Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 8

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Wanting to see the physical evidence themselves is the exact kind of thing this defense would pull. The state might have even told them that's a bad idea and they should just work from their copies and the judge said give them the computer. This judge seems like she would be the kind to make that kind of decision. According to Juan it wasn't just the computer they were looking at.

How can Nurmi lay that on the PD? I mean, he can try, but it was not up to Flores to have the computer turned on and it was not up to him to say yes or no to the defense if they were demanding to see the computer.

And it would be bad news if the defense's actions altered anything important. But fortunately nothing of importance was affected. Close call, though. But it's a problem what happened and I hope they learn from this.

You sound very knowledgable about computers. Are you in the field?

This really isn't on JSS, Judge Sally S. Duncan had the case until 6/2011.
Is everyone else thrilled with Juan's reply to Nurmis motion regarding the computer websites? :)
i could read that over and over and over. I just smile with how brilliant this prosecutor is. The way he brought out how the files appeared on the very day she was stealing the gun and setting up the fake robbery at her grandparents home was just delicious. And how Travis couldn't access *advertiser censored* sites on June 10, 2008, as he had already been murdered! Yes, I am a Proud Juanette!

Can someone repost please for those that missed this, TIA

ETA: Found it after continuing to scroll at
On the docket:

11/11/2014 RES - Response - Party (001) 11/12/2014
OMG I just had a little nap and woke up in the middle of a bad dream.

I dreamt that Nurmi put his expert on the stand ALL DAY and all they did for 7 hours was read 3 emails.

Had to rush right here to make sure it really was just a bad dream....right?..???

I'm sitting here thinking how tired I am and I need to turn in and go to bed, and you make me laugh. :floorlaugh: One can never get too much laughter in life. :)
I'm starting to wonder now... But it couldn't be, could it? Could JA really have been that diabolical? Did she start planning the destruction of his life and reputation in may? As in - did she sent him a virus that would result in *advertiser censored* being found on his computer after death - and the police WOULD have checked - to destroy his reputation? But then after the police got to the deleted photos got scared that they might trace the *advertiser censored* back to her and had them deleted? But then - her attorneys wouldn't help her with that right? That'd be unethical!

I'm overthinking things again.. She couldn't have. THEY couldn't have. Could they?

Considering that she stole the gun from her grandparents on May 28 with murder in mind, infecting his computer with *advertiser censored* would be one of the least diabolical things she did. And I think it's quite possible that she did do that - it's way too coincidental that the sites start appearing on the same day, May 28. It would also explain (in addition to her penchant for playing the persecuted victim) why she's been so insistent that evidence has been withheld by the state. She knew something was there because she put it there. What she didn't realize was that it would be zapped by anti-virus programs, or whatever, eliminating any active or deliberate link between Travis and those sites.

Also, in her initial interview with Detective Flores on June 10, right after the body was discovered, Mimi Hall said that Travis had spoken with Arias "...sometime last week... because he caught her hacking into one of his email or Facebook accounts...". That could approximate to the end of May. I'm sure with a little patience - or access to people who know these things - that it's not too hard to find out how to use someone's email account to infect their computer. No surprise, then, that Arias' own hard drive was pretty much destroyed - along with any evidence of incriminating searches, hacking activity, etc.
The foremen was for sure a stealth juror. I think we should all just be grateful he voted for first degree murder because I think definitely could have refused to vote for 1st degree.

I agree, I'm still wondering how it worked that way.

ETA: Just to clarify, I'm surprised that he voted for first degree murder at all. But thankfully he did.
I am sure he wanted her for the sex but I'm also sure she wanted him to need her for the sex. It was the one thing that only she could give him - kinky sex. And that, gave her more power over him than he ever had over her.
Well that's the one thing she could offer him that no other Mormon woman would. She thought it would be enough to get him to marry her and take her to Cancun.
But us 'hippies' were the minority. And personally, I remember well the difficulty crossing the divide of the generation gap when I matured and wanted to settle down. Having a history of FREE LOVE did not go over too well with the parents of your love interest.

I so wanted to be a hippie, I was just a few years too young. But I see what you mean. Things were actually much easier when I came of age. I lived with my bf without any stigma from family or friends. And my heart goes out to you for the abuse you suffered.
I am 62. And I feel pretty young for my age, having had my kids when I was late 30's and early 40's. They did keep me tuned in. LOL

But age can be a factor when people are discussing relationship protocol. I think different generations have different social more's. It does not mean any one is right or wrong. Just changes in social beliefs. I don't think anyone was trying to be insulting.

