REVISIT Possible Reasons Purse/Work Bag in the Car

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I dont think she wanted Amy to help pick up the car. But with the boyfriend gone to Newyork, she did need a place to hang out that day and sort herself a bed for the night. Tony did not give her permission to stay at his apartment. And probably her cash flow was low, a new victim was needed.

I dont know how she planned to retrieve the car, she is not reknowned for her forward thinking ability :floorlaugh: But a bit of walking shouldn't have been a problem for this young, fit and healthy woman who used to run track at school and apparently jogged regularly.

She was very low on the $$$$. Between the 27th-30th, Casey attempts to transfer money from Cindy's account and it is rejected. On July 3rd, Amy's $400.00 comes up missing.
I'm sorry this is off topic but I do have a question about the smell. Would Casey not have that awful smell all over her even if she only drove the car for a short amount of time?? Thankfully, I've never smelled that odor before but I understand it gets into everything quickly. I just wonder would it get into what she was wearing, her hair, things she picked up from the house to take to Tony's after just a few minutes or would it take some time?!? I have to wonder if that's the reason for the unexpected visit to Jesse's apartment to shower that morning...hmmmm

Not really off topic and a VERY good question. I have only smelled that smell one time. My mother in law and I walked into our neighbors house and found her lying on the bed dead. The smell does linger in your hair and clothing but a good shower removes it. You would think Tony would have smelled it though because my son smelled me as soon as I entered our home, after we had finished giving statements to the officers that answered our call. On a side note though, we live in an isolated hollow in the Appalachians and it took the officers almost an hour to find us. That is truly ONE ODOR, that once you have encountered it, you NEVER forget it. :(
Not really off topic and a VERY good question. I have only smelled that smell one time. My mother in law and I walked into our neighbors house and found her lying on the bed dead. The smell does linger in your hair and clothing but a good shower removes it. You would think Tony would have smelled it though because my son smelled me as soon as I entered our home, after we had finished giving statements to the officers that answered our call. On a side note though, we live in an isolated hollow in the Appalachians and it took the officers almost an hour to find us. That is truly ONE ODOR, that once you have encountered it, you NEVER forget it. :(

Admittedly, I know nothing about how smells travel but its worth noting that the locked/sealed car wasn't opened up by anyone for another 18 days after she left it at Amscot. Did the smell worsen and spread during those 18 days. Per George's description of his ride back from the towyard, it had most definitely permeated the car interior. He had to roll the windows down in the rain.

I'd like to know when this smell peaks if that doesnt sound a dumb question.:waitasec:

All I do know about this subject is what Ive learned from this case......that decomposing bodies emit fluids, gases, volatile fatty acids and living bacteria which will continue to break down.

I'm hoping Dr Vass touches on this at the Frye hearing.
Admittedly, I know nothing about how smells travel but its worth noting that the locked/sealed car wasn't opened up by anyone for another 18 days after she left it at Amscot. Did the smell worsen and spread during those 18 days. Per George's description of his ride back from the towyard, it had most definitely permeated the car interior. He had to roll the windows down in the rain.

I'd like to know when this smell peaks if that doesnt sound a dumb question.:waitasec:

All I do know about this subject is what Ive learned from this case......that decomposing bodies emit fluids, gases, volatile fatty acids and living bacteria which will continue to break down.

I'm hoping Dr Vass touches on this at the Frye hearing.

:twocents: BBM to address individually....

:twocents: The smell WILL SEEM to become worse while contained within an enclosed/sealed vessel and once a "wind flow" (as in opening the trunk or door) is established WILL "engulf" the senses (yep, nose gets it but your eyes water too and there's frequently a major desire to vomit!:sick:) on impact of the "new wind flow" direction. Did it "worsen" over the 18 days within that incubator car.......OH YEAH! (IMHO :innocent:)

:twocents: Regarding a "peak" in the smell factor: The smell is pervasive BUT will be minimized (tho not by much!:sick:) as the body/fluids/contaminated materials are removed or decontaminated so as with most "things in life" removal of the causative agent diminishes the "end products". Here's where Dr. Vass' wisdom/experience/data will be best utilized in the future as needed to identify PMI (post mortem interval/indication) but that's part of the Oak Ridge/Body Farm research.

:twocents: Add our "good friends", virus & fungi families to that third statement and you've got it!:seeya: For all the efforts :crazy: put into cleaning the Sunbird, the living, invisible microbes are the "gang" that did the felon in!:woohoo: Without elaboration, the "critters" had a marvelous Summer vacation within that enclosed vehicle and all the FRESH, CONCENTRATED efforts of the "A"-team in trying to modify the scene (notice I :innocent: did NOT say obstruct/obliterate/obscure/minimize evidence!:great:) only served to DIFFUSE & DILUTE the odor, temporarily.:banghead::banghead:

There isn't a Yankee Candle spray/candle/tart created YET that is called "masque du mort"!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
:twocents: BBM to address individually....

