*REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

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While, like I stated before, no matter the circumstances, I do feel sorry KC. But I cut her no slack in regards to punishment for her actions. YOU are SO right. She had CHOICES! And her option of so many choices, makes her crime all the worse. Some peeps speculate that her motive was to be with new bf TonE. If freedom was what motivated her, then she had such an easy out. GA and CA would have became Caylee's legal guardians in a heartbeat, it would seem....(all the more reason why I don't buy into this theory of a reason for her to kill Caylee).

No, no....MANY mothers that kill their kids have easy outs. Penny Beadreaus husband had had custody of Karissa before Karissa went to live with her mother at Karissa's request. Karissa CHOSE her mother, telling her dad she needed her "mom". Penny killed her daughter because of a new boyfriend that said "Karissa made the apartment seem crowded".

When the judge asked Penny why she didn't give Karissa BACK to Karissa's dad, Penny said, "Because people would say I was a 'bad mom'."

Susan Smith had an ex and parents. Scott Peterson could have divorced Laci. But what would people say?

Casey was furious because Cindy called her a "bad mother."

She couldn't give Cindy more proof that Cindy was right.

This was about a man. But, IMO, it was also about competition, jealousy and rivalry between women.

I don't care what psychological issues KC may have had going against her in life...If she is a harden psychopath who just can't help herself, or she's just a misguided young woman, whatever, the reason...OF COURSE I feel SAD for her! What human wouldn't? But feeling sad for HER and wanting justice for her innocent child are two different things.

Very nice post, ITA.
No, no....MANY mothers that kill their kids have easy outs. Penny Beadreaus husband had had custody of Karissa before Karissa went to live with her mother at Karissa's request. Karissa CHOSE her mother, telling her dad she needed her "mom". Penny killed her daughter because of a new boyfriend that said "Karissa made the apartment seem crowded".

When the judge asked Penny why she didn't give Karissa BACK to Karissa's dad, Penny said, "Because people would say I was a 'bad mom'."

Susan Smith had an ex and parents. Scott Peterson could have divorced Laci. But what would people say?

Casey was furious because Cindy called her a "bad mother."

She couldn't give Cindy more proof that Cindy was right.

This was about a man. But, IMO, it was also about competition, jealousy and rivalry between women.


Bolding mine.

This is another great post, especially the bolded part. I've seen it over and over, even on these boards - women want to rip other women/mothers to shreds. I believe it makes them feel better about themselves. Until society wakes up to the reality that not everyone was cut out to be, or wants to be a parent, this type of thing is going to continue. We, as a society, are too busy casting stones to offer any REAL, unjudgmental help.
Do I feel sad for Casey? No. I feel sad for TonE, Amy, Jesse, her Grandma Shirely, all her friends and family who have been used, lied to, stolen from and manipulated by Casey. I feel sad for the people of FL and beyond whose tax dollars could be better spent but need to be used to bring justice for Caylee Anthony when those who were closest to her in her own family don't seek it. I feel sorry for the general public for having to see and process this awful mess with an unrepentant murderer of her own child who double-bagged her baby and threw her away like trash. Most of all I feel sorry for Caylee when she was here on earth for having a mother who didn't value her enough to not kill her, or love and respect her enough to bury her little body, and I feel sad that those who Caylee loved the most support her murderous mother rather than holding her killer responsible.
Respectfully snipped.

It may not indicate abuse, however... I feel it did set a precedent for what would later become the battle of "Who's Mommy?" between KC & CA. If statements we have heard are true then it stands to reason that there was a lot of animosity between the two over the parenting of Caylee. That just feels to me like emotional abuse. Many may not agree with me and that's quite okay :D

Perhaps I'm what is known as a bleeding heart, I don't know. But I do feel sad that KC took the route she did. She had a beautiful little girl. It saddens me that she couldn't see what life could really be with such a precious angel. She will never know the true joy that comes with watching your child grow-up and becoming their own little person. Yes, I know, she took that away herself, but that doesn't mean that I can't be sad for her as well.

