*REVISIT* Could We Have Gotten a Confession from Casey?

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Yes, I know what you mean. To me, the better part of valor would be to have her somewhere out of the public eye: LP said in the beginning when he bailed her out that she was supposed to go to a safe house. Did you see the protesters who went up and were banging on the front door? That was scary! Emotions are running higher in this community than I have EVER seen.

Yeah, the Anthonys are bringing it on themselves. Or at least Cindy is. Everytime she opens her mouth she pisses somebody off
Why make her talk? She is a pathological liar. Casey talking just brings forth more lies. And if the defense presents the predictable "yes, my client is a pathological liar, but she is not a murderer", then just about anything she has said or will say would fall under that magic umbrella.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, remember, Casey is a pathological liar. Anything she has said could be a lie. You can't base your decision on anything that my client has said."

Cindy's mantra of "a liar does not a murderer make" will reverberate throughout the trial.
Why make her talk? She is a pathological liar. Casey talking just brings forth more lies. And if the defense presents the predictable "yes, my client is a pathological liar, but she is not a murderer", then just about anything she has said or will say would fall under that magic umbrella.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, remember, Casey is a pathological liar. Anything she has said could be a lie. You can't base your decision on anything that my client has said."

Cindy's mantra of "a liar does not a murderer make" will reverberate throughout the trial.

Can you believe she had the bollocks to say that?
My appoligies, I have just woken up, and am still on my first cup of coffee. I really should have elaborated on that. What I meant in that statement, was what ever works in discussing a theory on a web-board, not what ever works in real life to get information from a person.

Oh, I'm sorry too... thanks for clarifying... I did misunderstand! I've just encountered so many people eager to give up their rights that it seems like the social norm these days. Thanks again for speaking up.
Couldn't find anywhere to ask this or talk about it, but...............

Why can't they hook her up to say a pulse monitor or BP monitor and then have someone filming the areas where they are searching. Make her sit there and watch it and see when her heart or BP elevates..........

Personally, I think this is an excellent idea and can't see why they don't do it.

Okay, guys cut me down, tell me why it can't be done (but it should be - best idea I've heard if I must say so myself).

Or a lie detector test - can they force her to take one of those???

they cant force her to take a lie detector she has civil rights and
since she believes the lies she tells she would pass it.

but the other - if she is truly a sociopath and I think she is - they dont
feel fear or other emotions like normal people . Research is showing
that their brains are really wired differently than 96% of the rest of
humanity . Dr Robert Hare and others say 4% of the population
are ASD .
They are truly different - predators without empathy or conscience
none of the techniques that crack other suspects will work with
They often crack them by appealing to their massive egos. By claiming they arent special and quite ordinary they often will " tell "
to prove the premise incorrect. In this case Casey knows that
silence is her best defense and trying to appeal to her empathy or
guilt will not produce results
Couldn't find anywhere to ask this or talk about it, but...............

Why can't they hook her up to say a pulse monitor or BP monitor and then have someone filming the areas where they are searching. Make her sit there and watch it and see when her heart or BP elevates..........

Personally, I think this is an excellent idea and can't see why they don't do it.

Okay, guys cut me down, tell me why it can't be done (but it should be - best idea I've heard if I must say so myself).

Or a lie detector test - can they force her to take one of those???

This would be a violation of her 5th amendment, constitutional right not to incriminate herself. Plain and simple. Casey does not want to talk. She has requested and obtained an Attorney. As frustrating as it is, Casey does have the basic rights given to all American citizens and she is entitled to those rights.

I could get all patriotic on you :), but I won't. Just remember that some of the rights in the constitution are there because so many people were falsely accused, tried and convicted years ago. They are safeguards to ensure EVERYONE gets a fair trial.

The police will solve this case, they will compile the evidence needed to convict and Caylee will come home. We just need some patience to give them time to work and willingness to help where we can.

it wil violate her constitutional rights unfortunatley. Why can't someone like her brother smack the lips off of her, put the fear of GOD into her as Ryan said...that would make her talk.....dont get me started.....if I could, i would get in her face, she would be talking...oh, grrr.

I think Casey should tell someone where Caylee is, that someone could pass the info off to LE anonomously. If the person is found out, they can always take the 5th and refuse to talk as to where they got the info from. The Caylee is found, Casey gives nothing away (except any evidence that might be found with little Caylee). I think it is the evidence that might be found that keeps Casey/anyone from saying where Caylee is. I really don't think Casey is the only one that knows at this point.

