Revisiting Haleigh's home

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Re: interior door closes iself according to NG video. I would like to know since the gma said there are always clothes on the floor in front of the washer, if those clothes laying on the floor were pushed toward the wall as if someone came in the backdoor or if they were pushed away from the door as if someone going out. If you lived there you would move the clothes so you could open the door, but if you were coming in, you wouldn't even know they were there so clothes would be in the way. Prob what made the door stay open, jammed on clothing.
A planned cinder block used to hold screen door, but nothing planned to hold open interior door. intruder did not know interior door would swing shut itself.
The intruder would have to know that the screen door was one that had a spring close action for him/her to bring a cinder block. If the family didn't use the back door very often, then those knowing the actions of this door are very limited. Previous owners, renters, neighbor and the immediate visitors to the home which should be few.
I still think the key to this case is Misty.
If LE would just start ruling people out, then I would not mind apologizing, and sleuthing other scenarios.
My mind keeps going back to Misty.
I wish that LE would just be forward. I understand that they have a potential case against someone that they want to make sure is solid, but for the sake of Haleigh, if there is a chance she is out there alive, at least start ruling out people.
I always lock my doors at night, knob, dead bolt and chain. The other morning I woke up and my back door was unlocked. I ran to check on my daughter first thing of course even though she sleeps with 2 yapper dogs. I checked everything, nothing missing. Did I really lock the door? Well I thought I did. Maybe it was the same with Misty...Ron always locks it and she may have thought it was locked when it wasn't. Ron may have thought he locked it because it was such a routine for him. Misty may have taken out the trash and forgot to relock it.

Maybe somebody was in the house earlier and purposely unlocked it and Misty never noticed it.

I dont know but I pray every day that it was a family member that thought they were doing the right thing in taking Haleigh and they are keeping her safe.

Agree this is by far the most comforting possibility. I know I check my locks myself routinely (and sometimes fanatically w focus and memory issues) but I am their parent, and have lived long enough--or thru enough--to realize my tremendous responsibility, to recognize the dangers, to use caution, and to remain extremely vigilant re all our safety and wellbeing. JMO

can someone please give me a link or direction to where Misty at any point...
#1 mentioned the main door was open
#2 mentioned laundry holding this door open
can someone please give me a link or direction to where Misty at any point...
#1 mentioned the main door was open
#2 mentioned laundry holding this door open

I don't have the link to where Misty said the door was open, but the statement about the laundry holding the door open did NOT come from Misty. It came from the reporter who walked thru the house on NG.
Since LE found no sign of forced still leads me to believe they came and left through the front door. I haven't found anyone that has heard of it being stated it was locked. The screened in porch would offer a certain amount of cover in the dark and I don't see it is a stretch the back door doesn't even play into this.

One of the children visiting earlier could have unlocked it. The perp still could have put the cinderblock there thinking it was the way to escape if he needed it, but it didn't become neccessary to bolt out that way.
Since LE found no sign of forced still leads me to believe they came and left through the front door. I haven't found anyone that has heard of it being stated it was locked. The screened in porch would offer a certain amount of cover in the dark and I don't see it is a stretch the back door doesn't even play into this.

One of the children visiting earlier could have unlocked it. The perp still could have put the cinderblock there thinking it was the way to escape if he needed it, but it didn't become neccessary to bolt out that way.

i guess its possible the perp (if there was one) snuck into the home sometime earlier in the day and hid (there were two unused bedrooms) in a closet or somewhere. just thinking out loud.
Let's say, Misty is not home, and this person does get in, because the back door is open. what if the person makes noise and Haleigh comes out to the kitchen because she doesn't see Misty in bed and thinks it is her. She see the light on in the kitchen and there is someone there, and she knows the face. He could have said something like, "Misty ask me to come get you" It's ok, she is just outside... So she goes. Misty comes home and see's Haleigh gone, and decides to stage the house to look like a kidnapping because she's not home. Or it was bricked as she said, because the intruder didn't want it to slam while he was picking the other lock. Misty said the screen door was bricked but I remember her saying the other inside door was open just a little. I don't have a link for that, but I think she said like "a little bit".

