REVISIT Possible Reasons Purse/Work Bag in the Car

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Here's what I've found so far in the interviews regarding the bag.

GA's FBI interview PG 69

GA: I took a quick glance inside before I even opened it up. See if there was anything there I could see. I could see my granddaughter's car seat in the back in the passenger side rear. I could see my daughter's purse, clothes and it was disarray.
SB: Purse you mean like her regular purse?
GA: Regular purse.
SB: Was her drivers' license and stuff in there, do you recall?
GA: Yes
SB: So, where ever she was she was without any I.D. or...
GA: There was no... yeah she didn't have this kind of stuff.
SB: .. for two weeks she'd been out and about with no I.D., no nothing?
GA: Right.
SB: As far as you knew?
GA: Yes.
CA interview dated 04AUG08 Gotta love how she started out her interview by saying, "No one's doing a fing thing!"

PG 22
CA: I don't know anybody. I have no idea, I'm not, I don't wanna speculate on something I don't know but that's our thought was. And then um when I got off work I was home by, between 5:30 and 6, is when I found, I didin't go through the car (HUH?), I found um, the, Amy's number in the front under casey's purse, so I called her first, never met Amy before that. Had heard about her but never met her.


PG 29
EE: Now, now you said that, said she had two purses kind of, she had one...
CA: She had...
EE: in the car.
CA: She had, well there was a, her work bag was in the white car on the front seat. And then she had a pair of pants in the back seat and her boots and a pair of shoes back there


CA: There was no other clothes. And everything else I gave to the, there's one thing that was missing though that I know was in the bag and I made mention of that.
EE: Go ahead.
CA: To either Yuri or John not too long ago. Casey had...
EE: This is the clothing bag?
CA: This was in her work bag, the bag, there was no clothing bag, was her work bag that had Amy's resumes in there cause it had an envelope with Amy's resumes. Casey had a lanyard that had Universal Studios ID, it was her original one from when she worked at Kodak.
EE: I think I saw that the other day.
CA: The, there was a shamrock with white beads on it, it was a big one. That was not there the, the next day. It was there that night; it was not there the next day. Casey was never left alone to go get that because Lee and I walked her into her bedroom when we came home that night, walked her right past everything. She didn't even know what, what we, I had taken out of the car cause I had it over by the washer and dryer and I also have a um, ice chest there. We had it sitting off to the side. And from the point when I called 911 she was never left alone by a deputy so she couldn't have taken it out. Lee didn't take it, I didn't take it. It turned up missing by the time they get, people came back to get, take the car and the stuff that was in it. Because I left it in her bag and when I went back to the bag when we were going through stuff to write it down on the, the sheet, I wasn't there. So somebody took it that, that um, Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning and I don't know why they would have it but it wasn't there.

(Note: After all that finger pointing, the ID ended up being in CA's dresser drawer)

Just before the 30 minute mark in the Interview with CA with LE that took place on August 1, 2008, CA talks about a bag that was brought by the house with items that belonged to Caylee, a swimsuit type wetsuit thing, possibly a comb (vague as usual). She keeps stating she thinks it was a guy named Chris who brought it by but Annie and/or Cory would know for sure.

Are we sure the bag with "Chris" on it came out of the Pontiac?
CA interview with Scott Brolin from the FBI dated 21APR09 which I'm pretty sure is a typo. I never fixed it when WSers figured out the actual date.


CA: After we picked up the car from the tow place and realized that Casey and Caylee weren't in Jacksonville. I the front seat of the car and the police have,..have the bag and everything. And they know that I kept one of the um, there were several resumes for Amy in..
SB: Uh-huh. (Affirmative)
CA: .. Casey's bag. And that's how I got Amy's phone number. Which is also a Fort Lauderdale number by the way. And Casey made reference to that and Lee's con.. phone conversation that Zanny had a Ft. Lauderdale phone number. Just FYI. Also that she had.. well I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't want to do that. Anyway there was a bag in the front seat of the car that I recognized. Casey's car when we picked it up from the tow place. And it was her bag that she took to work. There's a lanyard missing that I told the Sheriff's Department that's missing. um, it was there um, when we picked up the car. It was there with all of Casey's effects the night the Sheriff's came. It was missing the next morning when we were trying to find it to give to the detectives. And I said there was a lot of police in and out of our home. I don't know if someone picked up or not. It's very distinct and Casey wore it all the time. It was Shamrocks green and white. It was green Shamrocks with white beads and then it had her original Universal I.D. on it. Which you know she had since um, she graduated from high school. Anyway um, that's missing and I don't know where it's at it was there. And it was with this bag and in the bag there was a few other items. I can't remember a belt and couple other things. The police have all that we took inventory. That was the only thing that was missing. Casey never had an opportunity to go into that garage. Because as soon as I brought her home I followed her into the house. My son stayed with her while I was dialing the police. And the police kept her ever since. She was never out of their sight so she never had an opportunity to go into the garage. And it was over we have an ice chest over by um, our washer and dryer in our garage..

