Ron C. #9

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Ok Lets say he knows he isn't responsible for Haleigh's disappearance.. Now if that really is the truth, how would he know Misty wasn't responsible since he was at work. Shouldn't he be doing everything within his power to cooperate with LE to solve this case and find out what happened to his daughter and who is responsible? They have said there are inconsistences in her story.. She is the key.
Do you think since there are inconsistences in her story, they should just move on to investigating someone else?
Also, I don't quite understand your point concerning a gossipy Ron bashing frenzy and him not wanting to participate in the farce of an investigation.
To my knowledge LE hasn't bashed him.

If LE were falsely accusing my spouse, including on tv, and I knew my spouse wasn't responsible, I would not be assisting police in investigating that avenue further.

LE hasn't physically bashed him, but they've certainly cast aspersions toward him and his yourself quoted what was said many months ago about Misty being the key.

And, yes, of course I think they should be investigating others....people make inconsistent statements for all sorts of reasons (fear, confusion, poor memory etc) and I would hope that that would not stop them investigating others, and if it has, that may explain why this investigation has gotten nowhere.
Well, in that case he should get his behind down to the PCSO and talk to them about these "other leads". Not buying that.

He cut off communication with LE because he has something to hide, IMO. Poor Haleigh. She deserves better than this.

What other leads are you talking about?

Do you think that everyone who exercises their right to silence does it because they have something to hide? If you were being falsely accused re a child's disappearance, would you really assist LE in prosecuting you?
I believe so. Also, as I have learned from Misty, he could get up and leave if he finds the questioning objectionable.

Yes, and the SA could try to introduce those actions as evidence of guilt. The right to silence exists for a very good reason and I'm surprised how many posters here think it should be taken away and/or that everyone who exercises that right has something to hide. Very sad, IMO.
ok, something about all the posts I've seen her regarding Ron is that when he calls 911 he says "someone took my child". Why that statement so soon after discovering his missing child. Kids are known to walk out of their home. The gf is clearly a ditz and could have easily left the door open. I mean, why did Ron jump to someone took my child as opposed to my dingy girlfriend left the backdoor open and my kid wandered off. NO ONE has even questioned this. The timing is off. Most parents would not assume someone took their kid because a backdoor is jammed open. Most parents would assume the babysitter left the door open and is lying about it to cover their own backsides.
Yes, and the SA could try to introduce those actions as evidence of guilt. The right to silence exists for a very good reason and I'm surprised how many posters here think it should be taken away and/or that everyone who exercises that right has something to hide. Very sad, IMO.

so let me understand you, you wont talk....would you give dna or hair or prints....what would you do to prove your not involved.....get a memorial tattoo or get married cuz Haleigh wanted it....hmmm be tthat dispells all guilt
Just exactly how does someone who is "innocent" incriminate themselves? In my opinion, IF Ron is not culpable in this crime against Haleigh, there should be NO excuse to not speaking with LE when they want, how they want, why they want, or where they want. None. Zero. Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

There would be not ONE person or reason on this planet earth that would stop me from speaking to LE every day and every night if MY child were missing. Innocent people DON'T care what they are being accused of if their child is missing. Being blamed for something is just a minor blip in comparison to losing a child.

LOL re the bolded part....see my post above re the right to silence. Check the internet for cases where people were falsely convicted and later exonerated by DNA and read their interviews. Spend some time in a court room criminal trial and you will see how jurors analyse everything someone says and "interpret" the meaning of what was said.

Again, the right exists for good reason and I think it sad that you think these fundamental human rights should not exist.

Being falsely convicted, while the true perpetrator continues to roam the streets does not help Haleigh. Do some research and you will see that it has happened far too many times.
Yes, and the SA could try to introduce those actions as evidence of guilt. The right to silence exists for a very good reason and I'm surprised how many posters here think it should be taken away and/or that everyone who exercises that right has something to hide. Very sad, IMO.

And the SA will not use the fact that he resisted LE's attempts to interview him as evidence of guilt ?

I don't believe that anyone has said that the right to silence should be taken away. Can you please cite the posts where that was said ?
He said that they gave interviews in February and March, and that he cut off interviews with them. That is pretty definitive that he hasn't met with them since then, as we know that it was clear back then that LE started making statements that they were trying to meet with him and nothing had been arranged by his attorneys.

That breaks my heart. That poor little girl. My father would never have stopped looking, talking, questioning. Does Ron not see that LE have to look at personal lives to find or discount clues about what happened?

There is a crucial chunk of information missing and someone could fill it in. Why won't they?
I don't know who the "people" you refer to are. As I read it, Ron was talking about LE's focus. (Bolding is mine)

In recent interviews at Sykes’ Welaka home where Ronald Cummings, 25, and his wife live, he told the Times-Union the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office focus was shortsighted.

Standing outside wearing T-shirts with Haleigh’s likeness, Ronald and Misty Cummings said they gave dozens of hours of interviews in February and March, including her longest, which she said occurred just before the couple were married.

“I think the longest time I was in there was eight hours,” she said.

Ronald Cummings said the investigation went in the wrong direction.

“They took a child-abduction investigation and made it a personal investigation,” he said. “Instead of keeping the focus on finding Haleigh, they made the focus on Misty and what she was doing one weekend and what happened six months ago and what happened seven years ago. It was tunnel vision.”

Cummings has cut off interviews with investigators.

I'm not sure what your point is??? He said the investigation went in the wrong direction, and if he's right (and I believe he is) that is very very sad for Haleigh and I don't see how you could see it differently.
What other leads are you talking about?

Do you think that everyone who exercises their right to silence does it because they have something to hide? If you were being falsely accused re a child's disappearance, would you really assist LE in prosecuting you?

