Revisiting Haleigh's home

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DNA Solves
I agree that whoever took Haleigh out of the home must have known their way around very well, but whoever took her away in a vehicle must not have known the streets quite as well. If the dogs were correct, Haleigh was needlessly taken around the circle before heading out the correct way on Monroe then out past the rail road tracks. More than one person must have been involved. One on the inside then help arriving with a vehicle to take Haleigh away.

If the trail the dogs followed was the last trail Haleigh took that night, and if the dogs are correct in the direction of that trail,

1) The perp was not that familiar with the neighborhood, took a wrong turn, and self corrected in the circle. Maybe knew of Ron's house, but did not have knowledge of the surrounding streets.


2) There was something on Monroe that was relevant to the kidnapper. I have asked before about the RSO that lives on Monroe, but I still can't find where WSers really looked in to him (links please?). Could It have been that the perp took her back to a private location located on Monroe, and then put her in to his car and drove out of the neighborhood?
As in the perp was going to take the child back to the his buddy SO's house on Monroe but was thrown out by the tenant/owner who didn't want to be involved?

IMHO this perp saw Haleigh as she walked or road her bike around the neighborhood. Even if she were accompanied by an adult, the perp saw her, became fixated on her over the weekend and by Monday night, could not control himself any longer. He waited for the perfect opportunity, everyone asleep, the man with the gun out of the house, maybe the noisy train was passing and made his move.

He didnt' have to enter through the rear door, he may have simply propped open the screen, then went around to the front. I wonder if the light outside the back door was on and if the bulb had been unscrewed (burglar move). The front porch would have provided good cover as he picked the front door lock.

Does anyone know where the cement block came from? How far from the house was the "pile" of blocks that I have read about? Anyone?

This guy is known to many people in the neighborhood by sight.

Amen. Where there is stink there must be hink.

Adding to your thoughts: When the perp entered the bedroom where an adult, and two small children are all sleeping the perp has to BEND DOWN and pick up a sleeping child (Haleigh) from a mattress on the floor (the perps butt would likely have been right in Misty or Jr's face). Crazy. The perp would also be either relying on the fact Haleigh would not make ONE PEEP and that Misty would not wake up.

It bother me how the one door shut by it self. And I:confused::confused: thought just one door was prop open the screen.
As in the perp was going to take the child back to the his buddy SO's house on Monroe but was thrown out by the tenant/owner who didn't want to be involved?

IMHO this perp saw Haleigh as she walked or road her bike around the neighborhood. Even if she were accompanied by an adult, the perp saw her, became fixated on her over the weekend and by Monday night, could not control himself any longer. He waited for the perfect opportunity, everyone asleep, the man with the gun out of the house, maybe the noisy train was passing and made his move.

He didnt' have to enter through the rear door, he may have simply propped open the screen, then went around to the front. I wonder if the light outside the back door was on and if the bulb had been unscrewed (burglar move). The front porch would have provided good cover as he picked the front door lock.

Does anyone know where the cement block came from? How far from the house was the "pile" of blocks that I have read about? Anyone?

This guy is known to many people in the neighborhood by sight.

This is a very good theory. this has happen more than once. I am pretty sure that what happen with Jessica Lumford. I don't remember if they said that the front door was lock, just the back.
I use to live near railroad tracks. after while you sleep right thru the trains going thru. If the pert know the time he could pick that time to go in the house.
It bother me how the one door shut by it self. And I:confused::confused: thought just one door was prop open the screen.
According to the LE presser I posted earlier today, the back door did not close all the way by itself. It would remain open about 6 inches. The Sheriff (or LE officer speaking at the time) said it was "blowing the in the breeze".

In another article, it stated deputies said they felt both the front and back door were open when Misty found Haleigh missing.
As in the perp was going to take the child back to the his buddy SO's house on Monroe but was thrown out by the tenant/owner who didn't want to be involved?

