Revisiting Haleigh's home

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LOL......I see most of us have the same questions after seeing the walk-thru of the trailer on NG last night......With Misty's changing stories my BS meter has been in the red for awhile....OR.....this is a very LUCKY perp that broke in that night.

First off this LUCKY perp 'finds' a cinder block thats both tall & heavy enough to prop the screen door on a slanting ramp......

Second, the perp pops the inside door lock (leaves no traces) & *somehow knows this door also needs to be propped & LUCKY for him there is laundry right there to do so.....

Third, this LUCKY perp makes his way into the dark kitchen & then LUCKILY find the light switch.....& LUCKY for him, turning the light on, awakes no one.

He then proceeds to a (darK ??) bedroon where LUCKILY 2 kids are also sleeping, squats down & easily (& quietly) picks up a 40lb little girl.......

(no wonder Misty continue to be questioned.....)

I am so with you on this. Ever since I saw the video where the G-Grandma did a walk-through of the place, I've been scratching my head more than ever! It doesn't make sense!

Which bathroom did Misty use? The one in the bedroom where everyone was sleeping, or the one clear across the living room near the other two bedrooms?

What criminal would actually turn on a light when he enters a home? Don't they normally carry flashlights?

The storm door and the exit door being left open, one propped with a cinderblock, the other with --- LAUNDRY!!!!! So perp blocks open two doors (storm door with side door) and turns on the kitchen light, snatches the child by bending down to the floor to pick her up while two others are sleeping in the room, carries her through the kitchen (LIGHT ON) and laundry room, then exits the doorway, leaving those two doors wide open with the kitchen light still on. :eek: And no one saw him! Sounds mighty stupid and risky to me.

Me thinks the cops should drag Ms Misty back to the station and hook her up one more time.

Something's not right!
Most any home can be the target of a sexual predator and can be entered undetected by people sleeping there. Gary Graham, Tulsa, OK's serial rapist is a prime example.

Prior to being caught, Graham had no record other than loitering, IIRC. Graham entered occupied homes not once, but twice because he put them back in their beds after raping them outside. Some children were asleep in rooms with other people. Here you can read a small portion of how he terrorized Tulsa for 4 years by doing exactly that:

I bring this up again because people can't believe a stranger abduction in this case is possible. It is possible and proven many times over by this one man.

But when this creep was doing this, did the residents of the homes change their stories repeatedly? Did the police drag them in for repeat lie detector tests and questioning? Did they have rap sheets a mile long?

Or instead, did they try to help in every way, desperately trying to figure out what happened and how? Did they blame themselves for not hearing noises in their homes, for not protecting their children, for not checking and rechecking all doors and windows? This is how normal parents react when bad things happen to their children. "How could I not hear? How could I not know something was wrong?" Normal questions by normal parents in a terrible situation.

All we see with Misty is changing stories and a violent man who blamed her right off the bat.
I would like to know if the living room furniture was rearranged when they cleaned after LE released the home. I noticed when they walked back to the bedroom from the LR on NG that the furniture is very close together with the back of the furniture facing the front wall of the home.

There's a side table & chair up against the side wall, the chair is sitting at an angle (left hand side of TV when watching) then there's another side table w/lamp & loveseat is next to that...sitting straight)...looks like there's maybe 1-2 ft between the chair arm and loveseat table in front of loveseat. From this shot, you can see the front door in the corner of the room. Then as the camera pans the room, next to the door you can see that there's some sort of cabinet/entertainment center/bookcase along the front wall which also blocks the front window. There's another bigger chair (maybe a recliner) on the other end of the loveseat that is also sitting very close to the loveseat & at an angle, next to the other side wall.

All the furniture pieces are very close to one another...not leaving very much walking room if entering the house from the front door. Plus, since the lamp on the side table by the love seat isn't against the wall...wouldn't that mean the power cord would be laying across the floor (something that could be tripped over)? IMO, IF that's how the furniture has always been arranged, it would be a hassle to maneuver around everything if coming in or going out the front door. Also IMO, IF the perp came in the front door, in the dark...I would think that they would have ran into or tripped over something...unless they knew the set up.

Also, I found it strange when the NG reporter said that TN didn't know which bathroom Misty had used after waking up. Huh?!?'s been almost 4 weeks and she doesn't know? If I were in her shoes...I would've grilled Misty by now and demanded to know every little detail about that night...including which bathroom she used.
Since LE found no sign of forced still leads me to believe they came and left through the front door. I haven't found anyone that has heard of it being stated it was locked. The screened in porch would offer a certain amount of cover in the dark and I don't see it is a stretch the back door doesn't even play into this.

One of the children visiting earlier could have unlocked it. The perp still could have put the cinderblock there thinking it was the way to escape if he needed it, but it didn't become neccessary to bolt out that way.

