbarred and brought up on charges for disrupting the entire court system on behalf of this witch.

There is nothing he does that is ethical. It is just lies, smoke and mirrors, and constant disruptions......most of it dreamed up by Nurmi and Wilmott. Jodi isn't smart enough to come up with these kind of strategies.....she is just along for the ride while her attorneys come up with one delay after another. I don't believe this is the way our court system is supposed to function.

As far as judge Stephens goes...........she should just start a career as a kindergarten teacher and stay out of the court room.
And I'll even bite here. A childhood friend of mine I knew for over 20 years pled guilty to 1st degree murder. His DT called me to ask if I'd be a mitigation witness. I said no and gave my reasons why. That was that. I was never subpoenaed, his Dt didn't cry foul that they couldn't provide mitigation witness that were too afraid to come forward. He was married,had a baby and was just 19 when the crime was committed and received LWOP. That's how cases are supposed to go


Nurmi argued this was the only way people would testify . . . . um - ok. Then what was your point Nurmi?
an argument/determination regarding the liklihood of success on the merits, i.e. the position being advanced has to have some merit and and a good chance of winning. Stays aren't granted where the position advanced is far fetched and unlikely to win the sunstantive legal argument. This is especially true when stays affect rights, cause inconvenience, cost money etc. as it certainly will do here in delaying proceedings in a death penalty trial. My take on this is the court thinks JS went too far and she needs to roll it back or the appeals court will. I certainly hope she will just go with her first order which I believe had media in an overflow room.

His grammar is actually proper in this tweet. He's saying this stay means they may reverse Judge Stephens ruling to keep the media out. Sounds like enforcing the original ruling to keep video out until after the verdict and have media watch from overflow room is a good compromise. I think that's what they'll tell her to do.
Why do I get the feeling that not all the funds are going to Jodis defense and her appeal of her conviction?

Could it be because JA has been being paid by the taxpayers of AZ so far?

Could it be that JA is not even done being convicted?

Could it be that her appeal hasnt even started yet?

Oh, and JSS take note. No matter what you do, there are plans for an appeal, so please quit worrying about it and just make good solid judgements, and you will be backed by case law.
You know why a ponytail? To make herself look like a young girl. A ponytail is a young girl's hairstyle generally, unless it's really hot out. It could've still been her testifying, just off the stand when they walked in.

If there is another foreman like the last one....she might even pull out the pig-tails.....

Nurmi argued this was the only way people would testify . . . . um - ok. Then what was your point Nurmi?

Never, no way does a character witness in mitigation need to be in secret. No way. Expert witnesses have even less of a right to privacy. jmo
Totally off-topic - and sorry - but is my avatar actually showing up at all? I'm trying to personalise my profile, but I have NO idea what I'm doing over here *Nurmi moment*
Renee110, De Marte said that twisting facility came from practice & that manipulative liars like Arias closely study what the other person (or parent) is saying. They concentrate on the words and eventually become very facile with words. Arias is very strong in that test category--and definitely not in others.
If there is another foreman like the last one....she might even pull out the pig-tails.....

IMO - the last foreman went in there with an agenda. He was anti-DP. He was never ever going to give the DP. He was going to ensure there was no DP (it only takes 1). I know 4 voted against, but I'm sure he was quite forceful. And I'm judging this by his VOCAL actions afterwards. He absolutely made it a mission to get on that jury & hang it. IMO.
Totally off-topic - and sorry - but is my avatar actually showing up at all? I'm trying to personalise my profile, but I have NO idea what I'm doing over here *Nurmi moment*

No, I dont see an avatar yet for you.
Regarding the video that Bill and Sandy Arias posted. I just re-watched it and was amazed that none of JA's supporters are putting comments of support in. It is all comments from Travis supporters and I find that interesting like the JA supporters were told not to put comments in there. I find that interesting.
Never, no way does a character witness in mitigation need to be in secret. No way. Expert witnesses have even less of a right to privacy. jmo

Yeah, if you have to hide from stating your own expert opinion, what does that say about your expert opinion?

That's why I'm sitting on my hands on this one and hope EVERYONE does the same.

Oops. Too late for me. Haha. Well, at least I am only on WS. If I was out in that big bad Twitter world, with only 140 characters, I would have a problem. ;-) I really hope someone shows this chit to someone, especially if the Mom or Dad were the secret witnesses. Just sickening.
I am wondering about the timing of Bill & Sandy Arias video today (of all things). Here we are speculating that she has been testifying and throwing her parents under the bus with horrendous abuse fiction - super secrets gets overruled and within a few hours . . . . this?
No, I dont see an avatar yet for you.

Arse. Am I doing something wrong? What do I have to do to get an avatar? The control panel is very confusing, and it's half-1 in the morning here in the UK, and I've had a lot of Cabernet. I'm as lost as Jodi on the road to Mesa...
Regarding the video that Bill and Sandy Arias posted. I just re-watched it and was amazed that none of JA's supporters are putting comments of support in. It is all comments from Travis supporters and I find that interesting like the JA supporters were told not to put comments in there. I find that interesting.

Yes, I noticed that. And I already see some comments that the defense will flag as "threatening." I wish people would exercise a little self control.
You can't use the media and public when it suits you, and ask a court of law to trample upon the constitution when you feel you aren't getting your way like a child. It's like the fifth amendment, you can't talk yourself into a corner and then claim that protection. You cannot pick and choose when to use it.
Apparently you can, if you are the convicted killer and your judge is JSS. JMO and what I have witnessed in this sham of a trial.
Never, no way does a character witness in mitigation need to be in secret. No way. Expert witnesses have even less of a right to privacy. jmo

Not all mitigation witnesses are expert. A character witness could be a friend. Given what's happened in the past and the vitriol spewed on the web, I'd be frightened. (Of course, I'd also be frightened to be a witness for the prosecution, in case she ever got free....). I can totally understand a witness not wanting their identity outted in the media. For me the bigger issue is the total expulsion of the public from the trial. I have no problem with a character witness (e.g. a friend) being kept from the general public, but I feel very strongly we need to know what is being said, right away. Nurmi's explanation of 'the transcripts would be available' doesn't wash with me, because he keeps getting them sealed.

I hope JSS made the closed court ruling in a foxy move to shift the burden to the appellate court, which then prevents any appeal on that issue from here on out. But, I fear, she's just been worn down by Nurmi's incessant motions.

I found him unpersuasive in today's hearing: the media attorney cited case laws, and he just whined. It's especially unpersuasive if JA was in fact the witness.
And a tv, and crafting supplies if perryville is anything like McAlister they can get some pretty nice things on commisarry

Houston Chronicle 7-30-14: "Convicted murderer Jodi Arias, prisoner No. 438434, spends 23 hours a day in a 7-by-11-foot cell in Estrella Jail in Phoenix. She rests on a thin mattress on the bottom of two beds that jut from a cinderblock wall. Or she sits on a stool at a small metal table attached to another wall. She exercises, reads and draws, always by herself, in solitary confinement. She doesn't have a computer, personal cellphone, radio or television. She eats, sleeps and goes to the bathroom in her cell, always being watched by authorities."

Perryville might be a step up from her current situation, including better food.
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