Reading Rob's latest interview about how eager Caylee was talking to him in the car....and how Padilla said Casey had no trouble showing interest for Rob...I couldn't help but wonder if there was a lost opportunity there for Casey incriminating herself or Rob collaborating with LE as undercover. I do not believe for a minute she would tell him she harmed the baby, but I think she would have possibly talked about other things that could have been used as evidence against her. But like a true sociopath she will ONLY admit to the truth if she is found guilty and faced with the death penalty. Like that computer genius who killed his Russian wife, only then Casey will have a ''reason'' to give the location of the child. Only and only then!

someone remind me - who is Rob?
I think "getting Casey to talk" is just playing into her hand. she WANTS them to beg her for information. that way, she holds all the cards and the power. she thinks she is able to control everyone around her - her parents, LE.

I think what LE is doing is actually correct for her criminal profile -they're putting the pressure on the people AROUND her, showing them the evidence and saying "your daughter not talking is obstructing the search", etc. hoping that the wall of protection she has built with her family around her will start to crumble. At the same time, they are ignoring her, saying, "we don't care what your stories are anymore, we can prove that you killed her with actual evidence, and we'll search for her where the evidence dictates we should not where you say you think she is, and we'll find her body and put you away'. they are taking away the power of her words, which is all she has right now. I think it is a smart strategy.
think of it this way - this is probably the most power and control she's had over her parents her entire life, and as sociopaths do, she is loving that power. she saw what kind of power her words had when she told Jesse Grund, "you're the father". all of a sudden, he wants to marry her, she gets what she wants. right now, she thinks she can keep people running in circles around her. I think they should just let her sweat it out in her jail cell until the trial. Build a case without her, and she'll wonder, hmm why dont they want to talk to me anymore? and she'll inevitably do something else stupid to get the attention back on herself.
This case has gotten so out of control, and over blown. Really, it's very simple... all Casey has to do is talk, truthful and meaningful talk. This could be over tomorrow.

She has, had, or could have had the support of LE and the FBI to go in, watch these supposed perpetrators, and get her child - with basically no effort, this is what they are trained to do.

This balogna about fearing for Caylee's life, the families life etc is crap! Does she or her family HONESTLY think that with all this hoopla, if this kidnapping story was true, that NOW with all that's going on, they are just going to hand her back over? Anyone bad enough to kidnap, would have no problem recognizing the liability of holding onto Caylee and would be done with it. NOT talking is putting her in more danger than talking - simple. It's really THAT simple!

I can't even wrap my mind around this anymore. I am a mother and educated person, and yes, if some big bad evil person who kidnapped my children (in broad daylight, right in front of me, while their kids were present too???) told me that I had to follow a script or lives were in danger - it would cross my mind that talking could harm them - but logic would prevail and I would quickly come to terms with - WHAT KIND OF LIFE WOULD THEY LEAD WITH BIG BAD EVIL KIDNAPPERS WHO THREATENED LIVES?? and talking and risking their death would surely be preferrable over NOT KNOWING WHERE THEY WERE and WHAT EVILS AND TORTURE COULD COME TO MY BABIES. So I would come to quick senses and contact authorities who are trained for this sort of thing.

It's really REALLY a simple case. The actions by the family and the mother are not logical. You can explain anything away if you talk long enough. Truth is basic. Logic is basic. Truth and logic make sense without elaborate stories and reasons. Stop thinking with emotion and think logically.

I don't know who killed Caylee, but she is dead - and the mother could stop this whole circus in an instant if she would stop leading the country on this wild goose chase. Like she did when she was leading LE around Universal - all she needs to do now is stop, turn around, and finally, finally admit she's not been honest. Logic people, let's get back to logic.

I'm sorry, I had to unload.
I agree that is all she has to do is talk, but the problem is she WON'T. A concerned mother that truly had her child taken from her would do everything in her power to try to find her. This shows to me that Casey is only looking out for Casey. She could care less about Caylee, but that was apparent when she did whatever it was that she did to her. So no I don't see Casey telling the truth or even giving one shred of information that could lead to finding Caylee dead or alive.
I agree that is all she has to do is talk, but the problem is she WON'T.

I know! And getting back to logic, there is NO LOGICAL REASON not to talk, as a concerned and educated mother wanting to be reunited with her child.

It's simple!! It's logic. Believe logic.