:twocents: The smell WILL SEEM to become worse while contained within an enclosed/sealed vessel and once a "wind flow" (as in opening the trunk or door) is established WILL "engulf" the senses (yep, nose gets it but your eyes water too and there's frequently a major desire to vomit!:sick:) on impact of the "new wind flow" direction. Did it "worsen" over the 18 days within that incubator car.......OH YEAH! (IMHO :innocent:)

:twocents: Regarding a "peak" in the smell factor: The smell is pervasive BUT will be minimized (tho not by much!:sick:) as the body/fluids/contaminated materials are removed or decontaminated so as with most "things in life" removal of the causative agent diminishes the "end products". Here's where Dr. Vass' wisdom/experience/data will be best utilized in the future as needed to identify PMI (post mortem interval/indication) but that's part of the Oak Ridge/Body Farm research.

:twocents: Add our "good friends", virus & fungi families to that third statement and you've got it!:seeya: For all the efforts :crazy: put into cleaning the Sunbird, the living, invisible microbes are the "gang" that did the felon in!:woohoo: Without elaboration, the "critters" had a marvelous Summer vacation within that enclosed vehicle and all the FRESH, CONCENTRATED efforts of the "A"-team in trying to modify the scene (notice I :innocent: did NOT say obstruct/obliterate/obscure/minimize evidence!:great:) only served to DIFFUSE & DILUTE the odor, temporarily.:banghead::banghead:

There isn't a Yankee Candle spray/candle/tart created YET that is called "masque du mort"!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Who needs Dr Vass? :bow:

Thankyou joypath :Crown::goldstar:
Not really off topic and a VERY good question. I have only smelled that smell one time. My mother in law and I walked into our neighbors house and found her lying on the bed dead. The smell does linger in your hair and clothing but a good shower removes it. You would think Tony would have smelled it though because my son smelled me as soon as I entered our home, after we had finished giving statements to the officers that answered our call. On a side note though, we live in an isolated hollow in the Appalachians and it took the officers almost an hour to find us. That is truly ONE ODOR, that once you have encountered it, you NEVER forget it. :(

Thanks Tulessa....that's pretty much what I was getting at, wonder if Tony got a wiff :puke: of that smell on Casey when he picked her up from Amscot?!? I can't imagine how she could stand to be in the garage w/the car either....she is definately one whacked out, cold hearted biotch for it not to bother her in the least....ugggh!!
Excellent question!! I am sorry I do not have an answer for you in regards to how the smell travels?

What shocks me is how the smell in her car seemed to have no effect on Casey. I remember in one of Lee's interviews, I believe it was LE, he stated how he found Casey sitting in the garage, with her car, on July 15th, 2008 and he could only stay out there for a minute or so because the smell was so bad... yet, Casey sat there.

She's a very scary woman!

Re BBM - Wow! I missed that part of "Giggles" statement - only remember the car being opened wide to 'air it out' and the odor permeating the house. UGH!!

So, about that lanyard!?
Admittedly, I know nothing about how smells travel but its worth noting that the locked/sealed car wasn't opened up by anyone for another 18 days after she left it at Amscot. Did the smell worsen and spread during those 18 days. Per George's description of his ride back from the towyard, it had most definitely permeated the car interior. He had to roll the windows down in the rain.

I'd like to know when this smell peaks if that doesnt sound a dumb question.:waitasec:

All I do know about this subject is what Ive learned from this case......that decomposing bodies emit fluids, gases, volatile fatty acids and living bacteria which will continue to break down.

I'm hoping Dr Vass touches on this at the Frye hearing.

IIRC it still reeked in Oct(?) when LE opened to Dr Lee. This was weeks, if not a couple months after the liner was removed.
I think she left the car in front of Amscot bc she thought a paycheck cashing place might have more questionable types of society coming and going, and she left the purse in it to attract a thief, along with leaving the keys in it, hoping for a car thief to come along and take the whole mess out of her life so she could Bella Vita it..
I have always thought ICA intended to claim a carjacking. I think she planned on checking on the car and once it wasn't there anymore she could call the police and say she was carjacked. I think she could've convinced Tony that she got the car back from dad and had Caylee with her on their way to his house. Only problem, she never made it back to check on the car.

Also, has it ever been stated when exactly ICA found out the car was towed?

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