To me, this makes a lot of sense.
i guess its possible the perp (if there was one) snuck into the home sometime earlier in the day and hid (there were two unused bedrooms) in a closet or somewhere. just thinking out loud.
Would have been a long wait and not that many places to hide inside that trailer for an extended period of time, imo. I just wish someone would ask TN if the front door was locked!
Would have been a long wait and not that many places to hide inside that trailer for an extended period of time, imo. I just wish someone would ask TN if the front door was locked!

I agree, it would have been a long wait. Just throwing it out there.
The only thing that keeps me thinking entrance was from the side door rather then the front...since I believe anybody including the children could have propped open the outside in Misty's 911 call she said that her back door is wide open. I take that to mean both doors are wide open. I think the inside door jammed open with the laundry that was on the floor and the back door was propped open. JMO
The only thing that keeps me thinking entrance was from the side door rather then the front...since I believe anybody including the children could have propped open the outside in Misty's 911 call she said that her back door is wide open. I take that to mean both doors are wide open. I think the inside door jammed open with the laundry that was on the floor and the back door was propped open. JMO
But, She did not say doorS she said door.
Also the door is handicap accessible so probably not a step down from door to ramp, a single cinderblock could of been placed to hold both doors open if placed in the right spot. I am more inclined to believe as the door was pushed open laundry wedged underneath enough to keep it open.
Re: interior door closes iself according to NG video. I would like to know since the gma said there are always clothes on the floor in front of the washer, if those clothes laying on the floor were pushed toward the wall as if someone came in the backdoor or if they were pushed away from the door as if someone going out. If you lived there you would move the clothes so you could open the door, but if you were coming in, you wouldn't even know they were there so clothes would be in the way. Prob what made the door stay open, jammed on clothing.
A planned cinder block used to hold screen door, but nothing planned to hold open interior door. intruder did not know interior door would swing shut itself.
The intruder would have to know that the screen door was one that had a spring close action for him/her to bring a cinder block. If the family didn't use the back door very often, then those knowing the actions of this door are very limited. Previous owners, renters, neighbor and the immediate visitors to the home which should be few.

I watched the NG show on Friday and the screen door is very much like the one at my house, it's actually a storm door with a panel of glass that can slide up let in air through the bottom half which is screened, or the glass can be lowered totally to block air. The glass panel can also be removed totally. Too bad the NG show did not show the hydraulic arm at the top of the screen door. The reason the door slams shut is that the hydraulic arm isn't adjusted properly to close more slowly. The door closes fast enough to injure a small child, IMO.

If there was a perp, unless that perp was wearing gloves, there should be fingerpints on that storm door I would guess - either on the metal or the glass part of the storm door.

I also think that someone would have to know that the storm door closed fast enough to slam shut and make noise or that the door closed fast enough that it was hard to get a child in and out of the trailer home.

I'm still not convinced by Misty's or Ron's explanations of what happened the night Haleigh disappeared.
But, She did not say doorS she said door.

Misty said when she went to the kitchen the back door was wide open. The inside door would have to be open in order for her to see the outside door was open. If the inside door was closed she would not have been able to see the outside door was opened while she was in the kitchen.
Does anyone remember if Misti said she became afraid and ran back to the bedroom when she saw the kitchen light on or when she saw the back door open? Maybe she said both, but I can't remember.
i thought i saw a peephole in the solid back door. is it possible to see in thru one of those or just out?
I am thinking perp took advantage of noise from washing machine covering the noise he made opening and propping the outside door.
Also NG reporter said the floors did not creak. However, she may weigh all of a100 lbs, what if the perp is 200 lbs, would the floor creak then? Yes, I know the camera man was there but we didn't see him so don't know much weight he was carrying thru there.
Not sure if this has been discussed already, but what kind of locks are on the front door? Is is possible the perp actually entered through the front door, left through the back door with Haleigh? It was stated on NG there were always piles of clothing on the floor at that back door. If the perp entered from the back door, the door would have pushed the clothing out of the immediate path and to the right. If the perp did not enter but only left through the back door, the clothing would have looked to have a "kicked around" appearance, rather than the door swept to the right appearance IMO. The perp might have picked up a piece of clothing to turn the dead bolt lock to avoid leaving finger prints..step on the clothing and kick them out of the way to get the door open.

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