SB: Uh-huh. (Affirmative)
CA: .. 'cause we don't have a laundry room it's in our garage. And I had it over there because I had the bag and Caylee's baby doll that was in the backseat in the um, in the car seat.
SB: Car seat.
CA: that I had taken out trying to air out from the stench that was in the car. And I had already told the deputies everything that was in the car is sitting right here. So, if you guys want to look through it or whatever. But anyway I had pulled out of her bag this resume that I found for Amy. And Amy's name came to us.. I had heard Casey talk about Amy probably about two months prior to all this. maybe April and May Amy's name had come up in conversation that she was a friend of hers. She was trying to help her get a job and do some things and she had some resumes and she was gonna try to turn them out. So, um, a red flag came to us about hm, somewhere about the first, second and third week of June. It had to be.. no it wasn't the first week I can tell you that.

*I cut off the rest of the sentence due to CA's run on sentences and relevancy. She will keep going if uninterrupted.
This thread is interesting to review. There is a new thread about the bag found in the Pontiac that has a name tag "Chris" on it. I don't recall seeing this bag pictured prior to now. The thread name is "Work Bag".

Per CA's interview on 8/1/08, she told LE that she thinks it was a guy named 'Chris' who brought some of Caylee's swim stuff over to the house when the friends gathered to discuss Caylee's disappearance. :waitasec: The strange part is that CA 'thinks' his name is Chris but can't be sure - she doesn't really know him.

Then in Chris's interview on June 30, 2008, he says that "Yeah, we hung out a lot. Uhm, both my house, her house too. Pg. 3, ln. 6 (Interview Post 40 / Official Docs. thread). Later, he states in the same interview, pg. 21, ln. 3, "... I've been to that house a million times ...".

Casey drove TL's jeep over to his house on June 17, 18 or 19 and spent the evening talking to CS and his mom w/o Caylee. KC was upset about her parent's upcoming divorce, dad cheating, etc. She would be moving out, etc. What if the big fight that happened at the house was between CA and GA the night of the 15th? What if KC took Caylee out of there because they were yelling and fighting and then something happened to Caylee. Then CA and GA would feel responsible too as they caused a big mess indirectly. Or what if KC wasn't even home and something happened to Caylee while GA and CA were fighting?

Per Chris, KC has spent the night at his house on May 17 with Caylee and then spent Mother's Day there with Caylee. He also said that he had heard the word 'nanny' (no name) before and that nanny lived near UCF.

On pg.18, ln 8, Chris states to LE that he just went to over to Casey's house the Sunday before last. He must be referring to the meeting with the friends that CA mentioned. Chris does not mention returning/bringing items that belonged to Caylee with him to CA's. He mentions Annie and says KC is close to her. He says that on June 30. Remember that AD declined to interview and claims not to have been close to KC most of 2008. How did Chris miss that I wonder?

His interview seems pretty straight forward and he seems to know KC well. She was comfortable with his mom, at his house, Caylee spent time there, etc.

Why would CA be vague about him and act like she couldn't vouch for who returned Caylee's swim gear, etc. Then we have his name tag on the black 'work' bag.

Mind you, I don't think Chris harmed Caylee. But I'm intrigued regarding the ambiguity from CA's side about who he is, knowing him, etc. Also about the fact that AD backed way off from the mid June date, distancing herself from their friendship - yet Chris didn't seem aware of that. Then AD visited KC in secret when KC was on house arrest.

Something is 'hinky' about all of this. Also KC tried to call Chris from the jail that first night. Why would she be calling him? He's the one who thought he saw KC jogging down Chickasaw on July 15 but she denied it was her.

I'm very confused. Before KC fries, I sure hope everybody who knows anything will cough up the truth - something does not sit right with many of their stories.

