Right, shut your face and do as I tell you

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
But I thought either JR or PR handed the RN to Officer French...Cause Steve Thomas says PR's prints was found on the RN and not JR's so he never really read it on the floor...And only the R's words on where PR said the note was found that morning...
Oh man, there's some great stuff on this thread. You lot are so clever and knowledgeable it's unbelievable.
But I thought either JR or PR handed the RN to Officer French...Cause Steve Thomas says PR's prints was found on the RN and not JR's so he never really read it on the floor...And only the R's words on where PR said the note was found that morning...

French himself stated in a Vanity Fair interview that after being greeted by Patsy on arrival, "John Ramsey directed me through the house and pointed out a three-page handwritten note which was laid on the wooden floor just west of the kitchen area" (Bardach 1997).
I think the only glimmer of truth in Patsy's interview was her saying that John was hunched on the ground in his underwear. At some point that happened, but my instincts tell me it was during the injury or the staging - not during the 911 performance
Someone doesn’t want to admit they ever touched the RN:

PR: . . .from my bathroom. Um, I started down the spiral stairs and when I got nearly to the bottom I saw these three pieces of paper, like notebook size paper, on, on the run of the stairs and uh, I went on down and turned around and started reading, reading it. . .

PR: And I uh, screamed for John. He was up in our bedroom still and he came running down and uh, I told him that there was a note that said she had been kidnapped. And uh, uh, I think he, he said, I said, ‘What should I do. What should I do,’ or something and he said, ‘Call the police,’ and I think somewhere, I remember I said something about, you know, check Burke or something and I think he ran back and checked burke and I ran back down the stairs and then he came downstairs. He was just in his underwear and he uh, took the note and I remember him being down hunched on the floor read, with all three pages out like that reading it and uh, and he said, ‘Call 911’ or ‘Call the police,’ or something and then I did.
TT: Okay. You pick up the note and start to read it, um, go back upstairs to JonBenet’s room? Is that correct?

PR: Well, I don’t remember if I picked it or, or just leaned over and read it. I can’t remember. I don’t think I picked it up cause I remember just then bounding up the stairs toward her room.

TT: Okay. Patsy, do you recall who moved the note from the bottom of the stairs down to where John could read it with the good lighting.

PR: I think he did. I, I (inaudible) . . .

ST: Okay. When you came down the stairs the first time did you touch the note that time?

PR: I don’t recall dong that but…

ST: Okay.

PR: …I may have.

ST: Do you recall uh, did the note go back upstairs with you when you went up to check JonBenet’s room?

PR: I don’t remember exactly, but I don’t think so. I think I just, you know, pounced up the stairs as fast as I could. I don’t, I don’t think I took it with me.

ST: Do you recall moving the note from the stairs to it’s eventual position where John read it on the floor?

PR: I, I don’t recall moving it. No.

ST: Do you ever recall touching the note?

PR: Um, not specifically, but I may have. I mean there, later on that morning there were, the note was on the coffee table and I remember, in the TV room, and we were talking about did anybody recognize the handwriting, so I may have touched it then…

ST: Okay.

PR: …but I just can’t remember.

ST: So certainly your fingerprints may very well be on the note and, and, and explained that way?

PR: Right. I, I, mean I may have touched it you know.

TT: Okay. And the note was on, the note was on the floor and John was reading it when you called the police. Is that right?

PR: When I was calling the police. Yeah, he, it was on the floor there in that back hall.

TT: Okay. And you don’t recall who laid the note down there.

PR: Right.

ST: Patsy, did you write the note?

PR: No, I did not write the note.

ST: Is there any reason, Patsy, that your blatted print of your hand will be on that paper when it tests?

PR: I did not write the note and I don’t, what’s blatted?

ST: This portion of your hand.

PR: I don’t know. I mean, I picked it up or touched it, it may be on there, but I did not write the note.

That’s a lot of “I don’t remember.”
Is this just another "coincidence"?
WHAT happened at their party on the 23, I wonder.......
If 3 people decide that it's time to sit down and talk about something then it must be something serious......I wonder if PR felt.....betrayed or something?And did she punish JB for it?


Q. Take a look at page 58 for me.

9 I don't think I have asked you this. "Some

10 friends" -- the very bottom of 58 on to 59.

11 "Some friends of Patsy's were concerned about

12 how JonBenet was being groomed for pageants

13 with the heavy makeup, the elaborate costumes

14 and recent addition of platinum-dyed hair.

15 It was creating a 'mega-JonBenet thing,' and

16 some friends had planned to have a talk about

17 it with Patsy
after Christmas."

18 Who were the friends that were

19 concerned
about how JonBenet was being

20 groomed, identify those for me?

