REVISIT Possible Reasons Purse/Work Bag in the Car

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Maybe, if George was in on it, he brought the gas cans just to corroborate Casey's tale of being out of gas - and maybe that is why he threw away the bag of pizza - just like Cindy washed the pants and the knife...hmmmmmm

What I find a bit confusing is, that Casey says in her statement somewhere (I'm not sure which page etc) that the car has a faulty gas gage and that it wasn't showing empty. IIRC she said something about it looking to be half-full. Anyway, if that is the case, then why did George just happen to have gas cans in his car? Was he just coming prepared?
Maybe, if George was in on it, he brought the gas cans just to corroborate Casey's tale of being out of gas - and maybe that is why he threw away the bag of pizza - just like Cindy washed the pants and the knife...hmmmmmm

But why ... why why why why WHY. Worst case scenerio, where the entire family is involved -- what could a baby possibly do to deserve this? ~ing LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY?

There is NOTHING that explains this. Nothing.
Remember Cindy says she has been in phone contact with Casey. Well, I think Cindy was leaving messages on Caseys phone, using the car as a way of gaining some control over Casey. Trying to scare her. Threatening to report her for stealing the car etc, if she didn't let them speak to or see Caylee. IMO, Casey dumped the car on purpose, left the keys and empty purse (i'm guessing it was empty) knowing it would either get stolen or towed away. Maybe she thought this was the last bit of control Cindy had over her, the car.

Either way, Casey probably saw this as a win-win. Imagine the car did get stolen, and Cindy did eventually go ahead with her threat and report Casey. Casey probably imagined that it would get her out of trouble. On the other hand, if the car got towed and returned to Cindy, that would get her off her back and send a statement to her mother.

I do think that Casey believed by leaving the keys and purse in her car, it would be stolen and that would solve all her problems. Car gone, never to be seen again.

Excellent point!!!:clap::clap:
Maybe, if George was in on it, he brought the gas cans just to corroborate Casey's tale of being out of gas - and maybe that is why he threw away the bag of pizza - just like Cindy washed the pants and the knife...hmmmmmm

According to the manager of the tow yard, he threw the garbage bag with the pizza over the fence, not George.
What I find a bit confusing is, that Casey says in her statement somewhere (I'm not sure which page etc) that the car has a faulty gas gage and that it wasn't showing empty. IIRC she said something about it looking to be half-full. Anyway, if that is the case, then why did George just happen to have gas cans in his car? Was he just coming prepared?

Again, I think it corroborates Casey's concocted story (that in this scenario George helped develop) that she was out of gas and had to push the car in. Convenient, no?

I just have to add that I have NEVER used a gas can in all of my 40 delicate years! I am amazed at the frequency that the Anthony cans are put to work! It suggests a certain irresponsibility and lack of forethought to me.
I was also wondering because I've heard conflicting reports about the gas thing. Did she really run out of gas or not?

I thought I read that the tow company said it started just fine and they towed it. But I also read that George had to bring a gas can to the tow yard to put fuel in it so he could drive it home. Confused.

Also, I think the cholorform was used for cleaning up the mess, not drugging Caylee.

I agree, I found this article that states that chloroform is actually one of the modern methods of killing insects. I don't see how the flies would be alive if the chloroform was already there.
I agree, I found this article that states that chloroform is actually one of the modern methods of killing flies. I don't see how the flies would be alive if the chloroform was already there.

Maybe because the chloroform wasn't in the car until the Anthonys got it back from the tow yard and did some cleaning of the trunk - with the chloroform.
Exactly my thought. Maybe it smelled like a damn dead body had been in her purse.
But then again, why not just throw it away?????? Nothing in this case makes sense.:mad:....

BAIT... in my opinion, hoping someone would see the purse and steal the car, with the child in the trunk...

I can hear it now, calling LE, Help my car was stolen and my daughters' asleep on the back seat...

when LE finds the car, the child is in the trunk dead...It wasn't her fault the car theives killed her child..problem solved!

Or she disappears and everyone thinks she and the child were kidnapped and possibly harmed as she left purse and keys in car...

What did she do or say to whom, when she heard her car was toed and not stolen?
Maybe she wasn't ready to disappear yet?

She was still in contact with her mother and telling her mom lies to keep her mom from reporting the car stolen. It sounds like Cindy was threatening to do that.

Maybe she thought before she "disappeared" she could get Tony hooked and talked into going away with her where he wouldn't hear about her "disappearance"? Or she thought she'd be able to talk Tony into not saying anything with some stupid story.

Kinda the way Scott Peterson was hoping to lure Amber into running away with him into the night? I guess it is severely important to the sociopath to be able to make someone believe them.:mad:
Hi, SusieClue; it's good to see you again.

Oh, these people make me sick. The biggest problem with the purse and keys story is that Cindy is telling it. I firmly believe that if they were in any other country on earth, they would all be behind bars. This obnoxious parody the Anthony family has played out has pushed reasonable doubt into the Twilight Zone. too. :blowkiss:
Maybe because the chloroform wasn't in the car until the Anthonys got it back from the tow yard and did some cleaning of the trunk - with the chloroform.

maybe the concentration wasn't high enough anymore, it dissapates quickly in air, the lining of the trunk would be where the trace amounts were accumulated
Maybe because the chloroform wasn't in the car until the Anthonys got it back from the tow yard and did some cleaning of the trunk - with the chloroform.