Why is Chris's tag on KC's 'work bag' and why is Annie distancing herself. Why? Do either of them know more than they are telling?
More on the contents of the bag- Cindy's State Deposition part 2

page 131


page 142

Check out the picture on page 1. It's a Universal name tag "Chris". I am not sure but I thought I heard Cindy tell either LE or the agent from the FBI on a tape about what was in the bag. All I remember now is that AH had given KC her resume and that was in the bag.

Why would no one have mentioned that the work bag had a tag that said 'Chris' on it? Not once, in those interviews, did CA or GA say the bag had the tag 'Chris' on it. :waitasec:

I find this mystery bag, or let's see, GA said it was an actual 'purse' with ID and all in it, but no one states that the 'work' bag sported a tag with the name 'Chris' attached to it.

How can this be the bag that was found in the car? GA says purse, CA says work bag, no one says Chris name tag. :waitasec:
LOL! Goes to show you how observant I am. Geez...
I didn't notice the giant tag with the name CHRIS on it.
(shakes head and leaves thread)

Don't feel bad Reagan, apparently no one else did either.

:waitasec: :banghead: :crazy:
Why would no one have mentioned that the work bag had a tag that said 'Chris' on it? Not once, in those interviews, did CA or GA say the bag had the tag 'Chris' on it. :waitasec:

If you will, please read my new post on the old thread "Players". I find this mystery bag, or let's see, GA said it was an actual 'purse' with ID and all in it, but no one states that the 'work' bag sported a tag with the name 'Chris' attached to it.

How can this be the bag that was found in the car? GA says purse, CA says work bag, no one says Chris name tag. :waitasec:

In one of the early video's LE or the FBI while questioning CA bring up the ID tag. Cindy explains that KC told her they often switch tags at work as a joke to see if anyone notices (or something to that effect). It has been a long time since I have heard those tapes.

The picture on page one was taken by LE because it was the work bag or purse in the Pontiac on the front seat.
I think cindy mentioned something about the kids at work would trade name tags to play a joke on security or something like that. sorry I don't remember where I read this,but I did ( I think)
I haven't posted on this case like I did in the beginning but still read & keep up. I felt compelled to post after reading this thread. There is something I remember being in the news around the time of Caylee's disappearance or the time of KC's arrest, can't remember which. but the thing is, it struck me at the time because my 'gut' said that KC was involved in escorting.

There was a BIG bust in Orlando for escort services soliciting on Craigslist around this time. Does anyone else remember this? Surely there are stories in the local news. How would I find a link to this story? Any help is appreciated.

My DBF's work buddy had a friend who was an escort. She was small time escort who drove a crappy car, was a single mom and lived with her parents. She wasn't a High Dollar escort but managed to eek out a living with what she had to work with. She had a 'pimp' or agent and was advertised on Craigslist.

Oh I wish I could find that link to the story about the arrests in Orlando! Anyway, something to think about.


Craigslist Ads Help Nab 13 In Escort Sting
Why would no one have mentioned that the work bag had a tag that said 'Chris' on it? Not once, in those interviews, did CA or GA say the bag had the tag 'Chris' on it. :waitasec:

If you will, please read my new post on the old thread "Players". I find this mystery bag, or let's see, GA said it was an actual 'purse' with ID and all in it, but no one states that the 'work' bag sported a tag with the name 'Chris' attached to it.

How can this be the bag that was found in the car? GA says purse, CA says work bag, no one says Chris name tag. :waitasec:

Hi Woe. When I look real closely at the two pictures of the bag (on page one of this thread) it seems possible that the "tag" that says Chris isn't really on the bag itself but rather hanging out of the side pocket.

I even think it's attached to the black strappy thing somehow. See how it is in different places on the bag in the two pictures? I wondered if it was a Universal Orlando pin that was pinned on the bag's wide strap but then I saw that the bag seems to have narrow cord-like straps nearer the top opening.

Surely, this couldn't be another Universal lanyard, could it? Something else she was using to try to appear more "official?" Don't know, but I think whatever it is, it is separate from the bag itself. MOO.
Where did you read that the tag belonged to that Chris? I don't think that Chris works for Universal. Plus the night of the 15th GA was working. Neighbors and Lee stated the fight was between KC and CA. Any by CA actions if anyone were cheating in that family it's not GA. As far as Annie. KC accused Annie of supplying people with Zanix. Can you blame her?
I'm a bartender at a club (topless). I have been there for seven years and have worked with THOUSANDS of girls.