21 A. On the record this was per Barb

22 Fernie and I think it included her, Priscilla

23 White and a third party.

24 Q. Who was the third party?

25 A. I don't know.


1 Q. Were they the same people that had

2 planned to have a talk about it with Patsy

3 after Christmas?

4 A. That was my understanding and,

5 again, that's on the record with Barb Fernie.

6 Q. And quote, end quote, mega-JonBenet

7 thing, whose phrase was that?

8 A. Barb Fernie.

We've got spiral stairs like those, i cannot imagine how she managed to avoid treading on the note and turn around to read it. I wonder if the were any hair/fibres on the lights and garland on the hand rail, as they are narrow and difficult to descend when carrying something.
Is this just another "coincidence"?
WHAT happened at their party on the 23, I wonder.......
If 3 people decide that it's time to sit down and talk about something then it must be something serious......I wonder if PR felt.....betrayed or something?And did she punish JB for it?


Q. Take a look at page 58 for me.

9 I don't think I have asked you this. "Some

10 friends" -- the very bottom of 58 on to 59.

11 "Some friends of Patsy's were concerned about

12 how JonBenet was being groomed for pageants

13 with the heavy makeup, the elaborate costumes

14 and recent addition of platinum-dyed hair.

15 It was creating a 'mega-JonBenet thing,' and

16 some friends had planned to have a talk about

17 it with Patsy after Christmas."

18 Who were the friends that were

19 concerned about how JonBenet was being

20 groomed, identify those for me?

21 A. On the record this was per Barb

22 Fernie and I think it included her, Priscilla

23 White and a third party.

24 Q. Who was the third party?

25 A. I don't know.


1 Q. Were they the same people that had

2 planned to have a talk about it with Patsy

3 after Christmas?

4 A. That was my understanding and,

5 again, that's on the record with Barb Fernie.

6 Q. And quote, end quote, mega-JonBenet

7 thing, whose phrase was that?

8 A. Barb Fernie.

Hi madeleine.

:waitasec: How bad does participation in pagents have to get?
Lots of extra caricular activities cost thousands. Money couldn't have been an issue for the Ramseys.

That your friends need to confront you on that issue.
Generally, wouldn't concerns be part of 'friendly' conversation.

What was so observable in PR or JBR comments or behaviour that warranted an 'intervention'.

Must have been that PR was consumed by pageantry, for her friends to take issue?
Is this just another "coincidence"?
WHAT happened at their party on the 23, I wonder.......
If 3 people decide that it's time to sit down and talk about something then it must be something serious......I wonder if PR felt.....betrayed or something?And did she punish JB for it?


Q. Take a look at page 58 for me.

9 I don't think I have asked you this. "Some

10 friends" -- the very bottom of 58 on to 59.

11 "Some friends of Patsy's were concerned about

12 how JonBenet was being groomed for pageants

13 with the heavy makeup, the elaborate costumes

14 and recent addition of platinum-dyed hair.

15 It was creating a 'mega-JonBenet thing,' and

16 some friends had planned to have a talk about

17 it with Patsy after Christmas."

18 Who were the friends that were

19 concerned about how JonBenet was being

20 groomed, identify those for me?

21 A. On the record this was per Barb

22 Fernie and I think it included her, Priscilla

23 White and a third party.

24 Q. Who was the third party?

25 A. I don't know.


1 Q. Were they the same people that had

2 planned to have a talk about it with Patsy

3 after Christmas?

4 A. That was my understanding and,

5 again, that's on the record with Barb Fernie.

6 Q. And quote, end quote, mega-JonBenet

7 thing, whose phrase was that?

8 A. Barb Fernie.

Compare that to this from JR:


1 JonBenet went once in awhile. Just kind of when

2 they felt like it and they had time.

3 So she wasn't -- and she didn't win

4 that often. She would win the talent thing

5 usually, she was very good, but she very rarely

6 won -- she was young, I mean, know, relative to

7 some of the girls that were there we just didn't

8 take it that serious, and just kind of a fun

9 thing for her to do.

10 And I think had they been one of

11 these every one you know competing, it might

12 have, you know, potentially could have been some

13 hostilities there, because there were some

14 pretty intense emotions going on on the part of

15 the parents.
JR:"we just didn't

8 take it that serious"

Yeah right,maybe YOU didn't.
But PR was on a mission.Maybe it was a deadly one.

Hi madeleine.

:waitasec: How bad does participation in pagents have to get?
Lots of extra caricular activities cost thousands. Money couldn't have been an issue for the Ramseys.

That your friends need to confront you on that issue.
Generally, wouldn't concerns be part of 'friendly' conversation.

What was so observable in PR or JBR comments or behaviour that warranted an 'intervention'.

