Revisiting Haleigh's home

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I wanted to bring this over, if it's already been sleuthed out nevermind me:)

Lancelotlink posted this link on the RC #4 Thread page 4 post # 76 (Thanks LLL!)


At :41 seconds into the video you see RC point out one of the light switches that are in the Kitchen/Dining area. I said "one of the switches" because there could be more that we can't see.

The position of the light switch IMHO leads me to believe that Haleigh can't be ruled out as having been the one to turn the light on.

I know some aren't interested in this, that's okay, but there are a couple of people still working on that facet of theories and I thought this would be of help as it was of help to me.

The next question in my mind that I will be puzzling over today as I go about my errands will be this...

If Haleigh did get up and turned on the Kitchen light. Wouldn't the light illuminate the hallway where the Washer and Dryer were? Wouldn't that also give her the opportunity to change out of her pink shirt it was reported that she went to bed in and toss it on the dirty clothes pile? I'm not sure I can rule that scenario out yet. I'll have to give that some thought.

As for the light switch, being where it is placed, I don't think that I can rule out she turned on the light. JMHO as always:)
There were no gusts of wind at 3 am, or earlier. It was calm and clear and the temperature was 48 degrees. If the back door was open as Misty stated, when she got up to go to the bathroom, wouldn't she have been really cold? TN also stated in the interview that the bedroom door was always kept open.

I was berrated elsewhere for stating that I thought their home looked like a crackhouse. What I was referring to was the fact that the mattress were just plunked on the floor. No bedframe, no box spring, typical of old (I"m dating myself) hippie/druggie lifestyle. Where is Haleigh's cute room? Where is Junior's cute room? Were they all huddled together because they had no heat? But then, they kept the door open. Doesn't make sense.

Bolding by me:

You can see a few pictures of Haleighs room on this thread post #34:

Those pictures were posted by ACandyRose as stills taken from a NG interview, which can be found here:
Patty G posts all transcripts and video's of NG. I'm not sure which episode that was from.

As for the children sleeping in the Master Bdrm, it is my understanding that TN (grandmother) said in an interview with media that the children (both Haleigh and Jr. wouldn't sleep alone).

The media thread would have that article and it is located here:

Angelwhocares, does a fantastic job of keeping us abreast with all media updates on this case and she even copies and pastes what might be of particluar interest to us in that article. IIRC the comment by TN about the children is in a snippet on the post that has the article.

Happy Sleuthing!
Why do y'all suppose that the LE took the Cummings home back door with them? What are they looking for now that they didn't find or search for back when the house was being kept as a crime scene?
Why do y'all suppose that the LE took the Cummings home back door with them? What are they looking for now that they didn't find or search for back when the house was being kept as a crime scene?

IMO, I feel it has something to do with the locks on the backdoor!
Why do y'all suppose that the LE took the Cummings home back door with them? What are they looking for now that they didn't find or search for back when the house was being kept as a crime scene?

I am very interested in this too.Yes,any ideas by any one?
I can't find the link to the article that talked about the door being removed. I have searched the media thread for the past 10 minutes.

Without having read the article I can't fathom why they would remove a door almost a month into the investigation. Sorry.
Why do y'all suppose that the LE took the Cummings home back door with them? What are they looking for now that they didn't find or search for back when the house was being kept as a crime scene?

I don't think they are looking for anything "new" or they wouldn't have released access to the trailer back to the family. My guess is that they want it so that it can be used at a trial to demonstrate that there WAS NO "LOCK PICKING" which occurred that night. If someone else moves into the trailer they would obviously change out the would be the FIRST thing that I would do if I was going to live there! They will need the locks and door to prove that either Ron and Misty are lying about it being locked....or they are lying about it being "picked". Either points even more strongly to LE closing in on one or both of them as suspects. JMO of course....
Thank you for the link.Did they remove the iside door with the lock or the screen door propped open?

"the same door that was found propped open the night the girl disappeared"

So I assume that would be the screen door.
"the same door that was found propped open the night the girl disappeared"

So I assume that would be the screen door.

Ok,Thank you.Hmmmm.I wonder why the screen door if that's the door they took.Unless someones finger prints were on it.I wonder if Haleighs fingerprints were on either door?It would show whether she opened the door probably or any other fingerprints from any one else were on these doors.Didn't they say they never used this door?They said there was no break in attempt with the inside door?Maybe it is circumstantial evidence of some kind.
Ok,Thank you.Hmmmm.I wonder why the screen door if that's the door they took.Unless someones finger prints were on it.I wonder if Haleighs fingerprints were on either door?It would show whether she opened the door probably or any other fingerprints from any one else were on these doors.Didn't they say they never used this door?They said there was no break in attempt with the inside door?Maybe it is circumstantial evidence of some kind.