ITA. You're not a "bleeding heart". I believe you have a good heart.
ohhh waa waa waaa. I don't feel a BIT sorry for KC. She's an adult, perfectly capable of making decisions on her own. She was a big girl who continually lied to everyone in her life. She didn't care about anyone other than herself. Being a victim (not sure that she ever was one) does not make it any less worse. Ohhh she had a controlling mom. Cry me a river. If it were that big of a deal, if she were OOOHHH SOO ABUSED by her "controlling mom", then maybe she should have actually gotten a job and got herself out of her house. She chose, instead, to stay at home where Mommy and Daddy can take care of her responsibilities while she went out and partied. Her misery was her own making, she chose the wrong way out. She's pathetic and i hope she rots. :)
In my last dream of Caylee, she told me forgiveness, I am having a hard time with that coming from her. I am trying to find forgiveness in my heart for what happened to Caylee. I do not get so emotional about it as I used too. I do not cry like I used too.
Nope. I don't at all. I don't feel sorry for people who brutally muder anyone, especially little children, and most especially their own children (the exception for this would be severe mental illness and I don't believe that is the case here at all).
Feeling sorry for KC?

Did she feel sorry for her daughter when she killed her?

Did she feel sorry for her daughter when she left her to decay in the woods?

Did she feel sorry for her daughter when she ate her snacks in jail the day her daughter was finally found?

Feel sorry for KC?.............NO!
I bet all of her damned personalities lie!

How in heavens name could any psych. diagnose her of anything. They rely on questions and answers!!

I don't suppose normal clinical training covers anything like KC?

Bolded by me. You are correct and I agree. There is no cure or true treatment for sociopathy. In fact, many experts recommend against it because the information that normal people would take to better themselves in therapy the sociopath USES to manipulate more people.
I feel bad for Casey. I think, in a moment in time, she lost it and murdered Caylee. However she justified it at that moment, in retrospect I believe things would be different for her. She's looking at life in prison, or worse. All because of a terrible decision, and action, at one point in time. I think the denials and the stories and the rest of it were her way of buying freedom as long as possible, but she knew she'd get caught.

She's really just a sad individual.
Bolding mine.

This is another great post, especially the bolded part. I've seen it over and over, even on these boards - women want to rip other women/mothers to shreds. I believe it makes them feel better about themselves. Until society wakes up to the reality that not everyone was cut out to be, or wants to be a parent, this type of thing is going to continue. We, as a society, are too busy casting stones to offer any REAL, unjudgmental help.

blackwatch, this is not the first time i've found myself thinking one of your posts is very smart :blushing:

i think a lot of the "she had such a precious baby, why couldn't she appreciate her, my child is the light of my life" rhetoric, i dunno, it even makes ME feel bad--like a bad mom, i mean--and i'm a pretty good mom, i think.

still, having a toddler, i can understand why someone would kill their own child. not that i believe i would ever do it, but i can certainly intellectually understand how someone who has zero interest in parenting, and gets really annoyed by a demanding kid (because kids are nothing if not demanding), could just SNAP.

and it's not like there's really any help for people in this situation. look at the nebraska safe haven law--that got taken away, but if you ask me the fact it was being so relentlessly used is an indication there is a DESPERATE need for it, and for people who want to "get rid" of a child to be able to do so. it could definitely prevent situations like what happened to little caylee. maybe casey wouldn't have taken advantage of a safe haven law, or maybe she would have, but lots of parents IMO would if they knew there would be no judgment, no questions asked, and kid will be safe and cared for by the state.

this whole issue of child murder/parents who don't want to parent always makes me wonder, are we really interested in protecting children (and i think safe haven laws and other programs that acknowledge sometimes parents just want to QUIT parenting DO protect kids) or enforcing how mothers are supposed to feel about kids? the fact that not many opportunities exist for women who feel overwhelmed to give their kids up--or even to get help so they can safely keep them--suggests we as a society don't think that decision should be available. but as long as it's not available, we're putting kids in danger.

I feel bad for Casey. I think, in a moment in time, she lost it and murdered Caylee. However she justified it at that moment, in retrospect I believe things would be different for her. She's looking at life in prison, or worse. All because of a terrible decision, and action, at one point in time. I think the denials and the stories and the rest of it were her way of buying freedom as long as possible, but she knew she'd get caught.

She's really just a sad individual.

The problem I have with this is, IMO it was not just a momentary snap, she had so much time afterwards to show just a grain of caring for her daughter. She knew she was rotting away in that trash bag, she could have done something so her body was found and her baby could be buried many months earlier.
I have seen tears from Casey but they are for herself, I have never seen a tear for Caylee from her! It's heartbreaking to know complete strangers have shed millions of tears for that baby while her own mother has not. Caylee is the one I feel sorry for, and I feel sorry for all the people who have embraced her after her death and are doing what they can to find justice for Caylee! I feel sorry for the people who's job it was to search the area her body was at, sifting through dirt to find tiny bones and pieces of trash, the weight of what they faced will be with them forever.