Bunny, long time no spar...errr..see! :crazy: Just Kidding.

I was talking about your hypothetical 'other leads' you spoke about in the post I quoted. You said something to another poster along the lines of, "What makes you think they don't want to talk to him about some other leads"...(paraphrasing)

Everyone does have a right to remain silent, but I'm telling you right now, if MY child were missing, there wouldn't be a silent moment in ANYONE'S life until she was found. I have a strong feeling that you would be the same way. (but I could be wrong)

Also, LE can't prosecute him if he has nothing to hide and is being truthful. Quite frankly, it's very bothersome to me that you would rather believe LE is incompetent than see what is right in front of you. IMOOC.
I'm not sure what your point is??? He said the investigation went in the wrong direction, and if he's right (and I believe he is) that is very very sad for Haleigh and I don't see how you could see it differently.

You don't see how I could see what differently ?
so let me understand you, you wont talk....would you give dna or hair or prints....what would you do to prove your not involved.....get a memorial tattoo or get married cuz Haleigh wanted it....hmmm be tthat dispells all guilt

If I was being falsely accused of a crime, I'd certainly exercise my right to silence and would not do anything that could assist police in prosecuting me.
If I was being falsely accused of a crime, I'd certainly exercise my right to silence and would not do anything that could assist police in prosecuting me.

do you have a link for that....the part were he is accused.....I think until that happens he is a witness and father who needs to get his a$$ down there and talk truthfully
And the SA will not use the fact that he resisted LE's attempts to interview him as evidence of guilt ?

I don't believe that anyone has said that the right to silence should be taken away. Can you please cite the posts where that was said ?

Where I come from, you cannot use the fact someone exercised their right to silence against them, and I assume it is the same in Florida. Selectively answering questions during an interview falls into a different category, at law.

And on that note, lunch time here, so I'm out of here for awhile. I pray Haleigh is found before I get back and we can stop all this debate!
Where I come from, you cannot use the fact someone exercised their right to silence against them, and I assume it is the same in Florida. Selectively answering questions during an interview falls into a different category, at law.

And on that note, lunch time here, so I'm out of here for awhile. I pray Haleigh is found before I get back and we can stop all this debate!

Would you please cite some substantiation for this conclusion regarding Florida law ? tia
Bunny, long time no spar...errr..see! :crazy: Just Kidding.

I was talking about your hypothetical 'other leads' you spoke about in the post I quoted. You said something to another poster along the lines of, "What makes you think they don't want to talk to him about some other leads"...(paraphrasing)

Everyone does have a right to remain silent, but I'm telling you right now, if MY child were missing, there wouldn't be a silent moment in ANYONE'S life until she was found. I have a strong feeling that you would be the same way. (but I could be wrong)

Also, LE can't prosecute him if he has nothing to hide and is being truthful. Quite frankly, it's very bothersome to me that you would rather believe LE is incompetent than see what is right in front of you. IMOOC.

Sadly that's not true at all. Have a look at the DNA exoneration projects happening in the USA and you will see that more than 1 innocent person has been wrongly convicted of serious offences.

LE have not found Haleigh and don't appear to be any closer to finding her than they were months ago. Call it incompetence, heading in the wrong direction, barking up the wrong tree, whatever.

And, I'm late for lunch!
???? I never said it wasn't! The point I was making was that it was ridiculous for Crystal & Kim to turn the focus on to that if they really wanted Haleigh found, rather than LE wasting resources investigating false complaints, like the one about him causing injuries to Haleigh which he was able to prove Crystal knew he didn't do. If my daughter went missing and my ex did that to me, and it resulted in the focus being taken off finding my missing daughter and onto false allegations about me, I'd be incensed and would find it impossible to forgive my ex for perhaps losing the one chance they had at finding his daughter.

How would you feel if your ex made false accusations, on national tv, about you abusing children at a time when your daughter was missing??

First of all, I have a feeling that a different department was handling the child custody case vs. a criminal case with a kidnapped child. I can't see one interfering with the other, if it did, then it is good that a decision was made to change to new detectives over Haleigh's case. Detectives who can focus on this case. Second, what does this have to do with Ron not being cooperative with LE in the disappearance of his daughter? I don't get it. Help me understand.
Appears to me that R & M are more concerned about their own feelings and how they are treated than finding Haleigh..

WAA,..WAa ..waa...that guy was rude...*sniff*..I am leaving, says Misty.

RC said they are not keeping the focus, so I'm not talking either.

What kind of parents refuse to talk to the LE for any reason when their daughter is missing?....except guilty ones!
Any famous parents of murdered and missing children supporting this family?......all are keeping a distance.

Not even Ron's lawyer wants a part of it...He has said he has decided to stay out of the "fray"....interesting word there!
Just curious here, what do you think about his statement that he has not questioned nor spoke to Misty about Haleigh's disappearance. I ask you this because it just boggles my mind that a father of a missing five year old little girl would not question the "babysitter" of the little girl about her disappearance. This is just so strange and just so very wrong.

Let me start off by saying that NO I do not have any documented proof to support my opinion. HOWEVER, what I DO have is a freakin brain and common sense.

THERE IS NO FREAKIN WAY that he did not question MC re what happened to his dtr UNLESS he knew what happened to his dtr already!

What parent would NOT question their significant other or spouse that was "allegedly" watching his/her dtr about the night she disappeared.

His statement re not questioning or speaking to MC about Haleigh's disappearance goes down in history as one of the biggest freakin lies I have ever had the displeasure to hear. Ranks right up there with Bill Clinton saying he never "inhaled" but "tried" marijuana.

How dare that low-life punk attempt to insult our intelligence! :furious:
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