Ron C.

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I don't think that is what SeriouslySearching was trying to say.

Where I grew up it happened all the time. My dad didn't like it but it was a "way of life" for some. Many of them did it for food on their table. Deer hunting season is only like 6 weeks long and each hunter can only get 1 deer. Many of these people take the "extra" deer at night, it's quick, it's easy however it is illegal. Many times the Game Wardens turned the other way. I myself have no problem with it and I have NEVER eaten deer meat yuk!

I guess it's just about how and where you grew up as to how you would look at this as a crime or as survival. IMO

Venison is delicious. My husband grew up hunting and we train hunting dogs. Cheating is cheating. Breaking the law is breaking the law.
(bold mine) My question is: If getting Haleigh back is the most important thing to Ron, then why would he hold back this information?

Well, I heard something about a hunting rifle and it being missing and he didn't bring that up because it might implicate him in deer hunting when its not deer hunting season (I have no idea if this is true or not, I just read it quickly on another thread). So, what I'm saying, is if there are some minor inconveniences to him to telling the truth, like owing $2,000 for pot, or something like that, he might not think its important really anyway to the case, so he leaves it out, which is convenient for him.
And that must make it ok.
I don't think I said it was OK!! People make mistakes in judgement when they are young and dumb...especially if they are taught to do things by their elders who they are supposed to respect.

Poaching is against the law, but growing up...I heard stories of people doing it. I also heard of some who used the wrong weapon in the wrong season. I once heard of a person who took more than their limit of fish while not having a fishing license for the first few, too! :eek: (Oh...wait...that was on here! LOL)

People do things to eat that other people may not do. Hunting and fishing are a way of life for many people to survive.

ETA: Our Game Wardens were almost a joke because of the ground they had to cover and the lack of manpower to do so. They had power if they caught people...but catching them was a near impossible task.
I don't think I said it was OK!! People make mistakes in judgement especially when they are young and dumb...especially if they are taught to do things by their elders who they are supposed to respect.

Poaching is against the law, but growing up...I heard stories of people doing it. I also heard of some who used the wrong weapon in the wrong season. I once heard of a person who took more than their limit of fish while not having a fishing license for the first few, too! :eek: (Oh...wait...that was on here! LOL)

People do things to eat that other people may not do. Hunting and fishing are a way of life for many people to survive.

ETA: Our Game Wardens were almost a joke because of the ground they had to cover and the lack of manpower to do so. They had power if they caught people...but catching them was a near impossible task.

Do you think RC was hunting to feed his family ? Was there a freezer in the trailer ? Or was this another occasion of a "nuisance" law that he broke because he was young and had poor judgement ? Is there a quota of crimes that can be committed due to youth and poor judgement ?
Do you think RC was hunting to feed his family ? Was there a freezer in the trailer ? Or was this another occasion of a "nuisance" law that he broke because he was young and had poor judgement ? Is there a quota of crimes that can be committed due to youth and poor judgement ?

Thank you. :clap: IMO- it speaks to his willingness to engage in criminal activity that could endanger others.
If one is going to defend breaking the law on the basis of feeding one's children it should also be pointed out much of parenting boils down to sacrifices, and priorities. Money spent on cigarettes, alcohol and drugs eg is money that won't be available to spend on children's food, housing, clothing or other basic needs. That's not morality--it's doing the math. Better to make the needed sacrifices, find an honest way to put food on the table, and stay out of jail. JMO

If one is going to defend breaking the law on the basis of feeding one's children it could also be argued that much of parenting boils down to sacrifices, and priorities. Money spent on cigarettes, alcohol (and drugs eg) is money that won't be available to spend on children's food, housing, clothing or other basic needs. That's not morality--it's just doing the math. Better to make the necessary sacrifices, find an honest way to put food on the table, and stay out of jail. JMO

I suppose there are people who have never broken a law in their whole lives, but I have never met one. It makes me a bad person because I choose to forgive people who make mistakes at times?!
Originally Posted by Shaymus at The Rock
Do you think RC was hunting to feed his family ? Was there a freezer in the trailer ? Or was this another occasion of a "nuisance" law that he broke because he was young and had poor judgement ? Is there a quota of crimes that can be committed due to youth and poor judgement ?
I don't know if he was feeding his family at the time.

I don't know, but I would guess among his relatives there is a freezer where they store meat.

Poor judgement when you are growing up in a poor community is more common when the practices of the older people around you reflect the same poor judgement.
I don't know if he was feeding his family at the time.

I don't know, but I would guess among his relatives there is a freezer where they store meat.

Poor judgement when you are growing up in a poor community is more common when the practices of the older people around you reflect the same poor judgement.

You're probably right about that. At what point, are we going to consider RC grown up and responsible for his own judgement ? He has 2 (or is it 3) children now ?
I am not going to argue or debate any further over things I feel are not related to Haleigh going missing. It is fruitless and gets us nowhere. People have their own ideas as to the issues of his past. Poaching a deer has nothing to do with his daughter going missing. Period.

I think he is showing he is responsible by what he has done for his kids and not being a dead beat father. Right now, he is just a father who is heartbroken over his daughter being missing.
If bio mom believes the reason she wasn't awarded custody (and was instead ironically ordered to pay dad support) was in large part due to insufficient income, and confusion over the court date; and if she has been truly abused by dad in the past, and now has legitimate concerns over what she is observing of dad and gf's lifestyle; and when one of their children goes "missing" on dad and his minor gf's watch, I don't know that I would call it "revenge" just because his squeaky clean image or public persona must be tarnished in order to get to the bottom of this frightening and dangerous situation. I would say that she had courage, and good grounds, for speaking the truth. JMO

I am not going to argue or debate any further over things I feel are not related to Haleigh going missing. It is fruitless and gets us nowhere. People have their own ideas as to the issues of his past. Poaching a deer has nothing to do with his daughter going missing. Period.

I think he is showing he is responsible by what he has done for his kids and not being a dead beat father. Right now, he is just a father who is heartbroken over his daughter being missing.

ITA. This hunting violation has no more to do with this case than if he had gotten a speeding ticket. What do either one have to do with finding Haleigh?
If one is going to defend breaking the law on the basis of feeding one's children it should also be pointed out much of parenting boils down to sacrifices, and priorities. Money spent on cigarettes, alcohol and drugs eg is money that won't be available to spend on children's food, housing, clothing or other basic needs. That's not morality--it's doing the math. Better to make the needed sacrifices, find an honest way to put food on the table, and stay out of jail. JMO


ITA with this. It's about accountability. Laws are in place for many reasons, including the safety of others. Someone who lacks poor judgement is no excuse by law if someone gets harmed. Someone who drinks or uses drugs, is no excuse for harming another while your not in the right frame of mind either.
It isn't about breaking one law... it is about a pattern, of disregard for the law. And it definitely isn't about withholding of "forgiveness." Yes by all means let's forgive... as we go about securing these children a safer, healthier more stable homelife. At least Junior, I pray it isn't too late for Haleigh. JMO


I would say the bio mom is an ex who wants revenge because she lost custody due to not being able to hold a job, who possibly didn't bother to contact her attorney for the right date to show in court (altho court records show she was served), and being jealous that her ex has the children she is supposed to pay child support for fair and square...but doesn't. Records show she has made no attempt to step up to the plate to do things in order to get her children back in any way. She has already been caught in a few "discrepancies" concerning her stories of Ronald. She is not credible, imo.

Ronald was at WORK where he should have been in order to care for his two children. (I saw this was confirmed by a report tonight on HLN which stated they spoke with his employer, IIRC.)
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