REVISIT Possible Reasons Purse/Work Bag in the Car

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A purse would be left in the car if the owner of the purse wanted others to think foul play had occured.

That's what I thought, too, EXCEPT, Casey screwed the whole thing up when she called AL to pick her up. In order for this to work and the police to think Caylee and/or she were kidnapped (preferably by whoever stole the car) - there could be no witnesses as to where she was after she abandoned the car. So she would have needed to abandon the car and leave town that day in secrecy, leaving all her stuff behind so it would look like a real disappearance.

So how do we account for her calling AL to pick her up and her giving him that detailed story about how her dad was going to pick it up and how she was going to get a NEW CAR?

I'm not saying that the idea is wrong, I'm just trying to work out what exactly was going on.

And then, remember this, Casey told AL that her dad was going to get her a new car.
Delurking to say that it seems very plausible to me that she left the purse in order to fake a kidnapping. I presume that she was going to say she was carjacked.
That's what I thought, too, EXCEPT, Casey screwed the whole thing up when she called AL to pick her up. In order for this to work and the police to think Caylee and/or she were kidnapped (preferably by whoever stole the car) - there could be no witnesses as to where she was after she abandoned the car. So she would have needed to abandon the car and leave town that day in secrecy, leaving all her stuff behind so it would look like a real disappearance.

So how do we account for her calling AL to pick her up and her giving him that detailed story about how her dad was going to pick it up and how she was going to get a NEW CAR?

I'm not saying that the idea is wrong, I'm just trying to work out what exactly was going on.

And then, remember this, Casey told AL that her dad was going to get her a new car.

You are absolutely right. Maybe she was so used to her lies working with her parents, and she maybe never thought it would be a big media deal - and that nobody would ever talk to Tony...and she could keeping living her separate lives. Not too bright, if you ask me.
That's what I thought, too, EXCEPT, Casey screwed the whole thing up when she called AL to pick her up. In order for this to work and the police to think Caylee and/or she were kidnapped (preferably by whoever stole the car) - there could be no witnesses as to where she was after she abandoned the car. So she would have needed to abandon the car and leave town that day in secrecy, leaving all her stuff behind so it would look like a real disappearance.

So how do we account for her calling AL to pick her up and her giving him that detailed story about how her dad was going to pick it up and how she was going to get a NEW CAR?

I'm not saying that the idea is wrong, I'm just trying to work out what exactly was going on.

And then, remember this, Casey told AL that her dad was going to get her a new car.

Maybe she wasn't ready to disappear yet?

She was still in contact with her mother and telling her mom lies to keep her mom from reporting the car stolen. It sounds like Cindy was threatening to do that.

Maybe she thought before she "disappeared" she could get Tony hooked and talked into going away with her where he wouldn't hear about her "disappearance"? Or she thought she'd be able to talk Tony into not saying anything with some stupid story.
My opinion on the purse has always been that Casey's intent was for Casey to dissappear too. The murder victim that was found at Blanchard Park, her car was found, parked, purse in the front seat. I have wondered if Casey didn't plan to leave the car at BP, but actually ran out of gas at Amscott.

Casey mentions BP so many times, she mentions that her mother didn't want her jogging there anymore after the other girls body was found, she was well aware of the case. Car found, forensics may or may not show Caylee is deceased, Casey nowhere to be found, Casey now a missing person rather than a POI. She may have had neither the money or wherewithall to actually dissappear. Or kept spending one more night with TL and planning to go "tomorrow" that opportunity dissappeared when Cindy drug her home and called the police instead of "give me more night, you can see Caylee in the morning".
She probably thought it made the car look more stealable with a purse in there. IF there was a purse.

I still stick with my Casey uses a backpack theory.

I agree she left the purse there to entice a thief. She left the doors unlocked (?), the keys in the damn car, and a purse in full view (?). Where are thieves when you need them? Yep, in this case, it backfired on her. I think she thought the damn car would be stolen, not towed. Guess she should have picked a busier parking lot.

If the damn car had been stolen like she may have planned, then she wouldn't be blamed for the dead body smell.
Maybe she was planning on staging a kidnapping and she AND Caylee would go missing but she decided not to and forgot her purse...she had other, more pressing things on her mind, like finding a place to put her sweet daughters body.

I have wondered if that was one of her fake a kidnapping or an attack like Jeff McDonald or the woman in Texas.
But again, this fell apart when she had AL pick her up at the car.

I know she was telling AL that things were bad at her parents house and she didn't want Caylee around that. Do you really think she thought he would keep this secret when the "kidnapping" was announced on TV? I mean, my impression is he wasn't all that invested in Casey. He liked her, but not enough to lie about this.
But again, this fell apart when she had AL pick her up at the car.

I know she was telling AL that things were bad at her parents house and she didn't want Caylee around that. Do you really think she thought he would keep this secret when the "kidnapping" was announced on TV? I mean, my impression is he wasn't all that invested in Casey. He liked her, but not enough to lie about this.

Maybe that is why she had to keep putting off "disappearing".

She had to get Tony "in love" enough not to talk. Or at least "in love" enough to believe that she had to "disappear" and hide out with him because her parents were mean, crazy, abusive or ? Because she was a super mom and she didn't want Caylee exposed to Cindy or George, Caylee was hidden out with Zanny the ideal nanny.