But this particular 'older lady' was passing judgment upon TA for his 'making out' with girls and not making relationship commitments. That is an example of a possible generation gap, imo. Again, no insult meant. Just an observation of different social expectations.

I'm 62 also and I grew up with boys that had girl friends and then was always one or two that had a following so to speak, of willing young women hoping to change his ways and marry him Travis was a prize for Jodi. He was young good looking, had a nice house, car, and money. She had vampire Bobby, Matt M. and Daryl B, a man twenty two years older that wasn't that much in love as he claims since he has no plans to marry her. Travis was several steps up the ladder.
From what I've gleaned she has spoken at the same conferences as Alyce LaViolette for years.

Paid shill. From thefreedictionarycom:

1. a person who poses as a customer in order to decoy others into participating, as at a gambling house.

2. a person whose praises, endorsements, etc., are motivated by self-interest.
With that stealth foreman, it wouldn't matter what was said, or not said, IMO. He had his mind up on sentencing from the get-go. I'm sure some of the DP voters have had a quiet chat with Juan on what struck them, and he will adapt accordingly.

Agreed, and I quite like that Juan's been quiet throughout this "expert's" testimony. Let her talk!
I'm 62 also and I grew up with boys that had girl friends and then was always one or two that had a following so to speak, of willing young women hoping to change his ways and marry him Travis was a prize for Jodi. He was young good looking, had a nice house, car, and money. She had vampire Bobby, Matt M. and Daryl B, a man twenty two years older that wasn't that much in love as he claims since he has no plans to marry her. Travis was several steps up the ladder.


SO TRUE. And he had respect and prestige and social stature. She craved all of that. She really wanted to be seen as a respectable, prestigious WIFE. that's why she put her hooks into him in the first place, imo.
I know some things about how that (total lack of) deliberations went down. It really wasn't the split it appears. Let me just put it this way. If you were an elderly person charged with the decision for someone's life and facing down your own mortality and you knew, there was zero chance whatsoever that the death penalty would be imposed due to ONE person on the panel refusing to deliberate and you thought "what the heck, I don't want my hands dirty with a legacy potentially putting someone to death and my vote is meaningless anyway" might you consider just switching for your own peace of mind maybe? Or could you imagine someone or 3 someone's possibly doing something like that? I can.

Me, too, but it's sadly ironic Travis didn't get much of a chance to face his own mortality. It was brutally forced upon him.
The foremen was for sure a stealth juror. I think we should all just be grateful he voted for first degree murder because I think definitely could have refused to vote for 1st degree.

Maybe he was hoping to get a gig in round 2 as a paid consultant for the DT.




Absolutely brilliant!!!!!
I'm 62 also and I grew up with boys that had girl friends and then was always one or two that had a following so to speak, of willing young women hoping to change his ways and marry him Travis was a prize for Jodi. He was young good looking, had a nice house, car, and money. She had vampire Bobby, Matt M. and Daryl B, a man twenty two years older that wasn't that much in love as he claims since he has no plans to marry her. Travis was several steps up the ladder.

And this was the problem, in my opinion. JA was a kind of throwback. Instead of depending on herself and making her way in the world, she seemed to be looking for a male to the exclusion of that. It's like something from two generations back. It's tragic. Notice that even the young Mormon women who testified, who were encouraged to marry at a relatively young age, had careers. They had interests other than men and weren't centered on the nice house, car, and money. (I'm not at all convinced that Travis was rolling in dough, but that's another conversation, and JA would not understand it.)
I haven't had time to read thru this thread, but I did follow the tweets while at work and all I have to say, talk about two people putting their nose where it didn't belong. I know these were Travis' good friends, but I would be pissed if my friends were that into my business, and telling me how to conduct my relationships. It really wasn't any of the Hughes' business, and they shouldn't have put themselves in the middle.

What Travis did was with Jodi was nowhere close to being abusive

Agreed! Jodi was the abuser. Travis treated Jodi as she deserved to be treated considering she stalked him and didn't respect his boundaries.
Chris said the same thing on Tricia's show. He was on for 2-3 hours, IIRC, and explained that email in great detail.

IMO it is unfair to judge Chris or Sky , or their friendship with Travis , based on those few emails. Travis loved them and they loved Travis. That's all I need to know about them.

And I also remember they were very upset with Nurmi et al for taking their emails and using them out of context to trash Travis.
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