REVISIT Possible Reasons Purse/Work Bag in the Car

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Disney and Universal employees have both an ID they scan and a name tag. The bag had Chris' nametag. The lanyard had KC's ID. KC explained told her mother "we switch nametags" story to explain why she would have someone else's name on her bag. My guess it's not her bag but the bag and tag belong to Chris. KC hadn't worked at Universal for a couple of years. Why would she even keep the name tag? Was it a trophy? jmo
Here's my take, for what it's worth:)

There was a bag in the front seat of the Pontiac. Inside was an envelope which held AH's resumes. Also inside the bag was the shamrock lanyard which had Casey's Universal/Kodak ID from when w a y back in the day when she actually did work there. It seems that there was also a Universal name tag for "Chris" in or on the bag, which may or may not have been attached to a separate, more plain lanyard or may or may not have been attached to a little attached lanyard/loopy-thingy inside the bag, possibly within an pocket in the lining of the bag.

From what I remember, Caylee's things were kept in her little Dora backpack, so it wasn't a diaper bag I reckon.

It seems that CA sorta told LE that Casey's driver's license was in the bag, but since she doesn't actually seem to listen to questions before answering them in whatever way she dang well sees fit, it's hard to say if she was being deliberately misleading or if Casey's license really was in there, or who knows w h a t ?

Pure insanity, these people...if there was a work bag, there must have been work...I'm still gonna call it a work bag even though I know there was no's basically the equivalent of my preschool students when they shove a wad of pretend money into a purse along with a "cell phone," (you'd be amazed what they can come up with to pretend items are actually cell phones...and weapons), yank up their baby doll, and declare they're off to "work." *Sigh*

And or but, to complicate things further, CA states the first time she states anything, that AH's resume was on the seat under the bag. :waitasec: I have no idea what the heck difference it would make if it was under the bag or in the bag, but the fact that the resume changed location along the way, really bugs me. Which is it CA? Under, In, Over? June 8, June 15? Working, Not Working. Nanny, No Nanny? You'd watch Caylee anytime? You didn't want to watch Caylee anymore? You knew KC's friends? You didn't know KC's friends? GA and you were happy? GA and you were unhappy? You never called KC to come home when she was out at night? You often called KC home when she was out at night? Caylee never stayed overnight at other people's houses? Yes, Caylee was out all night with KC at times?

What are the truthfull answers to any of the above questions? I'm exhausted. No wonder KC is a mess.
You're a idea who's telling the truth? I'm no longer worried about the car being sealed off. Though it could possibly raise issues, it would be fun to watch the SA question Lee and his mom about which story was the "truth". The George and the purse that generates a whole lot of questions. Has there ever been an inventory of what was in the wallet when LE took possession of it? IIRC Cindy referenced some cc (s) of hers. I know I've seen a pic of Casey's license in the docs...but can't remember seeing anything else. Gonna go and take a look

See how the script keeps getting muddled when people get down to asking for details?
Great observation, TWA! That part of Lee's interview really bothers me. He describes how bad the smell is. He has to keep leaving the area for fresh air. Casey doesn't apparently.
I pictured her acting like the smell didn't exist.
She wasn't hanging out out there because the smell didn't bother her. It wasn't Lee was more sensitive to the odor. She had a purpose for being there. He just isn't telling us everything.

Further in that interview with Lee, the July 29, 2008 one, on page 50 Lee gets into the "stakeouts" that Casey claimed to have done on her own. It is interesting to me that Lee admits he does not believe her but he does seem to forget that Casey had no problem sitting in the garage with the car when Lee himself had to leave because of the smell.

Lee Interview July29, 2008 Page 50

EE: The thing you questioned though where you say you didn't believe her was she said she actually did little stakeout in the car?

LA: Exactly. Casey described it when the, when she went back to get Caylee, when Caylee wasn't there, that nobody was there, that she did, she stayed at, she stayed there in the car, at, and lie as, as a stakeout to see if they were going to come back. And she described it as not just that night or not just one day, but as a few days that she did that. Uhm, and I immediately questioned that to say okay, number one, you're saying that you were driving your daughter, you were driving Caylee around in this car, even to the babysitter's house, with this atrocious smell. You know.....

EE: Right.

LA: .....I don't believe that she would do that. That she would put Caylee through that and she'd put herself through that. And number two, by her saying that she was doing a stakeout in that car for what I would think a stakeout would be at least hours, I couldn't stand it for two minutes and I'm standing on the outside of the car. I couldn't imagine me sitting in the car and smelling it.
I wonder if anyone found and interviewed Chris yet?
page 32

05/12/08 02:17:07 PM (GMT-4) Read Inbox Incoming Did i make out with chris the other night?

Nevermind, located the interview, thanks for the upload Patty!