This case is a circus because that's the environment one needs to create to hide the lies.
I know! And getting back to logic, there is NO LOGICAL REASON not to talk, as a concerned and educated mother wanting to be reunited with her child.

It's simple!! It's logic. Believe logic.

This case is a circus because that's the environment one needs to create to hide the lies.

She is neither concerned nor educated nor wanting to be reunited with her child so, there you have it... someone has to find that sweet little girl because that cretin she called "mommy" refuses to facilitate the process. Sick, isn't it???
All she has to do is talk, no sleuthing necessary

I was looking for a place to post a poem that I have wrote and after reading your post I think this is the place. If anyone in the Anthony Family would talk, I think that Caylee would be found!

Here is my poem, it is from my heart and is IMHO.

Grandma can you hear me?
Do you want me to come home?
IF you do then help them out
So I won't be alone.

Grandma do you realize
Why people hate you so?
It's because you protect HER when,
I couldn't run and had no place to go!

Grandma it's also true,
That you and my Grandpa, too...
Have made a mockery of the publics cries...
And stood behind my Mommy's lies!

Grandma they see your anger
And they see your pain,
But YOU throw out their good faith and prayers,
And call them nasty names!

And if they get a bit crazy,
It's because YOU won't stand up for me.
Grandma can't you understand,
Why don't you really see???

Grandma, I just don't understand
How my family can act this way!
Uncle Lee and Mommy high-fived
At the courthouse the other day!

Grandma, I think "that" gesture should have been saved for me,
On a day when I was found,
And came home to stay... permenantly!

Grandma, why is Mommy silent,
As you and Grandpa stand by her side?
How can you stand it...
You know how Mommy has always lied~!!!

The world loves me, Grandma...
You can believe it's true!
They search and say prayers...
And love little me... maybe more than you!

So if you love me Grandma,
Open your mouth and let it out...
Don't let anything stop you,
Just tell what it's all about~!!!

Grandma if you want me home...
You've got to tell it all~!!!
You've got to cry and forget her lies,
Because I deserve for her to fall~!!!

I'll be with you Grandma,
And you will feel me with your heart,
You've got to help and bring me home,
Now it's time for you to do your part...
In my opinion, the minute Casey looked over to her mom and dad in the court room and gave them that stupid fake "Hi Mommy & Daddy Smile" -- and they smiled back -- Casey knew she had control of the situation.

She isn't going to SAY A WORD -- EVER.
All she has to do is talk, no sleuthing necessary

I was looking for a place to post a poem that I have wrote and after reading your post I think this is the place. If anyone in the Anthony Family would talk, I think that Caylee would be found!

Here is my poem, it is from my heart and is IMHO.

Grandma can you hear me?
Do you want me to come home?
IF you do then help them out
So I won't be alone.

Grandma do you realize
Why people hate you so?
It's because you protect HER when,
I couldn't run and had no place to go!

Grandma it's also true,
That you and my Grandpa, too...
Have made a mockery of the publics cries...
And stood behind my Mommy's lies!

Grandma they see your anger
And they see your pain,
But YOU throw out their good faith and prayers,
And call them nasty names!

And if they get a bit crazy,
It's because YOU won't stand up for me.
Grandma can't you understand,
Why don't you really see???

Grandma, I just don't understand
How my family can act this way!
Uncle Lee and Mommy high-fived
At the courthouse the other day!

Grandma, I think "that" gesture should have been saved for me,
On a day when I was found,
And came home to stay... permenantly!

Grandma, why is Mommy silent,
As you and Grandpa stand by her side?
How can you stand it...
You know how Mommy has always lied~!!!

The world loves me, Grandma...
You can believe it's true!
They search and say prayers...
And love little me... maybe more than you!

So if you love me Grandma,
Open your mouth and let it out...
Don't let anything stop you,
Just tell what it's all about~!!!

Grandma if you want me home...
You've got to tell it all~!!!
You've got to cry and forget her lies,
Because I deserve for her to fall~!!!

I'll be with you Grandma,
And you will feel me with your heart,
You've got to help and bring me home,
Now it's time for you to do your part...

Geeeeessss Just what I needed to sit here and cry. That was wonderful, you need to send it to her.
WOW your poem brought tears to my eyes. As a grandmother I cannot even imagine what Cindy is thinking when standing behind Casey's lies.
Flower girl, your poem says it all. I'm typing this with tears in my eyes. You should send that to the Anthony's home.
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