The problem I have with this is, IMO it was not just a momentary snap, she had so much time afterwards to show just a grain of caring for her daughter. She knew she was rotting away in that trash bag, she could have done something so her body was found and her baby could be buried many months earlier.
I have seen tears from Casey but they are for herself, I have never seen a tear for Caylee from her! It's heartbreaking to know complete strangers have shed millions of tears for that baby while her own mother has not. Caylee is the one I feel sorry for, and I feel sorry for all the people who have embraced her after her death and are doing what they can to find justice for Caylee! I feel sorry for the people who's job it was to search the area her body was at, sifting through dirt to find tiny bones and pieces of trash, the weight of what they faced will be with them forever.


No doubt Caylee was the ultimate victim. I'm not a crier, but I can tell you when I drove past the memorial last week a tear welled up in my own eye. I feel terrible for Caylee, no child deserves to be murdered and thrown out like trash.

To clarify why I feel sorry for her, Casey made a huge mistake and has to live with it. I couldn't imagine having to live in her shoes. Lots of people here think she's heartless and feels no remorse but I just don't see it that way.

I also feel terrible for all of the Anthony's. They seem somewhat "off" to me, but I am not their judge. They loved Caylee and she's dead, and they love Casey and what she is facing is scary. To basically lose two loved ones and have to deal with the media must be horrifying.
I saw the name of this thread and had to pop by and put in my resounding NO!

no way in heck do I feel sorry for that lowlife scum.

ETA: The ONLY WAY I feel even remotely sorry for her is that she killed the best part of her life: her beautiful baby girl.

I hate her, I really really do.
My faith tells me that I should hate the sin and love the sinner. As my signature line explains, I have not yet risen to that lofty height!!! My heart is not large or pure enough, at this point, to hold all the sorrow I have for Caylee and have enough room left over to also hold sadness for her murderer. As soon as I swallow all this anger, I'll be moving right on to deal with the heart!
Wow. This is tough. I always thought I had a big heart that was capable of forgiving and showing compassion for anyone...

I have been proven wrong by this case.

I know that the righteous answer would be that I do feel sympathy for KC. But then I think of that beautiful little baby who was a gift that millions would lay down their life for, and I think of how cold and selfish this monster was in removing this innocent child from her life...

Perhaps someday, when I'm much much older and wiser I will be able to feel compassion, but right now, I feel nothing but disgust and fury.

Color every day gray for KC, and may she soon realize what millions of us already know in our hearts - life with Caylee would have been billions of times better than what you're soon going to be living, KC you monster. I cannot wait for you to be introduced to the general population once you are found guilty of MURDER.
Is KC deserving of our compassion?

KC sure makes it difficult to have any type of compassion for her. IMO, her tears have been only for herself. I am sorry for her in that she is defective in some way. Since KC is unable to feel compassion for others I do sometimes feel sad for her. I can't imagine going through life having to mimic emotions and never feeling any type of genuine of emotion.

Will you still have compassion once it comes out in court exactly what she did, and how/why she did it? If at that point you still have compassion; well then I guess your stomach can't be turned. I can't believe someone can actually feel bad for this cold blooded, calculating, manipulative, manical little monster. I liken it (JMO) to having compassion for Saddam Hussein's two sons when their dead bodies were shown on tv to reassure the Iraqi people they had in fact died.

Just remember, she didn't cry until she was caught. Not one witness gave statement that she acted any differently during the time she was doing her Inspector Gadget routine.

My stomach is very turned, my tears are very wet.
But I do not think we will ever know exctly when or how.

IMHO we all run blood through our veins but I do not think Casey does; I think she runs water through her veins.
I guess that is my way of saying she is not well.
I can not imagine that she is well at all. YES she belong locked up, Yes it is unfathomable for a mom to harm her child.
Something is not right and yet when we look at her she looks like a pretty girl.
Not all illness is visible. And I think she was born deranged. Whenever a spirit comes into life seemingly with no soul, void of real feelings, it is sad.
it is a sad thing that someone like her could have a child. It is a sad thing that the Anthony family is so overwhelmed with this that they too can not think clearly.
It is all sad. :( including the fact that this girl is SICK.
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