Revisiting Haleigh's home

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If you're a teenager,you get in trouble,you'll try to cover up for something you've done wrong.She said she was cleaning that night.She said on Greta,first the door was never used,agreeing with Ronald.Then Greta rephrased the question,she asked her about the door again.Misty said,"Well,sometimes I use the door to take out the garbage."You could see her face changed and Ronald looked liked,"What?"If she left that door unlocked,she feels quilty,doesn't want everyone blaming her,etc.We can detail every word she says,dissect it to death.Your mind's in shock,I've had things happen,car accidents,kids get hurt,you don't think as you would normally.If just about every adult in both families didn't have some type of criminal record,this wouldn't be as big an issue.Until we get computer,cellphone records and more evidence from LE every thing we go back and forth on is all spectulation and family feud heresay.I think she left the back door unlocked and after seeing how easy from that door to Haleigh's bed,sixteen steps,I think it was a perv.I think her "lying" is covering up for leaving that door unlocked.She talks like a kid,I don't think three interviews and polygraphs,talking to LE and FBI,she'd be able to not be cracked if she knows who took Haleigh.
Or maybe they're insistent upon the point of rear door being locked from inside because they might otherwise be asked to produce keys proving rear door could be locked from outside... [/COLOR]


why insist about the back door? why stage it to look as if she was taken out the back door? because that is the scent trail they wanted the dogs to follow?

If I were going to stage something like this, my main objective would be to lead LE to believe a certain number of facts (which would be much different from what actually happened). I'd wash her blankets, I'd wrap myself up in her blankets, then I'd leave a trail for the dogs to follow or if I knew she had walked that way earlier in the evening and entered the house that way, I'd want that trail followed. I'd prop a door or leave one wide open so LE would assume that was the door used, and that would be the starting point for the dogs. I'd twist the times and events around & even the crime scene to any extent that I could. If there was a crime scene somewhere (either in that trailer or elsewhere) I'd stage it so that the area I placed that person when last seen in was not the crime scene area. and so on.
why insist about the back door? why stage it to look as if she was taken out the back door? because that is the scent trail they wanted the dogs to follow?

If I were going to stage something like this, my main objective would be to lead LE to believe a certain number of facts (which would be much different from what actually happened). I'd wash her blankets, I'd wrap myself up in her blankets, then I'd leave a trail for the dogs to follow or if I knew she had walked that way earlier in the evening and entered the house that way, I'd want that trail followed. I'd prop a door or leave one wide open so LE would assume that was the door used, and that would be the starting point for the dogs. I'd twist the times and events around & even the crime scene to any extent that I could. If there was a crime scene somewhere (either in that trailer or elsewhere) I'd stage it so that the area I placed that person when last seen in was not the crime scene area. and so on.

Going on the assumption that Misty did something to Haleigh, i honestly don't think they'd think that far ahead as to staging a crime scene.
If the scenario was that Misty was out partying, left the door propped open herself to get back in.
Perp comes in when she's not there with the kids.

Or other scenario, Misty murdered Haleigh and wants LE to think it was an abduction.

Leaving a trail for the dogs to follow takes up too much time and then there is the risk factor of being seen doing that wearing a blanket. No SO is going to take the time leaving a trail for the dogs, they'll snatch and grab then get away from the scene.
It sure would help if TN told what was taken of Haleigh's from trailer,which could be why light was on in kitchen.If it was her medicine,a perv could care less,a drug dealer could care less and it would have to be someone who cared about her or planned on keeping her for a time.And they would have to have a motive for keeping her.And that's not to say it wasn't a perv,but one that planned on keeping her for awhile,that had to have known she needed medicine.They didn't take her shoes,so what could it have been?
Going on the assumption that Misty did something to Haleigh, i honestly don't think they'd think that far ahead as to staging a crime scene.
If the scenario was that Misty was out partying, left the door propped open herself to get back in.
Perp comes in when she's not there with the kids.