IIRC, the dogs followed Haleigh's scent trail out the back door. Perhaps, for starters, the front door was unlocked and then the perp went out the back?
Good post. The only thing about your theory (imo) is that I'm remembering the little Coralrose Fullwood case.
Her house was such a mess that authorities removed the other children after seeing the living conditions.
This perp went into her messy, filthy house and navigated until finding little Coralrose sleeping.
He took her out without waking the house full of people.

So, is it possible that someone came into Haleigh's house and took her?
Yes, it is.

If the light switch is on the left going into the laundry room from the kitchen towards the back door, and it is not the switch type but the push type, the perp could have easily hit that on his way out with his shoulder, elbo, or even haleighs foot.

Or the light could have been left on to begin with.

Or Haliegh could have gotten up to change her clothes and turned it on.
:banghead:OK, this is really bothering me. It is said that the toddler bed "was" in the room where Haleigh and Jr were sleeping. But if you watched the interview NG did on Friday it showed the bed in another room standing up. Could it be that Haleigh was sleeping in her own room in the toddler bed? And if that is the case, Misty would of had to get up and go out of her room to use the bathroom and then, into Haleigh's room to notice her missing. Misty said she went to the bathroom and saw the kitchen light on and that is when she noticed that Haleigh was missing. It just does not make sense that someone would get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom "which she had right in her room", to go out of her bedroom to use the bathroom in another part of the house.

The conflicting stories Misty has told indicate to me that the children were in the same room and same bed, the bed was seen in another room from the interview, which leads me to believe the children were in another room. The big question remains, where was Misty and did she notice the child missing when she came back home? It is said that she was home, but investigators have "Tips"- interviews - statements; from other's that claim to have seen Misty out the night Haleigh disappeared. They have not released any documents in this case so it's really hard to piece the puzzle together with hearsay from the media and rumors. There are local people that are talking and say Misty was not home. I am starting to believe it and that is why someone who knew the home well came in and took Haleigh...JMO for now, until I see further documentation on what really happen on Feb 10 from all that have been interviewed.

Story 1
8:00pm Kids were put to bed per Misty Croslin 10:00pm Misty goes to bed per Misty Croslin

Story 2
8:00pm Jr put to bed
10:00 Misty and Haleigh go to bed

Story 3 from Great Grandmother

Brings clothes over, see Haleigh and Jr. eating supper on porch.
After supper, Misty states that Haleigh and Jr. watch two movies, Air-bud, and Madagascar, then
8:15 pm. Misty states Haleigh in a pink Hanna Montana top, and Jr. snuggle up in a blanket and go to sleep. (Which would mean they were asleep in the same bed.)

Quote: Article States that Haleigh and Jr were in the same room.

Haleigh still is missing, apparently vanishing overnight almost a month ago from the toddler bed kept in the same room just to the side of the bed where her brother and her father's girlfriend were also asleep that night.
IIRC, the dogs followed Haleigh's scent trail out the back door. Perhaps, for starters, the front door was unlocked and then the perp went out the back?
Possible. However, she could have been playing on the ramp earlier in the evening with the other children who were present. I know they are supposed to take the "fresh" scent, but investigators laid the sheet and blanket on the ramp for them to obtain a scent to follow (if reports are accurate). This has always bothered me.
IIRC, the dogs followed Haleigh's scent trail out the back door. Perhaps, for starters, the front door was unlocked and then the perp went out the back?

I believe they placed her blankets on the back ramp and the dogs scented from there. Inside the house her scent should have been everywhere and could have confused the dogs. The first day videos showed the blankets/sheet on the ramp. At that time, I'm sure they were still going on the belief that Misty was telling the truth about the back doors.
But when this creep was doing this, did the residents of the homes change their stories repeatedly? Did the police drag them in for repeat lie detector tests and questioning? Did they have rap sheets a mile long?

Or instead, did they try to help in every way, desperately trying to figure out what happened and how? Did they blame themselves for not hearing noises in their homes, for not protecting their children, for not checking and rechecking all doors and windows? This is how normal parents react when bad things happen to their children. "How could I not hear? How could I not know something was wrong?" Normal questions by normal parents in a terrible situation.

All we see with Misty is changing stories and a violent man who blamed her right off the bat.
Not every one of the victims (IIRC over 15 victims) in those cases came from stellar backgrounds. So yes...chances are there were rap sheets with some of the parents. I can guarantee when this perp started his 4 year terror spree that many of the people were questioned multiple times over.

You don't think Misty and Ronald have kicked themselves daily for "what ifs"?! They are acting very normal, imo. (See the "other" case for what is not normal when a child goes missing.)

The stories to the media could be off for many different reasons which have been pointed out repeatedly. I trust that LE has an accurate account by now from Misty which they are not sharing with John Q. Public. It has also been shouted to the rooftops that Ronald has not been proven to be a violent person and it is wrong to state he IS violent.
Why was Haleigh sleeping on a mattress on the floor? She has a bed. If she can't sleep in her room, why not move the bed into the MB? Why just the mattress?? Did Jr. have a bed? Or did he always sleep with Misty and Ron?

