REVISIT There wasn't a babysitter, Casey didn't have a job,What's going on?

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Regarding "Zani the Nanny", I think Casey just happened to come across the ZFG name at Sawgrass and decided that was close enough. It was just coincidence.

So who was looking up all the escort services? I suppose it could have been GA. How embarressing if it was.
<<So who was looking up all the escort services? I suppose it could have been GA. How embarressing if it was>>

I think it was Casey. Just my opinion, but I think there was some real turmoil going on in that house and Casey was considering leaving and options for some type of employment. Just a guess here, but if you look at the locations of the escort services, it seems she was considering leaving the state. I think I recall seeing Chicago, New York, L.A. ... big cities. It wasn't like GA traveled a great deal. I honestly think Casey was considering becoming a call girl in another city in order to leave. I don't think she had the guts to go through with it though.
Warbuckle: You'll never convince me that there was a real human being named Zanny, in the escort business or anywhere else.
Yeah...maybe the anthony's are ostriches in disguise :rolleyes:

You are so right that the Anthony's are ostriches in disguise.

Her parents knew darn well that there was no nanny and no job, especially not a job that would pay for a nanny. I don't think the grandparents paid that much attention to either Casey or Caylee, as they claim they did. Most likely Casey and Caylee existed in the home, without much notice from C and G, who were busy with their own lives. I also think C and G knew what Casey was capable of and that is the unfortunate thing about this whole case. It didn't pay for them to live with their heads in the sand.
What truly astounds me is that in GA's interview with LE, he stated that he didn't feel that KC even had a job for the last two years. What is amazing to me is that he didn't feel he had the right to confront her with this question of a job, spending Caylee's savings and emptying her piggy bank, nor did he feel that he could discuss his suspicions with CA.

I think he simply wasn't allowed to speak out on anything at home. KC, being the opportunist that she is, knew that since GA had been a "bad boy" re: the online scam issue, felt that she had every right to bully him too. The only little bright spot in his life was removed suddenly by a very mean and cruel daughter that he still has to pretend to like. It sickened me to watch him on Larry King's show the night before Caylee's bones were found. He looked so very heartsick. We all know what he really thinks about CA and KC from his interviews with LE. He is sickened by the fact that he could have helped raise a true monster.
I watched NG replay the jail tapes the other night and it was quite revealing.
Casey starts talking about a job and schedules when she gets out of jail. Cindy interrupts her and tells Casey, "You don't have to get a job".

What??? The first thing I thought was after all this, lying, stealing, not reporting your child missing, landing in jail, and Cindy STILL lets Casey off the hook! No responsibility, no accountability, nothing.

It was certainly a window into seeing how Casey was raised.
Which is where I get the idea, that whoever she may have been working for is paying for her defense. :)

I don't believe there was a Zani, I believe that KC was involved in something she shouldn't have been doing when Caylee died. I believe that most of KC's business came from her "online" business. Perhaps she met with someone and things went bad, quickly. Just some random thoughts.

Hi and Happy New Year.
Many have been questioning that C&G were getting paid for interviews and the pics and videos of Caylee.
Who many of us have questioned in detail and looked into Baez & Casey?
Since Casey was Caylee's mother would it not be her who would be the legal and rightful owner of Caylee's pics/videos and the licencing money given for the pics/videos have gone into an account for Casey's defense?
I believe the big networks have paid the licencing fees for pics/videos to a fund which is then diverted to Casey/Baez and the defense team.
I would not be surprised if an agreement has been signed by Baez & Casey or other 3rd party on Casey's behalf for payment of some sort for a future book, movie..
...I really don't believe Casey was doing anything to earn money. When you look at the amounts of money she was stealing from CA, the money she was stealing from Caylee's piggy bank (according to GA), money from LA (out of her own mouth) etc. etc.; I think that's where she got her spending money. I think I remember hearing somewhere down the line that Casey had stolen thousands from CA via credit cards and who knows what else.