Or other scenario, Misty murdered Haleigh and wants LE to think it was an abduction.

Leaving a trail for the dogs to follow takes up too much time and then there is the risk factor of being seen doing that wearing a blanket. No SO is going to take the time leaving a trail for the dogs, they'll snatch and grab then get away from the scene.

that was a hypothetical, why would they insist the back door was always locked and brick it open.... if he or she did something to haleigh. I was just hypothesizing about what I may do if I was trying to create a false crime scene. I wouldn't run around outside with the blanket, but I may wash her scent off of it and then wrap someone else up in it... so that the dogs start off with the wrong scent..... moo
I know that you think she would check on Hayleigh, but remember, she isn't her mother.
also that tiny little matress on the floor probably always looks like a pile of blankets in the dark. Also it so far below your sight line once you stand up, and it's dark, so you can stand up and in a half turn be out the door. If you were used to doing this in the middle of the night , you wouldn't necessarily look down and check, especially if you are all sleeping in the same room together.

I do think Misty is on drugs, and looked very Susan Smithy in the first interveiw they ran.

However, the affect or lack of affect could be opiates. I also noticed that R was very quik to blame her. So the trail might lead from Misty on to someone she knows.

I don't think she has a thing to do with it though.
LOL......I see most of us have the same questions after seeing the walk-thru of the trailer on NG last night......With Misty's changing stories my BS meter has been in the red for awhile....OR.....this is a very LUCKY perp that broke in that night.

First off this LUCKY perp 'finds' a cinder block thats both tall & heavy enough to prop the screen door on a slanting ramp......

Second, the perp pops the inside door lock (leaves no traces) & *somehow knows this door also needs to be propped & LUCKY for him there is laundry right there to do so.....

Third, this LUCKY perp makes his way into the dark kitchen & then LUCKILY find the light switch.....& LUCKY for him, turning the light on, awakes no one.

He then proceeds to a (darK ??) bedroon where LUCKILY 2 kids are also sleeping, squats down & easily (& quietly) picks up a 40lb little girl.......

(no wonder Misty continue to be questioned.....)
This has to be one of the parts of the stranger perp theory that I question the most. I can easily make my way around my house when it's dark because I know where things are. However if I turn on a light then go into a dark room, my eyes have to readjust to the darkness. So, if this were a stranger, why not have a flashlight that would only illuminate a small area immediately around him? Why turn on a kitchen light and risk that somebody in the house would wake up and see him? And again, if a stranger, just how did he know where Haleigh was when she had a room of her own to sleep in? And like you said, how lucky could he get that no one woke up while he was in the house and shot him! MOO
It sure would help if TN told what was taken of Haleigh's from trailer,which could be why light was on in kitchen.If it was her medicine,a perv could care less,a drug dealer could care less and it would have to be someone who cared about her or planned on keeping her for a time.And they would have to have a motive for keeping her.And that's not to say it wasn't a perv,but one that planned on keeping her for awhile,that had to have known she needed medicine.They didn't take her shoes,so what could it have been?
I can't see a SO rummaging around the kitchen looking for Haleigh's medication either. Like you said, he wouldn't care.
And also,if she was so tired or whatever,just went and crashed out,if she possibly forgot to lock door back,she could have left the light on herself,too.But she also said when she laid down Jr was awake and walked out of the room.I wonder if since the kids played in thier room and slept in Ronald's when he was working nightshifts,did one of the kids turn on the kitchen light.They weren't playing and running around in the dark.
I think TN may have uncovered a huge clue. If indeed there is something that "should" always be available to Haleigh and LE didn't take it...then finding it is critical to the investigation. I am glad she didn't reveal what it is to the public, but let it be known she noticed it was missing. LE adding they gave the family receipts for everything also backs up they appear not to have it either.

If it was medication, was it something like an inhaler to keep her alive or was it something which could have been used to drug her adversely? Could it have been administered before she went missing and the perp took the rest of the evidence with them to dispose of somewhere else?

