Ron C.

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ITA. This hunting violation has no more to do with this case than if he had gotten a speeding ticket. What do either one have to do with finding Haleigh?

I think we would all agree, if it were even close to an isolated incident. But when there is a pattern, including much more serious violations, along with the choice in whom to entrust the care of your children...
I think it is all very important as it goes to the complete biography of any individual who is a primary piece of the puzzle we are trying to piece together here.
It isn't about breaking one law... it is about a pattern, of disregard for the law. And it definitely isn't about withholding of "forgiveness." Yes by all means let's forgive... as we go about securing these children a safer, healthier more stable homelife. At least Junior, I pray it isn't too late for Haleigh. JMO



:clap: :clap: :clap:

These kids, all kids, deserve to be safe, to be nutured, to be cherished. We can all agree on that. :blowkiss:
I would say the bio mom is an ex who wants revenge because she lost custody due to not being able to hold a job, who possibly didn't bother to contact her attorney for the right date to show in court (altho court records show she was served), and being jealous that her ex has the children she is supposed to pay child support for fair and square...but doesn't. Records show she has made no attempt to step up to the plate to do things in order to get her children back in any way. She has already been caught in a few "discrepancies" concerning her stories of Ronald. She is not credible, imo.

Ronald was at WORK where he should have been in order to care for his two children. (I saw this was confirmed by a report tonight on HLN, IIRC.)

This is what I mean by the double standard of judgment here I don't understand. These sorts of smears against Haleigh's mother are rampant and unchallenged. But saying the same sorts of things about Ron evokes accusations of "berating a victim" and/or making assumptions without proof.

Seriously, I don't understand why it's seen as "kicking a man when he's down" when it's the daddy, but A-OK when it's the mother?
I think we would all agree, if it were even close to an isolated incident. But when there is a pattern, including much more serious violations, along with the choice in whom to entrust the care of your children...
I think it is all very important as it goes to the complete biography of any individual who is a primary piece of the puzzle we are trying to piece together here.
When LE says that he is a POI or a Suspect in the disappearance of his daughter, I will rethink my position on Ronald. Until then, I feel he is every bit a victim.

The primary piece of this puzzle is WHO took Haleigh out of her bed, how they got her out of the house, and where they took her afterwards.
This is what I mean by the double standard of judgment here I don't understand. These sorts of smears against Haleigh's mother are rampant and unchallenged. But saying the same sorts of things about Ron evokes accusations of "berating a victim" and/or making assumptions without proof.

Seriously, I don't understand why it's seen as "kicking a man when he's down" when it's the daddy, but A-OK when it's the mother?
I did not say one thing that cannot be backed up by records or her own statements. The things said about Ronald have not been proven.
When LE says that he is a POI or a Suspect in the disappearance of his daughter, I will rethink my position on Ronald. Until then, I feel he is every bit a victim.

The primary piece of this puzzle is WHO took Haleigh out of her bed, how they got her out of the house, and where they took her afterwards.
Has LE said Ron was any less a POI than Crystal?

Puzzles are made of more than one piece, and he is without doubt one of them. We don't know who took her - to find that person, we can only put together the pieces we have.
I think this is VERY VERY Strange...... why are they STILL holding the home? CSI has been in there.... all the evidence should have been collected by now!

Anyone else heard of them holding the home so long?

i found this wee bit of info on holding a scene for what it's worth... written by a 20+ yr police service veteran:

On the average, can you tell me how long access to a crime scene is restricted? I mean, what might be the longest that a crime scene unit would have an area taped off?

Good question, it varies on the complexity and seriousness of the crime itself. It could go for hours, days, weeks, to months if its a high profile murder, i.e. terrorist attack etc. If they go the search warrant route, they HAVE to stay until they are throughly satisfied. Once you leave the property you would have to get entirely new search warrant with new reasons for why you need it (Judges frown on that), so once you are on the scene, you stay until you are done. Sometimes we'll just sit around doing nothing on the scene when we "think" we're done, waiting to see if an idea pops into our heads about something we missed.