IMHO this perp saw Haleigh as she walked or road her bike around the neighborhood. Even if she were accompanied by an adult, the perp saw her, became fixated on her over the weekend and by Monday night, could not control himself any longer. He waited for the perfect opportunity, everyone asleep, the man with the gun out of the house, maybe the noisy train was passing and made his move.

He didnt' have to enter through the rear door, he may have simply propped open the screen, then went around to the front. I wonder if the light outside the back door was on and if the bulb had been unscrewed (burglar move). The front porch would have provided good cover as he picked the front door lock.

Does anyone know where the cement block came from? How far from the house was the "pile" of blocks that I have read about? Anyone?

This guy is known to many people in the neighborhood by sight.

It was said some were by the shed and that the owner of the property stacked them there so wouldn't be too far, imo.

It could have happened just the way you described. It would make sense the perp did watch the house and watch Haleigh enough to get a good idea of the situation.
I agree the perp knew their routine.
While it could be someone who stalked the bus stop or surrounding area, the very fact that a known SO (the cousin) was in the house prior to Haleigh's abduction leads me to the "razor" theory.
This SO could have thought there was money in the trailer for his trip back to his home State and took Haleigh in the process.

I agree the perp knew their routine.
While it could be someone who stalked the bus stop or surrounding area, the very fact that a known SO (the cousin) was in the house prior to Haleigh's abduction leads me to the "razor" theory.
This SO could have thought there was money in the trailer for his trip back to his home State and took Haleigh in the process.


The "known so"....? Isn't Misty the only source of that?
The thing with the cinder block is they have not said if indeed it came from that pile by the shed. Remember this is a mobile home community and cinder blocks are under every mh. Often times when mh are being set there will be loose blocks left behind. They also use them to build portches etc so loose blocks could be left behind right under the porch. JMO
This person knew a lot.

He knew he needed a block to hold open the door.
He knew it was a narrow space and an incline, and he would be able to get the child out of the home without waking her.
He knew Misty wouldn't wake up, or RJ.
He knew where they slept, and he could come in a bedroom with 3 people and take one of them out.
He knew where the light switch was and could turn it on and no one would be standing there with a gun.
He knew the full moon was not a problem and no one would see him come onto the property.
He knew the floors squeeked and his shoes, but not a problem.
He knew Ron wasn't home.
He knew the door wasn't deadbolted because they said that the door wasn't forced on the 911 tape.
He knew where the shirt belonged after taking it off Haliegh and he put it in the dirty laundry pile.

Or it was staged by Ron and Misty.
I just can't see an strange intruder turning on the kitchen light and removing a child's top and putting it underneath the laundry pile on the bottom. Wasn't it said that it was on the bottom of other things? He does all this without trailing the laundry into the kitchen or out the back door. He props the door open for a fast easy getaway but leaves the laundry pile lying there to possibly trip over? I believe it was an inside job or someone who knew Misti through possibly the internet, but there was help with a vehicle to get Haleigh out of the area in a vehicle and over the railroad tracks. Someone dressed in black and wearing squeaky shoes.

I have a "fixation" on the railroad tracks. I was first thinking "handcar" but now I'm thinking 4 wheeler. If an accident happened at home, Ron could have got on his/borrowed/whatever 4-wheeler and drove on the railroad tracks and dumped her in the river by the railroad bridge going over St. John's river toward his work. Then come home and stage an abduction. That's what everyone thought in the Trenton Duckett case, right?
Ron would not have had time between getting home from work and the 911 call to do anything with Haleigh.

I have a "fixation" on the railroad tracks. I was first thinking "handcar" but now I'm thinking 4 wheeler. If an accident happened at home, Ron could have got on his/borrowed/whatever 4-wheeler and drove on the railroad tracks and dumped her in the river by the railroad bridge going over St. John's river toward his work. Then come home and stage an abduction. That's what everyone thought in the Trenton Duckett case, right?
Ron would not have had time between getting home from work and the 911 call to do anything with Haleigh.