I have never seen a bag like that brought into the club I work at. 99.9% of the girls carry medium to large suitcases. The ones that have wheels. Their make-up bags are bigger than the bag pictured. They bring A LOT of stuff.

I don't know about the clubs in Orlando, but I have heard the city of Orlando is really strict. Where I live it is really strict also. Everyone, owners, managers, bounces, DJ's, bartenders, waitresses, shooter girls, and dancers, EVERYONE has to have an adult entertainment license to even work there.

What that means is that every year, or when you start, you have to go down to the Police Department and apply for a license. You have to give them all of your personal information, get your picture taken and pay fifty dollars. There's a three day grace period for new girls (you can only get your license two days out of the week). I don't know the guidelines but they can deny your license. You have to have a drivers license (or ID) issued in the United States. They don't even take passports. Tampa, Florida is very similar in laws to where I live. Except they have fully nude clubs.

Now, I'm not saying that Casey didn't work at a club especially since I don't know if they have the same regulations as the ones here... but, if they do, there would be record of it. I don't know if she could get away with using a fake ID? I've seen A LOT of fake ID's and they aren't that good. I know clubs in Miami have been busted for underage girls using fake ID's... but, that's MIAMI.

I'm going to be in Orlando Tues-Thurs... maybe I'll stop at one of the clubs and ask some questions.

But, that's definately not a "work bag" for a strip club. I have NO IDEA about escorting? That's a whole different ball game.
Here's what I've found so far in the interviews regarding the bag.

GA's FBI interview PG 69

GA: I took a quick glance inside before I even opened it up. See if there was anything there I could see. I could see my granddaughter's car seat in the back in the passenger side rear. I could see my daughter's purse, clothes and it was disarray.
SB: Purse you mean like her regular purse?
GA: Regular purse.
SB: Was her drivers' license and stuff in there, do you recall?
GA: Yes
SB: So, where ever she was she was without any I.D. or...
GA: There was no... yeah she didn't have this kind of stuff.
SB: .. for two weeks she'd been out and about with no I.D., no nothing?
GA: Right.
SB: As far as you knew?
GA: Yes.
CA interview dated 04AUG08 Gotta love how she started out her interview by saying, "No one's doing a fing thing!"

PG 22
CA: I don't know anybody. I have no idea, I'm not, I don't wanna speculate on something I don't know but that's our thought was. And then um when I got off work I was home by, between 5:30 and 6, is when I found, I didin't go through the car (HUH?), I found um, the, Amy's number in the front under casey's purse, so I called her first, never met Amy before that. Had heard about her but never met her.


PG 29
EE: Now, now you said that, said she had two purses kind of, she had one...
CA: She had...
EE: in the car.
CA: She had, well there was a, her work bag was in the white car on the front seat. And then she had a pair of pants in the back seat and her boots and a pair of shoes back there


CA: There was no other clothes. And everything else I gave to the, there's one thing that was missing though that I know was in the bag and I made mention of that.
EE: Go ahead.
CA: To either Yuri or John not too long ago. Casey had...
EE: This is the clothing bag?
CA: This was in her work bag, the bag, there was no clothing bag, was her work bag that had Amy's resumes in there cause it had an envelope with Amy's resumes. Casey had a lanyard that had Universal Studios ID, it was her original one from when she worked at Kodak.
EE: I think I saw that the other day.
CA: The, there was a shamrock with white beads on it, it was a big one. That was not there the, the next day. It was there that night; it was not there the next day. Casey was never left alone to go get that because Lee and I walked her into her bedroom when we came home that night, walked her right past everything. She didn't even know what, what we, I had taken out of the car cause I had it over by the washer and dryer and I also have a um, ice chest there. We had it sitting off to the side. And from the point when I called 911 she was never left alone by a deputy so she couldn't have taken it out. Lee didn't take it, I didn't take it. It turned up missing by the time they get, people came back to get, take the car and the stuff that was in it. Because I left it in her bag and when I went back to the bag when we were going through stuff to write it down on the, the sheet, I wasn't there. So somebody took it that, that um, Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning and I don't know why they would have it but it wasn't there.
(Note: After all that finger pointing, the ID ended up being in CA's dresser drawer)

This has always puzzled me. Where is the shamrock and who took it and why? Cindy says "Casey was never left alone to go get that etc" but we know that Casey and Lee were in the garage alone that night.
And one more thing. How could Cindy have the nerve to even refer to it as Casey's "work bag?" She didn't say that Casey "called" it her work bag or "pretended" it was her "work bag." Cindy stubbornly continued to call it Casey's work bag even at the State's Deposition when she clearly knew Casey had no work. Cindy's continuously spinning!!! Holy Shamoley; if it were Casey's work bag, we all know it would have been empty!
This has always puzzled me. Where is the shamrock and who took it and why? Cindy says "Casey was never left alone to go get that etc" but we know that Casey and Lee were in the garage alone that night.