An "average" homicide scene will probably be 3-6 hours depending on resources and how big the scene. Hope it helped.
I did not say one thing that cannot be backed up by records or her own statements. The things said about Ronald have not been proven.

In re-reading, I must respectfully disagree.

I'll leave it at that though and bow out here. :)
Has LE said Ron was any less a POI than Crystal?

Puzzles are made of more than one piece, and he is without doubt one of them. We don't know who took her - to find that person, we can only put together the pieces we have.
He can prove he wasn't home. He has a solid alibi as far as we know (according to his employer). The last known person to have seen Haleigh was Misty.
It was not Chad, but Crystal's brother who heard the statement about being 75% sure that Misty's cousin took Haleigh. Misty's cousin has been cleared.

That's not what they spouted off the other night on Geraldo. Maybe they need to start keeping cheat sheets to keep up with their previous statements
i found this wee bit of info on holding a scene for what it's worth... written by a 20+ yr police service veteran:

On the average, can you tell me how long access to a crime scene is restricted? I mean, what might be the longest that a crime scene unit would have an area taped off?

Good question, it varies on the complexity and seriousness of the crime itself. It could go for hours, days, weeks, to months if its a high profile murder, i.e. terrorist attack etc. If they go the search warrant route, they HAVE to stay until they are throughly satisfied. Once you leave the property you would have to get entirely new search warrant with new reasons for why you need it (Judges frown on that), so once you are on the scene, you stay until you are done. Sometimes we'll just sit around doing nothing on the scene when we "think" we're done, waiting to see if an idea pops into our heads about something we missed.

An "average" homicide scene will probably be 3-6 hours depending on resources and how big the scene. Hope it helped.
This is interesting!! So...keeping a missing person's home this long is akin to a terrorist attack instead of an average "homicide scene"?!
SS, I agree that the hunting violations are of no consequence. Haleigh surely isn't missing because her father once took a deer out of season. I don't personally consider it a big deal, my sister took 16 squirrel this past season and you're only allowed 12. Not exactly a capitol offense.
I think the drug offenses may be an issue, but they were mainly in time past. There is nothing very recent, so I doubt that after this much time, they are worth anything in this case. Maybe someone that he ratted on, that just got out of prison, but that's the only thing I can see in his criminal record having any bearing. I do wonder about the number of times that he has walked away from the drug charges without consequence, but that could just be that he had really good excuses every time or the judge just didn't care about drug cases.

He isn't squeaky clean, but I don't think that matters much. This is not the suburbs, the people involved in this case are not the Cleavers, but that doesn't make them guilty. At least not in Ron's case, he seems to be the only one that isn't a robot.
Beats me why Crystal did not go to LE being as only LE is in a position to help find Caylee.

Oh, and on NG, Crystal's Mom cleared it up about it not being Chad that Ronald said that to. She said Ronald told it to Marcus, Crystal's brother. She further stated that Ronald had also made that same comment to a woman staying with them (Sheffield's) at their tent.

**Crystal said she has now taken a polygraph. She thinks she passed it. No confirmation of that from LE, tho.

Clear as mud???

'bout as clear as the Mississippi. :)
That's not what they spouted off the other night on Geraldo. Maybe they need to start keeping cheat sheets to keep up with their previous statements

Looks like they did some 'splainin' today to LE.

*teh hangs head in shame again....:slap:

Don't feel alone there, teh. LOL. I've been known to keep some bass that didn't quite make the length limit and I hate having to throw away fish that are under the limit when they have been gilled and will die anyway. It's wasteful to me and I loves me some bass. :)
:clap: Wow, you have so much insight into this case.
OT: Thanks! :curtsey: Nice of you to say.

On Topic: can we get back to the focus here? I wonder if they have checked out everyone that Ronald works with? They would know his schedule and probably a good bit about his home life. Especially the ones he used to work with on the day schedule. They would be home while he is at work.
H-A-L-E-I-G-H!!!!!! Her name is Haleigh. :bang:

unfortunate, yet common mistake in this case. We've all spent months thinking about Caylee... and now Haileigh's disappearance has us all worked up again. Innocent mistake.
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