Why wouldn't Casey think she could talk Tony into believing that kind of story? We've seen her convince her parents a story just as unbelievable.

I agree she left the purse there to entice a thief. She left the doors unlocked (?), the keys in the damn car, and a purse in full view (?). Where are thieves when you need them? Yep, in this case, it backfired on her. I think she thought the damn car would be stolen, not towed. Guess she should have picked a busier parking lot.

If the damn car had been stolen like she may have planned, then she wouldn't be blamed for the dead body smell.

AND, they could collect the insurance money and get a new car.
I was also wondering because I've heard conflicting reports about the gas thing. Did she really run out of gas or not?

I thought I read that the tow company said it started just fine and they towed it. But I also read that George had to bring a gas can to the tow yard to put fuel in it so he could drive it home. Confused.

Also, I think the cholorform was used for cleaning up the mess, not drugging Caylee.
IMO, here are the reasons of abending the car (I'll try to be Casey for a moment - it's insane but I'll try:):
- I don't need this car anymore. Car holds the memories - get rid of them (the same way as I did or I will do with Caylee's photos);
- Whatever I had in the trunk has been finally disposed on June 26, at night;
- The other garbage bag in the trunk which I used for the purpose in case if someone questioning the smell - let it stay;
- the key inside with clothes (boots, purse, pants) is proof for TonE. 'I just talk to Daddy - he'll pick it-up'. Therefore I left the key for him inside with door unlock;
- Now, without car, I'm kind of depend on TonE. Maybe he'll take me with him on vacation to see his sister? If not, Amy is going on vacation and I'll use her car;
- I'm sure that car will be stolen - good, I'm not planning to ever come back home. Plus, I rather have a new car (new day, new life). If not with TonE, possibly in California...I leave on the 'spur of the moment'...

Ok, I'm off to be Casey:)...Yuakkkk....I need to take shower:)...
A purse would be left in the car if the owner of the purse wanted others to think foul play had occured.

This is exactly what I think. I really think that Casey was going to try and start a brand new life. Leaving the purse behind would automatically lead someone to believe there was foul play involved. She was going to disappear, not at the hands of Zanaida, but her own. She was going to run from what happened to Caylee and all of the money she stole. She wasn't going to have any friends left once they all found out about the money she stole from her friend, so I really believe she was going to try and start a new life. I think she wanted to start it with Tony, but I also think she was starting to realize that wasn't going to happen either.
Maybe she was planning on staging a kidnapping and she AND Caylee would go missing but she decided not to and forgot her purse...she had other, more pressing things on her mind, like finding a place to put her sweet daughters body.

I have wondered if that was one of her fake a kidnapping or an attack like Jeff McDonald or the woman in Texas.

You know I didn't even think about that. What if she did put the baby in the dumpster and left. Oh God, I hope not but what if she did it to show up later saying that people kidnapped her and they must have hurt or taken Caylee? I mean, I have always thought she had the whole kidnapping scheme planned out. I think she may have been forced to use it before she was ready because Tony was still letting her stay with him, but what if that's the game she was going to play?
Hi, SusieClue; it's good to see you again.

Oh, these people make me sick. The biggest problem with the purse and keys story is that Cindy is telling it. I firmly believe that if they were in any other country on earth, they would all be behind bars. This obnoxious parody the Anthony family has played out has pushed reasonable doubt into the Twilight Zone.
Ive always thought that KC left the purse/keys in the car to try to get someone to steal the car.. so then she could say someone snatched Caylee and the car.. Of course, there isnt any "logic" to that theory.. because tony would be able to provide witness that didnt happen.. But that being said.. NOTHING KC has done is "logical" .. Its pretty obvious that she doesnt think her schemes and lies thru at all.. they are all just done to get her by for that very moment.. and then just tosses up another lie to cover for the previous ones.
I was also wondering because I've heard conflicting reports about the gas thing. Did she really run out of gas or not?

I thought I read that the tow company said it started just fine and they towed it. But I also read that George had to bring a gas can to the tow yard to put fuel in it so he could drive it home. Confused.

Also, I think the cholorform was used for cleaning up the mess, not drugging Caylee.

Maybe, if George was in on it, he brought the gas cans just to corroborate Casey's tale of being out of gas - and maybe that is why he threw away the bag of pizza - just like Cindy washed the pants and the knife...hmmmmmm
Remember Cindy says she has been in phone contact with Casey. Well, I think Cindy was leaving messages on Caseys phone, using the car as a way of gaining some control over Casey. Trying to scare her. Threatening to report her for stealing the car etc, if she didn't let them speak to or see Caylee. IMO, Casey dumped the car on purpose, left the keys and empty purse (i'm guessing it was empty) knowing it would either get stolen or towed away. Maybe she thought this was the last bit of control Cindy had over her, the car.

Either way, Casey probably saw this as a win-win. Imagine the car did get stolen, and Cindy did eventually go ahead with her threat and report Casey. Casey probably imagined that it would get her out of trouble. On the other hand, if the car got towed and returned to Cindy, that would get her off her back and send a statement to her mother.

I do think that Casey believed by leaving the keys and purse in her car, it would be stolen and that would solve all her problems. Car gone, never to be seen again.

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