If not medication, what else SHOULD be available to Haleigh at home on a regular basis? She had a lazy eye. There are exercises done with an eyepatch and a special tool in some cases. She also had other problems. Did she require any special braces or wraps?
Yes in situations where there is culpability on any level there's likely a strong tendency to deny responsibility altogether. If in fact dad had no prior knowledge until arriving home, Misty would've no doubt been afraid of being blamed by dad for slightest infraction including leaving a door unlocked and certainly if she'd let cuz and co. come by the house and/or gotten high. In that situation I'm sure even she would have realized only too well that she could either be viewed by dad and LE as being nearly another potential innocent victim--or as being complicit by putting his child in harm's way. While it seems dad never considered gf a suspect he was clearly accusing Misty of negligence in those angry 911 calls. No acknowledging "Omg you and Junior. could've been hurt," instead we hear dad instantly blaming her on this level. Had there been negligence before? I think lights vs flashlight used eg because I tend to think it wasn't planned B&E but a crime of sheer opportunity. I doubt SO's all walk around w B&E kit complete w flashlight or lock bump because they often just lurk, until their opportunity presents itself. I don't believe they'd go to trouble of leaving false trails. It was extremely brazen, I think someone quite possibly either left Misty in an incapacitated condition, had been there earlier or had some other possible justification for being in the home had they been caught. Any culpability on gf's part that she could be hiding tho in my mind is limited to having perhaps been irresponsible enough to have some less than upstanding people over, and/or failing to stay in an alert frame of mind. Guess I'm veering OT a little, can expand in more detail in Theories. JMO

If Misty was not there that night why on earth would she need to prop open the storm door? All she had to do was open it to get back in. That just makes no sense at all. It is not as if the door locked automatically when it closed so she had to prop it so she wouldn't be locked out. If she went out I would think she would make sure the doors would be closed so that it looked like somebody was home. jmo
Most any home can be the target of a sexual predator and can be entered undetected by people sleeping there. Gary Graham, Tulsa, OK's serial rapist is a prime example.

Prior to being caught, Graham had no record other than loitering, IIRC. Graham entered occupied homes not once, but twice because he put them back in their beds after raping them outside. Some children were asleep in rooms with other people. Here you can read a small portion of how he terrorized Tulsa for 4 years by doing exactly that:

I bring this up again because people can't believe a stranger abduction in this case is possible. It is possible and proven many times over by this one man.
If Misty was not there that night why on earth would she need to prop open the storm door? All she had to do was open it to get back in. That just makes no sense at all. It is not as if the door locked automatically when it closed so she had to prop it so she wouldn't be locked out. If she went out I would think she would make sure the doors would be closed so that it looked like somebody was home. jmo

Agree, as I happen to believe this was used by intruder to keep screen door from banging. (Only reason I could come up w for staging cinderblock there is IF you had left the home unlocked and IF an abduction occurred as a result, then there would be NO SIGN of FORCED ENTRY--so would you therefore maybe feel the need to stage some other sign of a home invasion in it's place to "prove" someone else actually DID enter the home? Again we're treading into that confusing mix Indigo referred to in staging and unstaging a cover-up, inside a person's paranoid mind--again maybe someone only culpable on far lesser level. But I believe it was used by perp, to enter and exit screen door quietly--the real question is how did they get thru the other door? JMO

The layout of Haleighs home made it very easy for anybody to get in and abduct her. But even if it had been more difficult that would not necessarily prevent a perp from commiting the crime.
While it very well could be (and imo is most likely) a family member, friend, or acquintance, we still can not rule out a stranger abduction based on what we know to be facts. MH are pretty easy to break into especially older models.

Remember CR broke into a MH in Putnam county, molested a child while another child was in the room and parents down the hall. The child did not scream. When the other child woke, she screamed and ran to her parents.

I think we do ourselves and especially our children a disservice to believe that criminals can not/will not take the chance of entering our homes and commiting crimes with people home and believing that if somebody strange was hurting or abducting a child that child would fight and scream.