I'm searching for the interview where Ron describes drilling the hole for the deadbolt lock on the back door...
I don't think it is unusual for children of their ages to want to sleep with an adult or in the same room. The smaller mattress fits and Haleigh's may have been too large. (Maybe they were encouraging Haleigh to sleep in her own bed, but it wasn't working.)

We don't know if Rj experienced night terrors or if Haleigh had nightmares which caused her to wake up frequently at night either. With Turners, she could have issues with her kidneys.
My theory for not having Haleighs actual bed in the bedroom is because moving the mattress back to Haleighs room is easier then moving the entire bed. Remember there was some question regarding the children having their own rooms and DCF. So if Ron and Misty are afraid of most young couples are in Florida...but they want the children sleeping in the room with them...for whatever reason...then just putting the mattress on the floor would make sense.

If Haleighs does have an issue of wetting herself it would make sense they would not put her in the big bed. Toddler bed mattresses are basically crib mattresses that are vinyl covered so wetting that bed would not be an issue. JMO
IMO the missing item is Haleighs blanket....hence the overexplaining of the blankets by Misty...just sayin...
When looking at the pix that acandyrose posted here,
the light switch in the laundry area looks like it could shut off
the kitchen light........double switch? Next to reporters shoulder
left side of photo.
Also a pix of open backdoor looking out, there is a lovely trellis fencing (a neighbor's porch?) Looks fairly close or is that the out building?
I believe they placed her blankets on the back ramp and the dogs scented from there. Inside the house her scent should have been everywhere and could have confused the dogs. The first day videos showed the blankets/sheet on the ramp. At that time, I'm sure they were still going on the belief that Misty was telling the truth about the back doors.

Huh. I never heard that about the blankets being laid down before. Do you know who placed the blankets down on the ramp, raeann? I'm surprised at LE if they are the ones who did it, since that could have contaminated evidence (the blankets) Could this instead, be the laundry that TN said was holding the back door open? (would love to see video if anyone has a link)

I don't think the dogs would trail all the way down to the water unless Haleigh had actually been there, though. JMO, of course.
Huh. I never heard that about the blankets being laid down before. Do you know who placed the blankets down on the ramp, raeann? I'm surprised at LE if they are the ones who did it, since that could have contaminated evidence (the blankets) Could this instead, be the laundry that TN said was holding the back door open? (would love to see video if anyone has a link)

I don't think the dogs would trail all the way down to the water unless Haleigh had actually been there, though. JMO, of course.
Early report:

Massive search targets woods, river in South Putnam for missing girl

Larry Sullivan
Palatka Daily News
February 10, 2009

SATSUMA - A young girl was reported missing, and possibly abducted, from her South Putnam County home early Tuesday.


Haleigh wasn't in bed. The back door of a blue doublewide mobile home was open, and a blanket and sheets were scattered on the wooden ramp leading from the door. (Bolded by me)

Officers confirmed that a dog, searching for Haleigh’s scent, had alerted to something in the direction of the water. But they stressed that could have been due to the way the wind was blowing. Still, authorities have been paying close attention to the river and sent search teams out in that area again Wednesday.

Blankets from the home were used to provide the dogs with a scent to track, Bowling said. (Bolded by me)

The complete explanation of the sheets and blankets directly from the Sheriff's office during the presser:
Published: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 6:01 a.m.
Last Modified: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 10:32 p.m.

With no evidence of Haleigh Ann-Marie Cummings near her residence in Satsuma, there is no longer any reason to believe the child wandered away, said Putnam County Sheriff’s Office Major Gary Bowling Wednesday afternoon.


A rear door at the double-wide mobile home was ajar, but authorities could not say if it had previously been locked. A 911 call made from the home reported the door always stayed locked.


A young child like Haleigh would be afraid of walking down a dark hall by herself, Bowling told reporters. And, without any history indicating she might have wandered away, the likelihood of an abduction has become increasingly likely. Officers also said they had no reports of a custody issue between the child’s father and mother. (Bolded and colored red by me)

It would appear the Griffis/Sheffields had not come out with this information yet. Hmmm...Interesting.
I agree with other posters that the interior door could have jammed on the laundry when it was pushed open.

The person could have used the brick to hold the door open while he focused on picking or bumping the lock, so that could explain the propping.

The light could have been turned on by Haleigh if she got up in the night to go to the bathroom or something else (possibly heard the door opening). That could explain the light being on.

My children are the same age, and I often find lights on in the morning because they had an "accident" during the night and got up to clean up. I usually find their clothing in the laundry because they're trying to cover the "evidence". That could explain the shirt (and possibly panties) being in the laundry.

This crime may have started as a burglary (possibly related to the other rumours) but was interrupted by Haleigh, and then became a kidnapping.

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