Ron could have been home earlier, or maybe before he went to work? Was it verified that he was even at work? Or did he sneak home earlier? I know it seems odd to everyone here that the 911 call was made by Misty as Ron was coming in the door. How come Ron didn't race around the neighborhood banging on neighbors' doors looking for Haleigh? You can be on a cell phone calling 911 and racing around the neighborhood the whole time. We lost our dogs one time (3) and my guy and I each had our cell phones and ran in opposite directions. Nowadays, including myself, people have their cell phones on them at all times ( I keep mine in my bra). So I would think that Misty would have called Ron first on his cell from her cell. Or, as I see it, the whole thing was devised to cover up their "tracks". (pun intended).
Police have verified Ron was at work.

Ron could have been home earlier, or maybe before he went to work? Was it verified that he was even at work? Or did he sneak home earlier? I know it seems odd to everyone here that the 911 call was made by Misty as Ron was coming in the door. How come Ron didn't race around the neighborhood banging on neighbors' doors looking for Haleigh? You can be on a cell phone calling 911 and racing around the neighborhood the whole time. We lost our dogs one time (3) and my guy and I each had our cell phones and ran in opposite directions. Nowadays, including myself, people have their cell phones on them at all times ( I keep mine in my bra). So I would think that Misty would have called Ron first on his cell from her cell. Or, as I see it, the whole thing was devised to cover up their "tracks". (pun intended).
Anyone find it odd that the Dad is looking for somewhere else to live? Don't (and i have no clue) most parents whose children go missing want to stay at the house where the child lived and new? I know i have heard of parents saying we will keep there room just as they left it for when they finally come home.
If she were taken by someone, and grew up she could later remember where she grew up and try to return there.
I keep hearing how the home holds happy memories of Haleigh. Yet her Dad doesn't want to live there. I would think I would want to stay there and remember my child, and also be there waiting with that small chance she could return someday.

Anybody find this strange? Or am I just speculating due to my gut feeling?

Melinda Duckett couldn't go back to the apartment she shared with Trenton. She packed up her stuff and went to her grandparents taking all Trenton's things with her. She stated she couldn't stay in the place where Trenton was abducted from.
Ron could have been home earlier, or maybe before he went to work? Was it verified that he was even at work? Or did he sneak home earlier? I know it seems odd to everyone here that the 911 call was made by Misty as Ron was coming in the door. How come Ron didn't race around the neighborhood banging on neighbors' doors looking for Haleigh? You can be on a cell phone calling 911 and racing around the neighborhood the whole time. We lost our dogs one time (3) and my guy and I each had our cell phones and ran in opposite directions. Nowadays, including myself, people have their cell phones on them at all times ( I keep mine in my bra). So I would think that Misty would have called Ron first on his cell from her cell. Or, as I see it, the whole thing was devised to cover up their "tracks". (pun intended).

IIRC, there were two phones. According to TN, Ron called her while Misty was talking to the dispatcher.

ETA: Went back over TN's interview and found these snips weird:

VAN SUSTEREN: About what time did he call you?
NEVES: He called me 3:27, 3:28.

VAN SUSTEREN: How far do you live from here?
NEVES: I live about somewhere between 12 and 15 miles

VAN SUSTEREN: So when did you get here, about 4:00 a.m.
NEVES: When I got here, it was about 3:30.,2933,502766,00.html
Here's a link to history of weather in Satsuma. The wind was in gusts of 20 mph and temps were below 50 degrees.

There were no gusts of wind at 3 am, or earlier. It was calm and clear and the temperature was 48 degrees. If the back door was open as Misty stated, when she got up to go to the bathroom, wouldn't she have been really cold? TN also stated in the interview that the bedroom door was always kept open.

I was berrated elsewhere for stating that I thought their home looked like a crackhouse. What I was referring to was the fact that the mattress were just plunked on the floor. No bedframe, no box spring, typical of old (I"m dating myself) hippie/druggie lifestyle. Where is Haleigh's cute room? Where is Junior's cute room? Were they all huddled together because they had no heat? But then, they kept the door open. Doesn't make sense.

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