Yet we have seen time and again this is not the case. The fact is criminals do enter homes with people there. They do rob, rape, molest, and even abduct people from their homes. Children do not always fight or scream when being molested or abducted. JMO
Call me crazy (my family does), but for some reason that I just can't explain, this case DOES feel like a stranger abduction to me. Misty's story just seems like so much Bull C*** that I am doubly confused as to my a stranger abduction feels right to me - logic says otherwise.
Yet we have seen time and again this is not the case. The fact is criminals do enter homes with people there. They do rob, rape, molest, and even abduct people from their homes. Children do not always fight or scream when being molested or abducted. JMO[/QUOTE]
I agree, yet if there is reason to believe otherwise from day one until now OTHERWISE, that is, to me not the case.
Let's say, Misty is not home, and this person does get in, because the back door is open. what if the person makes noise and Haleigh comes out to the kitchen because she doesn't see Misty in bed and thinks it is her. She see the light on in the kitchen and there is someone there, and she knows the face. He could have said something like, "Misty ask me to come get you" It's ok, she is just outside... So she goes. Misty comes home and see's Haleigh gone, and decides to stage the house to look like a kidnapping because she's not home. Or it was bricked as she said, because the intruder didn't want it to slam while he was picking the other lock. Misty said the screen door was bricked but I remember her saying the other inside door was open just a little. I don't have a link for that, but I think she said like "a little bit".
Agree. Because I happen to believe this was used by intruder to keep screen door from banging. (Only reason I can think of for staging it there is IF you'd left the home unlocked and IF an abduction occurred as a result, then there would be NO SIGN of FORCED ENTRY--so would you therefore maybe feel the need to stage some other sign of a home invasion in it's place to "prove" someone else actually DID enter the home? Again we're treading into that confusing mix Indigo referred to in staging and unstaging a cover-up, inside a person's paranoid mind--again maybe someone only culpable on far lesser level. But I believe it was used by perp to enter and exit screen door quietly--the real question is how did they get thru the other door? JMO


I always lock my doors at night, knob, dead bolt and chain. The other morning I woke up and my back door was unlocked. I ran to check on my daughter first thing of course even though she sleeps with 2 yapper dogs. I checked everything, nothing missing. Did I really lock the door? Well I thought I did. Maybe it was the same with Misty...Ron always locks it and she may have thought it was locked when it wasn't. Ron may have thought he locked it because it was such a routine for him. Misty may have taken out the trash and forgot to relock it.

Maybe somebody was in the house earlier and purposely unlocked it and Misty never noticed it.

I dont know but I pray every day that it was a family member that thought they were doing the right thing in taking Haleigh and they are keeping her safe.
The layout of Haleighs home made it very easy for anybody to get in and abduct her. But even if it had been more difficult that would not necessarily prevent a perp from commiting the crime.
While it very well could be (and imo is most likely) a family member, friend, or acquintance, we still can not rule out a stranger abduction based on what we know to be facts. MH are pretty easy to break into especially older models.

Remember CR broke into a MH in Putnam county, molested a child while another child was in the room and parents down the hall. The child did not scream. When the other child woke, she screamed and ran to her parents.

I think we do ourselves and especially our children a disservice to believe that criminals can not/will not take the chance of entering our homes and commiting crimes with people home and believing that if somebody strange was hurting or abducting a child that child would fight and scream.

Yet we have seen time and again this is not the case. The fact is criminals do enter homes with people there. They do rob, rape, molest, and even abduct people from their homes. Children do not always fight or scream when being molested or abducted. JMO

That's true. I think it's covering possible negligence on so many other lesser levels in this particular case tho which some feel could possibly explain discrepancies in stories of person known to have last seen Haleigh. As you say tho, it's most often someone familiar. IMO likely someone who'd been there earlier, and knew Misty either was not at home, or the only one home, and/or that she wouldn't present much of a problem. JMO


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