Ron and Misty Have Brushes With The Law 12/30/09

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How do we know the calls from the two CJ's weren't well before this 911 incident? How do we know that Misty and Ronald didn't go looking for CJ themselves in retribution to these calls from the CJs? How do we know much of anything than what was on the police report and on those 911 tapes? hmm
I'm sorry, I just can't agree. If someone is calling in to 911 asking for help but refusing to tell their name, it seems a little hinky. LE can't go arrest someone on an anonymous tip. They would need to talk to the person calling 911 to get the details. Someone's threatening your life but you don't want to say who you are so LE can help you? Here fishy fishy . . .

Is there a law saying you have to give your name to 911 to get some help?
How do we know the calls from the two CJ's weren't well before this 911 incident? How do we know that Misty and Ronald didn't go looking for CJ themselves in retribution to these calls from the CJs? How do we know much of anything than what was on the police report and on those 911 tapes? hmm

See, I thought the 'harassing phone calls" (that to my knowledge have not been released yet, so we really have NO idea what is on them anyway) were before the 911 incident and Misty just so happened to have saved them :rolleyes: and reported them only after the incident. I was under the impression that the phone calls were the result of the prior bad blood mentioned in the reports (or 911 call, can't remember which) and I know that it was not until after the incident that Misty reported them. Until I find out differently that's my belief and I also think playing the calls for LE was an afterthought ..nothing more than to paint themselves as victims again. ...jmo and all that tho :)
Do we know if this CJ is or has been married and if his spouse is a nurse? Same question for the Chad that lives near the Mondex. TIA
A curious mind wants to know...

CJ has a girlfriend named Heather and they've been together for about a year. I didn't find any marriage license under his name in PC. Heck, I never found one for his mother and his daddy CJ,Jr either.
I read the transcript and it appears to me that Ron is the one instigating whatever happened. I fully understand CJ's interest in protecting himself from injury.

Concerning Misty and identification, if that had been me and I was afraid for myself and others I would not hesitate to identify myself cause if she was going to press charges she would have to anyway.

I guess my question on this would be as mentioned earlier, why isn't LE arresting Ron for obvious infractions of the law? How can he be overlooked in every situation he finds himself in? I don't know what it would take to make the folks in Fla. rally and rid themselves of such a corrupted LE situation. Thats just an opinion and one that I hope is wrong.

Enjoyed this post PGranny. I am not puzzled why Misty would refuse to give her name. In that area she is notorious and LE has her name on the tips of their collective tongues. To me, she wasn't asking for help, she was trying to get CJ in trouble.I've never been a 911 operator but I've interviewed a couple. What I have learned is that they have to substantiate the call as an emergency and one of the ways they do this is to have a name and address attached to the call.
I discovered there are many 911 calls made from people who on the spur of the moment think they need to alert cops to something happening. One example is a woman calling to report broken glass on a sidewalk that she thought 911 could get someone out to clean up so no one would get cut or hurt.
The 911 operator has to make quick judgements. They are people too and screw up. But, what do you do with a caller who ends the 911 call refusing to give their name and says "Never mind." jmo
Is there a law saying you have to give your name to 911 to get some help?

Absolutely not. In fact, anyone can call 911 and not give their name and report a crime being committed, which is what Misty was doing. The difference is, Misty is claiming to be the victim of this crime and one would expect that at the very least, a victim, able to report a crime being perpetrated against them and children with them, should in fact identify themselves in order for LE to best serve and protect.
How do we know the calls from the two CJ's weren't well before this 911 incident? How do we know that Misty and Ronald didn't go looking for CJ themselves in retribution to these calls from the CJs? How do we know much of anything than what was on the police report and on those 911 tapes? hmm


Regarding your question in bold - "how do you we know the calls from the two CJ's weren't well before this 911 incident?"

My response - Because one of the voicemail messages - from Charles - the father - said that he wanted to "confront Ronald prior to LE making contact with him". Misty played the messages while in the officer's presence.

Charlie's messages also references the earlier incident in the car.

Given that more than one of the voicemail messages referenced the incident, I think it is safe to say that calls from the father and son Jones' 'men' were after the 911 incident.
Is there a law saying you have to give your name to 911 to get some help?

of course not cajun...but if you are being terrorized and have 2 children in your vehicle that you believe in danger...not to mention you are not @ a location, you are traveling...why would anyone want to be difficult? I mean if you need help and need LE to come to you no matter where you are, do you really expect that when they get there LE will say...that's fine, we'll move ahead with our 'anonymous defendant'... IMHO Misty wouldn't have been hesitant to give her name IF they were on the up and up. Just a little common sense it seems to me anyway....
Enjoyed this post PGranny. I am not puzzled why Misty would refuse to give her name. In that area she is notorious and LE has her name on the tips of their collective tongues. To me, she wasn't asking for help, she was trying to get CJ in trouble.I've never been a 911 operator but I've interviewed a couple. What I have learned is that they have to substantiate the call as an emergency and one of the ways they do this is to have a name and address attached to the call.
I discovered there are many 911 calls made from people who on the spur of the moment think they need to alert cops to something happening. One example is a woman calling to report broken glass on a sidewalk that she thought 911 could get someone out to clean up so no one would get cut or hurt.
The 911 operator has to make quick judgements. They are people too and screw up. But, what do you do with a caller who ends the 911 call refusing to give their name and says "Never mind." jmo

EXACTLY az! ..It's as plain as the cigarette between Misty's fingers. :D
BBM --

Please, RC has gone his whole life getting away with stuff and MC seems to be given that path as well. They have never been held accountable for anything they've done. It boggles my mind to look at RC's criminal history and see all the charges that have been mysteriously thrown out, dropped or just not pursued. Heck, even CJ, who's described as an acquaintance, knows how it works in Pitkin County and that RC won't get in trouble for this.