I'm curious why they would take the door after the family had been in to clean up after the police investigation inside the home. I will guess that one of the pictures taken showed something on the inside of the door. I'm also going to guess luminol was involved. Guessing is not knowing, however, so I'll just go on instinct here. It has been proven wrong before.
Why do y'all suppose that the LE took the Cummings home back door with them? What are they looking for now that they didn't find or search for back when the house was being kept as a crime scene?

Unfortunately, I think this could mean that LE does not have as much as we all hoped. They very well could be going back to square one to see what they may have overlooked... Maybe with a new theory in mind? jmo
I don't think they are looking for anything "new" or they wouldn't have released access to the trailer back to the family. My guess is that they want it so that it can be used at a trial to demonstrate that there WAS NO "LOCK PICKING" which occurred that night. If someone else moves into the trailer they would obviously change out the would be the FIRST thing that I would do if I was going to live there! They will need the locks and door to prove that either Ron and Misty are lying about it being locked....or they are lying about it being "picked". Either points even more strongly to LE closing in on one or both of them as suspects. JMO of course....

I agree, once Ron and Misty move out, they will need to keep the door as evidence, I bet they come back and get the inside door. They will get with the landlord after they move out and before any of the doors can be replaced.

Good job
I would like to share a couple things I know about the lay out of the the house Ron was renting. My last home was a prefab, a very similar design to theirs, but a different manufacturer. In looking before I bought mine then looking at the competition when I put mine on the market 5 years ago, somethings are universal in similar layouts.

It's not a trailer, it's a prefab house. The reason the back door slowly returns to the closed position is the house is not on a full size slab, the brackets and braces will shift slightly as a the house settles leaving it at a very slight slant.

I realize we don't know which door Haleigh was taken in or out of, just that the back door was accessed by someone, at some point that night. In my house we used the back door off the kitchen exclusively, because of the parking arrangements and the "front" door opened out to our yard.

There is a switch for the kitchen light at the entrance off the laundry room and at the end of the kitchen between the kitchen and dining room.

The light in the kitchen does not shine into the master bedroom at all and you can't tell if the light is on from inside master bedroom. The light would have offered minimal help for someone navigating into the kids bedroom.

I actually understand the point of Misty having the kids in the MST with her, even though it's not a huge house. The 2 bedrooms on the other side of the house feel very far away during the night. Ron had only recently gone to the late shift, she probably thought she was doing a good thing keeping the kids close to her.

From the MST, unless someone was walking shoe-less or intentionally taking light steps, I was very aware of anyone walking through the kitchen. Maybe it was just the "mom in me", unless I was really unconscious when my kids came home late or my hubby came in from a late call, their walking across the kitchen usually woke me up. The night Haleigh disappeared, someone had to walk across that floor to open the back door at some point.

Unless the perp was familiar with the house or a house like it there would have been no reason for them to know to walk extra quietly through this room.

One thing those houses are not, is well insulated. The draft from the back door being open or even ajar would have been very obvious. It's possible that Misty got up to go to the BR, as soon as she was out of bed she would have felt that cold air. Possibly before she was even awake enough for it to register she headed out of the MST looking for the source, once in the living room she would have seen the kitchen light.''

So many things about this little girl's disappearance make no sense to me, but I know a lot of great thinkers are hard at work here. I hope this information is of some help to someone.
Did they say something was taken out of the home?May I please ask does any one know what that was?
Did they say something was taken out of the home?May I please ask does any one know what that was?

Sorry don't know, I read that some where that the grandmother, said something was missing from I think she said nightstand and it is always there for her, but LE has a list of what was taken out of the home and it's not on it. They are not saying what is missing.
Something that has been bugging me for the longest and still I have not came across an explanation.

We know for a fact that there are two back doors to the trailer. That "BOTH WILL SHUT AUTOMATICALLY" unless they are propped open.

One door was propped open with a block/brick. That was the second door, the screen door, the outside door.

So, the first door also shuts automatically if it's not propped open with something and Misty and Ron Claim that the door was bolt locked that night.

If Misty woke and saw the kitchen light from her bedroom I could understand that...

What I don't understand is how she saw the second door open? Look at the doors, you can't see the screen door unless the back door is also propped open.

How did Misty know that the second door was open?

If the main door is ajar (it does not close completely; it needs a final push to latch into place), I imagine she went to the door and opened it to see why it was open, and noticed the screen door propped.

But that's about the only way I can see it making any sense.

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