Apparently, not the same Chris the Universal name tag belonged to.
KC hadn't worked at Universal for a couple of years. Why would she even keep the name tag? Was it a trophy? jmo

To keep up the ruse, IMHO.

IIRC, employees @ Gentiva noted that they had seen Casey wearing what appeared to be a badge when she routinely dropped Caylee w/ Cindy, but, didn't recall the details of what was on the badge. My was what Casey did to make it appear that she was really going to work.

Also, IIRC, LE retrieved several Universal brochures/newsletters in one of their searches, or perhaps, as the contents of something turned over to them. IMHO, Casey would've had these to complete the look of being actively employed. I don't recall the details.

To keep up the ruse, IMHO.

IIRC, employees @ Gentiva noted that they had seen Casey wearing what appeared to be a badge when she routinely dropped Caylee w/ Cindy, but, didn't recall the details of what was on the badge. My was what Casey did to make it appear that she was really going to work.

Also, IIRC, LE retrieved several Universal brochures/newsletters in one of their searches, or perhaps, as the contents of something turned over to them. IMHO, Casey would've had these to complete the look of being actively employed. I don't recall the details.

I remember those brochures. I think they were found either in Casey's or TL's vehicle. They listed all the current events going on at the parks. At the time I remember thinking that she was using these to make up her claims of why she had to be at work on certain nights to help with these "events". That way, if anyone questioned her, she could prove that event was going on at that time. You know -- if there is an event then there must be a job, like if there was a dog then there must be a Zanny.

To keep up the ruse, IMHO.

IIRC, employees @ Gentiva noted that they had seen Casey wearing what appeared to be a badge when she routinely dropped Caylee w/ Cindy, but, didn't recall the details of what was on the badge. My was what Casey did to make it appear that she was really going to work.

Also, IIRC, LE retrieved several Universal brochures/newsletters in one of their searches, or perhaps, as the contents of something turned over to them. IMHO, Casey would've had these to complete the look of being actively employed. I don't recall the details.

You have such a great memory Mr. Bond. This reminds me of that Mark Hacking dude who had his family and wife believing he was in medical school. He would actually bring in his books to pretend to study on his work breaks. So, this ruse that Casey was acting out , she apparently does not corner the market on. What a shame, with a little direction, maybe she could have matured and went on to be a creative photographer and led a productive life, and Caylee would still be with us. What is amazing to me is all the acting out was so pronounced, like she was crying out for help. The thing I cannot get past, is the time she had her breakdown and felt she needed to be committed for help....Cindy as a nurse, and a mother, should have taken her for a evaluation at once. Instead she talked to her and diagnosed her as fine. That was a missed opportunity, of biblical proportions.
You have such a great memory Mr. Bond. This reminds me of that Mark Hacking dude who had his family and wife believing he was in medical school. He would actually bring in his books to pretend to study on his work breaks. So, this ruse that Casey was acting out , she apparently does not corner the market on. What a shame, with a little direction, maybe she could have matured and went on to be a creative photographer and led a productive life, and Caylee would still be with us. What is amazing to me is all the acting out was so pronounced, like she was crying out for help. The thing I cannot get past, is the time she had her breakdown and felt she needed to be committed for help....Cindy as a nurse, and a mother, should have taken her for a evaluation at once. Instead she talked to her and diagnosed her as fine. That was a missed opportunity, of biblical proportions.

A missed opportunity, indeed. KC needed help -- heck the whole family needed help. But getting that help would have revealed family secrets and brought unspoken resentments and truths out into the light of day. Never in a million years would Cindy have allowed that to happen!

I never would have understood this need to keep family secrets if I hadn't observed it in my husbands family. Some secrets didn't even seem worth the effort to conceal them. Others ended up causing a lot more pain and problems when they finally came out -- and they always do eventually.
Disney and Universal employees have both an ID they scan and a name tag. The bag had Chris' nametag. The lanyard had KC's ID. KC explained told her mother "we switch nametags" story to explain why she would have someone else's name on her bag. My guess it's not her bag but the bag and tag belong to Chris. KC hadn't worked at Universal for a couple of years. Why would she even keep the name tag? Was it a trophy? jmo
I think there's a good chance KC stole Chris's bag and ID from fushion or a party she was at.
Once KC is convicted of first degree murder, we'll be able to give her a pass on the work lie. She really was an event planner!!!
A missed opportunity, indeed. KC needed help -- heck the whole family needed help. But getting that help would have revealed family secrets and brought unspoken resentments and truths out into the light of day. Never in a million years would Cindy have allowed that to happen!

I never would have understood this need to keep family secrets if I hadn't observed it in my husbands family. Some secrets didn't even seem worth the effort to conceal them. Others ended up causing a lot more pain and problems when they finally came out -- and they always do eventually.