IIRC, Casey's lanyard was eventually found (I don't remember who found it) in one of the bedroom drawers. Please don't ask for a link because I have no idea where to start looking. But maybe someone here will remember it, too?
IIRC, Casey's lanyard was eventually found (I don't remember who found it) in one of the bedroom drawers. Please don't ask for a link because I have no idea where to start looking. But maybe someone here will remember it, too?

Cindy said she later found the landyard in her bedroom drawer. She insists she didn't put it there.

I'm wondering if Cindy actually found it or if it was LE that found it during the search warrant in December and questioned her about it since she basically accused them of stealing it.
Az - I remember her making this snotty comment as well, only in my mind when she said it she was making some excuse for Casey. Maybe something like, "See, Casey couldn't possibly have been the one to leave the car there because women don't leave their purses in cars". I could be dreaming, but that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the thread on the purse/bag. Strikes me that maybe it was in the ZG case deposition or to a reporter. I recall her being very, very defensive when she said it - and snotty too (good word for it). I wish I could find that - I'll try!

ETA I have been thinking that this is the reason she makes an issue of it being a "purse", when it obviously is not a purse in the traditional sense. Because it just doesn't make sense that a woman would leave her purse in a car, therefore it was not Casey...See the Anthony logic at work here? Come to think of it, it is a Work Bag when Cindy needs to defend Casey's employment and it is a Purse when she needs a way to distance Casey from the car. A dual purpose accessory, to be sure, LOl!!

EtA - Thanks to The WorldAccording who found the exact clip. Here it is, if I have done the link properly.

Even tho I've seen this clip before, seeing it again now just makes my blood pressure explode! Cindy certainly is the most entitled human being I have ever seen. She has such a smart-aleck, know-it-all, attitude. Her constant blaming of the being to blame if Caylee doesn't come home by her birthday. Just where does she get off?!!! :furious::furious::furious:

I find it hilariously funny that Cindy thinks that the people of Orlando are on her side.

When you really think about it, KC hasn't caused all the hatred of the Anthony family....Cindy and her constant interviews has. I don't think she'll ever, ever "get it." She is a piece of work, that's for sure.

Thanks for the video

ETA: Sorry to go Off Topic...but I had to get that out of my system or I would have blown up! :)
Cindy said she later found the landyard in her bedroom drawer. She insists she didn't put it there.

I had actually made note of that after posting one of CA's long winded sentences. But I can see how it was overlooked, considering that reading any of CA's nonsense can lead to one's retinas being burned out.

On that note, I will continue posting whatever else I find regarding KC's no-work bag tomorrow. My eyes are beat.
Hi Woe. When I look real closely at the two pictures of the bag (on page one of this thread) it seems possible that the "tag" that says Chris isn't really on the bag itself but rather hanging out of the side pocket.

I even think it's attached to the black strappy thing somehow. See how it is in different places on the bag in the two pictures? I wondered if it was a Universal Orlando pin that was pinned on the bag's wide strap but then I saw that the bag seems to have narrow cord-like straps nearer the top opening.

Surely, this couldn't be another Universal lanyard, could it? Something else she was using to try to appear more "official?" Don't know, but I think whatever it is, it is separate from the bag itself. MOO.

Yes, it appears to be a tag - a loose object. But it's large enough where if CA went into the bag to take things out of it, she'd have to notice the tag there. Wouldn't she find it odd that KC's work bag had the name of 'Chris' on it? I'm not sure it represents Chris S. But CA said that she thought it was a male Chris who brought Caylee's swimgear over to the house after Caylee had been reported missing. I find this one of the many coincidences or whatever you want to call them in the stories the A's tell. The thing about switching name tags is crazy imo. They didn't even work there anymore. KC's tag was found in CA's drawer. Something is terribly wrong with every story they tell imo.

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