I agree with this. Casey wasn't doing anything to earn money, she was only stealing it. And there's no way that CA and GA didn't know that she didn't have a job, especially if she was running up CA's credit card bill they had to know it was because she didn't have any money of her own. I also agree with whoever posted that CA and GA were afraid of what Casey would do if they pushed her too hard, so they let it slide. IMO Casey had probably threatened to leave with Caylee forever if they did or said anything she didn't like, so they put up with it and smoothed it over as best they could and turned the other way. That's no excuse, though - they had to have some idea that Caylee was in a dangerous position if they didn't do something.

I wonder how often she sneaked back to the house when she thought the coast was clear. Surely sometimes someone might come home early or unexpectedly. I wonder how that worked.
Hi and Happy New Year.
Many have been questioning that C&G were getting paid for interviews and the pics and videos of Caylee.
Who many of us have questioned in detail and looked into Baez & Casey?
Since Casey was Caylee's mother would it not be her who would be the legal and rightful owner of Caylee's pics/videos and the licencing money given for the pics/videos have gone into an account for Casey's defense?
I believe the big networks have paid the licencing fees for pics/videos to a fund which is then diverted to Casey/Baez and the defense team.
I would not be surprised if an agreement has been signed by Baez & Casey or other 3rd party on Casey's behalf for payment of some sort for a future book, movie..

Happy New Year to you too friend!! Well, that is a possibility also. But if you think about it everyone involved in this case in any way, even the family of Cindy, George, ect. could feasibly be offered a book deal.

I will never forget the look that passed between KC and JB when she first appeared in court for her bond hearing. I study body language and I gotta say that there was something in that look that led me to believe they knew each other from somewhere. She had too many online pics. Something was going on.

I will admit that it's either an organization that is paying for her defense to keep them out of trouble..OR it's your theory. JMO
The only thing that keeps bugging me is that she spoke of Zani way before all this happened. Then to have such detailed information about her seems strange. I know she is a liar, but still. I can see her lying about Jeff introducing her to Zani. Maybe she didn't want anyone to know where she meet Zani. Or Jeff didn't want anyone to know he knew her. ha ha ha..I just made myself laugh.

I try to always follow my first instinct. When I don't I regret it later. I believe that statement meant that Jeff introduced her to the thought of using xanax to put Caylee to sleep so she could party. Xanax is called "Zanny" on the street. :)
I know a bunch of you great posters are moms and grandmas - I was home for the holidays, and talked about this case with my mom. I live in Manhattan, my parents live in the suburbs. My mom couldn't believe that Cindy wouldn't know something about KC not working/having no money, and I told my mom that I don't think she'd know if I stopped working - since she rarely comes to my apartment. The only way I think she'd know is if I couldn't pay my rent -

Then Mom said if I was living at home, and pretended to go to work in the morning but came back after her and dad left for work (what I think KC did each day), she'd KNOW because things would be different in "HER HOUSE" - and she gave me specific examples of times my brother cut school and she knew because he finished the ham, or the TV was left on cartoon network and she last watched NBC in the morning, etc. She was saying especially if Cindy is a neat freak, if things are even a little off in your home that you've lived in for 20 years, you just "know."

At first I was skeptical, but the more I think about it, I realized that I notice if my boyfriend moves things around - even just noticing an extra cup in the sink. Cindy HAD to know something! What do you guys think?

Sorry if this was discussed already, but after talking to my mom and grandma, they convinced me that we 20-somethings are never as clever as we think.. :)
I know a bunch of you great posters are moms and grandmas - I was home for the holidays, and talked about this case with my mom. I live in Manhattan, my parents live in the suburbs. My mom couldn't believe that Cindy wouldn't know something about KC not working/having no money, and I told my mom that I don't think she'd know if I stopped working - since she rarely comes to my apartment. The only way I think she'd know is if I couldn't pay my rent -

Then Mom said if I was living at home, and pretended to go to work in the morning but came back after her and dad left for work (what I think KC did each day), she'd KNOW because things would be different in "HER HOUSE" - and she gave me specific examples of times my brother cut school and she knew because he finished the ham, or the TV was left on cartoon network and she last watched NBC in the morning, etc. She was saying especially if Cindy is a neat freak, if things are even a little off in your home that you've lived in for 20 years, you just "know."