Yes, the cover up is always far, far worse than the crime. It always is. If you don't believe me, just revisit President Nixon or President Clinton. Her family and the way she was raised is a cautionary tale.
You have such a great memory Mr. Bond. This reminds me of that Mark Hacking dude who had his family and wife believing he was in medical school. He would actually bring in his books to pretend to study on his work breaks. So, this ruse that Casey was acting out , she apparently does not corner the market on. What a shame, with a little direction, maybe she could have matured and went on to be a creative photographer and led a productive life, and Caylee would still be with us. What is amazing to me is all the acting out was so pronounced, like she was crying out for help. The thing I cannot get past, is the time she had her breakdown and felt she needed to be committed for help....Cindy as a nurse, and a mother, should have taken her for a evaluation at once. Instead she talked to her and diagnosed her as fine. That was a missed opportunity, of biblical proportions.

(bolded and underscored by me)

Scott Peterson did the same with fake diplomas and degrees. Psychologist Paul Ekman referred to it as "duping delight". Dr. Robert Hare cites this term in his book 'Without Conscience'.


  • Duping Delight- Dr. Hare- Without Conscience.jpg
    Duping Delight- Dr. Hare- Without Conscience.jpg
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haha Sadly I have no clue what an event coordinator would put in a work bag. I only know dysfunction, my dear ;)


I have worked as an event coordinator in a past life and I can tell you that at any given time, I would be carrying a "work bag" that would have all the pertinent docs related to what I was planning at the time. I would be carrying paperwork related to the event (corporate meetings, in my case)...hotel info where we were holding the meeting, catering menus for meals we were serving at the event, responses from those attending the meeting, my calendar/planner, phone numbers, email addys....that kind of stuff.

OBVIOUSLY we know Casey's bag held none of that stuff.
Uh-Huh - and some of the world calls them briefcases. We can be sure they all have specific detailed information and schedules in them, otherwise why bother lugging one and a purse/bag.
haha Sadly I have no clue what an event coordinator would put in a work bag. I only know dysfunction, my dear ;)

I do, scissors, day planner, contracts, money/checks to pay vendors, safety pins, sharpies (every color) paper clips, itinerary of participants, note pads, tape, cell phone and this is only my bag. I also have a tool box that goes everywhere with me, hammer, nails, thumbtacks, stapler, staple gun, staples, corsage pins, duct tape, masking tape, wire ties, white glue, hot glue gun, ribbons of multi colors, tulle.
Just a sampling of what an event coordinator carries on a daily basis. More is needed for a specific event. CA had to have known her daughter was not working in this capacity, really CA had to know she wasn't working at all. JMO.
A missed opportunity, indeed. KC needed help -- heck the whole family needed help. But getting that help would have revealed family secrets and brought unspoken resentments and truths out into the light of day. Never in a million years would Cindy have allowed that to happen!

I never would have understood this need to keep family secrets if I hadn't observed it in my husbands family. Some secrets didn't even seem worth the effort to conceal them. Others ended up causing a lot more pain and problems when they finally came out -- and they always do eventually.

So true!
Even if she had been working at Universal Studios, she wouldn't need a work bag. Team members have assigned lockers in the wardrobe building. You must change into wardrobe there and not be carrying your work clothes in and out. The wardrobe department laundries/dry cleans them there. You can't leave property with your work clothes without special permission. All bags are inspected when entering and leaving.

As far as the name tag. If you forget your name tag, you can wear another one. You just pick one up at "wardrobe." But if you forget your real name tag too many times, you get points which may accumulate toward dismissal. It's fairly common to see someone with the wrong name tag on occasionally but you can't make it a habit. Many people keep an extra name tag in their locker in case they forget their real name tag. The one in the locker is just one of the freebies from wardrobe. If you lose your name tag, you need to pay to get it replaced. If you forget it at home, you can get a generic one from wardrobe (actually from data processing but it is in the same building as wardrobe.) There are a pile of name tags and you can just grab one for the day. But you must let your supervisor know that you forgot yours that day.

Security doesn't care one iota about the nametag. So playing a "little game" with security is bogus. Security asks you for your ID badge. It is not on a lanyard but on a small clip that is usually clipped on the bottom of your jacket or shirt (near the hip). That is what they use to scan you into the the park. The name tags are just what must be used so the guests can identify you for any complaints at Guest Services. That's why your supervisor must be aware if you are using another nametag that day. The ID badge is important but the name tag is insignificant.

I do, scissors, day planner, contracts, money/checks to pay vendors, safety pins, sharpies (every color) paper clips, itinerary of participants, note pads, tape, cell phone and this is only my bag. I also have a tool box that goes everywhere with me, hammer, nails, thumbtacks, stapler, staple gun, staples, corsage pins, duct tape, masking tape, wire ties, white glue, hot glue gun, ribbons of multi colors, tulle.
Just a sampling of what an event coordinator carries on a daily basis. More is needed for a specific event. CA had to have known her daughter was not working in this capacity, really CA had to know she wasn't working at all. JMO.