You are correct, though. They have learned by how they've been treated. They know they can get away with anything.

Yellow, great summary of the life Ron leads. I'm having this post sewn onto a pillow as a keepsake.

Regarding your question in bold - "how do you we know the calls from the two CJ's weren't well before this 911 incident?"

My response - Because one of the voicemail messages - from Charles - the father - said that he wanted to "confront Ronald prior to LE making contact with him". Misty played the messages while in the officer's presence.

Charlie's messages also references the earlier incident in the car.

Given that more than one of the voicemail messages referenced the incident, I think it is safe to say that calls from the father and son Jones' 'men' were after the 911 incident.

Hi ath..where were you able to find the content of the harassing messages? I have looked, but haven't been able to locate them. I didn't realize they had been released as of yet. I know on the 911 calls and/or reports both Ron and CJ (maybe Misty too, I can't recall) both mentioned prior bad blood between them. TIA!

btw~ good to see ya back!
Enjoyed this post PGranny. I am not puzzled why Misty would refuse to give her name. In that area she is notorious and LE has her name on the tips of their collective tongues. To me, she wasn't asking for help, she was trying to get CJ in trouble.~SNIP!The 911 operator has to make quick judgements. They are people too and screw up. But, what do you do with a caller who ends the 911 call refusing to give their name and says "Never mind." jmo
Misty did not have any problem providing her name on her other 911 calls. I think a good part of the reason she did not want to give her name on this call is because it would revel that she was with Ron. The reason that they gave - her going to GGMS's house to get her clothes, may have been valid; we have no way of knowing. But if it was known that she was with Ron, this would get the rumor mill going again, and I imagine that they did not want to fuel it.
Hi ath..where were you able to find the content of the harassing messages? I have looked, but haven't been able to locate them. I didn't realize they had been released as of yet. I know on the 911 calls and/or reports both Ron and CJ (maybe Misty too, I can't recall) both mentioned prior bad blood between them. TIA!

btw~ good to see ya back!
Hi ath..where were you able to find the content of the harassing messages? I have looked, but haven't been able to locate them. I didn't realize they had been released as of yet. I know on the 911 calls and/or reports both Ron and CJ (maybe Misty too, I can't recall) both mentioned prior bad blood between them. TIA!

btw~ good to see ya back!

Hi PM,

The police report that Misty filed has some of the information concerning the details of the "harassing/threatening" calls that both Charles and Charlie made to Misty. (Harassing/threatening - is what is listed on the police report - two separate offenses. It looks like Charlie had the "Harassing" calls and Charles had the "threatening" calls).

While the police report doesn't give a transcript of all the calls, it does give some exact quotes from some calls - for example, the quote I put in my post above.

It does appear that there is "bad blood" there - and I wonder how far back it goes, and where it started - I'm still doing some digging into that. Nothing in this case is ever "simple". So many intertwined relationships, etc. It gives me a headaches. :frown:

ETA: Duh.. here's the police report:
FYI - this has been verified with the mods.

Here is CHARLIE JONES celebrating Christmas - "Charlie Jones" style. Guess he does have guns.


(Charlie is the one in the "pink" hat)

For more pictures of Charlie's Xmas celebration, you can find them here:

(link is approved also):
This is directly to the album:
"Ronald stated he had Misty Cummings in the truck with him and he had her call 911 about what was occurring."

Listen to the first second or two of the call. Before the operator came on and said 911 what is your emergency.

Misty is saying "No I'm calling on Him." Not what Ronald said as quoted above. It appears Ronald did not realize that statement was captured on tape. It appears that Misty is the one who decided to dial 911.

That is just what I figured. I also think this really points to the fact Ron pulled out a gun and at this point Misty freaked out and threatened Ron with calling 911 to get him to stop and put the gun away. Misty had no intention of having CJ get in trouble as per her hanging up and not giving 911 her name or filling charges. Neither Ron nor Misty filed a complaint against CJ for the road rage incident.

Misty telling the 911 operator she did not want all the media attention and stuff and would not give her name for that reason does not ring true since Misty then filed a complaint against CJ and his dad with her name and her real telephone number on it. I feel the only reason the phone complaint was made was to be used as leverage agains CJ to drop the complaint against Ron. Someone is trying to kill you in on the highway with kids in the truck and that is not serious enough to give your name but some threatening phone calls are?

As soon as Ron realized Misty was on the phone with 911 he went into the whole helpful law abiding citizen giving the plate number and everything, but you notice he never tells Misty to give her name and lets her look bad for not doing it.

I think Misty making that 911 call was all about protecting Ron by getting him to put the gun away.

This all takes me back to that first 911 call when Haleigh went missing and could Ron of had a gun and getting ready to do something and the only thing Misty could think to do was call 911. It seems so similar.

Ron's women seem to protect Ron from himself first, then protect Ron from the law.
Wow, the Scarface picture in the living room compliments the decor so beautifully!

What is wrong with young people of today! And I wonder who's house they in dad's? If so he lets this stuff happen? I'm going to go look in my kids rooms. This is scary!

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