At first I was skeptical, but the more I think about it, even I realize if my boyfriend moved things around. Cindy HAD to know! What do you guys think?

I agree with you and your mom! LOL You make an excellent point here. :clap:
I watched NG replay the jail tapes the other night and it was quite revealing.
Casey starts talking about a job and schedules when she gets out of jail. Cindy interrupts her and tells Casey, "You don't have to get a job".

What??? The first thing I thought was after all this, lying, stealing, not reporting your child missing, landing in jail, and Cindy STILL lets Casey off the hook! No responsibility, no accountability, nothing.

It was certainly a window into seeing how Casey was raised.

Oh, I'm glad you caught that too. I heard that.
She almost swallowed it back though--I think CA may have regretted that outburst, trying to placate her problem child.

I think it's simple--it you love your kid, you get a job (if you are able).

Also, Casey put so much effort into faking, it would have been easier to actually get job. You could say, she had a job as a criminal. She was absolutely putting together her future as a criminal, and surely others would have died had she not been stopped.

Okay, Cindy said that there was a babysitter that came to the house, and then Casey switched to Zanie. We know there is no Zanie and no job for Casey, but clearly -- Casey was leaving the house going somewhere when she was supposed to be working. Where was she going, and where was Caylee during this time?

This case has many questions that have haunted me but the top two have always been:

1. where did she dump Caylee
2. where were the two of them going every day

Sadly and gladly, the first has been answered, but the second has me flustered:confused:
I know a bunch of you great posters are moms and grandmas - I was home for the holidays, and talked about this case with my mom. I live in Manhattan, my parents live in the suburbs. My mom couldn't believe that Cindy wouldn't know something about KC not working/having no money, and I told my mom that I don't think she'd know if I stopped working - since she rarely comes to my apartment. The only way I think she'd know is if I couldn't pay my rent -

Then Mom said if I was living at home, and pretended to go to work in the morning but came back after her and dad left for work (what I think KC did each day), she'd KNOW because things would be different in "HER HOUSE" - and she gave me specific examples of times my brother cut school and she knew because he finished the ham, or the TV was left on cartoon network and she last watched NBC in the morning, etc. She was saying especially if Cindy is a neat freak, if things are even a little off in your home that you've lived in for 20 years, you just "know."

At first I was skeptical, but the more I think about it, I realized that I notice if my boyfriend moves things around - even just noticing an extra cup in the sink. Cindy HAD to know something! What do you guys think?

Sorry if this was discussed already, but after talking to my mom and grandma, they convinced me that we 20-somethings are never as clever as we think.. :)
Congratulations for your revelation! I'm serious. My daughter is in her 20s, but she can attest to the fact that I knew all when she was in high school. I'm not a neat freak either. Mothers know. Especially a grandmother who may very well have been a primary caregiver to this child. Does CA seem like the type of person who wouldn't be up her daughter's b-**? IMO, some serious cr** was going down in this family for a long time before Caylee went "missing".
This case has many questions that have haunted me but the top two have always been:

1. where did she dump Caylee
2. where were the two of them going every day

Sadly and gladly, the first has been answered, but the second has me flustered:confused:

We have read in the interviews that Jesse and/or his family watched Caylee and also the friend who stopped watching her when she found out KC was lying about having a job. I guess I need to go back and read those interviews because I am curious as to the ages of Caylee during those time periods and for how long we do not have any verification of a babysitter.
I know she was stealing but if she was stealing to the extent that would equal a paycheck she'd have to do more than steal from her family. She had to be getting money from someplace else. JMO

The second question is where was she going all day and what was she doing with Caylee? :waitasec:

What's your theory?

ETA: I'd say call girl but she'd have a lot of money if that were the case. JMO
she didnt have any bills or rent to pay.. only bill was celll phone and she stole from grandma to pay that...... and she stole gas from parents...... she didnt have to buy food for her or caylee.. nor any clothing for caylee...
seems when she went to buy a bday cake for caylee's 2nd bday.. she did that with a stolen check from grandma iirc

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