Must have been that PR was consumed by pageantry, for her friends to take issue?

Hi Tad,
It MUST have been something serious.Maybe they were concerned about JB,not PR?Maybe they didn't wait as they were planning and talked to her on the 23 or at the White's party?
The 911 call on the 23,the friends being called that morning(26)........maybe not just coincidences.IMO
And see how different the friends reacted after the murder.The Stines were glued to the R's....the White's became some sort of enemies (no surprise here after what the R's said about them).....Fernie giving the most weird statement about reading the note....STRANGE.There is something about the friends,I am sure of it.They either know something and hide it or some of them helped the R's out or were even involved in the crime or cover-up.I don't know.
And see how different the friends reacted after the murder.The Stines were glued to the R's....the White's became some sort of enemies (no surprise here after what the R's said about them).....Fernie giving the most weird statement about reading the note....STRANGE.There is something about the friends,I am sure of it.They either know something and hide it or some of them helped the R's out or were even involved in the crime or cover-up.I don't know.
Given the R’s heavily medicated condition, I would find it hard to believe that a few incriminating statements didn’t slip out – especially from PR who was a wreck.
Given the R’s heavily medicated condition, I would find it hard to believe that a few incriminating statements didn’t slip out – especially from PR who was a wreck.

ITA. Many of the friends know what happened that night, I am sure. Not that any had a part in her death, but the cover-up I believe, the Rs had a "little help from their friends"
JR himself let it slip- he commented to LE that "there were a lot of people here at 3 in the morning". Of course, in the typical pandering fashion of nearly ALL the R interviews with LE, JR was not probed further to explain that statement.
And why would Melinda's bf lie,he said JR told them he found JB earlier.
FRom where that X is marked, if Fernie was standing at that point, no way could he have read the note from it's place on the spiral stairs. Not only couldn't he have read it, I doubt he would have seen it.
There's another reason why he couldn't have either read or seen it- by the time he got to the R house, Officer French was already there, and the note had been given to him. It was no longer ON the stairs.

There were two pages missing and not accounted for from Patsy's notepad. I thought there was also bled through from where the other notes had been started and discarded.

What if Fernie saw one of the "practice" pages, that later got 'cleaned up'?

Also who knows how many times Patsy and or John slipped up? Their friends are certainly not outing them what so ever. The BPD wasn't around enough to hear anything unfortunately.

As for Johns disappearance, what do you all think he was up to for one and a half hours? That's a he'll of a long time!

Also what were the men doing during this time as the women 'comforted ' Patsy? Strange and getting stranger!
Thus information is very confusing.

This is what I believe is erroneous information.

The 3 am comment is a typo. Previous poster I think it was SD heard the tape over and over and reports this as a typo.

The gone to get mail comment is an assumption by Arndt. She saw John reading an envelope and assumed he had just gotten mail. She never states he left house, asked to leave house or was seen leaving home. Mail slot was in door and leaving home to get mail is not needed.

Patsy was not medicated by Dr Beuf till she went to Fernie's house that early evening. By that time JB body had been found.

From what I can find out the R's were told to get an attorney by a family friend-Bynum ( he is an attorney).

The DA's office is the major reason no charges have been filed. Police have worked on case exhaustively and claim all foot dragging or delays are because of the DA's office.
The 3 am comment is a typo. Previous poster I think it was SD heard the tape over and over and reports this as a typo.

I don't think that was me.

The DA's office is the major reason no charges have been filed. Police have worked on case exhaustively and claim all foot dragging or delays are because of the DA's office.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
HA! in a plastic bag...Patsy makes excuses for that in DOI,saying John liked 'soft-sided bags' instead of luggage on the plane..but then they'd still have luggage on there anyway,and I'm sure they could afford softsided luggage,so..
IMO,they were planning on hightailing it out of town,and didn't have time to stuff everything into suitcases..and probably didn't own enough for all that anyway! shoving clothes into plastic bags indicates someone or someones was in a hurry!

Have you ever flown in a private plane? The weight is very important and everything counts. The plastic bag is often preferred because it is easy to stuff around other luggage and it weighs less than any soft sided suitcase would. Every pound counts you only get so much per plane and that included the weight of the passengers.
Cathy,I'm sure,but in this case,Patsy,in DOI,(and John,too,for that matter) were making up one excuse after the next in that book.
IMO,they were making excuses for the clothes in bags they had packed in a hurry to high-tail it out of town.John had even said he had previously packed the plane the day before.He had also said Patsy had the suitcases on the bed laid out for the clothes they were taking and packing the day before.
Combine that with the fact they had PP raid the house of things like keepsakes and passports,and I think you have a recipe for someone or someones planning on high-tailing it out of town ASAP.
This is JMO and no one need agree.

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