Universal Studios supplies all of that for an event planner. You would not be able to leave the property with all of that in your bag. Security would stop you at "Gate 2" where they inspect your bags.
And or but, to complicate things further, CA states the first time she states anything, that AH's resume was on the seat under the bag. :waitasec: I have no idea what the heck difference it would make if it was under the bag or in the bag, but the fact that the resume changed location along the way, really bugs me. Which is it CA? Under, In, Over? June 8, June 15? Working, Not Working. Nanny, No Nanny? You'd watch Caylee anytime? You didn't want to watch Caylee anymore? You knew KC's friends? You didn't know KC's friends? GA and you were happy? GA and you were unhappy? You never called KC to come home when she was out at night? You often called KC home when she was out at night? Caylee never stayed overnight at other people's houses? Yes, Caylee was out all night with KC at times?

What are the truthfull answers to any of the above questions? I'm exhausted. No wonder KC is a mess.

Respectfully Quoted Woe :)

Where's that clapping emoticon? Clap. Clap. Clap. I was wondering if you guys wanted to start a thread called: Let's believe the Anthony's. I find if I take everything George, Cindy, Lee and Casey say as truth and try to take it seriously, truly seriously: the Anthonys come across as even crazier.

Here's an example: If we believe Casey, she had a job. She even had a "work bag"-so when her car ran out of gas-why didn't she take her work bag? She knew she would need it for work. And, during her "ugly coping" did she call work to get time off? Or did she just not go?

Oh, wait-Casey admitted to LE while at Universal, she did not work there or anywhere. So, believing Casey we know that she had no need of a "work bag."

Cindy says it was Casey's "work bag/purse." We believe Cindy, so-we figure Casey had that bag around the house calling it her "work bag" and even giving a "cute" story as to why the name "chris" was on it to Cindy. LOL in a sarcastic tone. Great story but we believe Casey so...

she had no job at Universal. Even when we believe Casey, we find ourselves looking at one of her lies. If we believe Cindy then we have to believe she really thought Casey worked at Universal. Cindy sent Lee to Universal looking for Casey/Caylee.

I wonder, when Cindy sent Lee to Universal to get/look for Casey/Caylee if he did any asking about her and if he would have gotten a response that no one named Casey Anthony worked for them?

And, if the idea was to switch I.D.'s...why did Casey still have hers? So, even when I have tried to take the Anthonys seriously: for the sake that their daughter is looking at the DP-I find it even more difficult to believe anything any one of them has ever said. When you try to believe the lies, you still can't.


I'm serious about that thread though...
Respectfully Quoted Woe :)

Where's that clapping emoticon? Clap. Clap. Clap. I was wondering if you guys wanted to start a thread called: Let's believe the Anthony's. I find if I take everything George, Cindy, Lee and Casey say as truth and try to take it seriously, truly seriously: the Anthonys come across as even crazier.

Here's an example: If we believe Casey, she had a job. She even had a "work bag"-so when her car ran out of gas-why didn't she take her work bag? She knew she would need it for work. And, during her "ugly coping" did she call work to get time off? Or did she just not go?

Oh, wait-Casey admitted to LE while at Universal, she did not work there or anywhere. So, believing Casey we know that she had no need of a "work bag."

Cindy says it was Casey's "work bag/purse." We believe Cindy, so-we figure Casey had that bag around the house calling it her "work bag" and even giving a "cute" story as to why the name "chris" was on it to Cindy. LOL in a sarcastic tone. Great story but we believe Casey so...

she had no job at Universal. Even when we believe Casey, we find ourselves looking at one of her lies. If we believe Cindy then we have to believe she really thought Casey worked at Universal. Cindy sent Lee to Universal looking for Casey/Caylee.

I wonder, when Cindy sent Lee to Universal to get/look for Casey/Caylee if he did any asking about her and if he would have gotten a response that no one named Casey Anthony worked for them?

And, if the idea was to switch I.D.'s...why did Casey still have hers? So, even when I have tried to take the Anthonys seriously: for the sake that their daughter is looking at the DP-I find it even more difficult to believe anything any one of them has ever said. When you try to believe the lies, you still can't.


I'm serious about that thread though...

What was the cute story? It's been so long I don't know if I ever heard about this.

When did Cindy send Lee to Universal to look for Casey? I know he tried to catch up with her at a club but someone had fore warned her Lee would be there looking for her.Then there was the time Cindy was supposed to meet Casey there and Casey didn't show. I have missed some interesting info :maddening:

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