I have thought about this too. Chloroform is a solvent. Maybe Cindy was looking it up on Casey's computer in a pre-existing arrangement - so that Casey would take the fall if it didn't work. Clearly, already, the parents were in helpful CLEAN UP MODE:
George threw away pizza in bag with maggots - evidence
Cindy washed Casey's pants and a knife found in the car - evidence

"How can we clean out that stain?"...let's google it.....
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree in my opinion.
Maybe because the chloroform wasn't in the car until the Anthonys got it back from the tow yard and did some cleaning of the trunk - with the chloroform.

Correct that's what I was getting from that. Just brought me to another possible theory, what if Casey had already had the chloroform in an unmarked bottle in her trunk and George grabbed it to scrub up thinking that it was a cleaner. (supposedly it's used in drycleaning so I suspect it would have appeared to be working if he did a test spot.) Then when he is giving the decomp explanantion he says it's "cleaning fluid" in her trunk because he's not sure exactly what it was that he cleaned with.
The other thing I just thought of was this. She parked the car, left the purse and keys in the car, believing that when she returned from the grocery shop with her groceries, the car would have been stolen, then she would have called TonE and the story would have been a little different. She just had to change the plan, when the car was still there, and say it had ran out of gas.
The other thing I just thought of was this. She parked the car, left the purse and keys in the car, believing that when she returned from the grocery shop with her groceries, the car would have been stolen, then she would have called TonE and the story would have been a little different. She just had to change the plan, when the car was still there, and say it had ran out of gas.

Good thought. Talk about the need for instant gratification.
Good thought. Talk about the need for instant gratification.

Exactly right. She just seems to make it up as she goes along. In her mind, the car was her biggest problem and she needed to get rid of it. So when plan A didn't work, she went with plan B.
She could have made up a story of being car-jacked and Caylee was taken along with her purse and the car-jackers abandoned the car at Amscot.

This doesn't make sense to me as to why she wouldn't make up this story instead of the crazy Zanny story with a script. Anyone care to expand on this?

Really, why in the world did she use such an off-the-wall story when she could have used a better story. Maybe she is not that smart, but then again, she hasn't been charged with murder, yet!!!!
She could have made up a story of being car-jacked and Caylee was taken along with her purse and the car-jackers abandoned the car at Amscot.

This doesn't make sense to me as to why she wouldn't make up this story instead of the crazy Zanny story with a script. Anyone care to expand on this?

Really, why in the world did she use such an off-the-wall story when she could have used a better story. Maybe she is not that smart, but then again, she hasn't been charged with murder, yet!!!!

She COULD have said someone carjacked her and stole Caylee, but then how would she explain the NOT REPORTING IT part? I think she just didn't think anything all the way through and was seeing how long she could get away with it before she had to start her "performance".:furious:
She could have made up a story of being car-jacked and Caylee was taken along with her purse and the car-jackers abandoned the car at Amscot.

This doesn't make sense to me as to why she wouldn't make up this story instead of the crazy Zanny story with a script. Anyone care to expand on this?

Really, why in the world did she use such an off-the-wall story when she could have used a better story. Maybe she is not that smart, but then again, she hasn't been charged with murder, yet!!!!

Good points Kolchak. She may have had a car-jacking scenario like that planned, had the car been stolen when she came back with the groceries.

I don't think she had any idea this would blow up the way it has. She didn't think that Cindy would panic and react the way she did. She has always been able to talk her parents around, getting them to believe her lies. IMO she felt this time would be no different. She thought her Zanny the Nanny kipnapping story would be kept in the family as they all searched quietly for her, because she thought if she told Cindy that Caylee would be harmed by Zanny if the Police became involved, that that should scare Cindy enough to keep quiet. Also, by saying that Zanny cared for Caylee and giving the impression Zanny wouldn't harm Caylee, would stop Cindy panicking and contacting LE!
She COULD have said someone carjacked her and stole Caylee, but then how would she explain the NOT REPORTING IT part? I think she just didn't think anything all the way through and was seeing how long she could get away with it before she had to start her "performance".:furious:

Yup. I've thought about this alot. I think Casey just didn't have much capacity for planning. She was most afraid of her mother and so she just kept putting off the performance...and putting it off...and putting it off...until it no longer made any sense so she had to shoot from the hip with a new story. What's worse is it appears that she actually thinks that you can get a "do-over" in these things and that she can now just make up a new story to weave in some kind of kidnapping at Jay Blanchard Park. Sorry chick. This is not a video game and you're not three years "do-overs" in the real world.

The part that I can't get past is the cold-bloodedness that this scenario requires on Casey's part. I just can't think like that. I'm old and I don't have any children but I cry when my dogs get "quicked" cutting their nails. To imagine how that girl's mind works just fries my brain.

George --> :Banane36: :Banane31::Banane31::Banane31::Banane31:

Casey --> :eek:nline: c-h-l-o-r-o-f-o-r-m

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